Innovative Demonstration | Necessary Vocabulary
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Innovative Demonstration |
No! They are not planting paddy
seedlings in a field. It is very hard to believe that this is actually a road between
Hilltown and Mount town in K U District. Locals fed up with the condition of
the under-construction road staged this innovated protest to hurry up the authorities
concerned in finishing the street.
the Daily Star
Necessary Vocabulary Notes
Innovative /ˈɪnəveɪtɪv / (ˈইনএভেইটিভ্) adj [introduction or using new ideas, ways of doing Sth, etc.] (অভিন্ভো) There will be a prize for the most innovative design.
Demonstration / ˌdemən`streɪʃn / (ˌডেমএনস্ ˈট্রেইশন্) n
1. [a public meeting or march at which people
show that they are protesting or supporting Sb/Sth] (বিক্ষোভ প্রদর্শণ) a
peaceful/violent demonstration.
2. [an
act of showing or explaining how Sth work or is done] (হাতে কলমে
শিখানো): We were given a brief demonstration of the
computer’s functions. A practical demonstration. A demonstration model.
< =
also informal “demo” >
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Violent |
Violent / ˈvaɪələnt / (ˈভা্ইয়ালএনট্) adj [involving or caused by physical force that is intended to hurt or kill someone] (হিংস্র; সহিংস): Students were involved in violent clashes with police. The crowd suddenly turned violent. Children should not be allowed to watch violent movies.
Model / ˈmɑːdl / (ˈমাড্ল্ ) adj [= the model used to show how Sth works]
No / noʊ / ( নৌ) [used to give a negative reply or statement] (না): ‘Are you ready?’ ‘No, I am not.’ No! Don’t touch it! It’s hot. ‘She
has had an accident.’ ‘Oh, no!’
Plant / plænt / (প্ল্যান্ট) n 1. [a living thing that grows in the earth and usually has a stem, leaves and
roots, especially one that is smaller than a tree or bush] (চারাগাছ): All plants need light and water.
2. [Factory, Machinery] (যন্ত্রপাতি;
কলকব্জা): a nuclear
reprocessing plant. Japanese car plants * a chemical plant
<SYN> Mill, Workshop, Foundry
<VERB> [to put plants, seeds, etc. in the
ground to grow] (রোপণ
করা; বোনা; গাড়া; পোঁতা): to plant and harvest. They planted a flag on the summit.
/ ˈloʊkl / (ˈলৌক্ল্) n [belonging to or
connected with the particular place or area that you are talking about or with
the place where you live] (স্থানীয়;
আঞ্চলিক): local men are accused of the murder. It is
difficult to understand the local dialect.
up (adj)
[bored or
unhappy, especially with a situation that has continued for too long] (চরমভাবে হতাশ): You look fed up, what’s the
matter? Fed up with Sb/Sth, People are fed up with all those traffic jams.
seedlings (= ধানের চাড়া)
/ steɪdʒ / (স্টেইজ) n 1. [A period or state that Sth/Sb passes
through while developing or making progress] (পর্্যায়; অবস্থা): The
project is in its last stage and will be completed next December ’15.
<SYN> Phase
2. [a raised area, usually in a
theatre, etc. where actors, dancers, etc. perform] (মঞ্চ): The audiences threw rotten( পঁচা) egg onto the stage.
[to organize and present a play or an event for people to see] (সাধারণ্যে পরিবেশন করা; নাটকীয় ভঙ্গিতে প্রকাশের
ব্যবস্থা করা): The play
group was staging a production of ‘Nozrul’.
Innovate / ˈɪnəveɪt / (ˈইনএভেইট্) v [to introduce new things, ideas, or
ways of doing Sth] (নতুন কিছু প্রবর্তন করা):
We must constantly adapt and innovate to ensure success in a growing market.
<NOUN> Innovation /ˌlnəˈveɪʃn / (ˌইনএˈভেইশ্ন্) n [the introduction of new things, ideas or ways
of doing Sth] (ব্যবস্থা নতুন রীতি; নবধারা): The company is very interested in product design and innovation.
/ əˈdæpt / (এˈড্যাপ্ট্) v [to change Sth in order to make it suitable for a new use or
situation] (খাপ খাওয়ানো
; অভিযোজিত করা): The play had
been adapted for children. The organisms were forced to adapt in order to survive.
Protest / ˈproʊtest / (ˈপ্রৌটেছ্ট্) n [the expression of strong
disagreement with or opposition to Sth; a statement or an action that shows Sth] (প্রতিবাদ বা আপত্তি করা): Why did you protest against been calling you
a raving lunatic?
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Lunatic |
/ ˈluːnətɪk
/ (লূনএটিক) n [someone who does a crazy thing that is
often dangerous] (পাগলাটে;
মানসিক রোগী): She drives
like a lunatic.
Authority / əˈθɔːrəti / (ˈআথওরএটি) n [the power or right to do Sth] (কর্তৃত্ব; অধিকারিত্ব): Only the manager has the authority to sign
the cheques. He has the authority to search for this building.
The authority concerned (= সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্তৃপক্ষ)
Noted From Oxford Dictionary
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