Friday, January 16, 2015

Learn Different Ways of Laughing Names & Meaning | Necessary Vocabulary

different ways of laughing name, laughing
Different Ways of Laughing 

Laugh / læf / (ল্যাফ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. laughed / læft / (ল্যাফট্‌)} [to make the sounds and movements of the face that show you are happy or think Sth is funny] (শব্দ করে হাসা): The show was hilarious I could not stop laughing. She always makes me laugh. I told him, I was worried but he laughed scornfully. They laughed at her jokes. Laugh off an embarrassing situation.

<NOUN> laughter / ˈlæftər / (ˈল্যাফট) n [the act or sound of laughing] (হাস্য): to burst into laughter  

Laughing Related Necessary Vocabulary Note  

Ø Show / ʃoʊ / (শৌ) v {Pt. showed / ʃoʊd / (শৌড্‌); Pp. shown / ʃoʊn / (শৌন্‌)} [to make it possible for Sth to be seen] (দেখানো; দৃষ্টিগোচর করা): Have you shown your work to anyone?

Ø Funny / ˈfʌni / (ˈফানি) adj [making you laugh; amusing] (মজার; আজব; মজাদার): It was a really funny film.

Ø Show / ʃoʊ / (শৌ) n [a theatrical performance or a television or radio program which is entertaining rather than serious] (বিনোদন-অনুষ্টান; প্রদর্শন): We had a puppet show for Jamie’s birthday party.

Ø Hilarious / hɪˈleriəs / (হিˈলেরিছ্‌) adj [extremely funny and causing a lot of laughter] (আনন্দ-উল্লাসপূর্ণ; আনন্দোচ্ছল):

Ø Worry / ˈwɜːri / (ˈওআরি) v {Pt. Pp. worried / ˈwɜːrid / (ˈওআরিড্‌)} [to make Sb/yourself anxious about Sb/Sth] (দুশ্চিন্তিত হওয়া): Do not worry, she will be all right.

Ø Scorn / skɔːrn / (স্কোর্ন্‌) n [a strong feeling of no respect for Sb/Sth that you think is stupid or has no value] (তাচ্ছিল্ল্য; অবজ্ঞা): He has suffered public scorn and humiliation.

<SYN> Contempt

<ADJ> Scornful / skɔːrnfl / (স্কোর্নফল্‌) adj [showing or feeling scorn for Sb/Sth] (অবজ্ঞাপূর্ণ; তাচ্ছিল্যপূর্ণ): She flashed him a scornful glance.

<ADV> Scornfully [] (তাচ্ছিল্যভরে; ঘৃণ্যভরে; অবজ্ঞার সঙ্গে): She laughed scornfully.

Ø Joke / dʒoʊk / (জৌক্‌) n [something that you say or do to make people laugh, for example, a funny story that you tell] (ঠাট্টা; তামাশা; মজা): I did not get (=understand) the joke.

Ø <PHR> laugh off [=to try to make people think that Sth is not serious or important, especially by making a joke about it] (হেসে এড়ানো):

Ø Embarrassing / ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ / (ˈব্যারছিঙ্‌) adj [making you feel shy, awkward or ashamed] (অস্বস্তি বা লজ্জাকর; হতবুদ্ধিকর): It is embarrassing to be caught telling a lie.

Smile / smaɪl / (স্মাইল) n [the expression that you have on your face when you are happy, amused, etc. in which that corners of your mouth turn upwards] (মৃদুহাসি): She had a big smile on his face. She said, with a smile. There was an amused smile on his face (=তাকে খুব খুশি দেখাচ্ছিল).

<VERB> Smile / smaɪl / (স্মাইল) v {Pt. Pp. smiled / smaɪld / (স্মাল্ড্‌)} [to make a smile appear on your face] (মৃদুহাসি দেওয়া): He smiled at me. She smiled with relief. Fortune smiled upon him (=ভাগ্য তার প্রতি প্রসন্ন হলো).

Ø Expression / ɪkˈspreʃn / (ˈস্প্রেশন্‌) n [a look on someone’s face that shows their thoughts or feelings] (প্রকাশ, অভিব্যক্তি; মুখেরভাব): Mark always has such a miserable expression on his face.

 <SYN> Look

Ø Amused / əˈmjuːzd / (ˈমিউজড্‌) adj [thinking that Sb/Sth is fanny so that you smile or laugh] (মজাদার; মজার): She looked faintly amused.

Ø Appear / əˈpɪr / (ˈপির্‌) v {Pt. Pp. appeared / əˈpɪrd / (ˈপির্ড্‌)} [to become noticeable or to be present] (দৃষ্টিগোচর গওয়া; প্রতীয়মান হওয়া): She suddenly appeared in the doorway.

Chuckle / ˈtʃʌkl / (ˈচাক্‌ল্‌) v {Pt. Pp. chuckled / ˈtʃʌkld / (ˈচাকল্ড্‌)} [to laugh quietly] (মুখ টিপে হাসা): She chuckled at the memory. He was chuckling as she read the letter.

<NOUN> Chuckle / ˈtʃʌkl / (ˈচাক্‌ল্‌) n (চাপা হাসি): She gave a chuckle in response to her question; He gave a chuckle of delight.

Ø Quiet / ˈkwaɪət / (ˈকুআইএট্‌) adj [making very little noise] (শান্ত; নীরব): Could you keep the kids quiet while I am on the phone?

<ADV> Quietly / ˈkwaɪətlɪ / (ˈকুআইএটলি) adv [without making much noise] (শান্তভাবে; নীরবে): I spent a few hours quietly relaxing.

Ø Delight / dɪˈlaɪt / (ডিˈলাট্‌) n [a feeling of great pleasure, satisfaction or happiness] (আনন্দ; উল্লাস; পুলক):
   <SYN> Joy 

Giggle / ˈgɪgl / (ˈগিগ্‌ল্‌) v {Pt. Pp. giggled / ˈgɪgld / (ˈগিগল্ড্‌)} [to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous] (ফিকফিক করে হাসা): The boys giggled at the joke. They giggled nervously as they waited for their turn.

Ø Silly / ˈsɪli / (ˈছিলি) adj [showing a lack of thought, understanding or judgment] (বোকাটে; দুর্বল-চতা): It was silly of you to go out in the sun without a hat.

Ø Nervous / ˈnɜːrvəs / (ˈনা্‌র্ভছ্‌) adj [anxious about Sth or afraid of Sth] (বিচলিত; সন্ত্রস্ত): The horse may be nervous about cars.

Ø Turn / tɜːrn / (টা্‌র্ন্‌) n [the time or duty when Sb in a group of people should or is allowed to do Sth] (পালা): Whose turn is it to cook? 

Guffaw / gəˈfɔː / (ˈফো) v {Pt. Pp. guffawed / gəˈfɔːd / (ˈফোড্‌)} [to laugh loudly, especially at something stupid that someone has said or done] (অট্টহাসি): They all guffaw at his joke. She guffaws with delight when he heard the news.

Snicker / ˈsnɪkər / (ˈস্নিকার) v {Pt. Pp. snickered / ˈsnɪkərd / (ˈস্নিকার্ড্‌)} [to laugh in a quite unpleasant way, especially at Sth rude or at Sb’s problems or mistakes] (চাপা হাসি): Although his friends snickered, they were still impressed.

Ø Unpleasant / ʌnˈpleznt / (আনˈপ্লেজন্ট্‌) adj [not enjoyable, pleasant or comfortable] (অপ্রীতিকর; অপ্রিয়): His clothes smelled most unpleasant. The unpleasant truth.

Ø Rude / ruːd / (রূড্‌) adj [having or showing a lack of respect for other people and their feelings] (অভদ্র; অমার্জিত; রূঢ়): Why are you so rude to your mother?

   <SYN> Impolite

Ø Impressed / ɪmˈprest / (ˈপ্রেস্ট্‌) adj [feeling admiration for Sb/Sth because you think they are particularly good, interesting, etc.] (অভিভূত; <দেখে>মুগ্ধ): He was very impressed with her house. 

Titter / ˈtɪtər / (ˈটিটার) v {Pt. Pp. tittered / ˈtɪtərd / (ˈটিটর্ড্‌)} [to laugh quietly, especially in a nervous or embarrassed way] (বোকার মত হাসা): A couple of the younger teachers tittered at his smutty jokes.

Roar / rɔːr / (রোর্‌) v {Pt. Pp. roared / rɔːrd / (রোরড্‌)} [to laugh very loudly] (হোহো করে হাসা): He looked so funny, we all roared.

Ø Loud / laʊd / (লাড্‌) adj [making a lot of noise] (উচ্চঃস্বর): I heard a loud bang and then saw black smoke. Loud laughter

<ADV> Loudly [] (উচ্চঃস্বরে): She screamed as loudly as she could.

sneer smile
Sneer / snɪr / (স্নির্) n {SYN. mock} [an unpleasant look, smile or comment that shows you do not respect Sb/Sth] (অবঞ্জা সূচক চাহনি, হাসি বা কথা): The smile slowly turned into a sneer.    

<VERB> Sneer / snɪr / (স্নির্) v {Pt. Pp. sneered / snɪrd / (স্নির্ড্‌)} [to talk about or look at someone or something in an unkind way that shows you do not respect or approve of them] (বিদ্রুপ ভাবে হাসা): You can sneer, but at least I am willing to have a try!

Ø Unkind / ˌʌnˈkaɪnd / (ˌআনˈকান্ড্‌) adj [slightly cruel] (নির্দয়; কঠোর): It was unkind of you to take his rattle away. 

Snigger / ˈsnɪgər / (ˈস্নিগর্‌) v [to laugh in a quite unpleasant way, especially at Sth rude or at Sb’s problems or mistakes] (<বিশেষত অশোভন কিছুর প্রতি বা বিদ্রুপাত্নক ভঙ্গিতে> চাপা হাসি): What are you two sniggering at/about?

grin smile
Grin / grɪn / (গ্রিন্‌) v [to smile a wide smile or to smile widely] (দাঁত বের করে হাসা): Stop grinning and tell me what happened!

Simper smile
Simper / ˈsɪmpər / (ˈছিম্‌পর্‌) v [to smile in a silly and annoying way] (বোকার মতো হাসা; বোকা হাসি): a silly simpering girl

Chortle / ˈtʃɔːrtl / (ˈচোর্ট্‌ল্‌) v [to laugh, showing pleasure and satisfaction, often at someone else’s bad luck] (<আনন্দে>উল্লাসধ্বনি করা): She chortled with glee at the news.     

Ø <IDM> Bad luck [used to express sympathy for Sb] (দুর্ভাগ্য): It is bad luck on him that he was not chosen.

Ø Glee / gliː / (গ্লী) n {SYN delight} [a feeling of happiness, usually because Sth good has happened to you, or Sth bad has happened to Sb else] (উল্লাস; পুলক): She opened her presents with glee.

Smirk / smɜːrk / (স্মাঃর্ক্‌) v {Pt. Pp. smirked / smɜːrkt / (স্মাঃর্ক্‌ট্‌)} [to smile in a silly or unpleasant way that shows that you are pleased with yourself, know Sth that other people do not know, etc.] (আত্ন তৃপ্ত হাসি দেওয়া): What are you smirking at?

                                     Different Ways of Laughing

Noted From Google Image, Cambridge & Oxford Dictionary

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