Sunday, January 25, 2015

Learn Different Ways of Crying Name with Necessary Vocabulary

different ways of crying name, crying, cry
Different Ways of Crying Name

Cry / kraɪ / (ক্রা) v {Pt. Pp. cried / kraɪd / (ক্রাড্‌)} [to produce tears from your eyes because you are unhappy or hurt] (কাঁদা; অশ্রুবিসর্জন করা): “There, there, do not cry,” she said. He cried for joy when he heard that his son had been found alive and well. You bastard you have made her cry. You are sniffling a lot – have you cried.

<NOUN> [a loud sound without words that expresses a strong feeling] n (আর্তচিৎকার): he fell to the ground with a cry. He tried to yell out (তীব্রস্বরে কোনোকিছু বলা), but the hand muffled his cries. 

Crying Related Necessary Vocabulary Notes 

1. Tear
Ø Tear / tɪr / (টির্‌) n 1. [a drop of liquid which flows from the eyes, when you cry] (চোখের জল/পানি): Ann wiped a tear from her eye.

2. Tear
2.  Tear / ter / (টে) v {Pt. tore / tɔːr / (টোর্‌); Pp. torn / tɔːrn / (টোর্ন্‌)} [to damage Sth by pulling it apart or into pieces or by cutting it on Sth sharp; to become damaged in this way] (ছেঁড়া; ছিঁড়ে ফেলা): I tore my clothes on the chair as I stood up.

      <SYN> Rip

Ø Hurt / hɜːrt / (হা্‌র্ট্‌) adj [upset and offended by Sth that Sb has said or done] (<মানসিক>আঘাত বা কষ্ট): I feel very hurt by what you said.

Ø Bastard / ˈbæstərd / (ˈব্যাছটর্ড্‌) n [used to insult Sb especially a man, who has been rude, unpleasant or cruel] (জঘন্য ব্যক্তি<গালি হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত>; খচ্চর): He is a complete bastard.

Ø Fall / fɔːl / (ফোল্‌) v {Pt. fell / fel / (ফেল্‌); fallen / fɔːlən / (ফোলন্‌)} [to suddenly drop down from a higher level to a lower level by accident] (পড়ে যাওয়া; পড়া; পতিত হওয়া): He fell badly and broke his leg. 

Ø Yell / jel / (ইএল্‌) v {Pt. Pp. yelled / jeld / (ইএল্ড্‌)} [to shout loudly, for example, because you are angry, excited, frightened or in fain] (যন্ত্রণা বা উত্তেজনায় তীব্রস্বরে চেঁচিয়ে উঠা): She yelled at the child to get down from the wall.

Ø Muffle / ˈmʌfl / (ˈমাফল্‌) v {Pt. Pp. muffled / ˈmʌfld / (ˈমাফল্ড্‌)} [to make a sound quieter or less clear] (<শব্দকে>চাপা দেওয়া): The house’s windows are double-glazed to muffle the noise of aircraft.


Ø Sniffle / ˈsnɪfl / (স্নিফল্‌) v {Pt. Pp. sniffled / ˈsnɪfld / (স্নিফল্ড্‌)} [to breathe in quickly and repeatedly through the nose, usually because you are crying or because you have a cold] (<কান্না বা সর্দির কারণে>নাক দিয়ে ঘণ ঘণ নিশ্বাস নেওয়া ও ফেলা): You’re sniffling a lot today – have you got a cold?

sob, sob cry
Sob / sɑːb / (ছাঃব্‌) v {Pt. Pp. sobbed / sɑːbd / (ছাঃবড্‌)} [to cry noisily, taking sudden, sharp breaths] (ফুপিয়ে কাঁদা): I found her sobbing in the bedroom because she’d broken her favorite doll. She sobbed herself to sleep.

<NOUN> [an act or the sound of sobbing] n (ফোঁপানি): A dry sob caught in her throat. She gave a deep sob.

Ø Noise / nɔɪz / (জ্‌) n [a sound, especially when it is loud, unpleasant or disturbing] (গোলমাল; শোরগোল; হৈচৈ): Don’t make a noise. A rattling noise

<ADJ> Noisy / nɔɪzi / (জি) adj [making a lot of noise] (কোলাহলপূর্ণ; হৈচৈপূর্ণ): The engine is very noisy at high speed.

<ADV> Nosily // () adv [] (হৈচৈ/কোলাহল করে): The children were playing noisily upstairs. 

Wail / weɪl / (ওয়ে) v {Pt. Pp. wailed / weɪld / (ওয়েল্ড্‌)} [to make a long loud high cry because you are sad or in pain] (বিলাপ করা): The little girl was wailing miserably. Women are wailing and weeping.

<NOUN> [a long loud high cry expressing pain or sadness; a sound similar to this] n (বিলাপ): We could just hear the distant wail of a siren.

Ø Loud / laʊd / (লাড্‌) adj [making a lot of noise] (উচ্চঃস্বর): I heard a loud scream and rushed to door.

<ADV> Loudly [] (উচ্চঃস্বরে): He spoke very loudly.

Ø Sad / sæd / (ছ্যাড্‌) adj [unhappy or showing unhappiness] (অসুখী; কাতর; বিমর্ষ): I have just received some very sad news. She gave a slight, sad laugh.

Ø Miserable / ˈmɪzrəbl / (ˈমিজরব্‌ল্‌) adj [very unhappy] (দুঃস্থ; দুর্গত; দুর্বিঃষহ): These people live in miserable conditions.

<ADV> Miserably / ˈmɪzrəbli / (ˈমিজরবলি) adv [causing or showing unhappiness] (শোচনীয়ভাবে): They wandered around miserably.  

Ø Siren / ˈsaɪrən / (ছান্‌) n [a device that makes a loud sound as a signal or warning] (সাইরেন; কুহকিনী): A police car raced past with its siren wailing.

whimper, whimper cry
Whimper / ˈwɪmpər / (ˈম্‌প) v {Pt. Pp. whimpered / ˈwɪmpərd / (ˈমপর্ড্‌)} [to make low, weak crying noises; to speak in this way] (কাতর স্বরে কাঁদা): The child was lost and began to whimper. ‘Do not leave me alone,’ he whimpered.

<NOUN> [a low weak cry that a person or an animal makes when they are hurt, frightened or sad] (আর্তকান্না): The puppy gave a little whimper of fear.

Ø Lost / lɔːst / (লোছট্‌) adj [not knowing where you are and how to get to a place] (হারিয়েযাওয়া; নিখোঁজ): We always get lost in get to a place.

Ø Frighten / ˈfraɪtn / (ˈফ্রাটন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. frightened / ˈfraɪtnd / (ˈফ্রাটন্ড্‌)} [to make Sb suddenly feel fear] (ভয় পাইয়ে দেওয়া; আতঙ্কিত করা): You will frighten the baby wearing that mask.


Ø Puppy / ˈpʌpi / (ˈপাপি) n [a young dog] (কুকুর ছানা; কুকুরের বাচ্চা): Our bitch has just had four puppies. A litter of puppies 

Weep / wiːp / (উঈপ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. wept / wept / (উএপ্ট্‌)} [to cry, usually because you are sad] (ক্রন্দন করা; কাঁদা): People in the street wept with joy when peace was announced. She wept buckets (=cried a lot) when Paul left.

<NOUN> [an act of crying] (ক্রন্দন): Sometimes you feel better for a good weep.

Ø Bucket / ˈbʌkɪt / (ˈবাকিট্‌) n [an open container with a handle, used for carrying or holding liquids, sand, etc.] (বালতি): Armed with a bucket and a mop, I started washing the floor.

grizzle grizzle cry
Grizzle / ˈgrɪzl / (ˈগ্রিজল্) v {Pt. Pp. grizzled / ˈgrɪzld / (ˈগ্রিজল্ড্‌)} [<especially of a baby or child> to cry complain continuously in a way that is annoying] (<বিশেষত শিশুদের সম্বন্ধে>ঘ্যান ঘ্যান করে কাঁদা): The baby was cutting a tooth and grizzled all day long.

Ø Annoy / əˈnɔɪ / (ˈনয়) v {Pt. Pp. annoyed / əˈnɔɪd / (ˈনয়ড্‌)} [to make Sb slightly angry] (বিরক্ত বা জ্বালাতন করা): I am sorry – is my cough annoying you?
       <SYN> Irritate 

snivel, snivel cry
Snivel / ˈsnɪl / (ˈস্নিভল্‌) v [to cry and complain in a way that people think is annoying] (নাকি কান্না; নাকে কাঁদা): Stop sniveling! I cannot stand it.

Ø Stand / stænd / (স্ট্যান্ড্‌) v {Pt. Pp. stood / stʊd / (স্টুড্‌)} [used especially in negative sentences and questions to emphasize that you do not like Sb/Sth] (সহ্য করা): I can’t stand his brother.

whine, whine cry
Whine / waɪn / (ওআন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. whined / waɪnd / (ওআইন্ড্‌)} 1. [to complain in an annoying, crying voice] (ঘ্যান ঘ্যান করা/করে কাঁদা): stop whining!


2. [to make a long, high unpleasant sad sound] (<দুঃখে বা কষ্টে>আর্তচিৎকার করা): The dog was whining in the cold outside.

bawl, bawl cry
Bawl / bɔːl / (বোল্‌) v {Pt. Pp. bawled / bɔːld / (বোল্ড্‌)} [to cay loudly, especially in an unpleasant and annoying way] (চিৎকার করে কাঁদা): He was bawling his eyes out.

Ø Unpleasant / ʌnˈpleznt / (আনˈপ্লেজন্ট্‌) adj [not enjoyable, pleasant or comfortable] (অপ্রীতিকর; অপ্রিয়; নিরানন্দ): His clothes smelled most unpleasant. The unpleasant truth  
   <SYN> Disagreeable  

                                           Different Ways of Crying

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