Different Ways of Cutting Name Meaning & Images |Necessary Vocabulary
Different Ways Of Cutting
Cut / kʌt / (কাঠ্) v {cuts / kʌts / ; Pt. Pp. cut} [to remove Sth or a part of Sth, with a sharp tool such as a knife or scissors] (কাটা): He cut four thick slices from the loaf. I have cut myself/my hand on that glass/with that knife.
<NOUN> Cut / kʌt / (কাঠ্) n [an injury made when the skin is cut with something sharp] (আঘাতের দাগ; কাটার কাজ): Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm.
Cutting Related Necessary Vocabulary Notes
Ø Remove / rɪˈmuːv / (রিˈমূভ্) v {Pt. Pp. removed / rɪˈmuːvd / (রিˈমূভড্)} [to take Sth/Sb away from somewhere, or of something] (সরানো; সরিয়ে নেওয়া): This detergent will remove even old stains.
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Loaf |
Ø Loaf / loʊf / (লৌফ্) n {Plu. loaves / loʊvz / (লৌভজ্)} [an amount of bread that has been shaped and baked in a single piece and can be sliced for eating] (পাউরুটির বড়ো খণ্ড): a loaf of bread. A sliced loaf
<IDM> Half a loaf is better than no bread [(saying) said about a situation in which you must accept less than you wanted or something is better than nothing] (<প্রবাদ> নাই মামার চেয়ে কানা মামা ভালো):
Ø Sharp / ʃɑːrp / (শাঃর্প্) adj [having a fine edge or point which can cut something or make a hole in something] (ধারালো; তীক্ষ্ণ): The point of this pencil is not sharp enough.
1. Slash
Slash / slæʃ / (স্ল্যাশ্) v {slashes / slæʃɪz / (স্ল্যাশিয্); Pt. Pp. slashed / slæʃt / (স্ল্যাশট্)} 1. [to make a long cut with a sharp object, especially in a violent way] (ফালা ফালা করে কাটা; চিরে ফেলা): She tried to kill herself by slashing her wrists.
<NOUN> Slash / slæʃ / (স্ল্যাশ্) n [a long narrow wound or cut] (লম্বা চিকন ক্ষত বা কাটা-চিহ্ন): a slash across his cheek.
2. Slash / slæʃ / (স্ল্যাশ্) n {UK oblique} [the
punctuation (/) mark used in writing to separate letters, numbers, or words] (স্ল্যাশ একটি বিরাম
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2. Slash |
Ø Object / ˈɑːbdʒekt / (ˈআঃবজেক্ট্) n [a thing that can be seen and touched, but that is not usually a living animal, plant or person] (ইন্দ্রিয়গোচর বস্তু বা পদার্থ বা সামগ্রী): Glass and plastic objects lined the shelves.
Ø Violent / ˈvaɪələnt / (ˈভাইএলএন্ট্) adj [using force of hurt or attack] (প্রচণ্ড ও প্রবল; হিংস্র): He started to get a bit violent.
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Wrist |
Ø Wrist / rɪst / (রিস্ট্) n [the joint between the hand and the arm] (<হাতের>কব্জি): I sprained my wrist playing squash.
Slit / slɪt / (স্লিট্) v {slits / slɪts / (স্লিটছ্); Pt. Pp. slit} [to make a long narrow cut or opening in Sth] (চিরে ফেলা; চিরে খোলা): He slits open the envelope with a knife.
<NOUN> Slit / slɪt / (স্লিট্) n [a long narrow cut or opening] (সংকীর্ণ ফাঁক বা ফাটল; চির): Make a small slit in each chicken breast and push in a piece of garlic.
Ø Narrow / ˈnæroʊ / (ˈন্যারো) adj [having a small distance from one side to the other, especially in comparison with the length] (সরু; চাপা; সঙ্কীর্ণ; অপ্রশস্ত): The road soon became narrower and steeper.
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Envelope |
Ø Envelope / ˈenvəloʊp / (ˈএনভএলৌপ্) n [a flat, usually square or rectangular paper container used for sending letters in] (খাম; লেফাফা): The envelope was marked ‘Personal’.
Slice / slaɪs / (স্লাইছ্)
v {slices / slaɪsɪz
/ (স্লাইছিয্); Pt. Pp. sliced / slaɪst / (স্লাইছট্)}
[to cut Sth such as bread, meat, fruit, or other food into thin, flat pieces] v
(কোনোকিছু পাতলা ও চওড়া করে কাটা): Please slice the fishes thinly.
Slice /
slaɪs / (স্লাইছ্)
n [a thin flat piece of food that has been cut
off a larger piece] (চওড়া ফালি): Would you like another
slice of beef? A slice of bread/cake
Ø <PHR-V> Cut off [to remove a part of Sth to make it smaller or shorter, using a sharp tool such as a knife] (কেটে ফেলে দেওয়া): Please cut off the fat before you fry the steak.
Ø Beef / biːf / (বীফ্) n [the flesh of cattle which is eaten] (গরুর মাংস): He is a beef cattle farmer.
Dice / daɪs / (ডাইছ্) v {dices / daɪsɪz / (ডাইছিয্); Pt. Pp. diced / daɪst / (ডাইছট্)} [to cut meat, vegetables, etc. into small square pieces] (<লুডুর ঘুটির মতো> চাকা চাকা/ ফালা ফালা করে কাটা): Peel and dice the potatoes. Diced carrots.
<NOUN> Dice {Plu. dice} [a small cube] (ঘুঁটি আকৃতির কাটা): Cut the potatoes into small dice.
Ø Peel / piːl / (পীল) v {Pt. Pp. peeled / piːld / (পীল্ড্)} [to take the skin off fruit, vegetables, etc.](<ফলের >খোসা ছাড়ান): Peel, core and dice the apples.
<SYN> Skin {UK}
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Cube |
Ø Cube / kjuːb / (কিয়ূব্) n [a solid object with six square sides of equal size] (ছয় দিক আলা কাঠের বা পাথরের গুঁড়ি; ঘনফল): Cut the flesh into small cubes.
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Dice |
Ø 2. Dice [a small cube of wood, plastic, etc. with a different number of spots on each of its sides, used in games involving chance] (<লুডুর> ঘুঁটি; পাশা): to roll/throw/shake the dice.
Julienne / ˌdʒuːliˈen / (ˌজূলিˈএন্) v [to cut food, especially vegetables, into
long thin strips] (জূলিএন <কাট>): Julienne the leeks and wash them
Brunoise / bruːnˈwɑːz / (ব্রূন্ˈওয়ায) n [a
culinary knife cut in which the food item is first julienned and then turned a
quarter turn and diced again, producing cubes of about 3 mm or less on each
side or 1/8-inch dice] (ব্রূন্ওয়ায <কাট>):
Chiffonade / ˌʃɪfəˈnɑːd / (ˌশিফএˈনাঃড্) n [a cooking technique for cutting vegetable leaves into
long, thin, fine strips, shreds or ribbons, in effect shredding the leaves] (শিফানাড <কাট>):
Stab / stæb / (স্ট্যাব্) v {stabs / stæbz / (স্ট্যাবয্); Pt. Pp. stabbed / stæbd / (স্ট্যাবড্)} [to push a sharp, pointed object, especially a knife, into Sb killing or injuring them] (ধারালো কিছু দ্বারা আঘাত করা): She was stabbed to death in a racist attack.
<NOUN> Stab / stæb / (স্ট্যাব্) n [an act of stabbing or trying to stab Sb/Sth or a wound caused by stabbing] (ছুরিকাঘাত): He was admitted to Hospital with stab wounds. He died of a single stab wound to the heart.
Ø Push / pʊʃ / (পুশ্) v {Pt. Pp. pushed / pʊʃt / (পুশ্ট্)} [to use your hands, arms, or body to make Sb/Sth move forward] (ধাক্কা দেওয়া; ঠেলা): He helped me push my car off the road.
Ø Pointed / ˈpɔɪntɪd / (ˈপইয়নটিড্) adj [having a sharp end] (চোখা): He has got funny little-pointed ears.
Snip / snɪp / (স্নিপ্) v {snips / snɪps / (স্নিপছ্); Pt. Pp. snipped / snɪpt / (স্নিপ্ট্)} [to cut Sth with scissors using short quick strokes}] (কাঁচি দিয়ে ক্যাচ ক্যাচ করে কাটা): Snip a tiny hole in the paper. She snipped at the loose threads.
<NOUN> Snip / snɪp / (স্নিপ্) n [an act of cutting Sth with scissors] (কাঁচির পোঁচ; যা কাঁচি দিয়ে কাটা হয়েছে): Give it a snip with the scissors.
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Scissors |
Ø Scissors / ˈsɪzərz / (ˈছিজএর্জ্) n [a tool for cutting paper, cloth, and hair that has two sharp blades with handles, joined together in the middle] (কাঁচি): a pair of nail scissors
Ø Stroke / stroʊk / (স্ট্রৌক্) n [a single and quick forceful action of the arm when hitting Sb/Sth] (আঘাত): His punishment was six strokes of the cane.
Ø Loose / luːs / (লূছ্) adj [not firmly fixed in place] (ঢিলা; আলগা): a loose button
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Thread |
Ø Thread / θred / (থ্রেড্) n [a very thin fiber of cotton, wool, silk, etc. used for sewing or making cloth] (সুতা): needle and thread
Trim / trɪm / (ট্রিম্) n {trims / trɪmz / (ট্রিময্); Pt. Pp. trimmed / trɪmd / (ট্রিমড্)} [to make something
tidier or more level by cutting away a small amount off it] (ছাঁটা): to trim your hair
Scratch / skrætʃ / (স্ক্র্যাচ্) v {scratches / skrætʃɪz / (স্ক্র্যাচিয্); Pt. Pp. scratched / skrætʃt / (স্ক্র্যাচট্)} [to rub your skin with your nails, usually because it is itching] (আচঁড় কাটা; আচঁড় দেওয়া): A few chickens were scratching around in the yard for grain. He scratched at the insect bites on her arm.
<NOUN> Scratch / skrætʃ / (স্ক্র্যাচ্) n [a mark, a cut or an injury made by scratching Sb’s skin or the surface of Sth] (আঁচড়; নখাঘাত; আঁচড়ের দাগ; ছড়): Her hands were covered in scratches from the brambles.
Ø Rub / rʌb / (রাব্) v {Pt. Pp. rubbed / rʌbd / (রাবড্)} [to press or be pressed against Sth with a circular or up and down repeated movement] (ঘষা; ঘর্ষণ করা): He yawned and rubbed his eyes sleepily.
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Itch |
Ø Itch / ɪtʃ / (ইচ্) v {Pt. Pp. itched / ɪtʃt / (ইচট্)} [to have an uncomfortable feeling on the skin which makes you want to rub it with your nails] (চুলকানো): Does the rash itch?
Saw / sɔː / (ছো) v {saws / sɔːz / (ছোয্); Pt. Pp. sawed / sɔːd / (ছোড্)} [to use a saw to cut Sth] (করাত দিয়ে কাটা): The workmen sawed and hammered all day. They sawed the door in half.
<NOUN> Saw / sɔː / (ছো) [a tool that has a long blade with sharp points (called teeth) along one of its edges, which is used for cutting hard materials, such as wood or metal] (করাত): a hand/ power/ chainsaw
Mow / moʊ / (মৌ) v {mows / moʊz /
(মৌয্); Pt. Pp. mowed / moʊd / (মৌড্)} [to cut grass or wheat etc. using a machine or tool with a special blade such as sickle] (<ঘাস, ফসল ইত্যাদি কাঁচতে দিয়ে>কাটা): You cannot mow the grass if it is wet.
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Sickle |
Ø Sickle / ˈsɪkl / (ˈছিকল্) n [a tool with a short handle and a curved blade, used for cutting grass and grain crops] (কাস্তে):
1. Hack
Hack / hæk / (হ্যাক্) v {hacks / hæks / (হ্যাকছ্); Pt. Pp. hacked / hækt / (হ্যাক্ট্)} 1. [to cut Sb/Sth with rough, heavy blows] (কোপানো; কুপিয়ে কাটা): I hacked the dead branches. They were hacked to death as they tried to escape.
2. Hack /
hæk / (হ্যাক্)
v [to get secretly into someone else's computer system without permission to find out information or do something illegal] (হ্যাক্):
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2. Hack |
Ø Blow / bloʊ / (ব্লৌ) n [a hard hit with a hand or a weapon, etc.] (কিল, ঘুসি অথবা কোনোকিছুর আঘাত): The two men were exchanging blows. He landed a blow on Raju’s nose.
Chop / tʃɑːp / (চাঃপ্) v {chops / tʃɑːps / (চাঃপছ্); Pt. Pp. chopped / tʃɑːpt / (চাঃপ্ট্)} [to cut Sth into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife, ax, etc.] (<দা, কুড়াল, ইত্যাকার ধারালো অস্ত্র দিয়ে>টুকরা টুকরা করে কাটা): She was chopping wood in the yard. Add the finely chopped onions.
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Chop |
Ø 2. Chop [a thick slice of meat with a bone attached to it, especially from a pig or sheep] (হাড় সহ মাংসের পুরু ফালি; চপ): a lamb/pork chop
Ø Finely / ˈfaɪnli / (ˈফাইনলি) adv [into very thin or small grains or pieces] (খুব ছোট ছোট কণা বা টুকরা বা কুচি কুচি করে): Chop the herbs very finely. Make sure the spices are finely ground.
Mince / mɪns / (মিন্স্) v {minces / mɪnsɪz / (মিন্সিয্); Pt. Pp. minced / mɪnst / (মিনস্ট্)} [to cut food, especially meat, into very small pieces using a special machine] (<মাংস ইত্যাদি> কেটে কুচি কুচি করা; কিমা করা): Mince two pounds of beef, please. Minced beef
<NOUN> Mince / mɪns / (মিন্স্) n [meat, especially beef, which has been finely chopped in a special machine] (কিমা): a pound of mince
Slaughter / ˈslɔːtər / (ˈস্লোটএর্) v {slaughters / ˈslɔːtərz / (স্লোটএর্য্); Pt. Pp. slaughtered / ˈslɔːtərd / (ˈস্লোটএর্ড্)} {SYN Butcher} [to kill an animal, usually for its meat] (জবাই করা): The lambs are taken to the local slaughterhouse to be slaughtered. Thousands of birds were slaughtered for their feathers.
<NOUN> Slaughter / ˈslɔːtər / (স্লোটার) n [the killing of animals for their meat] (জবাই): The geese are being fattened for slaughter.
Ø Fatten / ˈfætn / (ˈফ্যাটন্) v {Pt. Pp. fattened / ˈfætnd / (ˈফ্যাটন্ড্)} (<PHR-V> ~ Sb/Sth up) [to make Sb/Sth fatter, especially an animal before killing it for food; to become fatter] (মোটাতাজা করা বা হওয়া): He is very thin after his disease – but we will soon fatten him up. These cattle are being fattened up for slaughter.
/ skɪn
/ (স্কিন্) v {skins
/ skɪnz
/ (স্কিনয্); Pt.
Pp. skinned / skɪnd / (স্কিন্ড্)} [to
take the skin off an animal, a fruit, or a vegetable]
ছাড়ানো বা তোলা): We learned how to trap
and skin a rabbit.![]() |
Skin |
Skin / skɪn
/ (স্কিন্) n [the natural outer layer which covers a person, animal, fruit, etc.] (ত্বক বা চামড়া): The snake sheds its skin once a year
Carve / kɑːrv / (কাঃর্ভ্) v {carves / kɑːrvz / (কাঃর্ভ্য্); Pt. Pp. carved / kɑːrvd / (কাঃর্ভড্)} 1. [to cut a large piece of cooked meat into smaller pieces for eating] (<রান্না মাংস> কেটে টুকরা করা): Father stood up to carve the beef.
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Carve |
2. Carve / kɑːrv / (কাঃর্ভ্) v [to make something by cutting into especially wood or stone, or to cut into the surface of a stone, wood, etc.] (<কাঠ, পাথর, বা কোনোকিছুর উপর>খোদাই করা): The wood had been carved into the shape of a flower.
Tear / ter / (টেএর) v {Pt. tore / tɔːr / (টোর্); Pp. torn / tɔːrn / (টোর্ন্)} [to damage Sth by pulling it apart or into pieces or by cutting it on Sth sharp; to become damaged in this way] (ছেঁড়া; ছিঁড়ে ফেলা): I tore my skirt on the chair as I stood up.
Ø Damage / ˈdæmɪdʒ / (ˈড্যামিজ্) v {Pt. Pp. damaged / ˈdæmɪdʒd/ (ˈড্যামিজড্)} [to harm or spoil Sth/Sb] (ক্ষতি করা; হানি করা): smoking seriously damages your health.
Ø Apart / əˈpɑːrt / (এˈপাঃর্ট্) adv [not together; separate or separately] (আলাদা<ভাবে>): I have never been able to get there two things apart.
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Tear |
Ø 2. Tear / tɪr / (টিএর্) n [a drop of liquid which flows from the eyes, when you cry] (চোখের জল/পানি): Ann wiped a tear from her eye.
Rip / rɪp / (রিপ্) v {rips / rɪps / (রিপছ্); Pt. Pp. ripped / rɪpt / (রিপ্ট্)} [to pull apart;
to tear or be torn, often suddenly or violently or quickly with hands or with a tool such as a knife] (এক টানে বা পোচে ছিঁড়ে
বা কেটে ফেলা): I ripped my jeans on the fence.
Abrasion / əˈbreɪʒn / (এˈব্রেইজন্) n [a damaged area of the skin where it has been rubbed against Sth hard and rough] (ঘষে তোলা; ঘষটানি; ঘষা লেগে ছাল উঠে যাওয়া): She suffered cuts and abrasion to the face. She had a small abrasion on her knee.
Chapped / tʃæpt / (চ্যাপ্ট্) adj [(of the skin or lip) become cracked, rough, or redden, especially through exposure to cold weather] (<চামড়া সম্বন্ধে> খস খসে হ ওয়া/ ফেটে যাওয়া): The cold wind had chapped her lips.
<NOUN> [a cracked or redden patch on the skin or lips] (): Our lips will be covered in cold weather.
Ø Rough / rʌf / (রাফ্) adj [having a surface that is not even or regular] (খসখসে; অমসৃণ অবস্থা): The skin on her hands was rough and hard.
Different Ways Of Cutting
Noted From Google Image, Cambridge & Oxford Dictionary
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