Kitchen Utensils Names, Meaning & Pictures | Necessary Vocabulary
Kitchen Utensils
Utensil / juːˈtensl / (ইঊˈটেনছল) n [a small kitchen tool that is used in the kitchen] (থালা বাসুন): Wash your hands and all cooking utensils after preparing raw meat.
Kitchen Utensils Related Necessary Vocabulary Notes
Ø Kitchen / ˈkɪtʃɪn / (ˈকিচিন্) n [a room in which meals are cooked or prepared and where the dishes are washed] (রান্না ঘর): We usually eat breakfast in the kitchen.
<PHY> Kitchen market (=কাঁচা বাজার)
Cauldron / ˈkɔːlrən / (ˈকোল্ড্রএন্) n [a large, deep round container for cooking food over a fire] (পাতিল; বড়ো কড়াই): a witch’s cauldron.
Handi / hʌndi / (হান্ডি) n {Also cooking pot; degchi} [a deep, wide-mouthed cooking vessel used in north Indian, Pakistani, and Bengali cooking] (হাঁড়ি; ডেকচি): Cook boiled rice in a rice handi.
Jug / dʒʌg / (জাগ্) n {US pitcher} [a container for holding liquids which has a handle and a lip, for holding and pouring liquids] (জগ): I filled up my water jug.
Ø Lip / lɪp / (লিপ্) n 1. {SYN rim} [a part of an edge of a container that is shaped to allow the liquid to be poured easily from the container] (<কাপ, জগ ইত্যাদির>মুখ বা ঠোট):
2. Lip / lɪp / (লিপ্) n [either of the two soft edges at the opening to the mouth] (ঠোঁট; অধর): He wiped his lips with the back of his hand.
Measuring Jug
Measuring jug / ˈmeʒərɪŋ dʒʌg / (ˈমেজএরিঙ জাগ) n [a glass or plastic container for measuring liquids when cooking] (মাপের জগ):
Cup / kʌp / (কাপ্) n [a small, round container shaped like a bowl, often with a handle used for drinking tea, coffee, etc.] (পেয়ালা): I like a good strong cup of tea first thing in the morning. I am making tea, can I pour you a cup? He was so thirsty that he drained his cup. He raised his cup to his lips.
Ø Strong / strɔːŋ / (স্ট্রোঙ্) adj [if a taste, smell, etc. is strong, it is very noticeable or powerful] (<স্বাদ সম্বন্ধে>কড়া; কটু; ঝাঁঝালো): I do not like coffee/tea if it’s too strong.
Ø Thirsty / ˈθɜːrsti / (ˈথা্র্স্টি) adj [needing or wanting to drink] (তৃষ্ণার্ত; পিপাসার্ত): I felt/was hot and thirsty after my game.
Ø Drain / dreɪn / (ড্রেইন্) v {~ Sth} [to empty a cup or glass by drinking everything in it] (শূন্য করা বা সবটুকো পান করা): In one gulp, he drained the glass.
Egg Cup
Egg cup / ˈeg kʌp / (ˈএগ্ কাপ্) n [a small container/cup used to hold a boiled egg while you eat it] (সেদ্ধ ডিম রাখার কাপ):
Measuring Cup
Measuring cup / ˈmeʒərɪŋ kʌp / (ˈমেজএরিঙ কাপ) n [a metal or plastic container used for measuring liquids which has lines printed on the side of it showing how much it contains] (মাপার পেয়ালা):
Saucer / ˈsɔːsər / (ˈছোছএর) n [a small shallow round pot that a cup stands on] (পিরিচ; তশতরি): He gave the cat a saucer of milk.
Ø Shallow / ˈsæloʊ / (শ্যালৌ) adj [having only a short distance from the top to the bottom] (অগভীর): Fry the spices in a shallow pan. These fish are found in shallow waters.
Pot / pɑːt / (পআট) n [any of various types of container, usually round, especially one used for cooking food] (পাত্র; ভাণ্ড; আধার): He could hear the pot bubbling on the stove.
Ø Bubble / ˈbʌbl / (ˈবাব্ল্) n [a ball of air in a liquid, or a delicate hollow floating on top of a liquid or in the air] (বুদ্বুদ; জলবুদ্বুদ): The children were blowing a bubble.
Plate / pleɪt / (প্লেইট) n [a flat, usually round dish with a slightly raised edge that you eat from, or serve food from] (থালা): There is still lots of food on your plate.
Ø Raised / reɪzd / (রেইজ্ড্) adj [higher than the area around] (উত্থিত; উত্তোলিত): a raised platform
Ø Edge / edʒ / (এজ্) n [the outside limit of an object, a surface or an area; the part furthest from the center] (প্রান্ত; কিনারা):
Side Plate
Side plate / ˈsaɪd pleɪt / (ˈছাইড্ প্লেইট্) n [a small plate that you put your bread on when you are eating the main part of a meal] (পার্স্ব থালা):
Dish / dɪʃ / (ডিশ্) n 1. [a flat, shallow container for cooking food in or serving it from] (গামলা): They helped themselves from a large dish of pasta.
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The dishes |
Ø 2. The dishes [the plates, bowls, cups, etc. that have been used for a meal and need to be washed] (নোংরা, থালা বাসুন কাসুন): Have you washed the dishes?
Ø 3. Dish [food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal] (খাবার টেবিলে পরিবেশনকৃত খাদ্য বা খাবার মেনু): My favorite dish is rice with fish.
Ø Pasta / ˈpɑːstə / (ˈপাঃছ্টএ) n [an Italian food made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs, formed into different shapes and usually served with a sauce. It is hard when dry and soft when cooked] (<ইটালিয়ান খাবার>পেসতা):
Serving Dish
Serving dish / ˈsɜːrvɪŋ dɪʃ / (ˈছা্র্ভিঙ্ ডিশ্) n [a dish used for holding food before it is put onto plates, especially before being shared into individual portions] (খাবার পরিবেশের সানকি):
Butter Dish
Butter dish / ˈbʌtər dɪʃ / (ˈবাটএর্ ডিশ্) n [a usually round or rectangular dish often with a trainer and a cover for holding butter at a table] (মাখনের সানকি):
Ø Butter / ˈbʌtər / (ˈবাটএর্) n [a soft pale yellow food made from creams, used in cooking and for spreading on bread] (মাখন; ননী):
Butter Knife
Butter knife / ˈbʌtər naɪf / (ˈবাটএর্ নাইফ্) n [a small knife that has a flat blade with a rounded end, which is used especially for spreading butter on bread during a meal] (মাখন কাটার ছুরি):
Casserole Dish
Casserole dish / ˈkæsəroʊl dɪʃ / (ˈক্যাছএরৌল ডিশ্) n [a large, deep container with a lid used for cooking meat, etc. in a liquid in an oven] (ক্যাসারোল সানকি):
Ø Casserole / ˈkæsəroʊl / (ˈক্যাছএরৌল) n [a dish made by cooking meat, vegetables or other foods in liquid inside a heavy container at low heat, or the heavy, deep container with a lid used in cooking such dishes] (<এক ধরনের খাবার> ক্যাসারৌল): Is there any casserole left?
Gravy Boat
Gravy boat / ˈgreɪvi boʊt / (ˈগ্রেইভি বৌট্) n [a low boat-shaped jug usually with a long lip at one end and a handle at the other, that is used chiefly for serving and pouring gravy and sauces at a meal] (চাটনির বা রসা পাত্র):
Ø Chiefly / ˈtʃiːfli / (ˈচীফ্লি) adv {SYN primarily, mainly} [not completely, but as a most important part] (প্রধানত; মুখ্যত): The island chiefly attracts upmarket tourists.
Ø Gravy / ˈgreɪvi / (ˈগ্রেইভি) n [a sauce made from meat juices, liquid, and flour, and served with meat and vegetables] (মাংসের রসা বা ক্কাথ):
Ø Sauce / sɔːs / (ছোছ্) n [a thick liquid that is eaten with food to add flavor to it] (সস; আখনি): a savory/sweet sauce
Bowl / boʊl / (বৌল্) n [a deep round dish with a wide open top, used especially for holding food or liquid] (বাটি): a salad/fruit/sugar, etc. bowl. Mixing bowls
Ø Bowl / boʊl / (বৌল্) v {Pt. Pp. bowled / boʊld / (বৌল্ড্)} [(in cricket) to throw a ball to the batsman (=the person who hits the ball)] (<ক্রিকেট খেলায় ব্যাটস ম্যানের দিকে> বল নিক্ষেপ করা): He bowled him a gentle first ball.
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Bowler |
<NOUN> Bowler / ˈboʊlər / (ˈবৌলএর্) n [(in cricket) a player who bowls the ball towards the batsman] (<ক্রিকেটে>যে প্লেয়ার বল করে, বলার): Australia’s fast bowlers bowled well.
Mixing Bowl
Mixing bowl / ˈmɪksɪŋ boʊl / (ˈমিক্ছিঙ্ বৌল্) n [a large bowl used in cooking for mixing ingredients] (মিশানোর বাটি): Whisk the eggs in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy.
Ø Ingredient / ɪnˈgriːdiənt / (ইন্ˈগ্রীডিএন্ট্) n [one of the things from which Sth is made, especially one of the foods that are used together to create a particular dish] (উপাদান; উপকরণ): Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries.
Ø Light / laɪt / (লাইট্) adj [containing a lot of air] (<নাড়ার ফলে>ফেনা উঠা): This pastry is so light.
Ø Fluffy / ˈflʌfi / (ˈফ্লাফি) adj [(of food) soft, light and containing air] (<ফেনা দিয়ে>ফুলোফুলো): Beat the eggs and sugar together until they are pale and fluffy.
Mug / mʌg / (মাগ্) n [a large cup for drinking from, usually with straight sides and a handle, used without a saucer] (মগ): He was sipping a mug of coffee. He ran his finger around the rim of the mug. I made myself a large mug of cocoa and went to bed.
Ø Sip / sɪp / (ছিপ্) v {sips / sɪps / (ছিপছ্); Pt. Pp. sipped / sɪpt / (স্পিপ্ট্)} [to drink Sth, taking a very small amount at a time] (একটু একটু করে চুমুক দিয়ে পান করা): This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully
Ø Rim / rɪm / (রিম্) n 1. [the edge of Sth in the shape of a circle] (বৃত্তাকার কোনোকিছুর প্রান্ত): The rim of the cup was chipped and broken.
2. Rim / rɪm / (রিম্) n [the metal edge of a wheel onto which the tyre is fixed] (টায়ার সংযোজনের জন্য নির্মিত চাকার কাঠামো):
Ø Cocoa / ˈkoʊkoʊ / (ˈকৌকৌ) n [a hot drink made by mixing cocoa powder with milk and/or water and usually sugar] (গরম পানীয় কোকো): a mug of cocoa
Beer Mug
Beer mug / bɪr mʌg / (বিএর মাগ্) n [a heavy glass with a handle and usually with patterns cut into its side, out of which you drink beer] (বিয়ার/ কারুকাজ মগ):
Ø Pattern / ˈpætərn / (ˈপ্যাটএর্ন্) n [a regular arrangement of lines, shapes, colors, etc. as a design on material, carpets, etc.] (কারুকাজ):
Tumbler / ˈtʌmblər / (টাম্ব্লআর) n [a glass drinking container, with a flat bottom, straight sides, and no handle or stem] (পানপাত্র): Pour water into the tumbler.
Glass / glæs / (গ্ল্যাছ্) n [a container made of glass, used for drinking out of] (গেলাস): He poured some wine into a glass.
Wine Glass
Wine glass / ˈwaɪn glæs / (ˈওয়াইন গ্লাছ্) n [a type of glass with a stem and foot, which is used to drink and taste wine] (মদের গ্লাস):
Ø Stem / stem / (স্টেম্) n 1. [the long thin part of a wine glass between the bowl and the base] (মদের গ্লাসের সরু নীচের অংশ):
2. Stem / stem / (স্টেম্) n [the main long thin part of a plant above the ground from which the leaves or flowers grow; a smaller part that grows from this and supports flowers or leaves] (<গাছের>ডাটা): a tall plant with branching stems
Ø Wine / waɪn / (ওয়াইন্) n [an alcoholic drink which is usually made from the juice of grapes, but can also be made from other fruits or flowers, that has been left to ferment] (মদ বা সুরা): red/white/dry/sweet/sparkling/table wine
Champagne Flute
Champagne flute / ʃæmˈpeɪn fluːt / (শ্যামˈপেইন্ ফ্লূট্) n [a tall, narrow glass with a long stem, which is used for drinking champagne] (ফরাসি মদের গ্লাস):
Ø Champagne / ʃæmˈpeɪn / (শ্যামˈপেইন্) n [an expensive white or pink fizzy (= with bubbles) wine made in the Champagne area of Eastern France, or more generally, any similar wine that is often drunk on special occasions] (ফরাসি মদ): The champagne corks were popping when Guy got his new job.
Goblet / ˈgɑːblət / (ˈগাঃব্লএট্) n [a cup for wine, usually made of glass or metal, with a stem and base but no handle] (সুরা পাত্র):
Griddle / ˈgrɪdl / (ˈগ্রিড্ল্) n {Also. tawa} [a flat round iron plate that is heated on a stove or oven fire and used for backing or cooking] (তাওয়া): Place the griddle on the clay oven.
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Bake |
Ø Bake / ˈbeɪk / (ˈবেইক্) v {Pt. Pp. baked / ˈbeɪkt / (বেইক্ট্)} [cook inside an oven, without using added water or liquid] (সেকা; ঝলসানো): Meena flips over the paratha on the griddle without a spatula.
Cookie Sheet
Cookie sheet / ˈkʊki ʃiːt / (ˈকুকি শীট্) n {Also baking sheet, baking try} [a flat piece of metal sheet used for baking foods on such as cookies in an oven] (কুকি শীট):
Ø Cookie / ˈkʊki / (ˈকুকি) n 1. [a small flat sweet cake for one person, usually baked until crisp] (<বিশেষত গৃহে তৈরি>ছোট পাতলা মচমচে কেক; মিষ্টি রুটি): chocolate-chip cookies
2. Cookie / ˈkʊki / (ˈকুকি) n [(computing) a computer file with information in it that is sent to the central server each time a particular person uses a network or the Internet] (কম্পিটারে কুকি):
Pie Plate
Pie plate / paɪ pleɪt / (পাই প্লেইট্) n [a shallow metal or glass dish with sloping sides in which pies are baked] (পাই প্লেইট): Pour one can of sweetened condensed milk into a glass pie plate.
Ø Pie / paɪ / (পাই) n [a type of food made with meat, vegetables, or fruits covered in pastry and baked] (<মাংস, ফল প্রভৃতির পুর দেওয়া>বড়া): Help yourself to some more pie.
Baking Dish
Baking dish / ˈbeɪkɪŋ dɪʃ / (ˈবেইকিঙ ডিশ্) n [a kitchen utensil usually the ceramic dish in which items can be baked] (সেকার সানকি):
Pan / pæn / (প্যান্) n [a metal container that is round and often has a long handle and a lid, used for cooking things on top of cooker] (চাটু):
Frying pan
Frying pan / fraɪŋpæn/ (ফ্রাইং প্যান) n [a flat metal pan with a long handle which is used for frying food] (ভাজন খোলা): Heat the oil in a frying pan.
Ø Fry / fraɪ / (ফ্রাই) v {Pt. Pp. fried / fraɪd / (ফ্রাইড্)} [to be cooked in hot butter or oil] (ভাজা): You will fry (=burn) if you lie in the sun all day.
Saucepan / ˈsɔːs pæn / (ˈছোছপ্যান) n {US pot} [a deep round metal pot with a lid and one long handle, used for cooking food over heat] (রন্ধনপাত্র বিশেষ; সস্প্যান): Cover the saucepan and remove from the heat.
Roasting Pan
Roasting pan / ˈroʊstɪŋ pæn / (ˈরৌছটিঙ প্যান্) n [a piece of cookware used for roasting meat, vegetables, etc. in an oven, it also may be used with a rack that sits inside the pan and lets the meat sit above the fat and juice drippings] (সেঁকার খোলা):
Wok / wɑːk / (উআক) n [a large pan shaped like a bowl, used for cooking, especially Chinese food] (কড়াই): Heat some oil in a wok, then add the vegetables and stir-fry for two minutes.
Spatula / ˈspætʃələ / (ˈস্প্যাচুলআ) n [a tool with a broad flat blade used for mixing and spreading things, especially in cooking] (ছুলনি): Stir frying potatoes with spatula properly as it is not burnt. A turning spatula
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Spread |
Ø Spread / spred / (স্প্রেড্) v {Pt. Pp. spread / spred / (স্প্রেড্)} [to cover, reach or have on effect on a wider or increasing area] (মেলে দেওয়া; ছড়িয়ে বা মাখিয়ে দেওয়া; কোনোকিছু ফাঁক করা): The bird spread its wings.
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Stir |
Ø Stir / stɜːr / (স্টা্র্) v {Pt. Pp. stirred / stɜːrd / (স্টা্র্ড্)} [to move a liquid or substance around, using a spoon or Sth similar, in order to mix it thoroughly] (<চামচ দিয়ে কোনোকিছ>নাড়া): The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot.
Whisk / wɪsk /(উইছ্ক্) n [a kitchen tool used for beating food such as eggs and cream to add air and make it light] ( <ডাল>ঘুটনি): a balloon whisk.
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Whisk |
Ø Whisk / wɪsk / (উইছ্ক্) v {Pt. Pp. whisked / wɪskt / (উইছ্ক্ট্)} [to mix liquids, eggs, etc. into a stiff, light mass, using a fork or special tool] (ঘুটা): whisk the egg whites until stiff.
<SYN> Beat
Teapot / ˈtiːpɑːt / (ˈটীপআঃট্) n [a container with a spout, a handle, and a lid, used for making and serving tea] (চা পাত্র):
Ø Spout / spaʊt / (স্পাউট্) n [a pipe or tube on a container, which you can pour the liquid out through] (<নল, বদনা লোটা ইত্যাদের>মুখ): the spout of a teapot
Kettle / ˈketl / (ˈকেটল্) n [a covered container with a handle and a shaped opening for pouring, used for boiling water] (কেটলি): The kettle started to sing. An electric kettle
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Sing |
Ø Sing / sɪŋ / (ছিঙ্) v {Pt. sang / sæŋ / (ছ্যাঙ্); sung / sʌŋ / (ছাঙ্)} [to make a high ringing sound like a whistle] (গুঞ্জন ধ্বনি করা): The kettle was singing away on the cooker.
Sieve / sɪv / (ছিভ) n [a tool for separating larger solids from smaller solids, made of a wire net attached to it] (চালনি; ঝাঁঝরি): Wash the rice in a sieve under cold water.
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Sieve |
Ø Sieve / sɪv / (ছিভ) v {Pt. Pp. sieved / sɪvd / (ছিভড্)} [to put a liquid or powder through a sieve] (<চালনি দিয়ে>চালা): To make the pastry, sieve the flour and salt into a mixing bowl.
Strainer / ˈstreɪnər / (ˈস্ট্রেইনএর) n [a cooking utensil with a lot of holes in it for separating a liquid from solid] (চা ছাকনি): a tea strainer
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Strain |
Ø Strain / streɪn / (স্ট্রেইন্) v {Pt. Pp. strained / streɪnd / (স্ট্রেইন্ড্)} [to separate liquid food from solid food, especially by pouring it through a utensil with small holes in it] (<চা, ইত্যাদি> ছাঁকা/ছেকে নেওয়া): Could you strain the tea, please.
Spoon / spuːn / (স্পূন্) n [a kitchen utensil that has a handle with a shallow bowl at the end, used for stirring] (চামচ্): I stirred the mush to cool with a spoon.
Ø Mush / mʌʃ / (মাশ্) n [any unpleasant thick soft substance, such as food that has been cooked for too long] (জাউ বা খিচুরি): If you overcook the cabbage it will turn to mush. The vegetables had turned to mush.
Dessertspoon / dɪˈzɜːrtspuːn / (ডিˈযা্র্টস্পূন্) n [a medium-sized spoon, used especially for eating sweet food at the end of a meal] (মাঝারি আকারের চামচ; মিষ্টান্নচামচ): a set of a dessert spoon
Ø Dessert / dɪˈzɜːrt / (ডিˈযা্র্ট) n [sweet food eaten at the end of the meal] (ভোজের শেষ পদরূপে পরিবেশিত ফল বা মিষ্টান্ন): We had mousse for dessert. If you make the main course, I will make a dessert.
Tablespoon / ˈteɪblspuːn / (ˈটেইব্লস্পূন্) n [a large spoon, used especially for serving food] (টেবিলচামচ):
Teaspoon / ˈtiːspuːn / (ˈটীস্পূন্) n [a small spoon for putting sugar into tea and other drinks and to stir tea or coffee in a cup] (চা চামচ):
Soup Spoon
Soup spoon / suːp spuːn / (ছূপ্ স্পূন্) n [a type of spoon with a large or rounded bowl, used for consuming soup] (ঝোল চামচ):
Ø Consume / kənˈsuːm / (কএন্ˈছূম্) v [to eat or drink, especially a lot of Sth] (<বেশি পরিমাণে> আহার বা পান করা): Red meat should be consumed in moderation.
Measuring Spoon
Measuring spoon / ˈmeʒərɪŋ spuːn / (ˈমেজএরিঙ স্পূন্) n [a spoon of specific capacity, used to measure the amount of an ingredient, either liquid or dry, when cooking. It may be made of plastic, metal, or other materials] (মাপার চামচ):
Wooden Spoon
Wooden spoon / ˌwʊdn spuːn / (ˌউডন্ স্পূন্) n [a spoon made of wood that is used for stirring sauces and for mixing ingredients in cooking] (কাঠের চামচ):
Rice Spoon
Rice spoon / raɪs spuːn / (রাইছ্ স্পূন্) n [a type of spoon with a short, thick handle extending directly from a deep, flat bowl, used to serve boiled rice] (ভাতের চামচ):
Curry Spoon
Curry spoon / ˈkɜːri spuːn / (ˈকা্রি স্পূন্) n {Also curry serving spoon} [a type of spoon used to serve especially curry on a table] (তরকারির চামচ):
Ø Curry / ˈkɜːri / (ˈকা্রি) n [a South Asian dish of meat, vegetables, fish, etc. cooked with hot spices, often served with rice] (তরকারি): a hot (= very spicy) curry
<VERB> Curry / ˈkɜːri / (ˈকা্রি) v {curries / ˈkɜːriz / (ˈকা্রিয্); Pt. Pp. curried / ˈkɜːrid / (কা্রিড্)} [to make curry out of something] (তরকারি রান্ন করা): Let’s curry the leftover meat.
Skimmer Spoon
Skimmer spoon / skɪmər spuːn / (স্কিমএর্ স্পূন্) n {Also frying spoon; mesh skimmer} [a flat, sieve-like scoop or spoon used for skimming cooking liquids or lifting ripened cream from milk] (উকড়ি চামচ বা ঝাঁঝড়ি চামচ):
Ø Skim / skɪm / (স্কিম্) v [to remove fat, cream or other solids from the surface of a liquid] (<তরল পদার্থের উপরিভাগ থেকে>ভাসমান পদার্থ সরিয়ে নেওয়া): Skim the scum off the jam and let it cool.
Slotted Spoon
Slotted spoon / slɑːtɪd spuːn / (স্লাঃটিড্ স্পূন্) n [a large spoon with slots for straining food] (ছিদ্র চামচ): Remove the onion from the oil with a slotted spoon.
Ø Slot / slɑːt / (স্লাঃট্) n [a long narrow opening which one for putting coins into or fit Sth] (<কোনোকিছু ঢোকানোর জন্য> সংকীর্ণ ফাঁক): to put some coins in the slot
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Slot |
<ADJ> Slotted / slɑːtɪd / (স্লাঃটিড্) adj [having a slot or slots in it] (সংকীর্ণ ফাঁক যুক্ত): a slotted spoon/spatula/screw
Ladle / ˈleɪdl / (লেইডল) n [a large deep spoon with a long handle, used especially for serving soup/pulse] (<ডালের>চামচ):
Fork / fɔːrk / (ফোর্ক) n [a tool with a handle and three or four sharp points, used for picking up and eating food] (কাঁটা চামচ): to eat with a knife and fork.
Chopstick / ˈtʃɑːpstɪk / (ˈচাঃপস্টিক্) n [either of a pair of thin sticks that are used for eating food with, especially in some Asian countries] (জোড়াকাঠি):
Basting Brush
Basting brush / ˈbeɪstɪŋ brʌʃ / (ˈবেইছটিঙ ব্রাশ্) n [a brush used for brushing liquid fat or juices over the meat, etc. while it is cooking] (ঝরণা বুরুশ):
Salad Server
Salad server / ˈsæləd ˈsɜːrvər / (ˈছ্যালএদ্ ছা্র্ভএর্) n [usually consists of one soon-like and one fork-like kitchen utensils used as tongs to serve salad] (ছালদ পরিবেশের চামচ):
Cake Slice
Cake slice / ˈkeɪk slaɪs / (ˈকেইক্ স্লাইছ্) n {Also cake slice tool} [a piece of kitchen tool with a handle and a wide flat end that you use for cutting and serving cakes, tarts, etc.] (কেক কাটা ও পরিবেশোনের ছোরা):
Ø Tart / tɑːrt / (টাঃর্ট্) n [an open pastry case with a filling, usually of Sth sweet such as fruit] (ফলের সামুচা): apple tart
Scoop / skuːp / (স্কূপ্) n [a tool like a large spoon with a deep bowl, used for picking up substances in powder form like flour, or for serving food like ice cream] (তাড়ু; দর্বিক; দর্বি): Use an ice-cream scoop.
Colander / ˈkɑːləndər / (ˈকা্লএনডএর) n [a metal or plastic bowl with a lot of small holes in it, used for draining water from vegetables, etc. after washing or cooking] (<রান্নার কাজে চাল, সব্জি ইত্যাদি ধোয়ার পর জল ঝরানোর উদ্দেশ্যে ব্বহৃত> ঝাঁঝরি): After four minutes, pour the pasta into a colander to drain.
Ø Drain / dreɪn / (ড্রেইন্) v {Pt. Pp. drained / dreɪnd / (ড্রেইন্ড্)} [to cause the water or other liquid in something to run out, leaving it empty or dry] (<পানি>ঝড়ানো; পানি বের করে দেওয়া): Leave the dishes to drain.
Salt Cellar
Salt cellar / ˈsɔːlt selər / (ছোল্ট্ ছেলএর্) n {US salt shaker} [a small container for salt, usually with one hole in the top, which is used at the table] (লবন দানি):Shaker
/ ˈʃeɪkər
/ n [a container with a tightly fitting lid is
used to shake things by moving the container quickly from side to side] (ঝাঁকুনি দানি): a cocktail shaker a salt shaker
Carafe / kəˈræf / (কএˈর্যাফ্) n [a glass container with a wide round bottom in which wine or water is served at meals; the amount contained in a carafe] (খাবার টেবিলের জন্য পানি বা মদের বড়ো পাত্রবিশেষ; সুরাহি): I poured myself some water from the carafe on the table.
Lid / lɪd / (লিড্) n [a cover over a container that can be removed or opened by turning it] (ঢাকনা): I cannot get the lid off this jar.
Food Cover
Food cover / fuːd ˈkʌvər / (ফূড্ কাভএর্) n [a thing that is put over food or another thing, usually to protect it from dust or bad insects] (<খাবার ডাকা>খাঁচা): Cover the meat with a plastic food cover.
Rolling Pin
Rolling pin / roʊlɪŋ pɪn / (রৌলিং পিন) n [a wooden utensil in the shape of a tube, used for rolling pastry flat.] (বেলনা):
Ø Knead / niːd / (নীড্) v {kneads / niːdz / (নীডয্); Pt. Pp. kneaded / niːdɪd / (নীডিড্)} [to press and stretch Sth, especially a mixture dough for making bread, with your hands to make it ready to use] (আটা ইত্যাদি হাতে পিষে ও ঠেসে তাল বানানো): Knead the dough until smooth.
Rolling Board
Rolling board / roʊlɪŋ bɔːrd / (রৌলিং বোর্ড) n {Also chakla; chapatti board} [an Indian Subcontinental kitchen utensil. It is flat, usually round board used with a rolling pin, for rolling kneaded dough into chapattis, a rolling board is commonly made of various types of stone or wood] (=রুটি বেলা পিড়া): ![]() |
Knead Dough Chapatti |
Ø Dough / doʊ / (ডৌ) n [flour mixed with water and often yeast, fat, or sugar so that it is ready for baking] (মাখ আটার তাল/লেই): She kneaded the dough and left it to rise.
Ø Chapatti / tʃəˈpæti / (চএপ্যাটি) n {Also roti} [a type of flat round South Asian bread made without yeast] (রুটি; হাত রুটি):
Bread Bin
Bread bin / ˈbred bɪn / (ˈব্রেড বিন্) n {US bread box} [a wooden, metal or plastic container for keeping bread in so that it stays fresh] (রুটি রাখা ঝুড়ি):
Chopping Board
Chopping board / tʃɑːpɪŋ bɔːrd / (চাঃপিঙ্ বোর্ড্) n {Also cutting board} [a durable board made of wood or plastic used for chopping meat, vegetables and other types of food on] (কাটাকাটির তক্তা):
1. Cheeseboard
Cheeseboard / ˈtʃiːzbɔːrd / (ˈচীয্বোর্ড্) n 1. [a board that is used to cut cheese on] (পনির কাটার তক্তা):
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2. Cheeseboard |
2. Cheeseboard / ˈtʃiːzbɔːrd / (ˈচীয্বোর্ড্) n [a variety of cheeses that are served at the end of a meal] (পনিরবোর্ড <এক ধরণের খাবার>): The meal finished with the cheeseboard and fresh fruits.
Ø Cheese / ˈtʃiːz / (চীয্) n [a type of food made from milk, which can be either soft or hard is usually yellow or white in color] (পনির): goat’s cheese (= made from the milk of a nanny goat)
Cheese Knife
Cheese knife / ˈtʃiːz ˌnaɪf / (ˈচীয্ ˌনাইফ্) n [a small knife with a curved blade that ends in two sharp points, which is used to cut and pick up a piece of cheese] (পনির কাটার চাকু):
Winnowing Fan
Winnowing fan / ˈwɪnoʊiŋ fæn / (উইনৌইঙ্ ফ্যান্) n {Also. bamboo winnow; winnow basket} [a winnowing fan is used to separate the chaff from the grain so that grain can be cooked and eaten] (কুলা):
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Winnow |
Ø Winnow / ˈwɪnoʊ / (ˈউইনো) v {Pt. Pp. winnowed / ˈwɪnoʊd / (উইনৌড্)} [to blow the chaff from grain before it can be used as food] (<শস্যা/চাল> ঝাড়া): winnow rice.
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Chaff |
Ø Chaff / tʃæf / (চ্যাফ্) n [the outer covering of the seeds of grains such as wheat, which is separated from the grain before it is eaten] (শস্য দানার বহিরাবরণ; তুষ):
Juicer / ˈdʒuːsər / (জূছএর্) n {UK lemon squeezer} [a kitchen utensil (= a tool) for squeezing the juice out of a fruit] (<ফলের>রস নিংরানী):
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Squeeze |
Ø Squeeze / skwiːz / (স্কুঈজ্) v {Pt. Pp. squeezed / skwiːzd / (স্কুঈজ্ড্)} [to get the liquid out of Sth by pressing or twisting it hard] (কচলানো বা কোচলিয়ে রস বের করা): Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the bowl.
Ø Out of Sth <pre> [used to show that Sb/Sth is not or no longer in a particular state or condition] (<কোনোকিছু>হতে/থেকে): An apple rolled out of the bag.
Thermos / ˈθɜːrməs / (থা্র্মএছ্) n [a particular kind of vacuum flask (= a container like a bottle with double walls with a vacuum between them, used for keeping liquids hot or cold)] (থার্মফ্ল্যাস্ক):
Sink / sɪŋk / (ছিঙ্ক্) n [a large open container is fixed to the wall in a kitchen that has taps to supply water and that you use for washing dishes in] (সিংক): Do not just leave your dirty plates in the sink!
Tap / tæp / (ট্যাপ্) n {US faucet} [a device that controls the flow of liquid, especially water, from a pipe into a sink] (ট্যাপ): Do not leave the tap running. Turn the tap on/off.
Draining Board
Draining board / ˈdreɪnɪŋ bɔːrd / (ˈড্রেইনিঙ্ বোর্ড্) n {US drainboard} [the place next to a kitchen sink where cups, plates, etc. are put for the water to run off after they have been washed] (ড্রেইনিং বোর্ড):
Dishtowel / ˈdɪʃtaʊəl / (ˈডিশ্টাউএল্) n {UK tea towel, tea cloth} [a small cloth used for drying cups, plates, knives, etc. after they have been washed] (ভেজা থাল বাসুন মোছার কাপড়):
Dishcloth / ˈdɪʃklɔːθ / (ˈডিশ্ক্লোথ্) n {US dishrag} [a cloth for washing and cleaning dirty utensil] (নোংরা বাসুন মাজার কাপড়):
Kitchen Roll
Kitchen roll / ˈkɪtʃɪn roʊl / (ˈকিচিন্ রৌলার) n {UK kitchen paper, kitchen towel} [soft, thick paper on a roll, from which square pieces are torn and used in the kitchen or other places, especially for removing liquid or to dry hands and to absorb water] (কিচিন রৌলার):
Table Mat
Table mat / ˈteɪbl mæt / (ˈটেইবল্ ম্যাট্) n {Also place mat} [a small decorative piece of card, cloth, wood, plastic, etc. that you put under hot utensils to protect the surface of the table] (টেবিল মাদুর):
Napkin / ˈnæpkɪn / (ˈন্যাপকিন্) n {UK serviette; Also table napkin} [a small square piece of cloth or paper used at meals for protecting your clothes and cleaning your lips and fingers] (ন্যাপকিন): He tucked his napkin under his chin. She dabbed her mouth with her table napkin.
Ø Tuck / tʌk / (টাক্) v {tucks / tʌks / (টাকছ্); Pt. Pp. tucked / tʌkt / (টাক্ট্)} [to push, fold, or turn the ends or edges of clothes, paper, etc. so that they are held in place or look neat] (<কাপড় ইত্যাদি>গোঁজা; গুঁজে দেওয়া): She tucked up her skirt and wadded into the river.
Ø Dab / dæb / (ড্যাব্) v [to touch Sth with quick touches or to put a substance on Sth with quick light touches] (আলতোভাবে মোছা বা ছোঁয়া): He dabbed at his eyes with a tissue
Apron / ˈeɪprən / (ˈএইপ্রএন্) n [a piece of clothing that you wear over the front of other clothes to keep the clothes clean while you are doing something dirty, such as cooking or cleaning in the house] (সজ্জাবরণী):
Ramekin / ˈræməkɪn / (ˈর্যামএকিন্) n [a small dish in which food for one person is baked and served] (র্যামাকিন্):
Shelf / self / (শেল্ফ্) n [a flat board, made of wood, metal, glass, etc. fixed to the wall for things to be placed on] (তাক): He helped me put up some shelves in my kitchen.
Jar / dʒɑːr / (জার) n [a round glass or clay container, with a wide opening at the top and a fitted lid, used for storing food, especially jam, honey, sour, etc. ](বয়াম; কুম্ভ; গোলাকার পাত্র বিশেষ): a jar of pickled onions.
Canister / ˈkænɪstər / (ˈক্যানিছ্টআর) n [a strong container with a lid, used for holding tea, sugar, etc.](< চা, চিনি, ইত্যাদি রাখার জন্য ঢাকনা যুক্ত>পাত্র; কৌটা): keep the sugar into the canister.
Tin / tɪn / (টিন্) n [a soft silver-white colored metal container in which food and drink are sold] (টিন; কৌটা): Next, add two tin of beans.
Oven Glove
Oven glove / ˈʌvn glʌv / (ˈআভন গ্লাভ্) n [thick cloth coverings for the hands used for taking hot things out of an oven] (চুলা দস্তানা; ছাপি)
2. Pitcher / ˈpɪtʃər / (ˈপিচএর্) n [(in baseball) the player who throws the ball to the batter] (<বেইসবলে> বল-নিক্ষেপকারী খেলোয়ার):
1. Pitcher
Pitcher / ˈpɪtʃər / (ˈপিচএর্) n 1. [large clay container with a wide round base, straight sides, and a narrow opening at the top, used in the past for holding water or another liquid] (কুম্ভ): Please fetch a pitcher of water near a pond. An earthenware pitcher![]() |
2. Pitcher |
Ø Clay / kleɪ / (ক্লেই) n [a type of heavy, sticky earth that becomes hard when dry or baked and is used to make bricks and pots] (এঁটেল মাটি): She molded the clay into the shape of a head.
Ø Container / kənˈteɪnər / (কএন্ˈটেইনএর্) n [a hollow object, such as a box or a bottle, which can be used for holding Sth, especially to carry or store it] (ধারক; ধারনপাত্র): Store food in durable containers with lids.
Ø Fetch / fetʃ / (ফেচ্) v {Pt. Pp. fetched / fetʃt / (ফেচট্)} [to go to another place to get something or someone and bring them back] (কোনো কিছু গিয়ে নিয়ে আসা): Could you fetch me my bag, Please?
Ø Earthenware / ˈɜːrθnwer / (ˈআর্থন্ওয়ার্) adj [made of very hard baked clay, often shaped with the hands] (পোড়ামাটির বাসন বা তৈজাসপত্র): an earthenware mugs/bowls
Vessel / ˈvesl / (ভেছল্) n 1. [a hollow container, especially one which is used to hold liquid] (<বিশেষত তরল পদার্থের>আধার বা কলস): The remains of some Roman earthenware vessels were found during the dig.
2. Vessel / ˈvesl / (ভেছ্ল্) n 1. [a large ship or boat] (বৃহৎ জাহাজ বা নৌকা): A salvage team railed to refloat the vessel. A cargo/fishing/patrol/supply vessel
3. Vessel / ˈvesl / (ভেছ্ল্) n [a tube that carries blood through the body of a person or an animal, or liquid through the parts of a plant] (রক্তবাহী শিরা বা ধমনী): broken blood vessels
Ø Remains / rɪˈmeɪnz / (রিˈমেইনয্) n 1. [the parts of ancient objects and buildings that have survived and discovered in the present day] (ধ্বংসাবশেষ): We visited the remains of a 14th-century monastery.
2. Remains / rɪˈmeɪnz / (রিˈমেইনয্) n {~ (Sth)} [the parts of Sth that are left after the other parts have been used, eaten, removed, etc.] (<খাবারদাবার ও কিছুর>অবশিষ্টাংশ): He fed the remains of a meal to the dog.
Bucket / ˈbʌkɪt / (ˈবাকিট) n [an open container with a handle, used for carrying or holding liquids, sand, etc.] (বালতি): He poured the bucket of dirty water down the drain.
Ø Pour / pɔːr / (পোর্) v {Pt. Pp. poured / pɔːrd / (পোর্ড্)} [to make a liquid flow from a container, into another container, by raising just one side of the container that the substance is in] (ঢালা; পাতিত করা): I spilled the juice while I was pouring it.
Lota / loʊtə / (লৌটএ) n {Also Water pot; Bodna} [a container with a pipe or tube that can pour the liquid out through] (বদনা): Please pour down a water Lota into the toilet pan.
Steel wool
Steel wool / stiːl wʊl / (স্টীল্ উল্) n [a mass of fine steel threads that you use for cleaning pots and pans, making the surface smooth, etc.] (কিরকিরি-মাজুনি):
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