Greens or Leafy Greens Names, Meaning & Image | Necessary Vocabulary
Greens Or Leafy Greens
Greens / griːndʒ / (গ্রীন্জ্) n [greens, also called leaf vegetables, vegetable greens, leafy greens, are plant leaves eaten as a vegetable, sometimes accompanied by tender shoots. They most often come from short-lived herb plants such as lettuce and spinach. If greens are cooked for food, they may be referred to as boiled greens and raw greens as a salad. Greens are low in calories and fat, and high in protein] (শাক): Eat up your greens.
Greens or Leafy Greens Related Necessary Vocabulary Notes
Ø Accompany / əˈkʌmpəni / (এˈকামপএনি) v {Pt. Pp. accompanied} [to happen or appear with Sth else] (সঙ্গী হওয়া): The salmon fish was accompanied by a fresh greens salad.
Ø Tender / ˈtendər / (ˈটেন্ডএর্) adj [(of meat or vegetables) easy to cut or chew] (কচি; সুক্ষ্ণ): This bird meat is extremely tender.
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Shoot |
Ø Shoot / ʃuːt / (শূট্) n [the part that grows up from the ground when a plant starts to grow; a new part that grows on plants or trees] (অঙ্কুর; প্ররোহ): Two weeks after we’d planted the seeds, little green shoots started to appear.
Ø Short-lived / ʃɔːrt-ˈlɪvd / (শোর্ট-ˈলিভড্) adj [lasting only for a short time] (স্বল্পস্থায়ী; ক্ষণস্থায়ী): His success was great but short-lived.
Ø Herb / hɜːrb / (হা্র্ব্) n [a type of plant whose leaves, flowers or seeds are used in cooking to give flavor to particular dishes, or which are used in making medicine for diseases] (ভেষজ; ঔষুধি): A large range of herbs and spices are used in South Asian cooking.
Ø <PHR-V> Eat up [to eat all the food that you have been given] (সম্পূর্ণ খেয়ে ফেলা): Be a good boy eat up your vegetables.
Spinach / ˈspɪnɪtʃ / (ˈস্পিনিচ্) n [it is a flowering and annual plant with large dark green leaves, its leaves are very variable in size, and eaten as greens] (পালং শাক): The spinach is sold fresh in bunches at the farmer’s market can have a lot of dirt on the root ball that needs to be rinsed out before cooked.
Ø Annual / ˈænjuəl / (ˈএ্যানউএল্) n [any plant that grows, produces seeds, and dies within one year or season] (এক বছর বেঁচে থাকে এমন উদ্ভিদ; বর্ষজীবী উদ্ভিদ):
Ø Variable / ˈveriəbl / (ˈভেরিএব্ল্) adj [often changing; likely to change] (পরিবর্তনশীল): British weather is perhaps at its most variable in the spring.
Malabar Spinach
Malabar Spinach / mæləbʌr ˈspɪnɪtʃ / (ম্যালএবার্ ˈস্পিনিচ্) n {Also vine spinach, Ceylon
spinach and Indian spinach} [an edible perennial, fast-growing and soft-stemmed vine plant, reaching about 12 meters in length and grows on a trellis is widely used as a leaf vegetable] (পুঁইশাক): Malabar spinach is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium, its juice is a particularly rich source of soluble fiber.
Perennial / pəˈreniəl / (পএˈরেনিএল) adj [<of plants> living for two years or more] (<গাছ সম্বন্ধে>দুই বছরের বেশি জীবৎকাল; বর্ষজীবী):
Ø Stem / stem / (স্টেম্) n [the main long thin part of a plant above the ground from which the leaves or flowers grow] (<বোঁটা, পাতা, ফুল বা ফলের যে অংশ কাণ্ডের সঙ্গে যুক্ত থাকে> ডাঁটা): There are several leaves on each stem.
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Vine |
Ø Vine / vaɪn / (ভেইন্) n [any type of plant which climbs or grows along the ground and which has woody twisting stems] (লতা বা লতাজাতীয় উদ্ভিদ): Ivy is a type of vine.
Ø Trellis / ˈtrelɪs / (ˈট্রেলিছ্) n [a light frame made of bars of wood or metal crossed over each other, fixed to a wall for plants to grow up] (মাচা; জাঙ্গলী):
Ø Soluble / ˈsɑːljəbl / (ˈছাঃলউএব্ল্) adj [able to be dissolved is a liquid] (সহজে দ্রবণীয়): Glucose is soluble in water.
Water Spinach
Water Spinach / ˈwɔːtər ˈspɪnɪtʃ / (ˈওআটএর ˈস্পিনিচ্) n [it grows in water or in moist soil, has thin, hollow stems with long, flat, arrowhead-shaped leaves. Leaves range in size from one to six inches in length and up to three inches in diameter, its leaves and stem are taken as a green leaf for its tender shoots and leaves] (কলমি শাক):
Ø Hollow / ˈhɑːloʊ / (ˈহাঃলৌ) adj [having a hole or empty space inside] (ফাঁপা): The tree trunk was hollow inside.
Malva Parviflora
Parviflora // (মালভা
পারভিফ্লোরা) n [an annual or perennial herb that is native to
Northern Africa, Europe, and Asia and is widely naturalized elsewhere] (নাপা বা লাফা শাক):
Red Amaranth
Red Amaranth / red æməranθ / (রেড এ্যামএরান্থ্) n [it is leafy greens with leafy round leaves and red in color, is eaten as a leafy vegetable] (লালশাক): Take 2 bunches Red amaranth and select fresh and good its tender stalks and leaves, wash and drain then chop finely.
Ø Drain / dreɪn / (ড্রেইন্) v {Pt. Pp. drained / dreɪnd / (ড্রেইন্ড্)} [to make Sth empty or dry by removing all the liquid from it] (পানি ঝঁড়ানো; শুষ্ক করা): Drain (off) any liquid that is left in the rice.
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Chop |
Ø Chop / tʃɑːp / (চাঃপ্) v {Pt. Pp. chopped / tʃɑːpt / (চাঃপ্ট্)} [to cut something into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife] (কুচিয়ে কাটা; টুকরা টুকরা করে কাটা): Chop the onions and carrots roughly.
Ø Finely / ˈfaɪnli / (ˈফাইন্লি) adv [into very thin or small pieces] (খুব ছোট, পাতলা ও কুচি কুচি করে): Make sure the spices are finely ground. Finely chopped herbs
Amaranth Leaves
Amaranth Leaves / æməranθ liːvz / (এ্যামএরান্থ্ লীভ্য্) n [a short-leaved plant is cultivated for its leaves and eaten as a leafy vegetable] (সাদা শাক):
Stem Amaranth
Stem Amaranth / stem æməranθ / (স্টেম এ্যামএরান্থ্ ) n {also Amaranth Stem} [an annual plant of a mainly tropical family, that at maturity can long, 4 meters, stem color is slightly red, it is very tender, soft and thick, its leaves and stems are used as a delicious stir-fry vegetable] ( ডাটা শাক): The leaves and stems of Amaranth are believed to help enrich eyesight.
Ø Stir- fry / stɜːr-fraɪ / (স্টার-ফ্রাই) v [to fry small pieces of meat, vegetables, etc. quickly by stirring them in very hot oil for mixing them around] (=?): Stir fry the meat for one minute, then add the vegetables. Stir-fried vegetables (=সব্জি চরচড়ি).
Mustard Greens
Mustard Greens / ˈmʌstərd griːnz / (ˈমাস্টএর্ড গ্রীন্জ) n {Also Mustard leaves} [the dark green leaves of a type of mustard plant, that are cooked as the leafy greens] (সরিষা শাক):
Lettuce / ˈletɪs / (ˈলেটিছ্) n [lettuce is an annual plant of the daisy family with greens leaves that are eaten raw in salad] (লেটুস): Lettuce extracts are sometimes used in skin creams and lotion for treating sunburn and rough skin.
Ø Daisy / ˈdeɪzi / (ˈডেইজি) n [a small wildflower with white petals around a yellow center; which often grows in grass] (একধরণের ফুল বিশেষ):
Ø Rough / rʌf / (রাফ) adj [having a surface that is not even or bad condition] (এবড়ো-থেবড়ো; অমসৃণ; খস খসে): The skin on her cheek was hard and rough.
<ANT> Smooth
Indian Pennywort
Indian Pennywort / ˈɪndiən ˈpeniwɜːrt / (ˈইন্ডিএন্ ˈপেনিওয়ার্থ) n [it grows in tropical marsh areas, is eaten as a leafy green] (থান্কুনি):
Ø Marsh / mɑːrʃ / (মা্র্শ) n [an area of low land that is always soft and wet because it is nowhere for the water to flow away to] (জলাভূমি; জলা): After so much rain, the field had become a marsh.
Coriander Leaves
Coriander Leaves/ ˌkɔːriˈændər / (ˌকোরিˈএ্যানডএর্) n [a plant whose leaves are used in cooking as a herb to give a special flavor and whose seeds are used in cooking as a spice] (ধনিয়া বা ধনে পাতা):
Long Coriander
Long Coriander / lɔːŋ ˌkɔːriˈændər / (লোঙ্ ˌকোরিˈএ্যানডএর্) n [] (বিলাতী ধনিয়া বা বন ধনিয়া):
Mint / mɪnt / (মিন্ট্) n {Also Mint leaves} [a plant with dark green leaves that have a fresh smell and taste and are added to food and drinks to five flavors, and used in cooking as a herb and to decorate food] (পুদিনা; পুদিনা পাতা): I decorated the fruit salad with a sprig of mint.
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Sprig |
Ø Sprig / sprɪg / (স্প্রিগ্) n [a single small plant stem with leaves on it used in cooking or as a decoration] (<রান্নায় বা খাবারে ব্যবহার> পাতা সহ গাছের ছোট ডাল): Garnish the dish with sprigs of parsley.
Basil / ˈbæzl / (ব্যাজ্ল্) n [a plant with shiny green leaves that smell sweet and are used in cooking as a herb] (তুলসি বা তুলসি পাতা):
Parsley / ˈpɑːrsli / (পাঃর্ছলি) n [a plant curly with green leaves that are used in cooking as a herb and to decorate food] (কোঁচকানো ধনে পাতা বা পার্সলে পাতা): The eggs are sprinkled with coarsely chopped parsley.
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Sprinkle |
Ø Sprinkle / ˈsprɪŋkl / (ˈস্প্রিঙক্ল্) v {Pt. Pp. sprinkled / ˈsprɪŋkld / (ˈস্প্রিঙক্ল্ড্)} [to shake small pieces of Sth or drops of a liquid on Sth] (<কোনো কিছুর উপর কোনো কিছু> ছিটিয়ে বা ছোড়িয়ে দেওয়া): Sprinkle a few herbs on the pizza.
Ø Coarse / kɔːrs / (কোর্ছ্) adj [rough and not smooth or soft, or not in very small pieces] (মোটা; অসুক্ষ্ম): coarse clothes
<ADV> Coarsely / kɔːrsli / (কোর্ছলি) adv [মোটামোটা করে] (): coarsely chopped onions (=cut into large pieces)
<ADV> Coarsely / kɔːrsli / (কোর্ছলি) adv [মোটামোটা করে] (): coarsely chopped onions (=cut into large pieces)
Celery / ˈseləri / (ˈছেলএরি) n [it is a marshland plant that has been cultivated as a vegetable, with a long crisp light green stalk that is often eaten row] (পাথুনি শাক):
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Stalk |
Ø Stalk / stɔːk / (স্টোক্) n [a thin stem that supports a leaf, flower, or fruit and joins it to another part of the plant or tree; the main stem of a plant] (বৃন্ত; ফলবৃন্ত; বোঁটা): celery stalks
Ø Crisp / krɪsp / (ক্রিস্প্) adj [(of fruit and vegetables) firm and fresh] (মচমচে; কচকচিয়া; কুড়কুড়ে): crisp apple/lettuce
Watercress / ˈwɔːtərkres / (ˈওয়াটএর্ক্রেছ্) n {Also. cress} [an aquatic plant is a rapidly growing, native to Europe and Asia, one of the oldest known leaf vegetables consumed by humans. Its green hollow stem and leaves taste strong and are eaten often raw in salads] (ঝাঁঝশাক <বিশেষত সালাদে ব্যবহৃত হয়>): egg and cress sandwiches
Ø Aquatic / əˈkwætɪk / (এˈকোঅ্যাটিক্) adj [living or growing in, happening in, or connected with water] (জলজ্য; জলবিষয়ক): aquatic plants/sports/ecosystems
Ø Strong / strɔːŋ / (স্ট্রোঙ্) adj [having a lot of flavors] (<স্বাদ সম্বন্ধে>ঝাঁঝালো; কড়া): I do not like coffee/tea if it’s too strong.
Kale / keɪl / (কেইল্) n {US collard greens} [kale or leaf cabbage a type of cabbage with green or purple tightly curled leaves, are grown for their edible leaves] (পাতাকপি শাক):
Ø Tightly / ˈtaɪtli / (টাইট্লি) adv [closely and firmly; in a tight manner] (কষে; ঠাসাঠাসি করে; ঠেসে): a tightly packed crowd of tourists.
Ø Curl / kɜːrl / (কা্র্ল্) v {Pt. Pp. curled / kɜːrld / (কা্র্ল্ড্)} [to make something into the shape of a curl or to grow or change into this shape] (কোঁকড়ানো; কোঁকড়া করা/হওয়া): Her hair curls naturally.
Ø Edible / ˈedəbl / (ˈএডএব্ল্) adj [safe or suitable to be eaten; not poisonous] (ভোজ্য; বিষমুক্ত): Only the leaves of the plant are edible.
Collard Greens
Collard Greens / ˈkɑːlərd griːnz / (ˈকাঃলএর্ড্ গ্রীনয্) n [collard greens plants are grown for their large, loose-leafed, dark-colored, edible leaves and eaten as leafy greens] (খোলা পাতাকপি শাক):
Turnip Greens
Turnip greens / ˈtɜːrnɪp griːnz / (ˈটা্র্নিপ্ গ্রীনয্) n [tender leaves of young white turnips eaten as greens] (শালগম শাক):
Romaine / roʊˈmeɪn / (রৌˈমেইন্) n {Also cos lettuce; romaine lettuce} [a variety of lettuce that grows in a tall head of dark green leaves with firm ribs down their centers, eaten as leafy greens vegetable] (লেটুস শাক):
Bok Choy
Bok choy / ˌbɑːk ˈtʃɔɪ / (ˌবাঃক্ ˈচোই) n {UK pak choi} [a type of Chinese cabbage with long dark green leaves and thick white stems] (চায়না শাক):
Sorrel / ˈsɔːrəl / (ˈছোরএল্) n [a plant with leaves that taste bitter and are used in cooking as an herb or greens] (তিক্ত শাক):
Arugula / æˈruːgjʊlə / (এ্যাˈরূগুউলএ) n {UK rocket} [a plant with long green leaves that have a strong flavor and eaten raw in salads] (রকেট, বা অ্যারূগুলা শাক):
Rapini / ræpɪnɪ / (র্যাপিনি) n [commonly known as broccoli raab or broccoli rabe is a green leafy vegetable, its edible parts are the leaves, buds, and stems, also known for its slightly bitter] (র্যাপিনি শাক):
Chard / tʃɑːrd / (চাঃর্ড্) n {Also Swiss chard} [it is a green leafy vegetable with large dark green leaves and thick white, yellow, or red stems, which can be cooked and eaten] (বিট পাতা শাক):
Elephant Ear Greens
Elephant Ear Greens / ˈelɪfənt ɪr griːndʒ / (ˈএলিফএন্ট্ ইএর্ গ্রীনজ্) n {Also taro greens} [elephant ear greens or leafy vegetable is a perennial herb native to southeastern Asia and the Indian subcontinent. It gets its name because the large leaves resemble the ears of an elephant] (কচুপাতা শাক): elephant ear greens
Ø Elephant / ˈelɪfənt / (ˈএলিফএন্ট্) n [a very large grey mammal which has a trunk (=long nose) with which it can pick things up] (হাতি): herds of elephants
Ø Ear / ɪr / (ইএর্) n [either of the organs on the sides of the head that you hear with] (কান):
Ø Herb / hɜːrb / (হা্র্ব্) n [a type of plant whose leaves are used in cooking to give flavor to particular dishes, or which are used in making medicine] (ভেষজ্য <উদ্ভিদ>): dried/fresh herbs
Ø Resemble / rɪˈzembl / (রিˈজেম্ব্ল্) v [to look like or be like someone or something] (সদৃশ হওয়া; <কোনোকিছুতে>মিল থাকা): The plant resembles grass in appearance.
Fiddlehead Fern
Fiddlehead Fern / ˈfɪdlhed fɜːrn / (ˈফিডল্হেড্ ফা্র্ন্) n {Also fiddleheads or fiddlehead greens; edible fern} [the furled fronds of a young fern, harvested for use as a leafy vegetable] (ঢেঁকি শাক; ঢেকিয়া শাক):
Skunk Vine
Skunk Vine / skʌŋkvaɪn / ( স্কাঙকভাইন্) n [] (গন্ধভাদালি লতা):
Goosefoot / guːs fʊt / (গূছ্ ফুট) n (বতুয়া শাক):
Jute Leaves
Jute Leaves / dʒuːt liːvz / (জূ্ট লীফ) n (পাট শাক): Dish of only rice and Jute leaf (= শুধু পাট শাক আর ভাত)
Fenugreek Greens
Greens / ˈfenuːɡriːk ɡrinz / n [used as an herb (dried or fresh leaves), spice
(seeds), and vegetable (fresh leaves, sprouts, and microgreens)] (মেথি
Greens or Leafy Greens Names, Meaning & Image
Noted from Wikipedia; Google Image, Oxford & Cambridge Dictionary
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