All Spices Name Meaning & Image | Necessary Vocabulary

spices name, name of spices, spices
Spice / spaɪs / (স্পাছ্‌) n [one of the various types of seed that come from different plants and are used in cooking to give a special flavor to food. Spices have a strong taste and smell] (মসলা): Spices are widely used in South Asian cooking.

Spice Related Necessary Vocabulary Notes

Ø Flavour / ˈfleɪvər / (ˈফ্লেইভএর্‌) n {USA flavor} [how food or drink tastes, or a particular taste itself] (<খাওয়ার সময়>স্বাদগন্ধ): Enjoy the flavor of fresh fish. A wine with a delicate fruit flavor   

Ø Spice / spaɪs / (স্পাছ্‌) v [= to add spice to food in order to give it more flavor] (মসলা দিয়ে সুস্বাদু করা): highly spiced dishes (=অত্যাধিক মসলাযুক্ত খাবার)

Ø Strong / strɔːŋ / (স্ট্রোঙ্‌) adj [having a lot of flavours] (ঝাঁঝলো; উগ্র): strong cheese/onions

Ø Smell / smel / (স্মেল্‌) n [the quality of Sth that people and animals sense through their noses] (ঘ্রাণ; গন্ধ): There’s a delicious smell in here. Yuk! What a smell! 

Onion / ˈʌnjən / (ˈআনি) n [a round vegetable with many layers inside each other and a brown, red or white, thin and light skin on the outside and white inside, it has a strong smell and flavor] (পেঁয়াজ): I always cry when I cut onions. Onion is a powerful antiseptic that is rich in vitamins A B and C.

<SYN> Shallot / səˈlɑːt / (ˈলা্‌ট) n [a small onion with a very strong taste] (ছোট পেঁয়াজ):

Chives / tʃaɪvz / (চাভ্‌জ্‌) n [the long thin leaves of a plant with purple flowers, or its leaves when cut into small pieces and used in cooking to give a flavor similar to onions] (পেঁয়াজ জাতীয় গাছ, যার সরু পাতা সালাদে ব্যবহৃত হয়):

Spring Onion 
Spring onion / sprɪŋ ˈʌnjən / (স্প্রিঙ্‌) n {US green onion, scallion} [a type of small onion with a long green stem and leaves. That is often eaten raw in salads] (সালাদে ব্যবহৃত এক ধরণের পেঁয়াজ; সালাদ-পেঁয়াজ):  

Ø Raw / rɔː / (রো) adj [(of food) not cooked] (কাঁচা; অপক্ক): These spices are often eaten raw. Raw fishes 

Garlic / ˈgɑːrlɪk / (ˈগার্লিক) n [a plant of the onion family with a very strong taste and smell and is used in cooking to add flavor and taste] (রসুন): a clove of garlic [= one section of it]. Fry the chopped onion and crushed garlic for 5 minutes.

Ø Clove / kloʊv / (ক্লৌভ্‌) n [one of the small separate sections of a bulb of garlic] (কোয়া): Use one crushed clove of garlic.

Ø Crush / krʌʃ / (ক্রাশ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. crushed / krʌʃt / (ক্রাশট্‌)} [to break Sth into small pieces or into power by pressing hard] (<পাউডারের মতো> গুড়া করা): Crush the garlic finely before adding.

Ginger / ˈdʒɪndʒə /(ˈজিন্‌জ) n [the root of the ginger is a tropical flowering plant that has a thick underground stem that sprouts roots and shoots, which is used in cooking as a spice and eaten preserved in sugar] (আদা): A teaspoon of ground ginger (=এক চা চামচ আদাবাটা)

Ø Stem / stem / (স্টেম্‌) n [the stick-like central part of a plant above the ground from which the leaves or flowers grow] (ডাটা<গাছের বোঁটা, ফুল ও পাতা যে অংশে যুক্ত থাকে>): There are several leaves on each stem.

Ø Sprout / spraʊt / (স্প্রট্‌) v [<of plant or seeds> to produce new leaves or buds; to start to grow] (পল্লবিত হওয়া; পাতা গাজানো): The seeds will sprout in a few days.

Ø Shoot / ʃuːt / (শূট্‌) n [the part that grows up from the ground when a plant starts to grow] (অঙ্কুর): This plant has no shoots yet.

Ø Grind / graɪnd / (গ্রান্ড্‌) v {Pt. Pp. ground / graʊnd / (গ্রান্ড্‌)} [to make Sth into very small pieces or powder by pressing between two hard surfaces or using a special machine] (ঘষে চূর্ণ বা গুড়া করা; পেষা): The peppercorn is ground to a five powder. 

Chili / ˈtʃɪli /(ˈচিলি) n {UK chilli; USA chili pepper} [the small green or red fruit of a type of pepper plant that is used in cooking to give a hot taste to food, often dried or made into a powder] (মরিচ): Chili especially red one is high in vitamins and minerals. 

hot, hot taste

Ø Hot / hɑːt / (হাঃট্‌) adj [describes food which causes a burning feeling in the mouth] (ঝাল): You can make a curry hotter simply by adding chilies. Hot spicy food

Ø Powder / ˈpaʊdər / (ˈপার্‌) n [a dry mass of very small fine pieces or grains] (গুঁড়া; চূর্ণ): You will get more flavor from the spices if you grind them into a powder. Chili powder 

Green Chili
Green chili / ɡriːn ˈtʃɪli / (গ্রীন্‌ ˈচিলি) n {USA green chili pepper} [the small green fruit of a type of chili plant that is used in cooking or salad to give a hot taste to food] (কাঁচা মরিচ)

Capsicum / ˈkæpsɪkəm / (ˈক্যাপছিকম্‌) n {also known as bell peppers in USA or just peppers in the UK} [a type of plant which has hollow fruits. Some types of these are eaten as spices and food vegetables, either raw or cooked, for example, sweet peppers or chilies] (লঙ্কা/কাঁচা লঙ্কা):

Ø Hollow / ˈhɑːloʊ / (ˈহাঃলৌ) adj [having a hole or empty space inside] (ফাঁপা): The tree trunk was hollow inside.

Peppercorn / ˈpepərkɔːrn / (ˈপেপর্কোর্ন্‌) n [a small dried berry from a tropical plant, which looks like a seed and is crushed to produce pepper] (গোলমরিচ):

Ø Berry / ˈberi / (ˈবেরি) n {Plu. berries} [a small fruit that grows on a bush. There are several types of berries, some of which can be eaten] (ক্ষুদ্র রসালো ফল): blackberries/raspberries

black pepper
Black Pepper
Black pepper / blæk ˈpepər / (ব্ল্যাকˈপেপ) n {Also pepper} [a black powder made from whole dried berries (called peppercorn), used to give a hot spicy flavor to food] (গোল মরিচের গুড়া): salt and freshly ground black pepper

Paprika / pəˈpriːkə / (ˈপ্‌রীক) n [a red powder made from chili pepper, used as a spice to give a hot taste to food] (শুকনা মরিচের গুঁড়া):

bay leaf
Bay Leaf
Bay leaf / ˈbeɪ liːf / (ˈবে লীফ্‌) n [bay leaf refers to the aromatic leaves of several used in cooking as spice] (তেজপাতা):

Ø Aromatic / ˌærəˈmætɪk / (ˌএ্যারˈম্যাটিক) adj {<SYN> Fragrant} [having a pleasant (মনোরম) smell] (সুগন্ধী; সুরভিত): aromatic oils/herbs.

<NOUN> Aroma / əˈroʊmə / (ˈরৌম) n [a pleasant, noticeable smell] (সুগন্ধ; সৌরভ): A delicious aroma is coming from the kitchen. The aroma of freshly baked bread.

Cumin Seed
Cumin Seed / ˈkʌmɪn siːd / (ˈকামিন্‌ ছীড্‌) n [the dried seeds of the cumin plant, used in cooking as a spice, especially ground and used in curry powder] (জিরা): Cumin should not be bought ready-powder, but prefer to buy the seeds whole.

Ø Curry / ˈkɜːri / (ˈকা্‌রি) n [a dish, originally from South Asia, consisting of meat or vegetables, etc. cooked with hot spices or a spicy sauce, often served with boiled rice] (তরকারি বা ঝোল): venison carry.

<VERB> Curry / ˈkɜːri / (ˈকা্‌রি) v {Pt. Pp. curried / ˈkɜːrid / (ˈকা্‌রিড্‌)} [to make curry out of meat or vegetables] (তরকারি রান্না করা): Let’s curry the leftover meat.

Star Anise, গুয়ামৌরি
Star Anise
Star Anise / ˌstɑːr ˈænəs / (স্টাঃর্‌ অ্যানস্‌) n [a small star-shaped fruit with one seed in each arm, it has an aniseed flavor and is used unripe in Asian cooking] (গুয়ামৌরি): Star anise is usually available in Chinese supermarkets. 

black cumin
Black cumin
Black cumin / blæk ˈkʌmɪn / (ব্ল্যাক কামিন) n {Also nigella sativa[black cumin refer to the seeds of either of two quite different plants, both of which are used as spices] (কালোজিরা):

Coriander Seed
Coriander Seed / ˌkɔːriˈndər siːd / (ˌকোরিˈএ্যান্ডর ছীড্‌) n {USA cilantro} [it is a small annual plant, all parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are used in cooking as a spice] (ধনিয়া): Coriander is best lightly roasted before use, and then finely (মিহিকরে) ground in a Grinder Stone.

roast, roast spices

Ø Roast / roʊst / (রৌস্ট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. roasted / roʊstɪd / (রৌস্টিড্‌)} [to heat nuts, beans, etc. in order to dry them and turn them brown; to be heated in this way] (তাপ দেওয়া; সেঁকা): roasted spices  

Cardamom / ˈkɑːrdəməm / (ˈকাঃর্ড) n [a South Asian plant, the dried seeds of which used in cooking as a spice or herb] (এলাচ): Add two teaspoonful of ground cardamom.

Ø Herb / hɜːrb / (হা্‌র্ব্‌) n [a plant whose leaves, flowers, or seeds are used in cooking to give flavor to particular dishes, or which are used in making medicine of disease] (ভেষজ; ঔষধি): The Shop sells a large range of herbs and spices.

Clove / kloʊv / (ক্লৌভ্‌) n [the clove tree is an evergreen tropical tree, that grows up to 8—12 meters tall, with large leaves and flowers grouped in terminal clusters, the dried flower of this tree, used in cooking as a spice, to give flavor to sweetmeat or hot food] (লবঙ্গ):

Ø Evergreen / ˈevərgriːn / (ˈএভর্‌গ্রীন্‌) n [describes a tree or bush that has green leaves all through the year] (চির সবুজ<বৃক্ষ>):

Ø Cluster / ˈklʌstər / (ˈক্লাছট) n [a group of similar things of the same type that are close together or appear close together] (গুচ্ছ; স্তবক): The plant bears its flower in clusters.

mustard seed
Mustard Seed
Mustard seed / ˈmʌstərdsiːd / (ˈমাস্টর্ড ছীড্‌) n [mustard seed in the small round seeds of various mustard plants are usually about 1 or 2mm in diameter, it may be colored from yellowish white to black. They are important herbs that are crushed to make mustard oil is used in cooking as an ingredient] (সরিষা):

Cinnamon / ˈsɪnəmən / (ˈছিন) n [the hard outer bark of a tropical tree or a powder made from this, used in cooking as a spice, especially to give extra flavor or particular taste of sweet food] (ডালচিনি; দারুচিনি): Cinnamon is principally employed in cooking as a flavor material. 

1. Bark

Ø Bark / bɑːrk / (বাঃর্ক্‌) n 1. [the outer covering of a tree] (<গাছের>ছাল বা বাকল): The bark peels off in summer.

bark, bark dog
2. Bark

2Bark / bɑːrk / (বাঃর্ক্‌) n [a short, loud, rough noise that a dog and some other animals make] (<কুকুর বা শিয়ালের ডাক> ঘেউ ঘেউ; হুক্কাহুয়া): The dog gave a loud bark.

Poppyseed / ˈpɑːpisiːd / (ˈপাঃপি ছীড্‌) n [poppy seed is an oilseed obtained from the poppy plant. The tiny kidney-shaped seeds have been harvested from dried seed pods. The seeds are used whole or ground, as an ingredient in many foods] (পোস্ত <দানা>):

Ø Obtain / əbˈteɪn / (ˈটেন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. obtained / əbˈteɪnd / (ˈটেন্ড্‌)} [to get Sth, especially by making an effort] (পাওয়া; অর্জন বা সংগ্রহ করা): to obtain permission

Ø Harvest / ˈhɑːrvɪst / (ˈহাঃর্ভিস্ট্‌) n [the time of year when crops are cut and collected from the fields, or the activity of cutting and collecting them, or the crops which are cut and collected] (ফসল কাটা ও ঘরে তোলার কাজ বা এই কাজের সময়, ঘড়ে তোলা ফসল ইত্যাদে): Farmers are extremely busy during the harvest. The grain/potato/grape harvest

<VERB> Harvest / ˈhɑːrvɪst / (ˈহাঃর্ভিস্ট্‌) v [to cut and gather a crop; to catch several animals or fish to eat] (ফসল কাটা বা ফসল তোলা): Winter wheat is harvested in late July and early August.

Ø Ingredient / ɪnˈgriːdiənt / (ˈগ্রীডিন্ট্‌) n [one of the things from which Sth is made, especially one of the foods that are used together to create a particular dish] (উপাদান; উপকরণ): The list of ingredients included 250g of almonds. 

Dill / dɪl / (ডিল্‌) n [a plant with yellow flowers whose thin, feathery leaves are used as a herb or spice for flavoring food] (<খাদ্য সুগন্ধি করার জন্য ব্যবহৃত একপ্রকার লতা> শুলফা): 1 Tsp. fresh dill, chopped

Ø Feathery / ˈfeðəri / (ˈফেদরি) adj [soft or delicate; like feathers] (পালকতুল‍্য হালকা ও নরম): feathery leaves/foliage

Ø tsp {written abbreviation for} [teaspoonful] (এক চা চামুচ): Add one tsp each of ground cumin and ground coriander.

Oregano / ɔːˈreɡənoʊ / (ওরেগনৌ) n [a herb whose dried leaves are used in cooking to add flavour] (জংলী মরুয়া বা বন্য মারজোরাম):

Rosemary / ˈroʊzmeri / (রৌজ্‌মেরি) n [a bush widely cultivated for its fragrant grey-green needlelike leaves used in cooking and in perfumery] (রোজমেরি বা সমুশিশির):  

Vinegar / ˈvɪnɪgər / (ˈভিনিগর্‌) n [a sharp-tasting liquid, made especially from sour wine, malt, or cider, which is used to add flavor to food or to preserve it] (সিরকা): onions pickled in vinegar

Ø Sharp / ʃɑːrp / (শাঃর্প্‌) adj [strong and slightly bitter] (<স্বাদ সম্বন্ধে>তীক্ষ্ণ/কড়া): Lemons have a sharp taste.

Ø Sour / saʊr / (ছার্‌) adj [having a sharp, sometimes unpleasant taste or smell, like a lemon, and not sweet] (টক): These plums are a bit sour.

Rosewater, গোলাপজল
Rosewater / ˈraʊzwɑːtər / (ˈরৌজ্‌ওআঃটর্‌) n [a liquid with a pleasant smell made from roses used on the skin as a perfume or in cooking] (গোলাপজল):  

Yeast / jiːst / (ঈস্ট্‌) n [a type of fungus which is used in making alcoholic drinks such as beer and wine, and for making bread swell and become light] (ঈস্ট): yeast extract

Sago / ˈseɪgoʊ / (ˈছেগৌ) n [small hard white grains that are obtained from the soft inside of a type of palm tree, often cooked with milk to make a dessert] (সাগু; সাগুদানা): sago pudding

Ø Dessert / dɪˈzɜːrt / (ডিˈজা্‌র্ট্‌) n [sweet food is eaten at the end of a meal] (<ভোজের শেষ পদরূপে পরিপেশিত>মিষ্টান্ন ইত্যাদি; ফলাহার): We had mousse for dessert.   

Ajwain / ˈædʒwɒn /(ˈএ্যাজওয়া) n [ajwain is an annual herb plant, both the leaves and the fruit pods of the plant are consumed by humans, the small fruit pods are pale and have an ovashape. It has a bitter and pungent taste] (জোয়ান): it is a common sight in India to see mothers and grandmothers handing out ajwain to family members who have an upset stomach.

Ø Pod / pɑːd / (পাঃড্‌) n [a long thin case filled with seeds that develop from the flowers of some plants, especially peas and beans] (<মটরশুটি, শিম ইত্যাদির লম্বা>বীজাধার; শুঁটি; খোসা): a pea/vanilla pod

Ø Consume / kənˈsuːm / (ন্‌ˈছূম্‌) v {Pt. Pp. consumed / kənˈsuːmd / (ন্‌ˈছূমড্‌)} [to eat or drink, especially a lot of something] (আহার বা ভোগ করা): Red meat should be consumed in moderation.

Ø Bitter / ˈbɪtər / (ˈবিটর্‌) adj [(of food) having a strong, unpleasant sharp<কড়া> taste; not sweet] (তিতা; তিক্ত; কটু): a bitter flavor 

Ø Pungent / ˈpʌndʒənt / (ˈপান্‌জ্‌ন্‌ট্‌) adj [having a strong taste or smell] (তীব্র ঝাঁঝালো গন্ধ): the pungent smell of burning rubber.

Ø <PHR> Hand Sth out <to Sb> [=to give several things to the members of a group] (বিতরণ করা): Could you hand these books out, please?
      <SYN> Distribute 

Ø Upset / ʌpˈset / (আপˈছেট) v [=to make Sb feel sick after they have eaten or drunk Sth] (<পেট> গোলমাল বা খারাপ করা): He cannot take milk – they upset his stomach. Upset stomach (=পেট খারাপ).

sesame seed
Sesame seed
Sesame seed / ˈsesəmi siːd / (ˈছেছমি ছীড) n [sesame is an herb flowering plant, grown for its small oval seeds and its oil] (তিল): Sesame seed has one of the highest oil content of any seed, some variety exceeding 50 percent oil content compared to Soybean’s 20 percent.

Ø Sesame / ˈsesəmi / (ˈছেছমি) n [a tropical plant grown for its small oval seeds and its herbal oil, which are used in cooking] (তিল গাছ): Sesame oil. 

Turmeric / ˈtɜːrmərɪk / (ˈটাঃর্মরিক) n [a yellow powder made from the root of a Turmeric plant, used in cooking as a spice, especially in curry] (হলুদ): in the Indian subcontinent, turmeric has been used as a remedy for stomach and liver ailments as well as topically to heal sores.

Ø Remedy / ˈremədi / (ˈরেমডি) n {~ for Sth} [a treatment or medicine to cure a disease or reduce the pain that is not very serious] (প্রতিষেধক): an excellent home remedy for sore throats (=গলা বসা).

Ø Ailment / ˈeɪlmənt / (ˈলমন্‌ট্‌) n [an illness that is not very serious] (পীড়া; অসুস্থতা): Common ailment.
    <SYN> Illness

Ø Topically / ˈtɑːpɪkli / (ˈট্রা্‌পেক্‌লি) adv (=সাময়িকভাবে)

 Nutmeg / ˈnʌtmeg /(ˈনাটমেগ) n [the hard seed of a tropical tree or brown powder made from this and used in cooking as a spice, especially to give flavor to cakes and sauces] (জায়ফল; জয়িত্রী): Nutmeg is usually used in powdered form.

Walnut / ˈwɔːlnʌt / (ˈয়ালনাট) n [a nut with a slightly bitter taste and a series of folds with a rough surface in it and a hard round shell or the walnut tree produces these nuts] (আখরোট):

Ø Shell / ʃel / (শেল্‌) n [the hard outer covering of eggs, nuts, some seeds, and some sea animals] (খোলা; খোসা): the shell of a snail/walnut/crab

Raisin / ˈreɪzɪn / (ˈরেজি্‌ন্‌) n [a raisin is a dried grape. Raisins are produced in many regions of the world and may be eaten raw or used in cooking, baking, or as a spice in cakes, sweets, etc.] (কিশমিশ):

Saffron / ˈsæfrən / (ˈছ্যাফ্‌র) n [a bright yellow substance obtained from a crocus flower, used in cooking as a spice to give special color and nice flavor to food] (জাফ্‌রান): Saffron contributes a luminous yellow-orange coloring to foods.

Ø Crocus / ˈkroʊkəs/ (ˈক্রৌকছ্‌) n [a small cup-shaped yellow, purple or white flower that appears in early spring, the spice saffron is obtained from the stigmas of crocus plant]( প্রথম বসন্তে জন্মানো রঙ্গিণ ফুলের গাছ বিশেষ):

Ø Contribute / kənˈtrɪjuːt / (ˈট্রিব্যি) v [to be one of the causes of Sth] (<কোনোকিছু> ঘটতে সাহায্য করা): Medical negligence was said to have contributed to his death.

Ø Luminous / ˈluːmɪnəs / (ˈলূমিনছ্‌) adj [very bright in color] (আলোকোজ্জ্বল; উজ্জ্বল): They painted the gate a luminous red.
      <SYN> Vibrant 

Peanut / ˈpiːnʌt /(ˈপীনাট্‌) n [ the peanut or groundnut is a plant seed that grows underground in pairs inside with a thin brown pod] (চিনাবাদাম): Peanuts are a favorite food, whether eaten alone as a snack food or mixed into candy, cookies, pies, and other bakery products.

Pistachio / pɪstæʃiʊ / (পিˈছট্যাশিও) n [pistachio is a desert plant and is highly saline tolerant, its fruit with a hard shell which contains a green seed that is eaten as a spice] (পেস্তা):

Cashew / ˈkæʃuː / (ˈক্যাশূ) n [the cashew tree is a tropical evergreen tree that produces a small curved nut, it can grow as high as 15 meters, its nut is served as a snack or used in recipes, like other nuts] (কাজু বাদাম):

Ø Recipe / ˈresəpi / (ˈরেছপি) n [a set of instructions telling you how to prepare and cook Sth and the ingredients, including a list of what food is needed for this] (<রান্নাবান্নার>প্রস্তুত প্রণালী): For real South Asian food, just follow these recipes.

Almond / ˈɑːmənd / (ˈআঃমন্‌ড্‌) n [the flat pale sweet nut of the almond tree used in cooking and to make oil] (খুবানি; কাঠবাদাম): The almond nut is eaten on toast.

Aniseed / ˈænəsiːd / (ˈএ্যানছীড) n [the dried seeds of the anise plant, used to give extra flavor to alcoholic drinks and sweet foods, candy, and herbal medicine, and also used as a spice in cooking] (মৌরি):

fennel seeds
Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds / ˈfenl siːds / (ˈফেন্‌ল্‌ ছীডছ্‌) n [a plant with a thick rounded stem with a strong taste, it is a highly aromatic and flavorful herb and its small pale leaves are also cooked as a side spice] (রাঁধুনি):

Fenugreek / ˈfenjʊgriːk / (ফেনুগ্রীক্‌) n [a plant with hard yellow-brown seeds that are used in South Asian cooking as a spice] (মেথি):

Liquorice / ˈlɪkərɪʃ / (ˈলিকরিশ্‌) n {US licorice} [a firm black substance with a strong flavor, obtained from the root of a plant, used in medicine and to make sweets/candy; a sweet/candy made from this substance] (যষ্টিমধু):

Sugar / ˈʃʊgər / (ˈশুগর্‌) n [a sweet substance, often in the form of white or brown crystals, especially from the plant's sugar cane and sugar beet, used to make food and drinks sweet] (চিনি; শর্করা): This juice contains no added sugar.   

Salt / sɔːlt / (ছোল্‌ট্‌) n [a white substance that is added to food to give it a better flavor or to preserve it, salt is obtained from mines and is also found in seawater. It is sometimes called common salt to distinguish it from other chemical salts] (লবন): Can you pass the salt cup, please?

five spices
Five-spice / ˈfaɪv - spaɪsɪz / (ˈফাভ্‌-স্পািজ্‌) n [five spices consists of fenugreek seed, nigella seeds, cumin seed, black mustard seed, and fennel seed] (পাঁচফোড়ন; পাঁচ মসলা): In Chinese food, five-spice is widely used to season meats or vegetables.

   <SYN> Five seasoning spices

All Spices Name Meaning & Image

Noted From Oxford & Cambridge Dictionary, Google Image

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