Monday, September 7, 2015

Flowers Name | English Meaning & Image | Flowers Vocabulary | Necessary Vocabulary

flowers name, name of flowers, flowers

Flower / ˈflaʊər / (ˈফ্লাউ) n [the colored part of a plant from which the seed or fruit develops, and with a pleasant smell, Flowers usually at the end of a stem and last only a short time] (ফুল; কুসুম; পুষ্প): What time of year does daffodil flowers? The alleys were adorned with banks of flowers. I sent her flowers to apologize. A bouquet flower

Flower Related Necessary Vocabulary Note

Ø Pleasant / ˈpleznt / (ˈপ্লেজ্‌ন্‌ট্‌) n [enjoyable, attractive, friendly, or easy to like](সুখাবহ; মাধুরী; মনোরম; মনোজ্ঞ): What a pleasant surprise!

Ø Stem / stem / (স্টেম্‌) n [the main long, thin part of a plant above the ground from which the leaves or flowers grow; a smaller part that grows from this and supports flowers or leaves] (বৃক্ষের কাণ্ড;  বোঁটা; ডাঁটা): long, trailing stems of ivy.

alley, tree alley
Ø Alley / ˈæli / (ˈঅ্যালি) n [a narrow road or path between buildings, or a path in a park or garden, especially with trees or bushes on both sides](বাগান বা পার্কের ভিতর বেড়ানোর জন্য সরু পথ; বীথিকা; কুঞ্জপথ): I walked back along a side alley.

Ø Adorn / əˈdɔːrn / (ˈডোর্ন) v [to make Sth/Sb look more attractive by decorating it or them with Sth] (শ্রীমণ্ডিত/ অলঙ্কৃত করা; অলঙ্কার পরা): Graffiti adorned the walls. The children adorned themselves with flowers

bouquet, flowers bouquet
Ø Bouquet / buˈkeɪ / (বুˈকে) n [a bunch of flowers which have been fastened together or arranged in an attractive way so that it can be carried in a ceremony or presented as a gift] (ফুলের তোড়া; কুসুমস্তবক): He will be received a bouquet of white roses on Eid day.
garland, flower garland

Ø Garland / ˈgɑːrlənd / (ˈগাঃর্লনড) n [a circle of flowers and leaves that is worn on the head or around the neck or is hung in a room as decoration] ( <ফুল বা পাতার> মালা; বিজয়মাল্য; আবলি): The office will be decked with garlands for the party.

Ø String of beads / strɪŋ əv biːdz / (স্ট্রিঙ্‌ ভ বীডজ্‌) n {Also beads} [bead is usually threaded together on a string with a lot of others to make jewelry] (পুঁতির মালা):

flowers parts, Name of Flowers Parts
Name of Flowers Parts

Ø Sepal / ˈsepl / (ˈছেপ্‌ল্‌) n [one of the parts of a flower, like a leaf, that lies under and supports the petals, which surrounds the petals and are usually small and green] (ফুলের বৃতির অংশবিশেষ; বৃত্যংশ):

petal, flower petal
Ø Petal / ˈpetl / (ˈপেট্‌ল্‌) n [a brightly colored part of a flower, The head of a flower is usually made up of several petals around a central part] (পাপড়ি; দল): Rose petal

Ø Filament / ˈfɪləmənt / (ˈফিলন্‌ট্‌) n [a long, thin thread or fiber of natural or artificial material] (খুব সরু সুতার ন্যায় জিনিস; সূত্র): Toothbrushes should be replaced when the filaments become worn out.

Ø Anther / ˈænθər / (ˈএ্যানথ) n [the part of a flower at the top of a stamen that produces pollen] (পরাগ-কোষ; পরাগধানী):

Ø Stamen / ˈsteɪmən / (ˈস্টেন্‌) n [a small, thin male reproductive part of a flower, that produces pollen, and consisting of a thin stem which holds an another] (পুংকেশর): The center of each flower usually has several stamens.

Ø Stigma / ˈstɪgmə / (ˈস্টিগ্‌ম) n [the top of the central female part of a flower, where pollen is received](গর্ভমুণ্ড):

Ø Style / staɪl / (স্টা) n [(in a plant) the long, thin middle part of a flower that connects the ovary to the stigma] (<উদ্ভিদ> গর্ভদন্ড):

Ø Ovary / ˈoʊvəri / (ˈরি) n [the part of any plant that produces eggs or seeds] (উদ্ভিদের বীজকোষ):

Ø Pistil / ˈpɪstɪl / (ˈপিছটিল) n [(biology) the female organs of a flower, that receive the pollen and produce seeds] (ফুলের বীজ উৎপাদনক্ষম অংশ):

rose flower, rose
Rose / roʊz / (রৌজ) n [a flower with a sweet smell that grows on a bush with thorns on its stems] ( গোলাপ): He sent her a bunch of black roses. Rose is the National flower of the USA; Iran; Iraq; Czech Republic; Cyprus; Ecuador; Luxembourg; Slovakia; Botswana; Burkina Faso. Pink Rose is the National flower of Maldives. Dog Rose is the National flower of Romania. Tudor Rose is the National flower of England, it is a red rose laid atop a white one

Ø Thorn / θɔːrn / (থোর্ন) n [a small shape pointed part on the stem of some plants]( কাঁটা; কণ্টক):

Ø Lay / leɪ / (লে) v {Pt. Pp. Laid}[to spread Sth on Sth; to cover Sth with a layer of Sth] (<কোনোকিছু> স্থাপন করা; বিছানো): The grapes were laid to dry on rocks

Ø Atop / əˈtɑːp / (ˈটাঃপ) pre [on top of; at the top of] (উপরে): Coca-cola is atop the list of best-selling soft drinks in Rangpur.

lily flower, lily
Lily / ˈlɪli / (ˈলিলি) n [a large white or a brightly colored flower with petals that curl back from the center, There are many types of lily] (কমল; লিলি; পদ্ম): Lily is the National flower of Kazakhstan.

Ø Curl / kɜːrl / (কা্‌র্ল) n [a thing that forms a curved or round shape] (বাঁক; পাক; কোঁকড়ানো): Decorate the cake with curls of chocolate.

    <VERB>  [to make something into the shape of a curl, or to grow or change into this shape] (কুঞ্চিত করা;  কোঁকড়ানো): The honeysuckle curled around the trunk of the apple tree.

     <ADJ> Curly / ˈkɜːrli / (ˈকা্‌র্লি) adj [having a lot of curls or a curved shape](কুঞ্চিত; কোঁকড়ানো <চুল> ): A dog with a curly tail. Curly cabbage leaves.

water lily flower, water lily
Water Lily
Water Lily / ˈwɔːtər ˈlɪli / (ˈওয়োটˈলিলি) n [a plant that floats on the surface of the freshwater, its stalks arise from thick, fleshy, creeping underwater stems that are buried in mud. The showy, fragrant, solitary flowers are borne at or above the water surface on long stalks that are attached to the underground stems] (শাপলা; শালুক): White Water Lily is the national flower of Bangladesh. Blue Water Lily is the National flower of Sri Lanka.

Ø Float / floʊt / (ফ্লৌট্‌) v [to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink or in the air] (ভাসা; ভেসে থাকা; ভাসানো): The boats were floating gently down the river.
   <SYN> Drift

Ø Stalk / stɔːk / (স্টোক) n [the narrow stem that joins leaves, flowers, or fruit to the main stem of a plant](বৃন্ত; পুষ্পবৃন্ত; ফলবৃন্ত; পত্রবৃন্ত ): She trimmed the stalk of the tulips before putting them in a vase. Flowers on long stalks

Ø Arise / əˈraɪz / (ˈরাইজ্‌) v [to begin to exist or develop](দেখা দেওয়া; আবির্ভূত হওয়া):

Ø Bury / ˈberi / (ˈবেরি) v {Pt. Pp. Buried}[to cover Sb/Sth with soil, rocks, leaves, etc.](কবর দেওয়া; পুতে ফেলা; মাটি চাপা দেওয়া): The house was buried under ten feet of snow.

Ø Showy / ˈʃoʊi / (ˈশৌঈ) adj [attracting a lot of attention by being very colorful or bright] (আকর্ষণীয়; মনোমুগ্ধকর; নয়নাভিরাম): Showy flowers

Ø Fragrant / ˈfreɪgrənt / (ˈফ্রেগ্রন্‌ট্‌) adj [having a pleasant smell](সুগন্ধ; সুরভি; সুবাস): fragrant herbs/flowers/oils.

Ø Solitary / ˈsɑːləteri / (ˈছাঃলটেরি) adj [(of a person, thing or place) alone, with no other people or things around] (একাকী; একমাত্র): A solitary light burned dimly in the hall.
     <SYN> Single

arum lily flower, arum lily
Arum Lily
Arum Lily / ˈerəmlɪli / (ˈএরম্‌ লিলি) n [arum lily is a species in the family of Araceae, native to Africa. It is a perennial evergreen plant. Its preferred habitat is in streams and ponds or on the banks. It grows to 0.6-1m tall, with large clumps of broad, arrow-shaped glossy dark green leaves up to 45 cm long. It unusual, pure white hood­-shaped flowers that are up to 10-15cm long are produced from late spring to midsummer and a yellow spadix up to 90mm long] (শ্বেতপদ্ম):

     <SYN> Calla Lily [Calla Lily is the national flower of Ethiopia]

Ø Species /ˈspiːʃiːz / (ˈস্পীশীজ্‌) n [a group in which animals, plants, etc. that are able to breed with each other and produce healthy young are divided, smaller than a genius and identified by a Latin name] (প্রজাতি): a rare species of beetle.

Ø Perennial / pəˈreniəl / (ˈরেনি) adj [(of plants) living for two years or more](<উদ্ভিদ সম্বন্ধে> দুইবছরের বেশি জীবৎকালীন):

Ø Evergreen / ˈevərgriːn / (ˈএভ্‌রগ্রীন্‌) n [a tree, plant, or bush that has green leaves all through the year] (চিরসবুজ <বৃক্ষ>):

Ø Prefer / prɪˈfɜːr / (প্রিˈফা্‌র) v [to like, choose or want one thing rather than another] (অধিকতর পছন্দ করা; শ্রেয় মনে করা): I prefer death to dishonor.

Ø Habitat / ˈhæbɪtæt / (ˈহ্যাবিট্যাট্‌) n [the natural environment where a particular type of animal or plant in normally lives] (<উদ্ভিদ, জীবজন্তু সম্বন্ধে> স্বাভাবিক বিচরণ বা লালনক্ষেত্র; আবাসভুমি): The panda’s natural habitat is the bamboo forest.

Ø Clump / klʌmp / (ক্লাম্প) n [a small group of things, especially trees or plants] (<গাছ পালার> ঝাড় বা গুচ্ছ): a clump of daffodil/plants

Ø Glossy / ˈglɑːsi / (ˈগ্লাঃছি) adj [smooth and shiny](মসৃণ ও উজ্জ্বল): A dog with a glossy coat

Ø Spadix / ˈspeɪdɪks / (ˈস্পেডিক্‌ছ্‌) n [a reproductive organ of some genus of plants](মঞ্জুরী):

white ginger lily flower, white finger lily
White Ginger Lily
White Ginger Lily / waɪt ˈdʒɪndʒər ˈlɪli / (ওআˈজিনজˈলিলি) {Also White garland-lily[it grows all over the world in humid tropical places, smells heavenly and can be invasive. Women used to adorn themselves with these flower garlands] (দোলনচাঁপা): White Ginger Lily is the National flower of Cuba.

Ø Humid / ˈhjuːmɪd / (ˈহিউমিড্‌) adj [(of air and weather conditions) warm and damp] (আর্দ্র; সেঁতসেঁত; জলো): These ferns grow best in a humid atmosphere.

Ø Tropical / ˈtrɑːpɪkl / (ˈট্রাঃপিক্‌ল্‌) adj [from or relating to the area between the two tropics](গ্রীষ্মমন্ডলীয়): Leprosy is one of the few tropical diseases which could be eradicated early in the 21st century.

Ø Heavenly / ˈhevnli / (ˈহেভ্‌ন্‌লি) adj [giving great pleasure or very pleasant] (অত্যন্ত তৃপ্তিকর; স্বর্গীয়): A heavenly feeling

Ø Invasive / ɪnˈveɪsɪv / (ˈভেছিভ্‌) adj [spreading very quickly and difficult to stop] (অধিক্রামক): an invasive disease

lily of the nile flower, lily of the nile
Lily of the Nile
Lily of the Nile / ˈlɪli əv ðə naɪl / (ˈলিলি ভ্‌ দনা) {Also African lily}
[it is a genus of perennial flowering plants originating from South Africa, that mostly blooms in summer. The leaves are curved and linear, and up to 60cm long. They are arranged in two rows. They have funneled-shaped flowers, in hues of blue to purple, shading to white] (নীল কমল):

Ø Genus / ˈdʒiːnəs / (ˈজী্‌ন) n [a group of animals or plants, which have similar characteristics are divided, smaller than a family and larger than a species] (<প্রাণী বা উদ্ভিদের> প্রকার, জাত বা ধরণ):

Ø Originate / əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt / (ˈরিজি্‌নে) v [to happen or appear for the first time in a particular place or situation] (কোনোকিছু থেকে শুরু হওয়া; কারো থেকে শুরু হওয়া): The game is thought to have originated among the native peoples of Alaska.

Ø Bloom / bluːm / (ব্লূম) v [to produce flowers](ফুল ধরা বা ফোটা): These flowers will bloom all through the summer.
     <SYN> Flower

Ø Curve / kɜːrv / (কা্‌র্ভ্‌) n [a line or surface that bends gradually and has no straight parts](বাঁক; বক্রতা): The driver lost control on a curve and the vehicle hit a tree.

<VERB> Curve / kɜːrv / (কা্‌র্ভ্‌) v [to form a curve or move in the shape of a curve](বেঁকে যাওয়া; বাঁক নেওয়া): Her lips curved in a smile.

Ø Linear / ˈlɪniər / (ˈলিনি) adj [of or in lines](রেখা সংক্রান্ত): a linear diagram

Ø <IDM> Up to Sth [as far as a particular number, level, etc.](পর্যন্ত; অবধি): I can take up to four people(=but no more than four) in my car.

Ø Arrange/ əˈreɪndʒ / (ˈরেন্‌জ্‌) v [to put Sth in a particular order; to make Sth neat or attractive](সাজিয়ে রাখা; গোছানো): The books are arranged alphabetically by me.

Ø Funnel / ˈfʌnl / (ˈফান্‌ল্‌) n [a device that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, used for pouring liquids or powders into a containers with narrow necks] (<বোতল ইত্যাদির মধ্যে তরল বা গুঁড়া পদার্থ ঢালার জন্যে> চুঙ্গি বা কুপি):

Ø Hue / hjuː / (হিউ) n [a color; a particular shade of a color](রং, রঙের সূক্ষ্ম তারতম্য): Her face took on an unhealthy whitish hue.

Ø Shade / ʃeɪd / (শে) n [a particular form of a color, that is, how dark or light it is] (রঙের মাত্রা বা গভীরতা): Silk fabrics in several shades of blue.

Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley /ˌlɪli əv ðə ˈvæli / () n [a woodland flowering small plant with oval leaves and sweetly scented, pendent, bell-shaped white flowers borne in sprays in spring. It is native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe, but is considered generally invasive in parts of North America] (কামুদিনী):

Valley / ˈvæli / (ভ্যালি) n [an area of low land between hills or mountains, often with a river flowing through it] (উপত্যকা): the Thames/Hudson valley 

lotus flower, lotus
Lotus / ˈloʊtəs / (ˈলৌট) n [a tropical plant with white or pink flowers that grow on the surface of lakes in Africa and Asia] (পদ্ম; জল পদ্ম): Lotus is the national flower of India and Vietnam.

Hyacinth / ˈhaɪəsɪnθ / (ˈহাইসিনথ্‌) n [a pleasant-smelling plant with a lot of small blue, white or pink flowers that grow close together around one thick stem] (কন্দজাত উদ্ভিদবিশেষ এবং এর সুমিষ্ট গন্ধ ফুল; সুন্মূল):  

water hyacinth, water hyacinth flower
Water Hyacinth
Water Hyacinth / ˈhaɪəsɪnθ / (ˈহাইএছিন্‌থ্‌) {Also common water hyacinth}
[a plant with a mass of small blue, white or pink flowers with a sweet smell that grows closely together around a thick stem] (কচুরিপানা ফুল):
Ø Water hyacinth (কচুরিপানা)

tuberose flower, tuberose
Tuberose / tuːbroʊz / (টূবরৌজ) n [tuberose grows in tall stalks and produces trumpet-like white flowers that bloom after sundown. It is famous for its fragrance that is always described as alluring] (রজনীগন্ধা):

Ø Trumpet / ˈtrʌmpɪt / (ˈট্রাম্‌পিট) n [a brass musical instrument made of a curved metal tube with one narrow end, into which the player blows, and one wide end. Three buttons are pressed in order to change notes](তূরী; ডঙ্কা; ভেঁপু):

Ø Allure / əˈlʊr / (ˈ) n [the quality of being attractive and exciting] (প্রলুব্ধ বা মুগ্ধ করার ক্ষমতা; সম্মোহন): the allure of the big city.

<ADJ> Alluring / əˈlʊrɪŋ / (ˈরিং) adj [attractive and exciting in a mysterious way](মুগ্ধকরী; যাদুকরী): She wore a most alluring dress at Raju’s wedding ceremony.

Chrysanthemum / krɪˈsænθəməm / (ক্রিˈছ্যানথ) {Also Mums or Chrysanths[a large, brightly colored garden flower which is shaped like a ball and made up of many long narrow petals] (চন্দ্রমললিকা):

Dahlia / ˈdæliə / (ˈড্যালি) n [a brightly colored garden flower with long thin petals in a shape like a small football] (ডালিয়া): Dahlia is the national flower of Mexico.

Jasmine / ˈdʒæzmɪn / (ˈজ্যাজ্‌মিন) n [a plant with white or yellow flowers with a sweet smell, each flower has about four to nine petals, two. They have two stamens with very short filaments. They are usually very fragrant and sometimes used to make perfume and to flavor tea] (জুঁই): Jasmines are also used to make jasmine tea is consumed in China. Poet’s Jasmine is the national flower of Pakistan. Jasmine is the national flower of Indonesia; Tunisia and Syria.   

Ø Flavor / ˈfleɪvər / (ˈফ্লে) n [how food or drink tastes, or a particular taste itself] (<খাওয়ার সময়> বিশেষ স্বাদ ও গন্ধ): The tomatoes give extra flavor to the sauce.

<SYN> Taste

Spanish Jasmine
Spanish jasmine / ˈspænɪʃ ˈdʒæzmɪn / () n {Also Royal jasmine, Catalan jasmine} [a shrub, Jasminum grandiflorum, of India, having crimson-tinged, fragrant white flowers, grown as an ornamental and for perfume](চামেলী):

Arabian Jasmine
Arabian Jasmine / əˈreɪbɪən ˈdʒæzmɪn / (ˈরেবিন্‌ জ্যাজমিন্‌) n [local to the Indian Subcontinent and is known as Bela. It is an evergreen shrub. The attractive aspect of this plant is its white, small, star-shaped flowers which are fragrant and have a wonderful sweet scent, this woody shrub features oval-shaped green leaves] (বেলী): Arabian Jasmine is the National flower of the Philippines.

Ø Woody / ˈwʊdi / (ˈডি) adj [(of plants) having a thick, hard stem like woody] (<গাছ সম্বন্ধে> পুরু, শক্ত কাঠের মতো ডাটা):

Ø Oval / ˈoʊvl / (ˈওভ্‌ল্‌) n [shaped like an egg] (ডিম্বাকার; উপবৃত্তাকার): an oval mirror

Crape Jasmine 
Crape Jasmine / kreɪp ˈdʒæzmɪn / (ক্রেপ  ˈজ্যাজ্‌মিন) n {Also Pinwheel Flower, East India Rosebay} [an evergreen shrub or small tree native to South Asia, Southeast Asia, and China. In zones where it is not hardy, it is grown as a house or glasshouse plant for its attractive flowers and foliage. The stem exudes a milky latex when broken, whence  the name milk flower.] (টগর বা কাঠ মালতি):

night-blooming jasmine flower, night blooming jasmine
Night-Blooming Jasmine
Night-blooming Jasmine / naɪt-ˈbluːmɪŋ ˈdʒæzmɪn / (নাইট­- ˈব্লূমিং ˈজ্যাজ্‌মিন) n [English name Cestrum Nocturnum, but common names are night-blooming jasmine, Lady of the night, Queen of the night, etc. It is an evergreen woody shrub growing to about 4 meters tall. Its flower is creamy white in color. A bit tubular in shape and the top of the flower has a shape like a star. It has five petals. It blooms in the night] (হাসনাহেনা): About Night-blooming jasmine has a myth, that snakes are lured by the smell of flowers during night time.

Ø Shrub / ʃrʌb / (শ্রাব) n [a large plant that is smaller than a tree with a rounded shape formed from many small branches growing either directly from the ground or from a hard woody stem, grown in gardens](গুল্ম; ঝোপ; ঝিঁকরা; গাছড়া): He planted some tulip and other flowering shrubs.

<SYN> Bush

Ø Cream / kriːm / (ক্রীম) n [a pale yellowish-white color](হালকা পীত বর্ণ):
   <ADJ> Creamy / ˈkriːmi / (ˈক্রীমি) adj [pale yellowish­-white color](ফ্যাকাসে পীত বর্ণ): creamy skin

Ø Tubular / ˈtuːbjələr / (ˈটূউবি) adj [made of tubes or of parts that are shaped like tubes](নলাকার; চোঙ্গাকার): a tubular bridge

Ø Myth / mɪθ / (মিথ্‌) n [story from ancient times, especially one that was told to explain natural events or to describe the early history of a people; this type of story] (কাল্পনিক, পুরাণ কথা; রূপকথা): ancient Greek myths.
     <SYN> Legend

night-flowering jasmine flower
Night-Flowering Jasmine
Night-flowering jasmine / naɪt-ˈflaʊərɪŋ ˈdʒæzmɪn / (নাইট­-ˈফ্লৌরিং ˈজ্যাজ্‌মিন) n [it is a small tree growing to about 10m tall, with flaky gray bark. The leaves are opposite, simple 6-12 cm long. The flowers are fragrant, with a five to eight-lobed white corolla with an orange­-red center; they are produced in clusters of two to seven together, with the individual flowers opening at dusk and finishing at dawn] (শিউলি; শেফালী):

Ø Flaky / ˈfleɪki / (ˈফ্লেকি) adj [coming off easily in small, flat, thin pieces](হালকা পাতলা পরত/ টুকরা যা সহজে খোসে পড়ে): Flaky scalp

Ø Lobe / loʊb / (লৌব্‌) n [any part of an organ which seems to be separate in some way from the rest](<কানের> লতির ন্যায় কোনোকিছুর অংশ):
    <ADJ> Lobed ( লতি যুক্ত)

Ø Corolla / kəˈrɑːlə / (ˈরাঃ) n [(biology) the ring of petals around the central part of a flower](<ফুল> পাপড়ি দ্বারা বেষ্টিত ফুলের মধ্য ভাগ):

Ø Cluster / ˈklʌstər / (ˈক্লাছট) n [a group of similar things of the same type that grow or appear close together](গুচ্ছ; স্তবক): The plant bears its flowers in clusters.

Ø Dusk / dʌsk / (ডাছক) n [the time of day when the light has almost gone, but it is not yet dark](সন্ধ্যার প্রাক্কাল; গোধুলি; আংশিক অন্ধকার): I have been on the go from dawn to dusk.
       <SYN> Twilight

<ADJ> Dusky / ˈdʌski / (ˈডাছকি) adj [not very bright; dark or soft in color](ঈষৎ অন্ধকারাচ্ছন্ন; কৃষ্ণ বর্ণ; ঝাপসা): In autumn the leaves turn a dusky red.

Ø Dawn / dɔːn / (ডোন) n [the time of day when light from the sun begins to first appear in the sky] (উষা; ভোর; প্রত্যুষ; প্রভাত): They start work at dawn.
     <SYN> Daybreak; Sunrise

Orange Jasmine
Orange Jasmine / ˈɔːrɪndʒ ˈdʒæzmɪn / (ˈওরিন্‌জ্‌ ˈজ্যাজ্‌মিন) n {Also Orange Jessamine} [it is a small, tropical, evergreen tree or shrub. The plant flowers throughout the year. Flowers are terminal, few-flowered, dense, and fragrant] (কামিনী):

Ø Flower / ˈflaʊər / (ˈফ্লৌ) v [(of plant or tree) to produce flowers] (ফুল ধরা/ ফোটানো; পুষ্পিত হওয়া): When does this plant flower?

Gardenia / gɑːrˈdiːniə / (গাঃˈডীনি) n {Also Cape jasmine} [it is a shrub with grayish bark and dark green shiny evergreen leaves. The white flowers bloom in spring and summer and are highly fragrant] (গন্ধরাজ): Gardenia can be used as a hedge.

Ø Bark / bɑːrk / (বাঃর্ক) n [the hard outer covering of a tree] (<গাছের> ছাল বা বাকল):

Ø Hedge / hedʒ / (হেজ) n [a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, usually along the edge of a field, garden/yard or road side] (<মাঠ, বাগান ইত্যাদির সীমানা নির্দেশক> ঝোপ/ দীর্ঘতরুর সারি; বেষ্টনী; বেড়া):

Marigold / ˈmærigoʊld / (ˈম্যারিগৌল্‌ড্‌) n [marigold flowers are made up of multiple layers of overlapping petals with petals getting smaller and more reduced towards the flower’s center, similar to that of a Carnation. The blooms may be single or double-colored and can be varied hues of yellow, orange, red, and maroon] (গাঁদা): Marigold flowers are fed to chickens to increase the latent content of eggs. In India garlands made of Marigolds are used to honor the Gods in Hindu ceremonies.

Ø <PHR> Makeup [(~of Sth) the different things, that combine to form Sth; the way in which they combine] (<বিভিন্ন উপাদান দিয়ে> গঠন করা): the makeup of a TV audience.

Ø Multiple / ˈmʌltɪpl / (ˈমালটিপ্‌ল্‌) n [very many of the same type, or of different types](বহু অংশ বা বহুবিধ):

Ø Overlap / ˈoʊvərlæp / (ˈঔভরল্যাপ্‌) n [the amount by which one thing covers another thing](যে অংশ অংশত আবৃত করে; প্রাবরণ): The roof tiles will need an overlap of several centimeters.

Ø Reduce / rɪˈduːs / (রিˈডূছ) v [to make Sth less or smaller in size, amount, degree, importance, etc.](কমানো বা হ্রাস করা):

Ø Maroon / məˈruːn / (ˈরূন) adj [dark brownish-red in color](খয়েরি-লাল বর্ণ):

Ø Latent / ˈleɪtnt / (ˈলেইটন্ট্‌) adj [present but needing particular conditions to become active, obvious or completely developed](সুপ্ত; অদৃশ্য; নিহিত):

china rose, china rose flower
China Rose
China rose / ˈtʃaɪnə roʊz / (ˈচাইন রৌজ) n [it is a bushy, evergreen shrub, with glossy leaves and solitary, brilliant red flowers in summer and autumn. The 5 petal flowers are 10cm in diameter, with prominent orange-tipped red anthers] (জবা): China Rose is the national flower of Malaysia, called Bunga Roya.
     <SYN> Hibiscus

Ø Brilliant / ˈbrɪliənt / (ˈব্রিলিন্‌ট্‌) adj [(of light or colors) very bright] (অতিউজ্জ্বল; দীপ্তিময়): The sky was a brilliant, cloudless blue.

Ø Prominent / ˈprɑːmɪnənt / (ˈপ্রাঃমিনন্‌ট্‌) adj [describes something that is in a position in which it is easily seen] ( সুপ্রত্যক্ষ; সহজলক্ষ্য):

Sunflower / ˈsʌnflaʊər / (ˈছানফ্লৌ) n [it is an annual plant, with a large flower head. The stem of the flower can grow up to 3 meters tall, with a flower head that can be 30cm wide. To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. The outer petal­­­-bearing florets can be yellow, red, orange, or other colors. The florets inside the circular head are called disc florets, which mature into seeds] ( সূর্যমুখী): The Sunflower is the National flower of Ukraine.

Ø Annual / ˈænjuəl / (ˈএ্যানিউএ) n [any plant that grows and dies within one year or season](এক বছর বা এক মৌসুম বেঁচে থাকে এমন উদ্ভিদ; বর্ষজীবী উদ্ভিদ):
    <COMPARE> Biennial

Ø Floret / ˈflɔːrət / (ˈফ্লোর) n [a small part of a vegetable that is shaped like a flower, for example, cauliflower](যৌগ পুস্পের অন্তর্গত ক্ষুদ্র পুষ্প; পুষ্পিকা):

Ø Disc / dɪsk / (ডিছ্‌ক্‌) n [a thin flat round object](চাকতি): She wears an identity disc around his neck.

Spanish Cherry
Spanish Cherry / ˈspænɪʃ ˈtʃeri / (ˈস্প্যানিশ ˈচেরি) {Also Medlar, Bullet wood[it is small, star-shaped, white in color, with a crown rising from the center. In the morning the fragrant flowers, which so graciously scented their surroundings with their deep, rich, fragrance; during the evening hours fall to the ground] (বকুল)
Ø Crown / kraʊn / (ক্রা) n [<shape> anything in the shape of a crown, especially as a decoration](মুকুটের মতো কিছু):

Parrot Tree
Parrot Tree / ˈpærət triː / (ˈপ্যারট ট্রী) {Also Flame of the Forest; Bastard Teak[it is a medium-sized dry season deciduous tree, growing to about 15m tall. Its flowers are 2.5cm long with bright orange-red] (পলাশ):
Ø Deciduous / dɪˈsɪdʒuəs / (ডিˈছিজুছ্‌) adj [(of a tree, bush, etc.) that tree loses its leaves in autumn and grows new ones in the spring](<বিশেষত হেমন্তকালে> পাতা ঝড়ে যায় এমন; পাতুক; পর্ণমোচী):

bombax, bombax flower
Bombax / bɑːmbæks / (াঃম্‌ব্যাক্‌ছ্‌) {Also Silk cotton tree, Red cotton tree[a large dark red/ magenta colored flowers on Bombax/ Silk cotton tree, a flower with five petal blooms during spring, while tree loses all its leaves] (শিমুল): Bombax fibers are used in the pillows.
Ø Magenta / məˈdʒentə / (ˈজেনট) adj [reddish-purple in color](খুন খারাপি রং; টকটকে লাল):

Royal Poinciana
Royal Poinciana / ˈrɔɪəl ˈpɔɪnkɪənə / (ˈরোˈপয়ন্‌কি) {Also Flamboyant[Scientific name ‘Delonix Regia, English name Royal Poinciana is a species of a flowering plant. It is noted for its fern-like leaves and flamboyant display of flowers. The flowers are large, with four spreading scarlet or orange-red petals up to 8cm long, and a fifth upright petal called the standard, which is slightly larger and spotted with yellow and white] (কৃষ্ণচূড়া): In India, it is known as Gulmohar in Hindi. Royal Poinciana is the national flower of Madagascar.  
Ø Note / noʊt / (নৌট্‌) v [to notice or pay careful attention to Sth]( <কোনোকিছুতে> মনোযোগ আকর্ষণ করা):

Ø Flamboyant / flæmˈbɔɪənt / (ফ্ল্যামবইএন্‌ট্‌) adj [brightly colored and noticeable] (উজ্জ্বল বর্ণশোভিত; বিচিত্র; জাঁকালো; বর্ণাঢ্য):

Ø Scarlet / ˈskɑːrlət / (ˈস্কাঃর্ল) adj [bright red in color] (উজ্জ্বল লাল <বর্ণ>; অরুণ<বর্ণ>; শোণ):

champak flower, champak
Champak / tʃæmpək / (চ্যামপ) n [champak tree is a large evergreen flowering tree. It is known for its gorgeous and deeply fragrant flowers in varying shades of cream to yellow-orange and its timber used in woodworking] (চাঁপা):

Ø Gorgeous / ˈgɔːrdʒəs / (ˈগোর্জ্‌) adj [(of colors, clothes, etc.) with very deep colors; impressive](জমকালো; চমৎকার):
    <SYN> Lovely

Ø Timber / ˈtɪmbər / (ˈটিম্‌ব) n [a long, heavy piece of wood that is prepared for use in a building; a house or ship](কাঠ; কাষ্ঠ; বাহাদুরি কাঠ):

Geranium / dʒəˈreɪnɪəm / (ˈরিনিম্‌) n {Also Cranesbills} [geranium makes popular for summer bedding plants in the garden, but they are also commonly grown indoors or outsides in hanging baskets, Its flowers have five petals and are colored white, pink, purple or blue] (বাগানফুল বা উদ্যান তরু বিশেষ):

Jungle Geranium
Jungle geranium / ˈdʒʌŋgl dʒəˈreɪniəm / (ˈজা্‌ঙগ্‌ল্‌ জ্‌ˈরেইনি) {Also Flame of the Woods[It is a dense, multi-branched evergreen shrub. It has a rounded form, with a spread that may exceed its height. The glossy, leathery, oblong leaves are about 4in long, with entire margins, and carried in opposite pairs on the stems. Small tubular, scarlet flowers in dense, rounded clusters 2-5in across are produced almost all year long] (রঙ্গন):

Ø Exceed / ɪkˈsiːd / (ˈছীড্‌) v [to be greater than a particular number or amount](ছাড়িয়ে যাওয়া): His achievement has exceeded all expectations.

Ø Leathery / ˈleðəri / (ˈলেদরি) adj [that looks or feels hard and tough like leather] (চর্মসদৃশ্য; দৃঢ়; চিমড়া): leathery meat/leaves

Oleander / ˌoʊliˈændər / (ˌলিˈএ্যান্‌ড) n {Also Nerium} [oleander tree grows to 2-6m tall with erect stems that splay outward as they mature; the leaves in pairs, thick and leathery, dark-green. The flowers grow in clusters at the end of the branch; they are white, pink to red] (করবী): The Oleander flowers are often, but not always, sweet-scented.

Ø Erect / ɪˈrekt / (ˈরেকট) adj [in a vertical position] (খাড়া; সিধা): Please stand with your arms by your side and your head erect.

<SYN> Straight

Ø Splay / spleɪ / (স্প্লে) v [to make fingers, legs, etc. become further apart from each other or spread out; to be spread out wide apart] (হাত, পা বা কোনোকিছু পরস্পর থেকে ছড়িয়ে দেওয়া): The petals splay out from the middle of the flower.

Ø Outward / ˈaʊtwərd / (ˈট্‌ওর্ড) adj [away from the center or a particular point] (বহির্মুখী; বাইরের দিকে; কেন্দ্র থেকে দূরে): a ship which is outward bound.

Four O’clock
Four O’clock / fɔːr əˈklɑːk / (ফোর ওˈক্লাঃ) {Also Marvel of Peru[the four o’clock flowers usually open from late afternoon onwards and close the next early in the morning, they are trumpet-shaped, about an inch across at the end and about two inches long. The fragrant flowers are borne singly or in clusters and can be red, magenta, pink, yellow, or white, sometimes with more than one color on the same plant] (সন্ধ্যামালতী):

Ø Onwards / ˈɑːnwərdz / (ˈআন্‌ওর্ডজ্‌) adv [continuing from a particular time] (সামনের দিকে): The pool is open from 7 a. m. onwards.

Ø Singly / ˈsɪŋgli / (ˈছিঙগ্‌লি) adv {SYN individually} [one at a time] (এক এক করে): Guests arrived singly or in groups.

poppy flower, poppy
Poppy / ˈpɑːpi / (ˈপাঃপি) {Also Opium poppy or Breadseed poppy}[poppies are biennial or short-lived perennial plants. Its flowers have 4 to 6 petals, the petals are crumpled in the bud and as blooming finishes, and the petals often lie flat before falling away. Its color, is usually red, and has small black seeds] (পপি): Blue poppy is the National flower of Bhutan and the Red poppy is the National flower of Belgium.

Ø Crumple / ˈkrʌmpl / (ˈক্রামপ্‌ল্‌) n [to crush Sth into folds; to become crushed into folds] (কুঞ্চিত করা বা হওয়া; মুড়িসুরি করা):

Ø Bud / bʌd / (বাড) n [a small lump that grows on a plant and from which a flower, leaf or stem develops] (মুকুল; কুঁড়ি; কলি; অঙ্কুর; পল্লব): The tree is in bud already.

Ø <PHR-v> Fall away [to become gradually fewer or smaller; to disappear] (আস্তে আস্তে কমে/ ঝোড়ে যাওয়া): His supporters fell away as his popularity declined.

Bur-flower / ˈbɜːr-ˈflaʊər / (ˈবা্‌র-ˈফ্লাউ) {Also Laran, Kadam[Bur-flower tree is an evergreen, tropical tree native to South and Southeast Asia. It has scented orange flowers in dense globe-shaped pin clusters] (কদম): The bur-flower is used in perfumes. The bur-flower tree is grown as an ornamental plant and for timber and paper-making.

Ø Ornamental / ˌɔːrnəmentl / (ˌওরনমেন্ট্‌ল্‌) adj [used as decoration rather than for a practical purpose] (শোভাবর্ধক):

kans grass flower, kans grass
Kans Grass
Kans Grass / ˈkæns græs / (ˈক্যান্‌ছ্‌ গ্র্যাছ্‌) n [it is a perennial grass, growing up to three meters in height, its ability to quickly colonize in disturbed soil. In Nepal, Kans grass is harvested to thatch roofs or fenced vegetable gardens] (কাশফুল):

Ø Colonize / ˈkɑːlənaɪZ / (ˈকাঃলনাজ্‌) v [(of animals or plants) to live or grow in large numbers in a particular area] (<প্রাণী বা গাছ সম্বন্ধে> কোনো স্থানে ব্যাপক পরিমাণে বেড়ে উঠা): The slopes are colonized by flowering plants. 

Babul / bɑːˈbuːl / (বাঃˈবূল্‌) n {Also Gum arabic tree, Acacia Nilotica, Thorn mimosa} n [Acacia nilotica tree is a thorny shrub or small tree with twice­­-compound leaves. Its yellow or golden-yellow flowers are borne in small, dense globular clusters in the leaf forks] (বাবুল; বাবলা):

Ø Globular / ˈglɑːbjələr / (ˈগ্লাঃবিউল) adj [shaped like a ball](বটিকাকার; গোলাকার):

garlic vine flower, garlic vine
Garlic Vine
Garlic vine / ˈgɑːrlɪk vaɪn / (ˈগাঃর্লিক ভান্‌) n [garlic vine is a species of trumpet-flower that has five petals, small, tiny but a nice one] (পারুল):

Garlic / ˈɡɑːrlɪk / (ˈগাঃর্লিক) n [a plant of the onion family that has a very strong taste and smell, and is used in cooking to give flavor to food] (রসুন): 

hiptage flower, hiptage
Hiptage / hɪpteɪg / (হিপটে) n [Hiptage flowers intermittently during the year, it is a creeper-flower with pink to white color with yellow marks] (মাধবী লতা):

Ø Intermittent / ˌɪntərˈmɪtənt / (ˌনটˈমিটন্‌ট্‌) adj [not happening regularly or continuously; stopping and starting repeatedly or with periods in between] (সবিরাম; থেমে থেমে): A day of intermittent rain storms followed
     <SYN> Sporadic

Rangoon Creeper
Rangoon Creeper / rɑːŋguːn ˈkriːpər / (রাংগূন ˈক্রীপ) {Also Chinese honeysuckle[it is a vine with red flower clusters and is found in Asia. It blooms white at onset and gradually darkens to pink, then finally red as it reaches maturity] (মাধুরীলতা; মধুমালতী; মালতী):

Ø Onset / ˈɑːnset / (ˈআনছেট্‌) n [the moment at that which Sth unpleasant begins](প্রারম্ভ; সূত্রপাত):

Ø Darken / ˈdɑːrkən / (ˈডাঃর্ক) v [to become dark; to make Sth dark] (অন্ধকার করা/হওয়া): The sky began to darken as the storm approached.

Queen’s Crape-Myrtle
Queen’s crape-myrtle / kwiːnz kreɪp­- ˈmɜːrtl / (কুঈন্‌জ ক্রেইপ- ˈমার্টল্‌) n {Also Giant crape-myrtle; pride of India[this is a deciduous tree that is the most outstanding summer bloomers with larger, crinkled flowers. This upright rounded plant is clothed with about 11­-inch-long, dark green, oblong, leathery leaves that turn a handsome red color before falling in winter] (জারুল):

Ø Outstanding / aʊtˈstændɪŋ / (ˈস্ট্যানডিঙ্‌) adj [extremely good; excellent] (সহজে লক্ষণীয়; চমৎকার):
<SYN> Excellent

Ø Crinkle / ˈkrɪŋkl / (ˈক্রিংক্‌ল্‌) n [a very thin fold or line made on paper, cloth or skin] (সামান্য ভাঁজ; কুঞ্চন): There were crinkled at the corner of her eyes when she smiled.

Ø Clothe / kloʊð / (ক্লৌদ্‌) n [to dress Sb] (পোশাক পড়ানো): Climbing plant clothed the courtyard walls.

Ø Handsome / ˈhænsəm / (ˈহ্যানছম্‌) adj [beautiful to look at] (সুন্দর): a handsome flower/horse/town

Screw Pine
Screwpine / skruː paɪn / (স্কূ পা) {Also screw palm[screw pine is male and female. The male flowers have about four inches long spikes; females bear large globes of petal lens flowers. The female plants bear fruits, green at first, then turning yellow] (কেয়া; কেতকী): The screw pine leaves are used for fabric, rope, and thatching.

Ø Spike / spaɪk / (স্পা) n [a long pointed group of flowers that grow together on a single stem] (একই বোঁটায় গজানো লম্বাসূচালো ফুলের গুচ্ছ; সূচ্যগ্র বস্তু):

Ø Thatch / θætʃ / (থ্যাচ) n [dried straw reed, etc. used for making a roof; a roof made of this material] (শুকনা খড়ের চালা):

morning glory flower, morning glory
Morning Glory
Morning glory / ˈmɔːrnɪŋ ˈglɔːri / (ˈমো`র্নিঙ্‌ ˈগ্লোরি) n [it is an annual climber with slender stems, heart-shaped leaves, and trumpet-shaped flowers are pink purple-blue magenta or white. They have a nice shape before they unfold in the sun and have nice tendrils. The flowers unravel into full bloom in the early morning, and usually, start to fade a few hours before the petals start showing visible curling] (মহাশ্বেতা; কলমি লতা):

Ø Climber / ˈklaɪmər / (ˈক্লা) n [(of the plant) a plant which grows up a supporting surface](<লতার সাহায্যে দেয়াল বেয়ে বেড়ে ওঠা>উদ্ভিদ):

Ø Slender / ˈslendər / (ˈস্লেনড) adj [thin or narrow](সরু অথবা পাতলা): a glass with a slender stem

Ø Unfold / ʌnˈfoʊld / (আনˈফৌলড) v [to open or spread out Sth that has been folded](<ভাঁজ করা কোনো কিছু> খোলা বা উন্মোচন করা): If we unfold the table we can fit eight people around it.

Ø Tendril / ˈtendrəl / (ˈটেনড্র) n [a thin curling stem that grows from a climbing plant, that holds on to walls or other plants for support](কোনো কোনো উদ্ভিদের সুতার মতো লতানো অঙ্গ; আঁকশি; আকড়া):

Unravel / ʌnˈrævl / (আনˈর‍্যাভল) v [] (পাক খোলা):

Honeysuckle / ˈhʌnɪsʌkl / (ˈহানিছাক্‌ল্‌) n [there are approximately 200 species of honeysuckle that grow worldwide, is a climbing plant with white, yellow or pink flowers with a sweet smell. Although they are usually found in the temperate zones, it has also been known to grow in the Himalayas and Southern Asia] (মধুমতি):

White Orchid Tree
White orchid-tree / waɪt ˈɔːrkɪd-triː / (ওআ ˈওর্কিড-ট্রী) {Also Snowy orchid-tree[white dwarf orchid tree produce white flowers which look like snowflakes hanging off the branches, As the weather gets cooler it loses a lot of its leaves, only to sprout as the weather warm up. It blooms as long as the weather is warm] (কাঞ্চন; শ্বেত-কাঞ্চন):

Ø Sprout / spraʊt / (স্প্রা) v [(of plants or seeds) to produce new leaves or buds; to start to grow] (নতুন পাতা গজানো; পল্লবিত হওয়া):

Clove Scented Echites
Clove scented echites // (একাটা) n [Common names are Madhu Malati, Malati, etc. Native to India, Malati is a big, woody climber which bears masses of fragrant, white, jasmine-like flowers. In bloom, it carries clusters of small five-petalled white flowers, which possess a spicy aroma. The white petals are pointed and twisted.] (মালতী বা মালতীলতা ফুল):

crown flower
Crown Flower
Crown flower / kraʊn ˈflaʊər / (ক্রান্‌ ˈফ্লৌউয়া) n [this large shrub, that looks like a small plant. It has clusters of waxy flowers which are either white or lavender in color. Each flower consists of five pointed petals and a small, elegant “crown” rising from the center, which holds the stamens. The plant has oval, light green leaves and a milky stem] (আকন্দ):  

zinnia flower, zinnia
Zinnia / zɪnɪə / (জিনি) n [zinnia are annuals, shrubs, and sub-shrubs native to America. Its leaves are usually stalked less, and pale to middle green in color. It comes in an array of colors, multicolors, and hues. It comes as yellow, orange, white, red, rose, pink, purple, lilac and multi­-colored blooms] (জিনিয়া):

Tulip / ˈtuːlɪp / (ˈটূলিপ্‌) n [tulips are spring­-blooming perennials that grow from bulbs. Tulip plants can be between 4 inches and 28 inches high. Tulip plants have two to six leaves and some species have up to 12. The tulip leaf is strap­-shaped, with a waxy coating, with fleshy blades that are often bluish-green in color. The general cup or star-shaped tulip flower has three petals and three sepals.] (টিউলিপ): The tulip is the National flower of Holland; Hungary and Afghanistan.

Ø Bulb / bʌlb / (বাল্ব) n [the round underground root of some plants, shaped like an onion, that grows into a new plant every year](<উদ্ভিদের> কন্দ): tulip bulb

Ø Strap / stræp / (স্ট্র্যাপ্‌) n [a narrow piece of leather, cloth or other material is used to fasten Sth keep Sth in place, carry Sth or hold onto Sth](<ঘড়ির ফিতার মতো>চামড়ার বা কাপড়ের সরু লম্বা ফিতা যা দিয়ে কিছু বেঁধে রাখা যায়; বন্ধনি): a watch with a leather strap. 

Ø Blade / bleɪd / (ব্লে) n [a single flat leaf of grass] (তৃণ ফলা বা বৃক্ষপত্র): Not a blade of grass stirred

1. Periwinkle
Periwinkle / ˈperiwɪŋkl / (ˈপেরিউইংকল) {Also Bright eyes, Cape periwinkle} 1. [the periwinkle plant is exceptional as an erosion control specimen, and most often grown as a ground cover is easy to grow, and requires little or no attention, the plants are grown for its attractive glossy, green foliage, as well as its flowers, its bloom all summer and up to frost, the colors of this flower, is white, rose, pink, and red] (নয়নতারা):

2. Periwinkle
2. Periwinkle / ˈperiwɪŋkl / (ˈপেরিউইংকল) n {UK Also winkle} [a small shellfish, like a snail, that can be eaten] (গেঁড়ি শামুক): 

Ø Erode / ɪˈroʊd / (ˈরৌড) v [to gradually destroy the surface of the soil or Sth through the action of the wind, rain, etc.] (ধীরে ধীরে ক্ষয় করা/ হওয়া): The river bank has eroded away by a recent flood.

Ø Specimen / ˈspesɪmən / (ˈস্পেছিম) n [a single example of Sth, especially an animal or a plant](নমুনা):

Ø Foliage / ˈfoʊliɪdʒ / (ˈফৌলিজ্‌) n [the leaves of tree or plant; leaves and branches together] (<গাছড়ার> পত্রসমষ্টি; পত্রসম্ভার):

datura metel flower, datura metel
Datura Metel
Datura metel / ˈdeɪtʊrə ˈmetl / (ˈডেটুর ˈমেটল্‌) {Also Indian Thornapple, Hindu Datura, Devil’s trumpet[Datura metel grows in the wild in all the warmer parts of the world, such as India and is cultivated worldwide for its chemical and ornamental properties. The plant is an annual herb growing up to 4ft, high. It is slightly furry, with dark violet shoots and oval to broad oval leaves which are often dark violet as well. Its flower color range from white to cream, yellow, red, and violet, The seed capsule is covered with numerous conical humps and a few spines] (ধুতুরা):

Ø Furry / ˈfɜːri / (ˈফা্‌রি) adj [covered with like fur] (লোমশ):

Ø Violet / ˈvaɪələt / (ˈভাইএ) n [a bluish-purple color] (নীলাভ-বেগুনি রং; ধূম্র): dressed in violet

Ø Shoot / ʃuːt / (শূট) n [the first part of a plant to appear above the ground as it develops from seeds] (অঙ্কুর):

cosmos flower
Cosmos / ˈkɑːzmoʊs / (ˈকাঃজমৌছ্) n [the cosmos are annuals, grown for their showy flowers. The flower head may be a bowl or open cup-shaped and are atop long stems, and with a rind of broad ray flowers and a center of dice florets, flower color is very variable between the different species ] (কসমস <ফুল>):

Ø Rind / raɪnd / (রানড) n [the thick outer skin of some types of fruit](<ফলের>আস্তর; খোসা): Lemon rind

orchid flower, orchid
Orchid / ˈɔːrkɪd / (ˈওরকিড্‌) {Also Orchid family[occhidaceae is a diverse and widespread family of flowering plants, with blooms that are often colorful and often fragrant, commonly known as the orchid family. They have brightly colored flowers of unusual shapes] (অর্কিড): Orchid is the national flower of Hong Kong; Honduras; Costa Rica and Venezuela.

Ø Diverse / daɪˈvɜːrs / (ডাˈভা্‌র্ছ) adj [very different from each other and various kinds] (নানারকম; একাধিক): Professions are extremely diverse in the urban areas.

Ø Unusual / ʌnˈjuːʒuəl / (আনˈইউজউএ) adj [different from what is usual or normal which is surprising, interesting or attractive] (অস্বাভাবিক; প্রথাবিরুদ্ধ; উদ্ভট):
     <SYN> Uncommon

daffodil flower, daffodil
Daffodil / ˈdæfədɪl / (ˈড্যাফডিল) n [daffodil is classified into a division, covering a wide range of shapes and colors. Flowers usually bear showy yellow or white with six petals and a trumpet-shaped central corona. Leafless stems between 1 to 20 flowers; sometimes the flowers need to be staked so that they do not weigh down the stems] (ড্যাফডিল): The daffodil is the national flower of Wales and the symbol of cancer charities in many countries.

Ø Corona / kəˈroʊnə / (ˈরৌন) n [a ring of light seen around the sun or the moon, especially during an eclipse](জ্যোতির্বলয়):

Ø Stake / steɪk / (স্টে) v [wooden or metal post that is pointed at one end and pushed into the ground in order to support Sth, marks a particular place, etc](সরু প্রান্তযুক্ত দণ্ড/লাঠি):

Ø <PHR-v> Weigh Sth down [to make Sth/Sb heavier so that they are not able to move easily] (<ভারে> হেলে পড়া; নোয়ানো): I was weighed down with baggage.

golden trumpet flower, golden trumpet
Golden Trumpet
Golden Trumpet / ˈgoʊldən ˈtrʌmpɪt / (ˈগৌলডˈট্রামপিড) {Also Yellow allamanda[Allamanda catheartica, commonly called golden trumpet is a species of flowering plant, is native to Brazil. It has clusters of particularly striking golden-yellow flowers, that contrast with the shiny dark green leaves to make a lush plant for the conservatory] (অলকাননদা):

Ø Striking / ˈstraɪkɪŋ / (ˈস্ট্রাকিঙ্‌) adj [very unusual or easily noticed, and therefore attracting a lot of attention] (চিত্তহারী; বিস্মায়ক; চমক-লাগানো):

Ø Contrast / ˈkɑːntræst / (ˈকাঃনট্র্যাছট) n [an obvious difference between two or more things] (বৈষম্য; বৈসাদৃশ্য):

Ø Lush / lʌʃ / (লাশ) adj [(of plants, gardens, etc.) growing thickly and strongly in a way that is attractive; covered in healthy grass and plants](<উদ্ভিত ও বাগান সম্বন্ধে> প্রচুর পরিমাণে গজানো):

Ø Conservatory / kənˈsɜːrvətɔːri / (ˈনছা্‌রভটোরি) n [a room with glass walls and a glass roof that is built on the side of a house. It is used to protect plants from cold weather] (কাচের ঘরে সংরক্ষিত গাছপালার উদ্যান):

bougainvillea flower, bougainvillea
Bougainvillea / ˌbuːgənˈvɪliə / (ˌবূগˈভিলি) {Also Bougainvillaea[it is a tropical climbing genus of thorny ornamental vines, a bush plant with flower-­like spring leaves near its red, purple, white or pink flowers] (বাগান বিলাস): Bougainvillea is the national flower of Zambia.

canna flower, canna
Canna / ˈkænə / (ˈক্যান) n [it has paddle-shaped leaves and sheathing leaf stalks in shades of green or bronze and has large, attractive foliage and bright garden plant. In addition, it is one of the world’s richest starch sources, and is an agricultural plant] (কলাবতী):

Ø Paddle / ˈpædl / (ˈপ্যাড্‌ল্‌) n [a short pole with a wide flat part at one end or both ends, and use for moving a small boat, especially a canoe, through the water](ছোট চ্যাপটা বৈঠা):

Ø Sheath / ʃiːθ / (শীথ্‌) n [a cover that fits closely over the blade of a knife or other sharp weapon or tool](<ছুরি; অস্ত্র; তরবারি প্রভৃতির> কোষ; খাপ):

Ø Starch / stɑːrtʃ / (স্টাঃর্চ) n [a white substance found in canna plant, prepared in powder form or as a spray and used for making clothes, sheets, etc. stiff](মাড় জাতিয় পদার্থ যা সুতি কাপড় শক্ত করার কাজে ব্যবহৃত হয়; সটি):

cactus, cactus flower
Cactus / ˈkæktəs / (ˈক্যাক্‌টছ্‌) n [any of the many types of desert plant that grows in hot regions, especially one with thick stems for storing water, covered in spines but without leaves] (নাগফনী; ফণীমনসা): There are different types of cactus.

daisy flower, daisy
Daisy / ˈdeɪzi / (ˈডেজি) n [a small wildflower with short creeping rhizomes and rosettes of small rounded or spoon-shaped leaves, with white petals around a yellow center; that often grows in grass] (হলুদ কেন্দ্রবিশিষ্ট ছোট সাদা ফুল বিশেষ; বুনোফুল): Daisy is the national flower of Italy.

Ø Rhizome / ˈraɪzoʊm / (ˈরাজৌম্‌) n [the thick stem of some plants, such as iris and mint, that grows along or under the ground and has roots and stems growing from it] (<উদ্ভিদ> কোনো কোনো গাছের পুরু কাণ্ড):

thistle flower, thistle
Thistle / ˈθɪsl / (ˈথি্‌ছল) n [thistle is the common name of a group of flowering wild plants with leaves with sharp points and purple, yellow or white flowers made up of narrow petals pointing upwards] (কাঁটাযুক্ত পাতা এবং হলুদ, সাদা বা  নীললোহিত পুষ্পবিশিষ্ট বুনো উদ্ভিদ; গোক্ষুর): The thistle is the floral emblem or symbol of Scotland.

Ø Emblem / ˈembləm / (ˈএমব্ল) n [a design or picture that represents a country or an organization](প্রতীক): A rose is the national emblem of England.

Buttercup / ˈbʌtərkʌp / (ˈবাটরকাপ্‌) {Also Bulbous buttercup[it is a kind of wild flowering plant with yellow, shiny, petals, and grows wild in lots of different places, that are shaped like cups. Some animals get sick when they eat it, but they do not do that a lot because buttercup tastes bad] (নবনীপুট; ঝুমকোলতা):

Dandelion / ˈdændɪlaɪən / (ˈড্যানডিলাইএন্‌) n [dandelion is a small wild flowering plant with a bright yellow flower that becomes a soft white ball of seeds called a dandelion clock, and with a lot of long thin petals arranged in a circular pattern around a round center] (খাঁজ কাটা পাতা এবং উজ্জ্বল হলুদ বর্ণের পুষ্পবিশিষ্ট বুনো ফুল গাছ; সিংহদন্তী): Dandelion is used in China as medicine.

snowdrop flower, snowdrop
Snowdrop / ˈsnoʊdrɑːp / (ˈস্নৌড্রাঃ) n [snowdrops are the early spring flowering bulbs. Each bulb generally produces just two or three linear leaves and an erect, leafless scape(flowering stalk), from them emerges a solitary, pendulous, bell-shaped white flower. The flower has no petals, it consists of six petals. The leaves die back a few weeks after the flowers have faded] (বসন্তের শুরুতে ফোঁটা তুষার শুভ্র ফুলবিশেষ; তুষারশুভ্র <ফুল>):

Ø Scape / skeɪp / (স্কে) n [(in botany) a long, leafless flowering stem rising directly from a bulb or root] (<রসুন ইত্যাদির কোঁকড়ানো> ডাটা/ লতা/ পাতা): The scapes of garlic are used of a vegetable.

Ø Emerge / iˈmɜːrdʒ / (ˈমা্‌র্জ্‌) v [to start to exist; to appear or become known](আবির্ভুত হওয়া; উদ্ভুত হওয়া; প্রকাশিত হওয়া):

Ø Pendulous / ˈpendʒələs / (ˈপেন্‌জছ্‌) adj [hanging down loosely and swinging from side to side](ঝুলন্ত দোলায়মান যন্ত্র):

clover flower, clover
Clover / ˈkloʊvər / (ˈক্লৌভ) n [a small annual, biennial or short-lived wild plant that usually has three leaves on each stem and purple, pink or white flowers that are shaped like balls] (এক বোঁটায় তিনপাতা বিশিষ্টি ছোট ফুল গাছ বিশেষ; লংকা <ফুল>):

pansy flower, pansy
Pansy / ˈpænzi / (ˈপ্যান্‌জি) n [the garden pansy is a type of large­­-flowered hybrid plant cultivated as a garden flower. Their petals are usually white or yellow purplish, or blue] (সপুষ্পক গুল্মবিশেষ; পেনসি <ফুল>):

carnation flower, carnation
Carnation / kɑːrˈneɪʃn / (কাঃরˈনেশন) {Also Clove pink[it is about 2 to 3 inches wide on 1 to 2-foot stems. Colors include white, yellow, pink, red, light green, deep purple, and bi-colors and flecked is often worn as a decoration on formal occasions] (সাদা, গোলাপি কিংবা লাল রঙের সুগন্ধি পুষ্পবিশেষ; কার্নেশ্‌ন্‌ <ফুল>): Carnation is the National flower of Slovenia and Spain.

Ø Fleck / flek / (ফ্লেক) n [a small mark or spot] (ছোট ছোট ফোঁটা বা দাগ; ফুটকি; ছাপ; ছোপ):

     <ADJ> Flecked [having small marks or spots] (ছোপ; ফুটকি):

Foxglove / ˈfɑːksglʌv / (ˈফাঃকছ্গ্লাভ্) n [it bears tall, dramatic spikes of tubular flowers with speckled throats. It blooms in midsummer; flowers are clusters of tubular-shaped blooms in colors of white, lavender, yellow, pink, red, and purple.] (ীর্ঘ মজ্ঞুরী বিশিষ্টি ফুল বিশেষ; লতা ফুল):

Ø Bear / beər / (বে) v [(of trees/plants) to produce flowers or fruit] (<উদ্ভিদ সম্বন্ধে> ফুল ফোটে বা ফল ধরে):

Ø Speckle / ˈspekl / (ˈস্পেকল) n [a very small mark or spot on a background of a different color](<বিশেষত গায়ের চামড়া, ছাল, পালক ইত্যাদির উপর বিচিত্র বর্ণের ছোট ছোট>ফুটকি বা দাগ): a speckled hen

hollyhock flower, hollyhock
Hollyhock / ˈhɑːlihɑːk / (ˈহাঃলিহাঃক্‌) n [it is a tall annual, biennial plant usually taking an erect, unbranched form. The herbage usually has a coating of star­-shaped hairs. The leaf blades are often lobed or toothed, with white, yellow, red or purple; flowers growing up its stem] (উজ্জ্বল বর্ণের পুষ্পবিশিষ্ট দীর্ঘ উদ্ভিদ বিশেষ; খাতামি <পুষ্প>):

Bluebell / ˈbluːbel / (ˈব্লূবেল্‌) {Also Common bluebell[a garden or wildflower with a short and small blue or white flowers shaped like bells] (নীল রঙের ঘণ্টা সদৃশ ফুল; নীল অপরাজিতা):

lupin flower, lupin
Lupin / ˈluːpɪn / (ˈলূপিন্‌) n [lupines, commonly known as lupine or lupin is a genus of flowering plants with many small flowers growing up its thick stem] (লুপিন; আকশিমটর <পুষ্প>):

fuchsia flower, fuchsia
Fuchsia / ˈfjuːʃə / (ˈফিঊশ) n [Fuchsia is a genus of flowering plants that consists mostly of shrubs or small trees. Its flowers are very decorative; they have a pendulous “teardrop” shape and are displayed in profusion throughout the summer and autumn, and all year in tropical species. They have four long, slender sepals and four shorter, broader petals; their colors can vary from white to dark red, purple-blue, and orange, that hang down] (আনতফুল):

Ø Teardrop / ˈtɪərdrɑːp / (ˈটিরড্রাঃ) n [a single tear that comes from the eye] (অশ্রুবিন্দু):

Ø Profusion / prəˈfjuːʒn / (প্রˈফিউজন্‌) n [an extremely large quantity of Sth](অতিপ্রাচুর্য; প্রচুরপরিমানে):

1. Iris
Iris / ˈaɪrɪs / (ˈআইরিছ্‌) n [iris is a genus of flowering plant with showy flowers. Which grows especially in wet places and which has blue, yellow, or white flowers and long narrow leaves] (শ্বেতদুর্বা; সোলোমী; নীলদুর্বা): Iris is the National flower of France and Croatia. Black Iris is the National flower of Jordan.

2. Iris / ˈaɪrɪs / (ˈআইরিছ্‌) n [the round colored circular part of that eye that surrounds the black pupil] (কনীনিকা)

Cornflower / ˈkɔːrnflaʊər / (ˈকোর্নফ্লৌওয়া) {Also Bachelor's button}[Centaurea cyanus, commonly known as cornflower, is an annual flowering plant, native to Europe. It grows to about 17­-36 tall, with grey­­-green branched stems] (নীল ঝুমকার মতো দেখতে ফুল; ঝুমকাফুল): Crown flower is the National flower of Estonia.

Aster / ˈæstər / (ˈএ্যাছট) n [it is daisy-like perennial with star-shaped flower heads, a gardening plant that has pink, purple, blue, or white flowers with many long narrow petals] (তারা ফুল; গুলেমিনা ):

columbine flower, columbine
Columbine / ˈkɑːləmbaɪn / (ˈকাঃলমবান্) n {Also Granny's bonnet} [a garden plant with delicate leaves, that has brightly colored flowers with five pointed petals that hang down. Its colors range from light pastels to bright yellow, red, orange and purple selections] (ঝাঁক বাঁধা ঘুঘুর ন্যায় ফুল লতাপাতা বিশিষ্ট বৃক্ষ; ঘুঘুঝাঁক <ফুল>):

Ø Pastel / pæˈstel / (প্যাছˈটেল্‌) n [pale and soft color] (অনুজ্জ্বল/পাংশু এবং কোমল রং): The whole house was painted in soft pastel.

petunia flower, petunia
Petunia / pəˈtuːniə / (ˈটূনি) n [petunia is the genus species of flowering plants of South American origin, native to Argentina. Within the family is great variety, single and double blooms, ruffled or smooth petals, striped, veined, or solid colors, mounting, and cascading habits. It has wide funnel-shaped flowers and branching foliage that is hairy and somewhat sticky, with white, pink, purple or red color] (বিভিন্ন রঙের অপরাজিতা গোত্রের পুষ্পের গাছ বা তার ফুল; পিটুনিয়া ):

Ø Ruffle / ˈrʌfl / (ˈরাফল্‌) n [to disturb the smooth surface of Sth, so that it is not even] (উস্কোখুস্কো/এলোমেলো করা): She ruffled his hair affectionately.

Ø Vein / veɪn / (ভে) n [a narrow strip of a different color in some types of stone, wood, and cheese](রঙিন রেখা বা দাগ):

Ø Mount / maʊnt / (মান্‌ট্‌) v [to increase gradually] (ক্রোমে ক্রোমে বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া): Pressure is mounting on the government to change the law.

Ø Cascade / kæˈskeɪd / (ক্যাছˈকে) n [a large amount of Sth hanging down](ফিত বা ঝালর ইত্যাদির তরঙ্গিত পতন): Her hair tumbled in a cascade down her back.

Crocus / ˈkroʊkəs / (ˈক্রৌকছ্‌) n [the cup­-shaped, solitary flower tapers off into a narrow tube. Their color varies enormously, although lilac, mauve, yellow, and white are predominant, the grass-like, uniform leaf shows generally a white central stripe along the leaf axis. The leaf margin is entire. It typically has three stamens] (ক্রোকাস):

Ø Lilac / ˈlaɪlək / (ˈলা) n [a pale color between pink and purple](ঈষৎ বেগুনি):

Ø Mauve / moʊv / (মৌভ্‌) n [pale purple in color](ফিকে লাল):

Ø Axis / ˈæksɪs / (ˈএ্যাকছিছ) n [a line that divides a shape into two equal parts](যে রেখা কোনো সুষম আকারকে দুটি প্রতিসম অংশে বিভাক্ত করে; অক্ষরেখা):

cherry blossom flower, cherry blossom
Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom / ˈtʃeri ˈblɑːsəm / (চেরি ব্লাঃছ) n {Also Japanese cherry or Sakura} [cherry Blossom is speculated to be native to the Himalayas. Currently, it is widely distributed, especially in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, including Europe, West Siberia, China, the Korean Peninsula, Japan, Canada, and the United States. In the western world, the cherry blossom symbolizes Japan. The flowers are almost pure white, tinged with the palest pink, especially near the stem] (চেরি ব্লাসাম): Most Japanese schools and public buildings have Cherry Blossom trees outside of them. The flower is also represented in all manner of consumer goods in Japan. Cherry blossoms and leaves are edible and both are used as food ingredients in Japan. Even though Japan does not have an official “national flower”, most Japanese consider that the Cherry blossom and the Chrysanthemum are the flowers that represent Japan.

Ø Speculate / ˈspekjuleɪt / (ˈস্পেকিলে) v [to form an opinion about Sth without knowing all the details or facts](ভাবা; অনুমান করা; ধারনা করা):

Ø Tinge / tɪndʒ / (টিন্‌জ্‌) v [to add a small amount of color to Sth] (<ইত্যাদি রঙে> ঈষৎ রঞ্জিত করা ): Pink tinged her pale cheeks.

Plum Blossom
Plum Blossom / plʌm ˈblɑːsəm / (প্লাম্‌ ব্লাঃছম্‌) n [Prunus mume is an Asian tree, its flower is usually called Plum blossom. The fruit of this tree is used in Chinese, Japanese and Korean cooking in juices, as a flavoring for alcohol, as a pickle, and in sauces. It is also used in traditional medicine. The fruits ripen in early summer, around June and July in East Asia. The skin of the fruit turns yellow, sometimes with a red blush, as it ripens, and the flesh becomes yellow. The tree is cultivated for its fruit and flowers] (প্লাম ব্লাসাম): The National flower of the Republic of China was officially designated as the Plum blossom by the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China on July 21, 1964.

Ø Ripe / raɪp / (রা) v [(of fruit or crops) fully grown and ready to be eaten](পাকা): Pick the tomatoes before they get too ripe.

Ø Blush / blʌʃ / (ব্লাশ) v [to become red/pink in the face, usually from embarrassment or ashamed] (<অস্বস্তি, লজ্জা, নম্রতা, ভয়ে প্রভৃতি কারণে মুখমণ্ডল> লালভ হওয়া): I always blush when I take in class.
     <SYN> Gored

Ø Designate / ˈdezɪgneɪt / (ˈডেজিগ্‌নেট্‌) v [to say officially that Sb/Sth has a particular character or name; to describe Sb/Sth in a particular way] (<কর্তৃপক্ষ দ্বারা> নাম বা আক্ষা দেওয়া বা মনোনীত করা):

Snapdragon / ˈsnæpdrægən / (ˈস্ন্যাপড্র্যাগ) n {Also Dragon flower; Dog flower} [commonly known as Dragon flowers or Snapdragon because of the flowers’ fancied resemblance to the face of a dragon that opens and closes its mouth when laterally squeezed, They are native to rocky areas of Europe, and North Africa. They have all types of flowering stems from small, to medium to tall ones. The leaves are arranged in a spiral manner around the stem, and red, white, yellow, or pink flowers that open and shut like a mouth when squeezed] (স্ন্যাপড্র্যাগন্ ):

Ø Fancy / ˈfænsi / (ˈফ্যানছি) v {Pt. Pp. fancied} [to think or imagine Sth] (কল্পনা করা; মনে মনে ছবি আকাঁ):

Ø Dragon / ˈdrægən / (ˈড্র্যাগ) n [(in stories) a large aggressive imaginary animal, with wings and long tails, which can breathe out fire] (ড্র্যাগন):

Ø Squeeze / skwiːz / (স্কুঈজ্‌) v [to get Sth by putting pressure on Sb, threatening them, etc.] (নিষ্পেষন করা; চাপা):

Nasturtium / nəˈstɜːrʃəm / (ˈছটা্রশম্) n [It’s showy, often intensely bright flowers, and rounded, shield-shaped leaves with the stalk in the center. The flowers are bisexual, and with five petals and a funnel-shaped nectar spur at the back, formed by a modification of one of the five sepals. It's red, orange or yellow flowers that are sometimes eaten in salads] (লাল, কমলা বা হলুদ রঙের ফুল ও গোলাকার পাতাবিশিষ্টি উদ্যান- উদ্ভিদ; গুলে লাদান):

Ø Shield / ʃiːld / (শীল্ড) n [a large plate of metal or leather carried by soldiers in the past to protect the body when fighting](ঢাল):

Ø Bisexual / ˌbaɪˈsekʃuəl / (ˌবাˈছেকশু) adj [having both male and female sexual organs.] (উভলিঙ্গ; স্ত্রী-লিঙ্গ ও পুরুষ-লিঙ্গ সমম্বিত):

Begonia / ˈbeˈgoʊiə / (ˈবেˈগৌনি) n [begonia is a genus of perennial flowering plants, with lots of variety, it is popular in flower beds, hanging baskets, as container plants, and as indoor house plants, that is one versatile plant, with large shiny flowers that may be pink, red, yellow or white. All flowers have a bright yellow eye in the center] (উজ্জ্বলবর্ণ বিশিষ্টি ফুল; রক্তিমাভ্‌ <ফুল>):

Yellow Flax
Yellow Flax / ˈjeloʊ flæks / () n {Also Golden Flax} [a species of flowering plant in the family Linaceae, native to central and southern Europe. It is an erect, woody perennial growing to 30 cm tall by 20 cm broad, with dark green, semi-evergreen leaves, and terminal clusters of bright yellow, five-petalled flowers in spring. The Latin flavum means "pure yellow".] (বাসন্তী / পিউলী): 

1. Primrose
Primrose / ˈprɪmroʊz / (ˈপ্রিমরৌজ্‌) n 1. [it is a hardy perennial flower, that includes a wide range of varieties. It is native to Asia, Europe, and North America. It comes in a wide variety of colors, in single blooms or in clusters] (বাসন্তীকুসুম): Primrose flowers attract Hummingbirds.

2. Primrose

2. Primrose / ˈprɪmroʊz / (ˈপ্রিমরৌজ্‌) n {Also primrose yellow} [pale yellow color] (বাসন্তী রং): 

Evening Primrose
Evening Primrose / ˈiːvnɪŋ ˈprɪmroʊz / (ˈঈভ্‌নিং ˈপ্রিমরৌজ্‌) n [almost in all the primroses are native to North America. Evening Primrose is a nocturnal plant whose corolla opens in the evening and closes in the morning. Hence the name Evening Primrose is not closely related to the true primroses. Its leaves form a basal rosette at ground level and spiral up the flowering stems, most flowers have yellow flowers, but some have white, purple, pink, or red. Evening Primrose has delightful fragrance and it is a plant with a number of important medical uses] (সন্ধ্যা বাসন্তী কুসুম):

Ø Basal / ˈbeɪsl / (বেছল) ad [forming or belonging to a bottom layer or base] (নীচ; তলস্থিত; তল): basal cells of the skin.

clematis flower, clematis
Clematis / ˈklemətɪs / (ˈক্লেমটিছ্‌) n [it is a genus in the buttercup family. They are mainly of Chinese and Japanese origin. It is climbing garden plants can be grown on walls, pergolas, frames, in containers, or left to scramble through trees and shrubs] (বনলতা পুষ্প):

Ø Pergola / ˈpɜːrgələ / (ˈপা্‌রগ) n [an arch in a garden/yard with a frame for climbing plants can grow over and through](<বাগানের প্রবেশ পথ বা ফটকে লতাপাতা উদ্ভিদ বিস্তারের জন্য তৈরি> ছাউনি/ মাচা):

yarrow flower, yarrow
Yarrow / ˈjæroʊ / (ˈইয়্যারৌ) n [yarrow is a long-stemmed erect flowering plant in the sunflower family. It is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Asia, Europe, and North America. It leaves almost feathery and arranged spirally on the stems, its nightly segmented and more or less clasping. It contains ray and disk flowers with clusters of daisy-like white to pinkish flowers at the top of the stalk. It has a strong, sweet scent, similar to chrysanthemums] (ছোট ছোট গুচ্ছ পুষ্পবিশিষ্টি দীর্ঘজীবী ভেষজলতা; গুচ্ছভেষজ <ফুল>):

Obedient Flower
Obedient Flower / əˈbiːdiənt ˈflaʊər / (ˈবীডিনট ˈফ্লাওয়া) (Also Obedience or False Dragonhead[physostegia virginiana is a species of flowering plant in the mint family is native to North America. It is commonly known as an obedient plant because a flower pushed to one side will often stay in that position. It is a perennial herb producing clumps of stiff, square stems 2 to 4 feet tall. The leaves are lance-shaped and toothed. It has long, dense spikes of lipped, pinkish, snapdragon­-like flowers in the summer] (ওবীডিএন্ট ফুল; আজ্ঞাবহ <ফুল>):

Lavender / ˈlævəndər / (ˈল্যাভনড) n [It is native to the Old World. Its flower color ranges from pale lilac to deep royal purple. The blooms come in various shapes and sizes and are produced on long spikes or sometimes short stems. Leaves vary in shape and can be long, short, narrow, or serrated and fern-like. The leaves can be light green or dark green or even gray and woolly in appearance] (ফ্যাকাশে বেগুনি রঙের সুগন্ধি ফুল ও ডাঁলা ওয়ালা এক প্রকার উদ্ভিদ; ডাঁটলা <ফুল>): Lavender is the national flower of Portugal.

Ø Serrated / səˈreɪtɪd / (ˈরেটিড) adj [having a row of sharp points along the edge like a saw](<করাতের মতো> খাঁজকাটা; দাঁতালো প্রান্তযুক্ত): A leaf with a serrated edge. You really need a knife with a serrated edge for cutting bread.

Pink Shower
Pink Shower / pɪŋk ˈʃaʊər / (পিঙক ˈশৌ) {Also Java Cassia[Its origin is in Southeast Asia, but it has been extensively grown in tropical areas worldwide as a garden tree, owing to its beautiful crimson and pink flower bunches. It has a straight trunk that reaches heights of 25-40m. The leaves are feather­-like with 12 pairs of elliptical leaves. The flowers range in color from pale pink to crimson with yellow-colored stamens and are found in open clusters. The ground under the tree is covered with a beautiful carpet of pink towards the end of the flowering season. Its fruit is housed in cylindrical dark brown pods. Because of its beauty and suitable size pink shower is planted as a shade and ornamental tree on the streets and in parks] (লাল সোনাইল):

Ø House / haʊz / (হাজ্‌) v [to be the place where Sth in kept](সংরক্ষণ করা): The books were housed in a wooden desk.

Butterfly Pea
Butterfly Pea / ˈbʌtərflaɪ piː / (ˈবাটরফ্লা পী) n {Also Asian pigeonwings, Blue pea} [it is a perennial garden plant with elliptic, obtuse leaves. It grows as a vine or creeper, doing well in moist, neutral soil. The most striking feature of this plant is its vivid deep blue flowers; solitary, with light yellow markings. They are about 4cm long by 3cm wide. There are some varieties that yield white flowers] (অপরাজিতা): Butterfly Pea is sometimes consumed with a drop of sweet lime juice to increase acidity and turn the juice into pink-purple.

ØVivid / ˈvɪvɪd / (ˈভিভিড) adj [(of light, color, etc.) very bright](<রং সম্বন্ধে> তীব্র; উজ্জ্বল):

Cockscomb / kɑːkskoʊm / (কাঃকছকৌম্) {Also Woolflowers[it is an annual addition to the flower bed, commonly named for the red variety similarly colored to the cock’s comb on a rooster’s  head] (মোরগ ফুল):
2. Cockscomb / kɑːkskoʊm / (কাঃকছকৌম্) n [the soft, red growth on the head of a male chicken] (মোরগচূড়া): 

Gladiolus / ˌglædiˈoʊləs / (ˌগ্ল্যাডিˈছ্‌) )n [it is a genus of perennial corm flowering plants in the iris family, native to South Africa. These stems are generally unbranched, producing 1 to 9 narrow, sword­-shaped, longitudinal grooved leaves, enclosed in a sheath. The leaf blades can be plane or cruciform in cross-section. The flower spikes are large and one-sided, with bisexual, they are united at their base into a tube­-shaped structure. The outer three sepals are narrower. The gladiolus is available with flowers in a huge range of colors, including apricot, blue, burgundy, pink, gold, red, orange, and white, as well as multi-colored varieties](তলোয়ার­-সদৃশ পাতা ও উজ্জ্বল ফুলের শিষযুক্ত এক জাতের গাছ; গ্লাডিওলাস; অসি <ফুল>):

Ø Corm / kɔːrm / (কোর্ম্‌) n [the small round underground part of some plants, from which the new plant grows every year] (কন্দ):

Ø Longitudinal / ˌlɑːndʒəˈtuːdnl / (ˌলাঃনজˈটূডনল্) adj [going downwards rather than across](দ্রাঘিমারেখা-অনুসারী):

Ø Groove / gruːv / (গ্রূভ্‌) n [a long narrow cut in the surface of Sth hard](খাঁজ):

     <ADJ> Grooved [having a groove] (খাঁজকাটা)

Ø Cruciform / ˈkruːsɪfɔːrm / (ˈক্রূছিফোর্ম) adj [(especially of buildings) in the shape of a cross] (ক্রূশাকৃতির):

Ø Apricot / ˈæprɪkɑːt / (ˈএ্যাপরিকাঃ) n [a yellowish-orange color] (খুবানি রং; পীত-কমলা রং): The room was painted apricot and white.

Ø Burgundy / ˈbɜːrgəndi / (ˈবা্‌র্গএন্‌ডি) n [a dark red color](ঘনলাল)

Ivy Gourd
Ivy Gourd / ˈaɪvi gʊrd / (ˈভি গুয়ারড্‌) n {Also Tindora} [Botanical name Coccinia Grandis, English name Ivy Gourd is a tropical plant in the pumpkin familyIts flower is large and white about 4 cm in diameter and contains five long tubular petals] (তেলাকুচা <ফুল>):

Rhododendron / ˌroʊdəˈdendrən / (ˌরৌডˈডেন্‌ড্রন্‌) n [the name Rhododendron comes from the Greek words “rodon” which means “rose” and “Dendron” which means “tree”, hence Rose tree. It is a popular flowering shrub and foundation plant for the heath family. They are native to tropical and temperate regions. The flowers are usually tubular-, funnel-, or bell-shaped and often fragrant. The leaves of the Rhododendron are generally large evergreen and leathery, widely grown as an ornamental] (রডোডেন্ড্রন; উদগোলাপ <পুষ্প>): Rhododendron is the national flower of Nepal.

Chamomile / ˈkæməmaɪl / (ˈক্যামামাল্‌) n [the term chamomile refers to several daisy-like plants of the family Asteraceae that are commonly used to make an herb infusion to serve various medicinal purposes. It has sweet and small white and yellow flowers. Its dried leaves and flowers are used to make tea, medicine, etc.] (ডেইজিসদৃশ পুষ্পবিশিষ্ট সুগন্ধি ওষুধি উদ্ভিদ; মিষুধি <পুষ্প>): Chamomile is the National flower of Russia

Golden Wattle
Golden Wattle / ˈgoʊldən ˈwɑːtl / (ˈগৌলডন  ˈওঅট্‌ল্‌) n [Acacia Pcnantha, commonly known as the Golden Wattle is a tree of the family Fabaceae native to Southeastern Australia. It blooms in spring, beginning September in Australia with large fluffy, yellow, sweet-smelling flowers, each flower has a bunch of many tiny flowers, with five very small petals, almost hidden by the long stamens, and are arranged in dense rounded or elongated clusters] (সোনালী একাসিয়া বা সোনালী আকাশমণি): The Golden Wattle is the national flower of Australia.

Ø Fluffy / ˈflʌfi / (ˈফ্লাফি) adj [looking as if it is soft and light](তুলার মতো ফুলোফুলো; তুলতুলে): fluffy white clouds

Noted from Wikipedia; Google Image; Oxford & Cambridge Dictionary

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