Friday, March 11, 2016

Body Positions Name Meaning & Picture | Necessary Vocabulary

body positions name, necessary vocabulary
Body Positions

Body / ˈbɑːdi / (ˈবাঃডি) n [the whole physical structure of a human is the entire structure of a human being and comprises a head, neck, trunk (which includes the thorax and abdomen), arms, and hands, legs, and feet. Every part of the body is composed of various types of cells, the fundamental unit of life] (দেহ বা শরীর): His whole body was trembling. She rubbed sun lotion over her entire body.

Body Position Related Necessary Vocabulary Notes

Ø Physical / ˈfɪzɪkl / (ˈফিজিক্‌ল্‌) adj [connected with a person’s body rather than their mind] (শারীরিক; শারীর সাম্বন্ধিয়): The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health. Physical appearance/ disabilities

Ø Entire / ɪnˈtaɪər / (ˈটাইএ) adj {SYN whole} [whole or complete, with nothing missing] (সম্পূর্ণ; পুরো; অখণ্ড): The entire area was hit cyclone. I wasted an entire day on it.

<ADV> entirely / ɪnˈtaɪərli / (ˈটাইএরলি) adv [in every way possible; completely] (সম্পুর্ণরুপে; পুরপুরি): I admit it was entirely my fault. I entirely agree with you.

 <NOUN> entirety / ɪnˈtaɪərəti / (ˈটাইএটি) n [] (সম্পূর্ণতা; অখণ্ডতা):

Ø Comprise / kəmˈpraɪz / (ˈপ্রাজ্‌) v [to have Sb/Sth as parts or members] (অংশ সহযোগে গঠিত হওয়া): The collection comprised 327 paintings.

Ø Head / hed / (হেড্‌) n [the part of the body on top of the neck containing the eyes, nose, mouth, and brain] (মাথা; মস্তক): He nodded his head in agreement. Put this hat on to keep your head warm.

trunk, human trunk
1. Trunk
Ø Trunk / trʌnk / (ট্রাঙ্‌ক্‌) n 1. [the main part of the human body, not including the head, legs or arms] (হাত পা ও মস্তকবিহীন শরীর; দেহকাণ্ড; ধড়; মধ্যশরীর): He has got a thick trunk

Ø Thorax / ˈθɔːræks / (ˈথোর‍্যাক্‌ছ্‌) n [the middle part of the human body that is surrounded by the ribs, between the neck and the waist] (<প্রাণীর> বক্ষ; বুক):

Ø Hand / hænd / (হ্যান্‌ড্‌) n [the part of the body at the end of the arm, including the fingers and thumb, which is used for holding, moving, touching, and feeling things] (হাত): I delivered my invitation by hand.

Ø Compose / kəmˈpoʊz / (ˈপৌজ্‌) v [to be formed from various things] (একত্র হয়ে বা একত্র করে গঠন করা): Air is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.

<SYN> makeup

Ø Fundamental / ˌfʌndəˈmentl / (ˌফানডˈমেনট্‌ল্‌) adj {SYN basic} [forming the base, from which everything else develops; more important than anything else] (মৌলিক; মৌল): A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required.

Ø Unit / ˈjuːnɪt / (ˈইউনিট্‌) n [a single thing, person, or group that is complete by itself but can also form part of Sth larger] (স্বয়ং সম্পূর্ণ বলে বিবেচিত একক ব্যক্তি, বস্তু বা দল): The first year of the course is divided into four units.

Ø Tremble / ˈtrembl / (ˈট্রেমব্‌ল্‌) v {~ (with Sth)} [to shake in a way that someone cannot control, especially because you are very cold, nervous, excited, frightened, or very emotional] (<রাগে, ভয়ে, ঠাণ্ডায়, শারীরিক দুর্বলতায়> কেঁপে ওঠা; শিউরে ওঠা): Her bottom lip trembled and tears welled up in her eyes.

Ø Rub / rʌb / (রাব্‌) v [to move the hand, or something such as cloth, backward and for forwards over a surface, while pressing firmly] (ঘষা; মাজা; ঘর্ষণ করা): He yawned and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

Position / pəˈzɪʃn / (ˈজিশ্‌ন্‌) n [the way in which somebody is sitting, or the way in which something is arranged] (ভঙ্গি; অঙ্গবিন্যাস): Please sit/ lie in a comfortable position. This is not a very comfortable position. My arms were aching so I shifted (my) position slightly. Keep the box in an upright position.

Ø Arrange / əˈreɪndʒ / (ˈরেনজ্‌) v [to put something in a particular order; to make something neat or attractive] (সাজিয়ে রাখা; গোছানো): His books are neatly arranged in alphabetical order.

Ø Lie / laɪ / (লা) v {Pt. lay; Pp. lain} 1. [(of a person or an animal) to be or put yourself in a flat or horizontal position so that you are not standing or sitting] (শয়ন করা; শোয়া): The cat was lying fast asleep by the fire.

2. [(of a thing) to be or remain in a flat position on a surface] (শায়িত): Clothes were lying all over the floor. The book is lying on the table. 

Ø Comfortable / ˈkʌmfərtəbl / (ˈকামফরটব্‌ল্‌) adj [feeling relaxed in a pleasant way; warm enough, without pain, etc.] (আরামদায়ক; আয়েশি): Do sit down and make yourself comfortable.

<NOUN> Comfort / ˈkʌmfərt / (ˈকামফরট্‌) n [a pleasant feeling of being relaxed and free from pain] (আরাম; স্বস্তি; আয়েশ; তৃপ্তি): It is a little too hot for comfort. I dress for comfort rather than elegance.

Ø Ache / eɪk / () n {SYN hurt} [a continuous feeling of pain in a part of the body which is unpleasant but not strong] (অবিরাম অস্বস্তিকর বেদনা; ব্যাথা): As you get older, you have all sorts of aches and pains. I have got a tummy ache.

<VERB> [to feel a continuous dull pain] (<মৃদু> ব্যাথা করা): I am aching all over.

Ø Shift / ʃɪft / (শিফ্‌ট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Shifted / ʃɪftɪd / (শিফ্‌টিড্‌)} [to move, or move Sth, from one position or place to another, especially slightly] (অবস্থান বা দিক পরিবর্তন করা; বদল করা): Could you help me shift some furniture? 

stretch, stretch position
Stretch / stretʃ / (স্ট্রেচ্‌) n [to put arms or legs out straight and contract your muscles] (প্রসারণ; বিস্তারণ): She stretched and yawned lazily. I always have a good stretch when I get up in the morning. The exercises are designed to stretch and tone your leg muscles. He made a full stretch on the bed.

Ø Yawn / jɔːn / (ইওন্‌) v [to open your mouth wide and breathe a lot of air into the lungs and slowly send it out, because you are tired or bored] (হাই তোলা): I was so tired I could not stop yawning.

Ø Design / dɪˈzaɪn / (ডিˈজান্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Designed / dɪˈzaɪnd / (ডিˈজান্‌ড্‌)} [to think of and plan a system, a way of doing something, etc.] (পরিকল্পনা/ সংকল্পনা করা): We need to design a new syllabus for the third year.
        <SYN> Project; Plan

Ø Tone / toʊn / (টৌন্‌) n [the healthy tightness of the body, especially the muscles] (শারীরিক স্থিতিস্থাপকতা; অঙ্গপ্রত্যঙ্গের স্বাভাবিক অবস্থান): How to improve your muscle/ skin tone.

on tiptoe
On tiptoe
<IDM> On tiptoe / ɔːn ˈtɪptoʊ / (ও্‌ন্‌ ˈটিপটৌ) n [= standing or walking on the front part of your foot (on toes), with your heels off the ground, in order to make yourself taller or to move very quietly] (পায়ের আঙুলের ডগায় ভর দিয়ে): The children stood on tiptoe in order to reach the top shelf. They walked across the room on tiptoe so as not to wake the baby.

<VERB> On tiptoe / ɔːn ˈtɪptoʊ / (ও্‌ন্‌ ˈটিপটৌ) v [=to walk on your toes with the heel of your foot lifted off the ground, especially in order to not to make a noise] (পা টিপে টিপে হাঁটা): I tiptoed over to the window. He tiptoed back into the room when he was asleep.

Ø Toe / toʊ / (টৌ) n [any of the five separate parts at the end of the foot] (পদাঙ্গুলি): I stubbed my toe on the step.

Ø <IDM> In order to do Sth [=with the aim of achieving something] (কোনোকিছু করার উদ্দেশ্যে): He arrived early in order to get a good seat.

Ø Across / əˈkrɔːs / (ˈকরোছ্‌) per [from one side to the other of Sth with clear limits, such as an area of land, a road or river] (একদিক থেকে অন্যদিকে): He walked across the field. A grin spread across her face.

Ø <IDM> So as to do Sth [with the intention of doing Sth or in order to] (যাতে <করে>; এমন ভাবে যাতে): I got up very early so as to catch the 7’o clock train.

Ø Waken / ˈweɪkən / (ˈওয়েন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Wakened / ˈweɪkənd / (ˈওয়েন্‌ড্‌)} [to wake or make somebody wake, from sleep] (জাগা বা জাগানো; নিদ্রাভঙ্গ করা বা হওয়া): I shook him but he did not wake.
       <SYN> Arouse

Ø Lift / lɪft / (লিফ্‌ট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Lifted / lɪftɪd / (লিফ্‌টিড্‌)} 1. [to raise Sb/Sth or be raised to a higher position or level] (তোলা; উত্তোলন করা; উঁচু করা): Could you help me lift this table, please?
         <SYN> Boost

2. Lift / lɪft / (লিফ্‌ট্‌) v [to dig up underground vegetables or plants out of the ground] (<বিশেষত শিকড়জাতীয় ফসল> খুঁড়ে তোলা; মাটি থেকে উদ্ভিদ, গুল্ম ইত্যাদি অপসারন করা): They are lifting potatoes from the field.

Ø Noise / nɔɪz / (জ্‌) n [a sound, especially when it is not wanted, unpleasant or disturbing] (অতিশব্দ; উচ্চনাদ; গোলমাল; শোরগোল; হৈচৈ): I heard a loud noise and ran to the window. The noise out in the street was deafening.

Ø Over / ˈoʊvər / (ˈর্‌) adv [across a street, an open space, etc.] (দিকে; কাছে): They have gone over to the USA. This is my aunt who’s over from Canada.

Ø Asleep / əˈsliːp / (ˈসলীপ্‌) adj [sleeping or not awake] (ঘুমন্ত/ নিদ্রিত <অবস্থায়>): The baby was sound asleep upstairs.

Squat / skwɑːt / (স্কোআঃট্‌) v {~ (down)} [to sit on your heels with your knees bent up close to your body] (আসন করে বা উবু হয়ে বসা অথবা বসানো): He loves to squat on the carpet. She squatted on the ground and warmed her hands by the fire. Children were squatting on the floor.

<NOUN> [= a squatting position of the body] (উবু হয়ে বসা):

Ø Heel / hiːl / (হীল্‌) n [the rounded back part of the foot below the ankle] (<পায়ের> গোড়ালি):

Ø Knee / niː / (নী) n [the joint between the top and bottom parts of the leg where it bends in the middle] (হাটু): The baby was crawling around on its hands and knees. I grazed my knee when I fell.

Ø Warm / wɔːrm / (য়োর্ম্‌) adj [at a fairly high temperature in a way that is pleasant, rather than being hot or cold] (ঈষদুষ্ণ; হালকা গরম): It is warm, but not hot, today.

Ø By / baɪ / (বা) pre [at the side of Sb/Sth; besides Sb/ Sth] (কাছে; পাশে; নিকটে; ধারে): The child sat by his mother. Please come and sit by me.

Deep Squat
Deep squat / diːp skwɑːt / (ডীপ স্কোআঃট্‌) n [a deep squat consists of a knee angle greater than 120 degrees. That means the crease in your hip drops below your knees and your butt nearly touches the ground] (পুরোপুরি উবু হয়ে বসা):

on all fours, On all fours position
On all fours
<IDM> On all fours / ɔːn ɔːl fɔːrdʒ / (ও্‌ন্‌ ও্‌ল্‌ ফোরজ্‌) n [(of a human) bent over with hands and knees on the ground] (চার হাত পায়ে): We were crawling around on all fours.

Crawl / krɔːl / (ক্রোল্‌) v [to move forward slowly, especially with the body stretched out along the ground or on hands and knees] (হামাগুড়ি দিয়ে চলা): Our baby is just starting to crawl. The injured soldier crawled to safety. A man was crawling away from the burning wreckage.

Ø Forward / ˈfɔːrwərd / (ˈফোরওয়ার্ড) adv [towards a place or position that is in front] (সম্মুখে; সামনের দিকে): She leaned forward to whisper something in my ear.

Ø Injure / ˈɪndʒər / (ˈন্‌জ) v [to harm yourself or somebody else physically, especially in an accident] (আহত করা/ হওয়া): He was badly injured in the crash.

<ADJ> Injured / ˈɪndʒərd / (ˈনজরড্‌) adj [physically hurt; having an injury] (আহত; জখম; আঘাতপ্রাপ্ত): She was told to stay in bed to rest her injured back. His badly injured ankle.

<NOUN> Injury / ˈɪndʒəri / (ˈনজরি) n [physical harm or damage to someone’s body caused by an accident or an attack] (আহত; আঘাত): Fortunately, the passengers escaped serious injury.

Ø Burn / bɜːrn / (বার্ন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Burnt or Burned} [to be on fire, or to produce flames] (পোড়ানো; দগ্ধ করা; পুড়িয়ে ফেলা): The wood was wet and would not burn.

Ø Wreckage / ˈrekɪdʒ / (ˈরেকিজ্‌) n [the parts of a vehicle, building, etc. that remain after it has been badly damaged or destroyed] (ধ্বংসাবশেষ; ভগ্নাবশেষ): The wreckage of the car was scattered over the roadside.

Crouch / kraʊtʃ / (ক্রাচ্‌) v [to bend your knees and lower yourself so that you are close to the ground and leaning forward slightly] (গুটিসুটি মারা): He crouched down beside her. Raju crouched behind a hedge.
<SYN> Squat

<NOUN> [=a crouching position] (গুটিসুটি অবস্থা): He dropped to a crouch.

Ø Bend / bend / (বেন্‌ড্) v {Pt. Pp. Bent} [especially of Sb’s body or head to lean or make Sth lean, in a particular direction] (বাঁকা করা; নোয়ানো): The doctor told me to avoid bending and stretching.

<NOUN> [=a curve or turn, especially in a road or river] (বাঁক বা মোড়): The two vehicles collided on a sharp bend in the road.

<ADJ> Bent / bent / (বেন্ট্‌) adj [not straight] (বাঁকান): Do this exercise with your knees bent (=not with your legs straight). The lamp post got bent in the crash.

Ø Lower / ˈlaʊər / (ˈলৌ) v {Pt. Pp. Lowered / ˈlaʊərd / (ˈলৌএরড্‌)} [to move something into a low position] (নিচু করা; নামানো) He had to lower his head to get through the door. They lowered the coffin into the grave.

Ø So that (pre) [=used to show the result of something] (যাতে; যাতে করে): I walked slowly so that he could catch up with me.

Ø Lean / liːn / (লীন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Leant or Leaned} [to bend or move from a vertical position] (হেলে যাওয়া বা হেলা): The tower is leaning dangerously. She leaned forward and whispered something in my ear.

<PHR-VERB> Lean against/on Sth [=to sit or stand with part or your body touching something as support] (হেলান/ ঠেস দেওয়া): He walked slowly, leaning on his son’s arm. A shovel was leaning against the wall.

Ø Hedge / hedʒ / (হেজ্‌) n [a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, especially along the edge of a field, garden/yard or road] (মাঠ, বাগান, রাস্তা ইত্যাদির সীমানা নির্দেশক ঝোপ, গুল্ম বা দীর্ঘতরুর সারি; বেড়া <যা সাধা. উপরের দিকে সমান করে কাটা>): a privehedge.

Ø Drop / drɑːp / (ড্রাঃপ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Dropped / drɑːpt / (ড্রাঃপট্‌)} 1. [to fall or allow Sth to fall by accident] (পড়ে যাওয়া; পতিত হওয়া; ফেলে দেওয়া): Be careful not to drop that plate. Do not drop it!

2. [=to take someone to a particular place, usually in a car and leave them there] (কাউকে গাড়ি থেকে কোথাও নামানো বা নামিয়ে দেওয়া): Please drop me at the corner. They dropped me off at the main entrance.

Handstand / ˈhændstænd / (হ্যান্ড্‌স্ট্যান্ড্‌) n [a movement in which you balance vertically on your hands and put your legs pointing straight up in the air] (হাতের উপর দাঁড়ানো; হাদাঁড়া): Can you do handstands?

Headstand / ˈhedstænd / () n [a position in which a person has their head on the ground, using hands or bent arms to support, and their feet straight up in the air] (): He learned how to do a headstand when she was 50 years old.

Kneel / niːl / (নীল্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Knelt / nelt / (নেল্ট্‌)} [to be in or move into a position where your body is supported on your knee or knees] (হাঁটু গেড়ে বসা): He knelt down on the ground to examine the tracks. She knelt on the prayer mat and prayed.

Ø Support / səˈpɔːrt / (ˈপোর্ট্‌) v [to hold Sth firmly or carry its weight, especially from below to stop it from falling] (ভার বহন করা; ধারণ করা): Support the baby’s head when you hold it. The church dome is supported by marble pillars.

<NOUN> [=a thing that holds something and prevents it from falling] (আলম্ব; উপঘ্ন; সাহায্য): The supports under the bridge is starting to bend.

Ø Track / træk / (ট্র্যাক্‌) n [marks or line of marks, left on the ground by a person, an animal, or a moving vehicle, showing the direction they moved in] (<যানবাহন, মানুষ অথবা পশুদের চলাচলের ফলে সৃষ্ট> পথ-চিহ্ন): Police found tire tracks in the mud.

<VERB> Track / træk / (ট্র্যাক্‌) v [to find Sb/Sth by following the marks, signs, information, etc. that they have left behind them] (পথ অনুসরণ করা): It is difficult to track an animal over stony ground.

Ø Prayer-mat / prer mæt / (প্রের ম্যাট্‌) n [] (জায়নামাজ): to say your prayers on the prayer-mat.

on bended knee position
On Bended Knee
<IDM> On bended knee / ɔːn bendəd niː / (ও্‌ন্‌ বেনডড্‌ নী) [in a position in which the knee of one leg is touching the floor] (এক হাঁটু গেড়ে নতজানু হওয়া): He went down on bended knee to ask her to marry him.

Ø <PHA-V> Go down [=to move down to a lower level or place] (নীচেনামা): She went down on his knees and begged for forgiveness.

fold your arms position
Fold Your Arms
<IDM> Fold your arms [=to put one of your arms over the other one and hold them against your body] (বুকে আড়াআড়িভাবে হাত বাঁধা): He stood watching her with his arms folded across his chest.

Fold / foʊld / (ফৌল্‌ড্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Folded} [to bend something, especially paper or cloth, so that one part lies on top of another part] (ভাঁজ করা/ হওয়; পাট করা/ হওয়া): he had a neatly folded handkerchief in his jacket pocket. The bird folded its wings.

Ø Against / əˈgenst / (ˈগেন্‌ছ্‌ট্‌) pre [close to, touching or hitting Sb/Sth] (উপর; সঙ্গে): He hit his forehead against the table when he felt. 
Ø Neat / niːt / (নীট্‌) adj [tidy and in order; carefully done or arranged] (পরিপাটি; পরিচ্ছন্ন; সুবিন্যস্ত; ফিটফাট): Your house is always so neat- how do you manage it with three children?

<ADV> Neatly / niːtli / (নীটলী) adv [in a tidy way] (পরিচ্ছন্নভাবে): He summarized his plan very neatly.

Ø Handkerchief / ˈhæŋkərtʃɪf / (ˈহ্যাঙ্‌করচিফ্‌) n [a small square piece of cloth used for cleaning or blowing your nose, or drying the eyes when they are wet with tears] (রুমাল): He blew his nose on a dirty handkerchief.

Slouch position
Slouch / slaʊtʃ / (স্লাচ্‌) v [to stand, sit or move in a lazy way, often with your shoulders and head bent forward] (শান্ত অলস ভঙ্গিতে দাঁড়ানো, বসা বা চলা): A couple of boys were slouched over the table reading magazines. He slouched across the room and collapsed in a chair. Straighten your back- try not to slouch.

<NOUN> [=a way of standing or sitting in which your shoulders are not straight so that you look tired or lazy] (শান্ত অলস ভঙ্গি বা শান্ত অলস ভঙ্গিতে হাঁটা):

Ø Lazy / ˈleɪzi / (ˈলেজি) adj [unwilling to work or be active; doing as little as possible] (অলস, শ্রমবিমুখ): He is not stupid, just lazy. His smile was slow, almost lazy.
    <SYN> Idle

Ø Collapse / kəˈlæps / (ˈল্যাপছ্‌) v [to sit or lie down and relax, especially after working hard] (<ক্লান্ত হয়ে> ধপ করে বসে অথবা শুয়ে পড়া): When I get home I like to collapse on the sofa and listen to music.

Ø Straighten / ˈstreɪtn / (ˈস্ট্রেটন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Straightened / ˈstreɪtnd / (ˈস্ট্রেটন্‌ড্‌)} [to make your body straight and vertical] (সোজা করা; সরল/ সিধা করা): He stood up and straightened his shoulders.

arm in arm position
Arm In Arm
Arm in arm / ˌɑːrm ɪn ˈɑːrm / (ˌআঃর্ম্‌ ন্‌ ˈআঃর্ম্‌) n [two people are arm in arm, they both have one arm bent at the arm of the other person] (বাহুবদ্ধ হয়ে): We walked arm in arm along the river bank.

Arm / ɑːrm / (আঃর্ম্‌) n [both of the two long parts of the upper body which are fixed to the shoulders and have the hands at the end] (বাহু): He escaped with only a broken arm. My arms ache from carrying this bag. The officer grabbed him by the arm. She cradled the child in her arms.

Ø Escape / ɪˈskeɪp / (ˈছকেপ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Escaped / ɪˈskeɪpt / (ˈছকেপ্‌ট্‌)} [to get free from something, or to avoid something] (<কিছুথেকে> বেঁচে যাওয়া; মুক্তি পাওয়া; পালিয়ে যাওয়া): I was lucky to escape with minor injuries. He narrowly escaped a fine.

Ø Grab / græb / (গ্র্যাব্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Grabbed / græbd / (গ্র্যাব্‌ড্‌)} [to take or hold something or someone with your hand suddenly, firmly or roughly] (খপ করে ধরা; আঁকড়ে ধরা; কেড়ে বা ছিনিয়ে নেওয়া): She grabbed the child’s hand and ran. He grabbed her around the throat and squeezed.

 <SYN> Snatch; Seize

Ø Cradle / ˈkreɪdl / (ˈক্রেড্‌ল্‌) n [a small bed for a baby, especially which can be pushed gently from side to side] (দোলনা): Mother rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle. The nurse rocked the cradle.

<VERB> [=to hold Sb/Sth gently in your hands, especially by supporting with the arms] (<বাহু দিয়ে> কোলে নেওয়া): The old mother cradled the tiny baby in his arms. She cradled him tenderly in her arms.

Perch / pɜːrtʃ / (পা্‌র্চ্‌) v [to sit or make somebody sit on something, especially on the edge of it] (<কোনোকিছুর কিনারায়> স্থির হয়ে বসা): We perched on a couple of high stools at the bar. The vultures perched upon the banyan tree. My father used to perch me on the front of his bike.

<NOUN> [=a seat or other places high up, often giving a good view of something below] (উচু বাসার স্থান): We watched the parade from our perch on the scaffolding.

holding hands
Holding Hands
Holding hands / ˈhoʊldɪŋ hænddʒ / (ˈহৌল্ডিং হ্যান্ডজ্‌) n [holding each other hands] (হাতে হাত রেখে বা ধোরে): We were holding hands. Couples strolled past holding hands.

Ø Stroll / stroʊl / (স্ট্রৌল্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Strolled} [to walk in a slow relaxed manner, especially for pleasure] (পায়চারি; ধীরেসুস্থে ভ্রমণ; পদচারণ): People were strolling along the beach.

sprawl position
Sprawl / sprɔːl / (স্প্রোল্‌) v [to spread the arms and legs out carelessly and untidily while sitting or lying down] (হাত-পা ছড়িয়ে শোয়া বা বসা): He was sprawling in an armchair in front of the TV.

Ø Careless / ˈkerləs / (ˈকেরলছ্‌) adj [not giving enough attention and thought to what you are doing, so that you make mistakes] (অসাবধান; অবহেলা): It was careless of me to leave the door open.

 <ADV> carelessly [] (অসাবধানে; অসতর্কভাবে): Someone had carelessly left a window open.

recline position
Recline / rɪˈklaɪn / (রিˈক্লাইন্‌) v [to sit or lie in a relaxed way, with your body leaning backward] (বিশ্রামের ভঙ্গিতে এলিয়ে পড়া; আধাশোয়া হয়ে থাকা): He was reclining elegantly on the sofa. I reclined my head on his shoulder.

Ø Elegant / ˈelɪgənt / (ˈএলিগনট্‌) adj [(of people or their behavior) attractive and showing a good sense of style] (মার্জিত; রুচিশীল): She was slim, tall and elegant. She was looking for something cool and elegant to wear.
    <SYN> Stylish

 <ADV> Elegantly / ˈelɪgəntli / (ˈএলিগনট্‌লি) adv [] (মার্জিত ভাবে): He leaned elegantly against the door. Elegantly furnished

cross legged position
Cross-legged / ˌkrɔːs ˈlegd / (ˌক্রোছ্‌-ˈলেগড্‌) adv [having your feet crossed over other, but your knees wide apart, usually while sitting on the floor] (পায়ের উপর পা তুলে বসা):

Ø Wide / waɪd / (ওআড্‌) adj [measuring a lot from one side to the other] (চওড়া; প্রশস্ত): Raju has a wide mouth. A wide river.

<ADV> [as far or fully as possible or to the full extent] (লক্ষ্য থেকে দূরে): The arrow fell wide of the mark. Open your mouth wide. “Open wide,” said the dentist. He stood with his legs wide apart. 

slumped position
Slumped / slʌmpt / (স্লামপ্‌ট্‌) adj [sitting with your body leaning forward, for example, because you are asleep or unconscious] (ধপাস করে বসা): The driver was slumped exhausted over the wheel. There was a slumped figure in the chair.

Ø Slump / slʌmp / (স্লামপ্‌) v {~ adv. /prep.} {Pt. Pp. slumped / slʌmpt / (স্লামপ্‌ট্‌)} [to sit or fall heavily and suddenly] (ধপ করে বসে পড়া বা পড়ে যাওয়া): The old man slumped into the chair, exhausted.

Ø Unconscious / ʌnˈkɑːnʃəs / (আনˈকাঃনশছ্‌) adj [in a state like sleep because of an injury or illness, and not able to use your senses] (অচেতন; সংজ্ঞাহীন; বেহুঁশ; অজ্ঞান; অবচেতন): She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked unconscious. He was knocked unconscious.

Ø Exhausted / ɪgˈzɔːstɪd / (ˈজোছটিড্‌) adj [extremely tired] (চরম পরিশ্রান্তি; অবসাদগ্রস্ত): I am exhausted! The exhausted climbers were rescued by helicopter.  
<SYN> Fatigued

Exhaustion / ɪgˈzɔːstʃən / (ˈজোছচন্‌) n [the state of being extremely tired] (অবসাদ; অত্যন্ত ক্লান্তি): He was hollow-eyed and seemed very close to exhaustion. He was faint with exhaustion.
    <SYN> Fatigue

fetal position
Fetal Position

Fetal position / ˈfiːtl ˈfiːtl pəˈzɪʃən / () n {UK foetal position} [a position in which someone lies in a curved shape with legs and arms bent and close to the body] (কোকড়া অবস্থা):

Ø Fetus / ˈfiːtəs / (ˈফীটছ্‌) n [a young human or animal before birth, especially a human more than eight weeks after fertilization] (ভ্রুণ):

Ø Curl / kɜːrl / (কা্‌র্ল) v {Pt. Pp. Curled / kɜːrld / (কা্‌র্লড্‌)} [to form or make Sth form into a curved shape] (কুঞ্চিত করা; <চুল> কোঁকড়ানো): He curled his legs up under him. The cat curled into a ball and went to sleep.

spread eagled position
Spread-eagled / ˌspred ˈiːgld / (ˌস্প্রেড্‌-ˈঈগল্ড্‌) adj [describes someone who is lying with their arms and legs stretched out] (হাত পা ছড়িয়ে ক্রুশাকারে শায়িত): Sunbathers lay spread-eagled on the sands. He lay spread-eagled on the floor.

Ø Spread / spred / (স্প্রেড্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Spread} 1. [to move your arms, legs, fingers, etc. apart from each other] (হাত, পা ছড়িয়ে দেওয়া বা মেলে ধরা): She spread her arms and the child ran towards her.

2. [=to put a layer of a substance into the surface of Sth] (মাখিয়ে বা লেপে দেওয়া): to spread butter on pieces of bread.

Supine / ˈsuːpaɪn / (ˈছূপান্‌) adj [lying flat on your back] (চিৎ; উত্তান):

prone position
Prone / proʊn / (প্রৌন্‌) adj [lying flat on the front with face down] (অধোমুখ; উপুড়; হেঁটমুখ): She was found lying in a prone position. He stumbled over Raju’s prone body.
   <SYN> Prostrate

Ø Flat / flæt / (ফ্যাট্‌) adv [spread out in a level, straight position, especially against another surface] (চিত/ চিতপাত হয়ে বা করে): Lay the cloth flat across the table. Lie flat and breathe deeply.  

Ø Stumble / ˈstʌmbl / (ˈস্টামবল্‌) v {Pt. Pp. Stumbled} [to hit your foot against something while you are walking or running and almost fall] (হোঁচট/ উচট খাওয়া): Running along the beach, she stumbled on a log and fell on the sand. The child stumbled and fell.

    <SYN> Trip

Sleep on left side

Sleep on left side // () n [lie in or move to left side position] (বাম কাত হয়ে শোয়া):

Sleep on right side

Sleep on right side // () n [lie in or move to right side position] (ডান কাত হয়ে শোয়া):

Sitting Position

Sitting position // () n [sit with back straight and shoulders back. Ensure body weight is distributed evenly on both hips. Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle, keeping the height of your knees even with your hips. Rest your feet flat on the floor or a footrest, if needed, to keep your knees aligned with your hips] (বসার ভঙ্গি)

Hunch / hʌntʃt / (হান্‌চ্‌) v [to bend the top part of your body forward and raise your shoulder into a rounded shape] (কুঁজো হওয়া): We hunched around the fire to keep warm. Stand up straight and do not hunch your back. He hunched over forward to see the picture.

Ø <ADJ> Hunched / hʌntʃt / (হানচ্‌ট্‌) [] (কুঁজ): Sitting hunched over a computer all day can cause problems. He sat hunched on the bed all day.

Ø <NOUN> Hunchback / hʌntʃbæk / (হানচ্‌ব্যাক্‌) n [a person who has a back with a large round lump (=raised area) on it, because of illness] (কুঁজো <মানুষ>; কুব্জ):

Upright / ˈʌpraɪt / (আপরাইট্‌) adj [not lying down, and with the back straight rather than bent] (সোজা; সিধা; সরল; খাড়া): Gradually raise your body into an upright position. Please return your seat to an upright position and fasten your belt.

hands on hips
Hands-On Hips
Hands on hips / hænddʒ ɔːn hɪpdʒ / (হ্যান্ডজ্‌ ওন্‌ হিপজ্‌) n [] (কোমরে হাতদিয়ে দাঁড়ানো):

Body Positions Name Meaning & Picture 

Noted From Google Image, Cambridge & Oxford Dictionary

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