Thursday, March 31, 2016

Stationery Items Names Meaning & Image | Necessary Vocabulary

stationery items names, stationery names,
Stationery Items

Stationery / ˈsteɪʃəneri / (ˈস্টেনেরি) n [stationery is commercially manufactured writing material, such as envelopes, pens, and other office supplies. It included materials to be written on by hand or by equipment such as computer printers] (লেখার কাগজপত্র ও অন্যান্য সরঞ্জাম; স্টেশনেরি): Handmade wedding stationery.

Stationery Item Related Necessary Vocabulary Note

Ø Stationer’s / ˈsteɪʃənərz / (ˈস্টেরজ্‌) n [a shop which sells stationery] (খাতা, কলম, পেন ইত্যাদির দোকান): Is there a stationer’s near here?

Ø Manufacture / ˌmænjuˈfæktʃər / (ˌম্যানুˈফ্যাকচর্‌) v [to produce goods in large numbers, usually in a factory using machines] (<পণ্যদি> প্রস্তুত করা; উৎপাদন করা): He works for a company that manufactures car parts.

<SYN> Mass – produce

<NOUN> Manufacturer / ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərər / (ˌম্যানুˈফ্যাকচর্‌) n [a person or company that produces goods in large numbers] (উৎপাদানকারী <ব্যাক্তি, শিল্পসংস্থা>): Germany is a major manufacturer of the motor car.

Ø Material / məˈtɪriəl / (ˈটিরিল্‌) n [things that are needed in order to do a particular activity] (উপকরণ; সামগ্রী; সঁরজাম): “Do we need any writing materials?” “Only a pen and a pencil.”

     <SYN> Equipment

Ø <IDM> Such as [for example] (যেমনটি): That sum of money is to cover costs such as travel and accommodation.

Ø Supply / səˈplaɪ / (ˈপলা) n {Plu. supplies} [an amount of something that is provided or available to be used] (সম্ভার; যোগান; সরবরাহ): Supplies of food are almost exhausted.

Ø Include / ɪnˈkluːd / (ন্‌ˈক্লূড্‌) v [to contain Sth as a part of Sth else or to make Sth part of Sth else] (অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা): Tax and service are included in the bill.

<NOUN> Inclusion / ɪnˈkluːʒn / (ন্‌ˈক্লূজন্‌) n [the fact of including Sb/Sth; the fact of being included] (অন্তর্ভুক্তি): He is being considered for inclusion in the Bangladesh team. 

Ø Equip / ɪˈkwɪp / (ˈকোয়িপ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. equipped / ɪˈkwɪpt / (ˈকোয়িপ্‌ট্‌)} [to provide a person or a place with objects that are necessary for a particular purpose or activity] (সজ্জিত করা; প্রস্তুত করা): The car is fully equipped with all the latest gadgets.

<NOUN> Equipment / ɪˈkwɪpmənt / (ˈকোয়িপ্‌মন্‌ট্‌) n [the set of necessary tools, clothing, etc. for a particular purpose or activity] (সজ্জা; প্রস্তুতি): office/camping/ laboratory equipment.

Ø Wed / wed / (ওএড্‌) v {Pt. Pp. wedded or wed} [to marry someone] (বিয়ে করা/ দেওয়া): The couple plan to wed next summer.

Pencil / ˈpensl / (ˈপেনছ্‌ল্‌) n [a long, narrow piece of wood, or a metal or plastic case is a writing implement constructed of a narrow, solid pigment core inside a protective casing which prevents the core from being broken or leaving marks on the user’s hand during use.

Most pencil cores are made of graphite mixed with a clay binder which leaves grey or black marks that can be easily erased. Graphite pencils are used for both writing and drawing and result in durable markings] (কাঠচক; পেন্সিল): The pencil is blunt – you would better sharpen it.

Ø Case / keɪs / (কেছ্‌) n [a container or covering used to protect or store things] (খাপ; কোষ; আধার; আবরণ): a pencil case

Ø Implement / ˈɪmplɪmənt / (ˈমপ্লিমন্‌ট্‌) n [a tool, often one that is quite simple and which works by being moved by hand or by being pulled across a surface] (হাতিয়ার): household/Garden Implements

Ø Construct / kənˈstrʌkt / (নছট্রাক্‌ট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. constructed} [to build something or put together different parts to form something whole] (নির্মাণ করা; গঠন করা): When was the bridge constructed?

Ø Pigment / ˈpɪgmənt / (ˈপিগ্‌মনট্‌) n [a colored powder that is mixed with a liquid to produce paint, etc.] (রঞ্জক পদার্থ): Pigment is mixed into the oil, glue, egg, etc.

Ø Core / kɔːr / (কোর) n [the central part of an object] (কোনো জিনিসের সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অংশ):

Ø Graphite / ˈgræfaɪt / (ˈগ্র্যাফাট্‌) n [a soft dark grey form of carbon, used in the middle of pencils] (গ্রাফাইট; কৃষ্ণসীস নামক ধাতু):

Ø Clay / kleɪ / (ক্লে) n [thick, heavy soil that is soft when wet, and hard when dry or baked, used for making bricks and containers] (কাদামাটি):

Ø Binder / ˈbaɪndər / (ˈবানডর্‌) n [a substance that makes things stick or mix together in a solid form] (বাইন্ডার):

Ø Erase / ɪˈreɪs / (ˈরেছ্‌) v [to remove something, especially a pencil mark by rubbing it] (মুছে ফেলা): He had erased the wrong word.

Ø <PHR-V> Result in Sth [to cause a particular situation to happen] (পর্যবসিত হওয়া; ডেকে আনা): The cyclone has resulted in many thousands of deaths.

Ø Durable / ˈdʊrəbl / (ˈ ডুরবল্‌) adj [likely to last for a long time without breaking or getting weaker] (মজবুত; টেকসই): durable plastics

Ø Blunt / blʌnt / (ব্লান্‌ট্‌) adj [describes a pencil, knife, etc. that is not sharp, and therefore not able to write, cut, etc. well] (ভোঁতা): This pencil’s blunt! A blunt knife

   <ANT> Sharp

Pen / pen / (পেন) n 1. [a pen is a writing implement used to apply ink to a surface, such as paper, for writing or drawing. Historically, quill pens and dip pens were used with a nib dipped in ink] (কলম; লেখনী): I grabbed a pen and began taking notes. My pen’s run out.

2. Pen / pen / (পেন) n [a small piece of land surrounded by a fence in which farm animals are kept] (গৃহপালিত প্রাণী রাখার<খোঁয়াড়>): a goat pen 

Ø Apply / əˈplaɪ / (পলা) v {Pt. Pp. applied} [to put or spread Sth such as paint, cream, etc. onto a surface] (লাগানো; প্রয়োগ করা): The glue should be applied to both surfaces

quill pen
Quill pen
Ø Quill / kwɪl / (কুল্‌) n [a large feather from the wing or tail of a bird] (পাখির পাখা বা লেজের লম্বা পালক):

Quill pen [a pen made from a bird’s feather, used in the past] (<অতিতে ব্যবহ্রত> পাখির পালকের কলম):

Ø Dip / dɪp / (ডিপ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. dipped / dɪpt / (ডিপ্ট্‌)} [to put Sth into a liquid a short time] (তরল পদার্থে চোবান; ডুব দিয়ে তোলা): Dip the fishes in the batter, then drop it into the hot oil.
dip pen
Dip Pen

Dip pen [a dip pen consist of a metal nib, with no ink reservoir, there for the user has to recharge the ink from an ink bowl or bottle to continue writing, used past after quill pen] (<অতিতে ব্যবহৃত> ডিপপেন): Dip pens emerged in the early 19th century, when they replaced quill pens.

Ø Grab / græb / (গ্র্যাব্‌) v {Pt. Pp. grabbed / græbd / (গ্র্যাব্‌ড্‌)} [to have or take Sth quickly, especially because you are in a hurry] (খপ করে ধরা/ নেওয়া): Grab a cab and get over here.
<SYN> Grasp

Ø <PHR> Run out [to use up or finish supply of Sth, so that there is none left] (ফুড়িয়ে যাওয়া; শেষ হওয়া): “Have you got any milk?” “Sorry, I’ve run out.”

fountain pen
Fountain Pen
Fountain pen / ˈfaʊntn pen / (ˈফানটন্‌ পেন্‌) n [it is a nib pen that, unlike its predecessor, the fountain pen, contains an internal reservoir of liquid ink. The pen draws ink from the reservoir through a feed to the nib and deposits it on paper via a combination of gravity and capillary action.

Filling the reservoir with ink may be completed manually or via an internal filling mechanism which creates suction to transfer ink directly through the nib into the reservoir. A fountain pen needs little or no pressure on the nib to write. World Fountain Pen Day is celebrated on the first Friday of November every year by the lovers of fountain pen] (ঝর্ণা কলম):  

Fountain / ˈfaʊntn / (ˈফানটন্‌) n [a structure from which water is sent up into the air by a pump, used to decorate parks and gardens/yards] (ঝর্ণা; ফোয়ারা):

Ø Nib / nɪb / (নিব্‌) n [a pointed metal part at one end of a pen, which the ink flows through when you write or draw] (<কলমের> নিব):

Ø Unlike / ˌʌnˈlaɪk / (ˌআনˈলাক্‌) adj [(of two people or things) different from each other] (<থেকে> ভিন্ন; আলাদা; অন্যরকম): Unlike you, I’m not a great dancer.

Ø Predecessor / ˈpredəsesər / (ˈপ্রেডছেছর্‌) n [a thing, such as a machine, that has been followed or replaced by something else] (পূর্বগামী কোনোকিছু; পূর্বগ; পূর্বসূরী): This computer has a larger memory than its predecessor.

Ø Contain / kənˈteɪn / (নটেন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. contained} [to have Sth inside or include Sth as a part] (ধারণ করা; রয়েছে): This drink doesn’t contain any alcohol.

Ø Reservoir / ˈrezərvwɑːr / (ˈরেজর্ভওয়ার্‌) n [a place in an engine or a machine where a liquid is kept before it is used] (তরল পদার্থ রাখবার পাত্র; জলাধার): an oil reservoir

Ø Feed / fiːd / (ফীড্‌) n [the part of a machine through which it is supplied with fuel or with Sth else that it needs] (<যন্ত্রের মধ্যে> সরবরাহকৃত রসদ): The printer has an automatic paper feed.

Ø Deposit / dɪˈpɑːzɪt / (ডিˈপাঃজিট্‌) v [(especially of a river or a liquid) to leave a layer of Sth on the surface of Sth] (<বিশেষত নদী, তরল পদার্থ ইত্যাদি সম্বন্ধে> তলানি, দাগ ফেলা): The flood waters fell, depositing mud over the whole area.

Ø Via / ˈvaɪə / (ˈভাইএ) pre [through a place] (হয়ে): Reports are coming in via satellite.

Ø Gravity / ˈgrævəti / (ˈগ্র্যাভটি) n [the place which attracts objects towards one another, especially the force makes things fall to the ground when they are dropped] (মাধ্যাকর্ষণ; অভিকর্ষ): Newton’s law of gravity.

Ø Capillary action / ˈkæpəleri ˈækʃn / (ˈক্যাপএলেরি ˈএ্যাকশ্‌ন্‌) n [(technical) the force that makes a liquid move up a narrow tube] (কৈশিক ক্রিয়া):

Ø Manual / ˈmænjuəl / (ˈম্যানুল্‌) adj [operated or controlled by hand rather than using electricity] (হস্তচালিত; হাতের দ্বারা সাধিত): My camera has manual and automatic functions.
    <ADV> Manually [by hand] (হাত দ্বারা): Manually operated.

Ø Mechanism / ˈmekənɪzm / (ˈমেকনিজম্‌) n [a part of a machine, or a set of moving parts that work together] (নির্মাণকৌশল্‌; কার্যসাধন-পদ্ধতি; <যন্ত্রের> গঠন): The mechanism for locking the door of the washing machine is childproof.

Ø Suction / ˈsʌkʃn / (ˈছাকশ্‌ন্‌) n [the process of removing air or liquid from space or container so that Sth else can be sucked into it or so that two surfaces can stick together] (চোষক): Vacuum cleaners work by suction.

Ø Celebrate / ˈselɪbreɪt / (ˈছেলিব্রেট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. celebrated} [to show that a day or an event is important by doing Sth special on it] (উদ্‌যাপন করা): How do people celebrate New Year in your country?

<NOUN> Celebration / ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn / (ˌছেলিˈব্রেশ্‌ন্‌) n [a special event such as a party that people organize in order to celebrate Sth] (উদ্‌যাপন): Birthday/wedding celebrations

Ballpoint (pen) / ˈbɔːlpɔɪnt / (ˈবোলপয়ন্‌ট্‌) n [it is also known as a “biro”, “ball pen”, or “dot pen” is a pen that dispenses ink over a metal ball at its point, i.e. over a “ballpoint”. It was conceived and developed as a cleaner and more reliable alternative to quill and fountain pens, and it is now the world’s most-used writing instrument, millions are manufactured and sold daily] (কন্দুক কলম; বলপেন): We are not allowed to write in ballpoint at school.

Ø Point / pɔɪnt / (পয়ন্‌ট্‌) n [the sharp, thin end of Sth, such as knife] (<পিন, রুল, ছুরি ইত্যা> অগ্র; মুখ): The point of a pencil/knife/pin

Ø Conceive / kənˈsiːv / (নছীভ্‌) v [to form an idea, a plan, etc. in your mind; to imagine Sth] (ধারণা করা; কল্পনা করা): God is often conceived of as male.

Ø Cleaner / ˈkliːnər / (ˈক্লীন) n [a machine or substance that is used for cleaning] (পরিষ্কারক বস্তু বা মেশিন): a vacuum cleaner.

Ø Reliable / rɪˈlaɪəbl / (রিলাইএব্‌ল্‌) adj [that can be trusted to do Sth well; that you can rely on] (নির্ভরযোগ্য; বিশ্বাসযোগ্য): Is your watch reliable?
    <SYN> Dependable

exercise book
Exercise Book
Exercise book / ˈeksərsaɪz bʊk / (ˈএকছরছাজ্‌ বুক্‌) n {also USA, Notebook} [an exercise book is a notebook, that is used in schools to copy down schoolwork and notes. A student will usually have a different exercise book for each separate lesson.

The exercise book format is different for some subjects, for the majority of subjects, the exercise book will contain lined paper with a margin, but for other subjects such as mathematics, the exercise book will contain squared or bland paper to aid in the drawing of graphs, tables or other diagrams] (খাতা): He was jotting things down in a little exercise book.

Ø <PHR-V> Copy down [to write Sth that someone has said or written so that you can remember it] (হুবাহু লিখে নেওয়া): I copied down my teacher’s lecture.

Ø Separate / ˈseprət / (ˈছেপরট্‌) adj [different; not connected] (পৃথক; আলাদা; বিচ্ছিন্ন; বিযুক্ত): Write a list of names on a separate piece of paper.

Ø Lesson / ˈlesn / (ˈলেছ্‌ন্‌) n [a period of time in which a person is taught about a subject or how to do something] (পাঠ; অনুশীলনী; পড়া; অধ্যায়): The course book is divided into 30 lessons.

Ø Format / ˈfɔːrmæt / (ˈফোরম্যাট্‌) n [the shape and size of a book, magazine, etc.] (<বইয়ের মুদ্রণ, কাগজ ও বাঁধাই-সহ> আকার, সজ্জা ও আয়তন): They have brought out the magazine in a new format.

Ø Different / ˈdɪfrənt / (ˈডিফ্‌রন্‌ট্‌) adj [not the same as Sb/Sth; not like Sb/Sth else] (আলাদা; ভিন্নতর; পৃথক):

Ø Line / laɪn / (লান্‌) n [a long thin mark on a surface] (রেখা; সারি): Draw a thick black line across the page.

<ADJ> Lined / laɪnd / (লান্‌ড্‌) adj [(of paper) having lines printed or drawn across it] (রেখাযুক্ত): Lined paper helps keep handwriting neat.

Ø Square / skwer / (স্কএর) adj [having four straight equal sides and four angles of 90°] (বর্গক্ষেত্র; সমচতুর্ভুজ): It’s a square-shaped room. First, draw a square.

Ø Jot / dʒɑːt / (জাঃট্‌) v [to make a quick short note of something] (<কোনোকিছু> চটজলদি লিখে নেওয়া): Could you jot your address and phone number in my address book.

<PHR-V> Jot Sth down [to write Sth quickly on a piece of paper so that you remember it] (সংক্ষেপে লিপিবদ্ধ করা): I’ll just jot down the address for you.

Eraser / ɪˈreɪsər / (ˈরের্‌) n {also UK, Rubber} [a small piece of rubber or similar substance, used for removing pencil marks from paper; a piece of soft material used for removing chalk marks from a black board] (মুছনি; ইরেজার): If you draw or write in pencil you can always rub out your mistakes with an eraser.

Ø <PHR-V> Rub Sth out [to remove writing or a mark from Sth by rubbing it with a piece of rubber] (ঘষে তুলে ফেলা): It’s in pencil so you can rub it out if you need to rub out a mistake.

pencil sharpener
Pencil Sharpener
Pencil sharpener / ˈpensl ˈʃɑːrpnər / (ˈপেনছল্‌ ˈশাঃর্পনর্‌) n [it is a small device with a sharp blade inside, used for sharpening a pencil’s writing point by shaving away its worn surface] (রুল তারানী): Pencil sharpener may be operated manually or by an electric motor.

Ø Device / dɪˈvaɪs / (ডিˈভাছ্‌) n [an object or a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job] (যন্ত্র; কল): A water-saving device.

Ø Worn / wɔːrn / (র্ন্‌) adj [(of a thing) damaged or thinner than normal become it is old and has been used a lot] (<ব্যবহারের ফলে> ক্ষয়প্রাপ্ত): The stone steps were worn and broken.

Highlighter / ˈhaɪlaɪtər / (ˈহালার্‌) n {also Highlighter pen} [it is a felt-tip writing device filled with transparent fluorescent ink, used to draw attention to sections of text by marking them with a vivid, translucent color] (হাইলাইটার কলম; চিহ্নিতকরণ কলম): The first highlighter pen was introduced in 1963.

Ø Felt / felt / (ফেল্ট্‌) n [a type of soft thick cloth made from a pressed tightly together of wool or hair] (পশমি বস্ত্র/কাপড়): felt hats

Felt-tip [a pen which has a writing point made of felt] ():

Ø Fluorescent / ˌflɔːˈresnt / (ˌফ্লোˈরেছন্‌ট্‌) adj [(of a color) appearing very bright when light shines on it; that can be seen in the dark] (<রং সম্বন্ধে> বিকিরণ গ্রহন করে তা আলোকরুপে ফিরিয়ে দেয় এমন; প্রতিপ্রভ): fluorescent armbands worn by cyclists.

Ø Vivid / ˈvɪvɪd / (ˈভিভিড্‌) adj [(of light, colors, etc.) very bright] (<রং সম্বন্ধে> তীব্র উজ্জ্বল): She was wearing a vivid pink shirt.

Marker / ˈmɑːrkər / (ˈমাঃর্কর্‌) n {also UK marker pen} [a marker pen or sketch pen is a pen which has its own ink-source, and a tip made of porous, pressed fibers such as felt. The upper part of the marker contains the nib that was made in the earlier time of a hard felt material, and a cap to prevent the marker from drying out. The ink of the marker is usually made on the basis of alcohols] (মার্কার): a fine felt-tip marker

Ø Porous / ˈpɔːrəs / (ˈ পোরছ্‌) adj [having many small holes that allow water or air to pass through slowly] (সূক্ষ্মরন্ধ্রযুক্ত; বাতাস, পানি সহজে চলাচল করতে পারে এমন): He added sand to the soil to make it more porous.

Ø Pressed / prest / (প্রেছ্‌ট্‌) adj [made flat using force or a heavy object] (সঙ্কুচিত): Pictures made with pressed flowers.

Ø Basis / ˈbeɪsɪs / (ˈবেছিছ্‌) n [the most important facts, ideas or events that support Sth and that it can develop from] (ভিত্তি): This article will form the basis for our discussion.

pen holder
Pen Holder
Pen holder / pen ˈhoʊldər / (পেন ˈহৌলডর্‌) n [] (পেন হৌল্ডার):

paper clip
Paper Clip
Paper clip / ˈpeɪpər klɪp / (ˈপের্‌ ক্লিপ্‌) n [a piece of bent, looped shape, steel or plastic wire, which is designed to hold loose sheets of paper together] (পেপার ক্লিপ; কাগজ আঁকড়া):

Ø Loop / luːp / (লূপ্‌) n [a piece of rope, wire, etc. in the shape of a curve or circle] (সুতা, ফিতা ইত্যাদির আঁকাবাঁকা আকার <গিঁটযেমন থাকে>): Make a loop in the string.

Ø Loose / luːs / (লূছ্‌) adj [not firmly fixed where it should be; able to become separated from Sth] (আলগা বা ঢিলা; শিথিল; ছাড়া বা খোলা): Check that the plug has not come loose.

bulldog clip
Bulldog Clip
Bulldog clip / ˈbʊldɔːg klɪp / (ˈবুলডোগ্‌ ক্লিপ্‌) n [a metal device for temporarily but firmly binding sheets of paper together. It consists of a rectangular sheet of springy steel curved into a cylinder, with two flat steel strips inserted to form combined handles and jaws. The user presses the two handles together, causing the jaws to open against the force of the spring, then inserts a stack of papers and releases the handles. The spring forces the jaws together gripping the papers firmly] (বুলডগ ক্লিপ; বড় আঁকড়া):

Bulldog / ˈbʊldɔːg / (ˈবুলডোগ্‌) n [a small dog with a muscular body, a short flat nose, short legs, and a large square-shaped face] (বুলডগ):

Ø Bind / baɪnd / (বান্‌ড্‌) v {Pt. Pp. bound} [to tie or fasten Sb/Sth with rope, string, etc. so that they cannot move or are held together firmly] (বাঁধা; বই/খাতা বাঁধাই করা): He was left bound and gagged.

Ø Strip / strɪp / (স্ট্রিপ্‌) n [a long, flat, narrow piece of paper, metal, cloth, etc.] (ফালি; চিলতে): Cut the meat into strips.

Ø Insert / ɪnˈsɜːrt / (নছা্‌র্ট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. inserted / ɪnˈsɜːrtɪd / (নছা্‌রটিড্‌)} [to put Sth into Sth else or between two things] (ঢোকানো; ভিতরে স্থাপন করা): Please insert a coin into the slot and press for a ticket.

Ø Stack / stæk / (স্ট্যাক্‌) n [a pile of something arranged one on top of another] (বই বা কাগজের স্তুপ; গাদা): A stack of books.

Ø Release / rɪˈliːs / (রিলীছ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. released / rɪˈliːst / (রিলীছ্‌ট্‌)} [to remove something from a fixed position, allowing something else to move or function] (ছাড়া, ছেড়ে দেওয়া): to release the clutch/hand break/switch, etc.

Ø Grip / grɪp / (গ্রিপ্‌) n [a tight hold on something or someone] (দৃঢ় মুষ্টি): He struggled from her grip.

 <SYN> Grasp

<VERB> Grip / grɪp / (গ্রিপ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. gripped / grɪpt / (গ্রিপ্ট্‌)} [to hold something very tightly] (আঁকড়ে ধরা; শক্ত করে ধরা): The baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand.

 <SYN> Grasp

pin and clip dispenser
Pin and Clip Dispenser
Pin and clip dispenser / pɪn ənd klɪp dɪˈspensər / (পিন এন্ড্‌ ক্লিপ ডিˈছপেনছর্‌) n [] (পিন এবং ক্লিপ ডিস্পেনসার):

Ø Dispense / dɪˈspens / (ডিˈছপেন্‌ছ্‌) v [to give out things, especially products, services or amounts of money to people] (বিতরণ করা; বন্টন করা): The machine dispenses a range of drinks and snacks.

<NOUN> Dispenser / dɪˈspensər / (ডিˈছপেন্‌ছর্‌) n [a machine or container holding money, drinks, paper towels, etc. that you can obtain quickly, for example by pulling a handle or pressing buttons] (ডিসপেনসার): a paper towels/soap/drinks dispenser

Clipboard / ˈklɪpbɔːrd / (ˈক্লিপ্‌বোর্ড্‌) n [a small, thin, wooden or plastic board with a large metal clip at the top, they are little larger than a piece of paper. They are used to support paper with one hand while writing on the blank paper with one hand. Chipboard is often used in situations where a person may not be able to find a good writing surface] (ক্লিপবোর্ড): Add your name to the list on the clipboard.

Geometry box
Geometry Box
Geometry box / dʒiˈɑːmətri bɑːks / (জিআঃমট্রি বাঃক্স) n [a box, which contains a geometry tool] (জ্যামিতি বাক্স):

Ø Geometry / dʒiˈɑːmətri / (জিআঃমট্রি) n [the branch of mathematics relating to the study of space and the relationships between points, lines, angles, curves, surface and solid] (জ্যামিতি): a geometry lesson  

Ruler / ˈruːlər / (ˈরূলর্‌) n {Also scale[a long, narrow, strip flat piece of plastic, metal or wood with straight edges where centimeters or inches or both are printed. It is used for measuring things and drawing straight lines] (<সরল রেখা টানার জন্য> মাপকাঠি; রুলার; রুলকাঠ):

Protractor / prəˈtræktər / (প্রˈট্র্যাক্র্) n [a tool used for measuring and drawing angles, usually made from a half circle of clear plastic with degrees (0º to 180º) printed on it] (চাঁদা):

Set square
Set Square
Set square / ˈset skwer / (ˈছেট্‌ স্কর্‌) n {US triangle} [a flat piece of metal or plastic tool in the shape of a triangle with one angle of 90º, which is used for drawing angles] (সেট স্কআর):

Compass / ˈkʌmpəs / (ˈকাম্পছ্) n {Also compasses} 1. [a V-shaped device which is used for drawing circles or measuring distances on maps] (< v-আকৃতির>অঙ্কন শলাকা): a pair of compasses  

2. Compass / ˈkʌmpəs / (ˈকাম্পছ্) n [an instrument for finding a direction which has a needle which can move easily and that always points to the magnetic north] (দিকনির্ণয় যন্ত্র; কম্পাস): A compasses show you which direction is north.

Dividers / dɪˈvaɪdərz / (ডিভাইডএর্জ্‌) n [an instrument used in mathematics consisting of two parts which are joined at one end and have sharp points at the other and which are used for measuring lines and angles and for making marks to show positions along lines] (ডিভাইডার্জ):  

T –square
T –square
T –square / ˈtiː- skwer / (ˈটী- স্কর্‌) n [a long flat t-shaped piece of wood, metal or plastic instrument, which is used for drawing or measuring right angles or parallel lines] (টী - স্কআর):  

Stapler / ˈsteɪplər / (ˈস্টেপলর্‌) n [a stapler is a small mechanical device that joins pages of paper or similar material by driving a thin metal staple through the sheets and folding the ends. They are widely used in offices, homes, and schools] (স্টেপ্লার; আলতারাপ):

Ø Mechanical / məˈkænɪkl / (ক্যানিক্‌ল্‌) adj [connected with machines and engines] (যান্ত্রিক): a mechanical device/toy/clock

Ø Drive / draɪv / (ড্রাভ্‌) v [to force Sth to go in a particular direction or into a particular position by pushing it hitting it, etc.] (<ঠেলে বা শক্তিদিয়ে> প্রবেশ করান): to drive a nail a piece of wood.

Staple / ˈsteɪpl / (ˈস্টেপল্‌) n {also Staple pin} 1[a small thin piece of wire used to fasten sheets of paper together – it has sharp ends which are pushed through the paper and then bent flat by a special device] (স্টেপল পিন):

2. Staple / ˈsteɪpl / (ˈস্টেপল্‌) adj [forming a basic, large or important part of Sth] (প্রধান পণ্যদ্রব্য): The staple cereal crop is rice. Prices of staple foods such as fish and vegetables have also been increasing. 

Ø Fasten / ˈfæsn / (ˈফ্যাছ্‌ন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. fastened} {~ Sth up} [to close or join together the two parts of Sth; to become closed or joined together] (একত্রে বাঁধা বা যুক্ত করা): Fasten your seatbelt, please.

staple remover
Staple Remover
Staple remover / ˈsteɪpl rɪˈmuːvər / (ˈস্টেপল রিমূভর্‌) n [a small device that allows for the quick removal of a staple from paper, etc. without causing damage] (স্টেপল রিমূভার):

hole punch
Hole Punch
Hole punch / hoʊl pʌntʃ / (হৌল পান্‌চ্‌) n {Also. punch machine} [a tool or machine for cutting holes in paper, leather or metal by pushing a piece of metal through it] (হৌল পানচ; পানচ মেশিন):

1. Punch
Ø Punch / pʌntʃ / (পান্‌চ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. punched / pʌntʃt / (পান্‌চ্‌ট্‌)} 1. [to make a hole in Sth with a sharp object] (<চোখা কিছুদিয়ে> ছিদ্র করা): I was just punching holes in some sheets of paper.

2. Punch
2. Punch / pʌntʃ / (পান্‌চ্‌) v [to hit Sb/Sth with your fist (= closed hand)] (ঘুষি মারা): He punched her in the nose.

Ø Tool / tuːl / (টুল্‌) n [an instrument such as a hammer, screwdriver, saw, etc. that you hold in your hand and use for making things, repairing things, etc.] (যন্ত্রপাতি): Do you have the right cooking tools for the cook? Garden tool.

scotch tape
Scotch Tape
Scotch tape / skɑːtʃ teɪp / (স্কাঃচ্‌ টেপ্‌) n {also UK sell tape} [clear plastic tape that is sticky on one side, used for sticking things together] (স্কচটেপ): I stuck the note to the door with scotch tape.  

Ø Scotch / skɑːtʃ / (স্কাঃচ্‌) n [a type of whiskey (=a strong alcoholic drink) made in Scotland] (মদ বিশেষ): a bottle of scotch.

Ø Tape / teɪp / (টেপ্‌) n [a long narrow strip of material with a sticky substance on one side that is used for sticking things together] (টেপ্‌): adhesive tape

Ø Stick / stɪk / (স্টিক্‌) v {Pt. Pp. stuck / stʌk / (স্টাক্‌)} [to cause Sth to become fixed, for example with glue or another similar substance] (<আঠালো কিছুদিয়ে> লাগানো): He stuck a stamp on the envelope. Her wet clothes were sticking to her body.

<ADJ> Sticky / ˈstɪki / (ˈস্টিকি) adj [made of or covered in a substance that sticks to things that touch it] (আঠাল; চটচটে): The air was hot and sticky. Sticky tape 

tape dispenser
Tape Dispenser
Tape dispenser / teɪp dɪˈspensər / (টেপ ডিˈছপেন্‌ছর্‌) n [a tape dispenser is an object that holds a roll of tape and has a mechanism at one end to shear the tape] (টেপ ডিসপেনছার):

Ø Object / ˈɑːbdʒɪkt / (ˈআঃবজিক্‌ট্‌) n [a thing that can be seen and touched, but is not alive] (ইন্দ্রিয়গোচর বস্তু বা পদার্থ বা সামগ্রী): Look, there’s a strange object in the sky!

Ø Shear / ʃɪr / (শি) v [] (ফাড়িয়া ফেলা):

rubber band
Rubber Band
Rubber band / ˈrʌbər bænd / (ˈরাবর ব্যানড্‌) n {UK also Elastic band} [a thin round piece of rubber used to hold multiple objects together] (রবার ব্যান্ড; রাবার বন্ধনী): He put a rubber band around the box.


Ø Band / bænd / (ব্যানড্‌) n [a small group of musicians who play modern music together] (বাদকদল): He is a singer with a band. 

correction fluid
Correction Fluid
Correction fluid / kəˈrekʃn ˈfluːɪd / (ˈরেকশ্‌ন্‌ ˈফ্লূড্‌) n [a correction fluid or white-out, is an opaque, usually white fluid applied to paper to mask errors in the text. Once dried, it can be written over. It is typically packaged in small containers, and the lid has an attached brush, which dips into the bottle. The brush is used to apply the fluid to the paper] (কারেকশন ফ্লুইড; সংশোধন তরল):


Ø Mask / mæsk / (ম্যাছ্‌ক্‌) v [to hide Sth so that it cannot be easily seen or noticed] (আড়াল করা; মুখোশ দ্বারা ঢাকা): She masked her anger with a laugh.

Ø Error / ˈerər / (ˈএরর্‌) n [a mistake, especially one that causes problems or affects the result of Sth] (ভুল; ভ্রম): There are too many errors in your work.

<VERB> Err / er / (এর) v {Pt. Pp. erred / erd / (এরড্‌)} [to make a mistake or to do something wrong] (ভুল করা):

Ø Once / wʌns / (ওআন্‌ছ্‌) adv [on one occasion only; one single time] (একবার মাত্র; একদা): I have been there once.

<IDM> At once [immediately; without delay] (দেরি না করে; এক্ষুণী): Fetch a doctor at once. I am going away from here at once. Come here at once.

Scissors / ˈsɪzərz / (ˈছিজরজ্‌) n [a tool used for cutting cloth, paper, and other thin material, consisting of two blades laid one on top of the other and fastened in the middle so as to allow them to be opened and closed by a thumb and finger inserted through rings on the end of their handles] (কাঁচি)

sponge damper pad
Sponge Damper Pad 
Sponge damper pad / spʌndʒ ˈdæmpər pæd / (স্পান্‌জ্‌ ˈড্যামপর প্যাড্‌) n [it is a hygienic way of moistening fingers when someone counts money, flicking through documents, opening plastic bags and more. It speeds up the process when someone will easily be able to grip the note, page or bag. The sponge can also be used to dampen stamps before attaching them to envelopes or packages] (স্পাঞ্জ ড্যাপমার প্যাড): Sponge damper pad is ideal for use on the office desktop, in a mailroom, on a shop counter and more.

Ø Sponge / spʌndʒ / (স্পান্‌জ্‌) n [a piece of nature that is soft and light and full of holes and can hold water easily, used for washing or cleaning] (স্পন্‌জ): a bath sponge

Ø Hygienic / haɪˈdʒenɪk / (হাˈজেনিক্‌) adj [clean and free of bacteria and therefore unlikely to spread disease] (স্বাস্থ্যকর): The kitchen utensils didn’t look very hygienic.

      <ANT> Unhygienic

Ø Moisten / ˈmɔɪsn / (ˈময়ছন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. moistened / ˈmɔɪsnd / (ˈময়ছন্‌ড্‌)} [to become or make Sth slightly wet] (আর্দ্র করা বা হওয়া; ভেজা বা ভেজানো): Moisten the cloth before using it to clean glass.

Ø Flick / flɪk / (ফ্লিক্‌) v [to hit Sth with a sudden quick movement, especially using your finger and thumb together, or your hand] (আঙুল চালান; টুসকি মারা): He flicked the dust off his collar.

Ø <PHR-v> Speed up [to move or happen faster; to make Sth move or happen faster] (<কোনোকিছু> বেগ বৃদ্ধি করা): I think you need to speed up a bit – we are going to be late.

Ø Damp / dæmp / (ড্যাম্প্‌) adj {Damper, Dampest} [slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable] (আর্দ্র; সেঁতসেঁতে; ভেজা): Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Needle / ˈniːdl / (ˈনীড্‌ল্‌) n [a very fine slender piece of steel that you use for sewing, with a point at one end and a hole for the thread at the other] (সুই; সুচ; শলাকা): A needle and thread. The eye (=hole) of a needle.

Ø Slender / ˈslendər / (ˈস্লেনডর্‌) adj [thin and narrow] (সরু): a glass with a slender stem  

Ø Sew / soʊ / (ছৌ) v {Pt. Pp. sewed // (ছৌড্‌)} [to join two pieces of cloth together by putting a thread through them with a needle] (সেলাই): I sewed on three buttons.


Ø Thread / θred / (থ্রেড) n [a thin fiber of cotton, wool, silk, etc. used for sewing or making cloth] (সুতা): Our lives hang by a fragile thread.

lawyers bodkin with eye
Lawyers Bodkin With Eye 
Lawyers bodkin with eye / ˈlɔːjərz ˈbɑːdkɪn wɪð / (লোইর্জ্বাঃডকিন্দ্) n [this is an item of stationery. It is used to bore holes in paper documents so that it can be threaded through the hole in the documents to bind them together] (<খাতা সেলাই করার>শুয়া)

Ø Lawyer / ˈlɔːjərz / (ˈলোইর্) n {US attorney} [someone who is trained and qualified to advise people about the law and to represent them in court, and to write legal documents] (উকিল; আইনজীবী): I want to see my lawyer before I say anything.

Ø Bodkin / ˈbɑːdkɪn / (বাঃডকিন্) n [a large needle that does not have a sharp point, used especially for pulling the tape through] (ভোঁতা লম্বা সুচ):
1. 2. Eye
Ø Eye / / () n 1. [the hole at the end of a needle that you put the thread through] (<সুচের>চোখ/নেত্র):  

2. Eye / / () n [one of the two organs in your face, which you use to see with] (চোখ; চোক্ষু): He has got nice green eyes. 

Ø Bore / bɔːr / (বোর্) v {Pt. Pp. bored / bɔːrd / (বোর্ড্)} 1. [to make a long deep hole in Sth using a tool] (<যন্ত্রের সাহায্যে>সংকীর্ণ গোল ফুটা বা ছিদ্র করা): to bore a hole in Sth  

2. Bore / bɔːr / (বোর্) v [to talk or act in a way that makes someone lose interest and become tired] (এক ঘেয়ামি দ্বারা কাউকে ক্লান্ত করা): I am very easily bored.  

Ø Thread / θred / (থ্রেড্‌) v [to pass Sth long and thin such as string or thread through a narrow opening or hole] (<সুচে> সুতা পড়ানো/ভরানো): to thread a needle  

paper knife
Paper Knife
Paper knife / ˈpeɪpər naɪf / (ˈপের নাফ্‌) n {also USA letter opener} [a paper knife or letter opener is a knife-like object used to open envelopes or to slit uncut pages of books] (কাগজ কাটা চাকু):

Ø Slit / slɪt / (স্লিট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. slit} [to make a long narrow cut or opening in Sth] (চিরে ফেলা; চিরে খোলা): He slits open the envelope with a knife.

<NOUN> Slit / slɪt / (স্লিট্‌) n [a long narrow cut or opening] (সংকীর্ণ ফাঁক বা ফাটল; চির): She peered through a slit in the screen.

Paperweight / ˈpeɪpərweɪt / (ˈপেরওয়েট্‌) n [it is a medium solid object which is placed on top of loose papers to keep the papers from blowing in the breeze. The object need not be particularly heavy to perform its function. Any small object, such as a cup or a stone, can serve as a paperweight, but decorative objects have been created specifically for this purpose] (কাগজ-চাপা):

Ø Place / pleɪs / (প্লেছ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. placed / pleɪst / (প্লেছ্‌ট্‌)} [to put Sth in a particular place, especially when you do it carefully or deliberately] (রাখা; স্থাপন করা): He placed the letter in front of me.

Ø Blow / bloʊ / (ব্লৌ) v {Pt. blew / bluː / (ব্লূ); Pp. blown / bloʊn / (ব্লৌন্‌)} [to be moved by the wind, Sb’s breath, etc.; to move Sth in this way] (<বস্তু সম্পর্কে> বায়ু বা বাতাসের প্রবাহ দ্বারা তাড়িত বা চালিত হওয়া; উড়িয়ে নিয়ে যাওয়া): I was almost blown over by the wind.

Ø Breeze / briːz / (ব্রীজ্‌) n [a light wind] (মৃদুমন্দ বায়ু): The flowers were gently swaying in the breeze.

Notebook / ˈnoʊtbʊk / (ˈনৌট বুক) n [a small book for students to write their work in] (নোটখাতা): a notebook with spiral bound.

Ø Note / noʊt / (নৌট্‌) n 1. [a short piece of writing to help you remember Sth] (সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ; টীকা): He left a note to say he would be home late.

2. Note / noʊt / (নৌট্‌) n {US bill} [a piece of paper money] (কাগজের টাকা বা নোট): He pulled a thick wad of £ 20 notes out of his pocket.

Ø Spiral-bound / ˈspaɪrəl- baʊnd / (ˈস্পাল্‌-বান্ড্‌) n [(of a book) having a spiral-shaped piece of metal or plastic holding its pages together] (<বই সম্বেন্ধে>স্পাইরা-বাউন্ড; পেঁচানো তাঁর বাঁধাই):

Notepad / ˈnoʊtpæd / (ˈনৌট্‌প্যাড্‌) n [a set of sheets of plain or lined papers are held together at the top edge, used for writing notes on] (নোটপ্যাড): I found his address written on a notepad. A plain/ ruled notepad.

Ø Rule / ruːl / (রূল্‌) v [to draw a straight line using Sth that has a straight edge] (<সোজাকিছু দিয়ে> লাইন টানা): He ruled two red lines under the title.  

Envelope / ˈenvəloʊp / (ˈএনভলৌপ্‌) n [an envelope is a flat, usually square or rectangle, common packaging item, usually made of thin flat paper. It is designed to contain a flat object, such as a letter or card] (খাম; মোড়ক; লেফাফা): The envelope was marked ‘personal’.  

Ø Rectangle / ˈrektæŋgl / (ˈ রেকট্যাঙগ্‌ল্‌)n [a flat shape with four straight sides, two of which are longer than the other two, and four angles of 90°] (আয়তক্ষেত্র):

carbon paper
Carbon Paper
Carbon paper / ˈkɑːrbən ˈpeɪpər / (ˈকাঃর্বন্‌ ˈপে) n [thin paper with a dark substance on one side, which is used between two sheets of paper for making copies of written or typed documents] (কার্বন কাগজ):

Glue / gluː / (গ্লূ) n [a sticky substance which is used for joining things together permanently, produced from animal bones and skins or by a chemical process] (আঠা; লেই): It takes about an hour for the glue to set.

Ø <VERB> Glue / gluː / (গ্লূ) v [=to join two things together using glue] (আঠা দিয়ে লাগানো): He glued the label to the box.

File / faɪl / (ফা) n [any of several different types of container used to store papers, letters and other documents in, and ordered way or for easy reference] (ফাইল; নথি): Please keep this letter in the relevant file. 

Ø Relevant / ˈreləvənt / (ˈরেলন্‌ট্‌) adj [connected with what is happening or being discussed] (প্রাসঙ্গিক; সম্পর্কিত; আনুষঙ্গিক): Do you have the relevant experience?

Folder / ˈfoʊldər / (ˈফৌল্‌ডর্‌) n [a cardboard or plastic cover for holding loose papers, etc.] (ফোলডার; আধার; পত্রাধার):

document wallet
Document Wallet
Document wallet / ˈdɑːkjumənt ˈwɑːlɪt / (ˈডাঃকুমন্‌ট্‌ ˈয়ালিট্‌) n [a large flat case that is made of card and used for holding documents] (ডকুমেন্ট ওয়ালেট):

Binder / ˈbaɪndər / (ˈবানডর্‌) n [a hardcover for holding sheets of paper, magazines, etc. together] (বাইন্ডার; বন্ধনী): a leather/plastic binder   

ring binder
Ring Binder
Ring binder / rɪŋ ˈbaɪndər / (রিং ˈবানডর্‌) n [ring binders are large folders that contain file folders or hole punched papers. The rings are usually spring-loaded, but can also be secured by lever arch mechanisms or other securing systems. The binders themselves are typically made of plastic with metal rings] (রিং বাইন্ডার):

Ø Ring / rɪŋ / (রিং) n [a piece of jewelry that you wear on your finger, consisting of around band of gold, silver, etc. something decorated with precious stones] (আংটি): He bought her an emerald ring.  

Ø Secure / sɪˈkjʊr / (ছিˈকির্‌) v [to attach or fasten one object firmly to another] (শক্ত করে লাগানো/আটকানো): The tables on board were secured firmly to the floor.

Ø Lever / ˈlevər / (ˈলেভ) n [a bar or handle to operate a vehicle or piece of machinery] (ভারোত্তোলন-দণ্ড): Pull the lever towards you to adjust the speed.

Ø Arch / ɑːrtʃ / (আঃর্চ) n [anything that forms a curved shape at the top] (ধনুকাকৃতি খিলান): the delicate arch of her eyebrows.

Pushpin / ˈpʊʃpɪn / (ˈপুশপিন্‌) n [a thumbtack with a round or cylindrical head of colored plastic, used to fasten papers to a bulletin board or to indicate positions on charts and maps] (পুশপিন):

Cylindrical / səˈlɪndrɪkl / (ˈলিন্‌ড্রিক্‌ল্‌) adj [having shaped like a cylinder] (নলাকার; বেলনাকার):

drawing pin
Drawing Pin
Drawing pin / ˈdrɔːɪŋ pɪn / (ˈড্রোঙ্‌ পিন্‌) n {also USA thumbtack} [a short pin with a large round flat head, used especially for fastening paper to board or wall] (অঙ্কণ পিন):

brass fastener
Brass Fastener
Brass fastener / bræs ˈfæsnər / (ব্র্যাছ্ˈফ্যাছ্র্) n [a brass fastener or paper fastener is a stationery item used for securing multiple sheets of paper together] (ব্র্যাস ফ্যাসনার):

treasury tag
Treasury Tag
Treasury tag / ˈtreʒəri tæg / (ˈট্রেজরি ট্যাগ্‌) n [a treasury tag or India tag is an item of stationery used to fasten sheets of paper together or to a folder. It consists of a short length of a string, with metal or plastic crosspieces at each end. They are threaded through holes in paper or card made with a hole punch or lawyers bodkin and the crosspieces are sufficiently wide as to not slip back through the holes] (মুড়ি ফিতা):

Ø String / strɪŋ / (স্ট্রিঙ্‌) n [material made of several threads twisted together, used for tying things together] (সুতলি; রজ্জু): a ball of string   

Crayon / ˈkreɪən / (ˈক্রেইএন্‌) n [a colored pencil or stick of soft colored chalk or wax, used for drawing] (হালকা রঙের চকখড়ি; রং পেন্সিল): She colored the picture in with crayon.

Sticker / ˈstɪkər / (ˈস্টিকর্‌) n [a small piece of paper or plastic with a picture or writing on one side and glue on the other side, so that it will fasten to a surface] (স্টিকার; আঠালো টিকিটের মতো কাগজ বা পাতলা অনুরুপ বস্তু, যা কোনোকিছুর উপর সেটে লাগানো যায়): bumper stickers (= on car)

Chalk / tʃɔːk / (চোক্‌) n [a type of soft white rock, or (a stick of) this rock or similar substance used for writing or drawing] (চক-খড়ি): He had scrawled a note in chalk across the blackboard.

plastic document trays
Plastic Document Trays
Plastic document trays / ˈplæstɪk ˈdɑːkjumənt treɪʒ / (ˈপ্ল্যাছটিক্‌ ˈডাকুমএন্‌ট্‌ ট্রেজ্‌) n [] (প্ল্যাস্টিক ডাকুমান্ট ট্রেইজ):

desk organizer
Desk Organizer
Desk organizer / desk ˈɔːrgənaɪzər / (ডেছক্‌ ˈওরগনার্‌) n [] (ডেস্ক অরগানাইজার):

Calculator / ˈkælkjuleɪtər / (ˈক্যালকিলের্‌) n [a small electronic device which is used for doing calculations] (গণনযন্ত্র):

desk calendar
Desk Calendar
Desk calendar / desk ˈkælɪndər / (ডেছক্‌ ˈক্যালিনডর্‌) n [] (ডেস্ক ক্যালেন্ডার):

zipper pouch
Zipper Pouch 
Zipper pouch / ˈzɪpər paʊtʃ / (ˈজিপর পাচ্‌) n [] (চেনলাগানো ছোট থলে):

Ø Zipper / ˈzɪpər / (ˈজিপর্‌) n {UK zip} [a thing that you use to fasten clothes, bags, etc. it consists of two rows of metal or plastic teeth that you can pull together to close Sth or pull apart to open it] (চেইন): To do up/undo a zipper

Ø Pouch / paʊtʃ / (পাচ্‌) n [a small bag, usually made of leather and often carried in a pocket or attached to a belt] (<ছোট্ট>থলে বা ঝুলি): Food sealed in foil pouches lasts for a long time.

magnifying glass
Magnifying Glass
Magnifying glass / ˈmægnɪfaɪŋ glæs / (ˈম্যাগনিফাঙ্‌ গ্ল্যাছ্‌) n [a round piece of glass is a convex lens with a handle, that you look through and that makes things look bigger than they really are] (পরিবর্ধক কাঁচ; ম্যাগনিফাইং গ্লাস): He uses a magnifying glass to read tiny print.

Convex / ˈkɑːnveks / (ˈকাঃনভেকছ্‌) adj [(of an outline or a surface) curved or swelling out] (উত্তল): a convex lens/mirror

waste- paper basket
Waste- Paper Basket
Waste- paper basket / weɪst ˈpeɪpər ˈbæskɪt / (ওএছ্‌ট্‌ পের ব্যাছকিট্‌) n {also USA wastebasket} [this is an open basket or other containers for temporarily storing waste paper, etc. which stands on the floor inside buildings and usually made out of metal or plastic] (নষ্ট কাগজের ঝুড়ি): Most of the letters they receive end up in the wastepaper basket.

Waste / weɪst / (ওয়েছ্‌ট্‌) adj [no longer needed for a particular process and therefore thrown away] (বাতিল; অকেজো): waste plastic

Backpack / ˈbækpæk / (ˈব্যাকপ্যাক্‌) n {also UK rucksack} [a backpack also called book bag, kit bag, knapsack, rucksack, pack, or sack pack – is, in its simplest form, a cloth sack carried on one’s back and secured with two straps that go over the shoulders, but there can be variations] (পিঠে নেওয়া থলে):

Strap / stræp / (স্ট্র্যাপ্‌) n [a strip of leather, cloth or other material that is used to fasten Sth, keep Sth in place, carry Sth or hold onto Sth] (চামড় বা শক্ত কাপড়ের ফিতা): She had a wide leather strap around her wrist.

Satchel / ˈsætʃəl / (ˈছ্যাচল্) n [a bag with a long strap, that you hang over your shoulder or wear on your back, used especially for carrying school books] (<স্কুলের বই বহনের>ঝুলি; বগলি):  

data projector
Data Projector
Data projector / ˈdeɪtə prəˈdʒektər / (ˈডে প্রˈজেকটর্‌) n [a piece of equipment that takes data images from a computer and shows on a wall or large screen. They are widely used in many schools and other educational settings] (তথ্য প্রক্ষেপণযন্ত্র): The data projector can be used with a laptop.

Setting / ˈsetɪŋ / (ˈছেটিঙ্‌) n [a set of surroundings; the place at which Sth happens] (স্থাপন; প্রতিবেশ): It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas.

Screen / skriːn / (স্ক্রীন্‌) n [the flat surface at the front of a data projector device, on which you see pictures, data, or information] (বড় পর্দা; স্ক্রীন): Move your cursor to the top of the screen.

flip chart
Flip Chart 
Flip chart / flɪp tʃɑːrt / (ফ্লিপ্‌ চাঃর্ট) n [a flip chart is a stationery item consisting of large sheets of paper fixed at the top of a stand so that they can be turned over, used for presenting information at a talk or meeting] (ফ্লিপ চার্ট): Flip charts are commonly used for presentations.

Photocopier / ˈfoʊtoʊkɑːpiər / (ˈফৌটৌকাঃপির্‌) n {also USA copier} [a machine that makes copies of documents and other visual images quickly and cheaply] (ফটোকপি <মেশিন>):

rubber stamp
Rubber Stamp
Rubber stamp / ˈrʌbər stæmp / (ˈরাবর স্ট্যাম্‌প্‌) n [a small tool with raised letters made of rubber that is used for printing the date name of an organization, etc. on documents] (রবার স্ট্যাম্প):

Guillotine / ˈgɪlətiːn / (ˈগিলটীন্‌) n {also USA paper cutter[a device with a long, sharp blade often found in offices and classrooms, designed to cut a large set of paper at once with a straight edge] (<কাগজ> কর্তন-যন্র; গিলটিন):

Fax / fæks / (ফ্যাকছ্‌) n {also Fax machine} [a machine that sends and receives documents in an electronic from telephone wires and then prints them] (ফ্যাক্স): Can you send it to me by fax?  

English Speaking Lesson - Stationery Vocabulary

Noted From Wikipedia, Google Image, Oxford & Cambridge Dictionary 

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