Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hairstyles Names Meaning & Picture | Necessary Vocabulary


Hairstyle / ˈherstaɪl / (ˈহেয়ারস্টাল্‌) n [a hairstyle, hairdo, or haircut refers to the styling of hair, usually on the human scalp. Sometimes, this could also mean an editing of beard hair. The fashioning of hair can be considered an aspect of personal, grooming, fashion, and cosmetics, although practical, cultural, and popular considerations also influence some hairstyles.

The male wig was pioneered by King Louis XIII of France (1601 - 1643) in 1643. Wigs for men were introduced into the English-speaking world with other French styles in 1660. Short hair for fashionable men was a product of the neoclassical movement. In the early 19th century the male beard, and also mustaches and sideburns, made a strong reappearance.

During the First World War, women around the world started to shift to shorter hairstyles that were easier to manage. In the early 1950s, women’s hair was generally curled and worn in a variety of styles and lengths. In the 1960s, many women began to wear their hair in short modern cuts such as the pixie cut, while in the 1970s, hair tended to be longer and looser. In both the 1960s and 1970s many men and women wore their hair very long and straight. In the 1980s, women pulled back their hair with a scrunchy. During the 1980s, punk hairstyles were accepted by some people] (চুল ছাটাইয়ের ধরণ): A hairstyle is a style in which Sb’s hair is cut or arranged.

Hairstyle Related Necessary Vocabulary Notes 

Ø Hairdo / ˈherduː / (ˈহের্ডূ) n [the style in which a person, especially a woman, has had their hair cut and arranged, especially if it is unusual or done for a particular occasion] (পেশাদার কেশবিন্যাসকারীর দ্বারা স্ত্রীলোকের কেশবিন্যাস): She had a most elaborate hairdo, all piled up on top of her head.

Ø Haircut / ˈherkʌt / (ˈহেরকাট্‌) n [the style in which Sb’s hair is cut] (চুলছাঁটাই বা চুলছাঁটাইয়ের ধরণ): What do you think of my new haircut?  

Ø <PHR-V> Refer to / rɪˈfɜːr tuː / (রিˈফা্‌র টূ) v [to mention or speak about Sb/Sth] (উল্লেখ করা; নির্দেশ করা): She always referred to Ben as ‘that nice man.

Ø Styling / ˈstaɪlɪŋ / (ˈস্টালিঙ্‌) n [the act of cutting and/or shaping hair in a particular style] (<চুলকাটার> বিশেষ ধরণ): Our experts will give you advice on styling and hair care. Styling Gel

Ø Scalp / skælp / (স্ক্যাল্‌প্‌) n [the skin on the top of a person’s head where the hair grows] (মাথার ত্বক/ মাথার ছাল): A dry scalp can lead to dandruff.

Ø Mean / miːn / (মীন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. meant / ment / (মেন্ট্‌)} [to express or represent something such as an idea, thought, or fact] (<শব্দ, বাক্য ইত্যাদি প্রসঙ্গে> অর্থ নির্দেশ করা; কোনোকিছুর অর্থ হওয়া): What does this sentence mean?

<NOUN> Meaning / ˈmiːnɪŋ / (ˈমীনিঙ্‌) n {~ (of Sth)} [the thing or idea that a sound, word, sign, etc. represents] (অর্থ; উদ্দেশ্য): What is the meaning of all this?

Ø Consider / kənˈsɪdər / (ˈছিডর্‌) v {Pt. Pp. considered / kənˈsɪdərd / (নছিডর্ড্‌)} [to think about Sth carefully, especially in order to make a decision] (বিবেচনা করা; গন্য করা): The judge considered his young age and gave him a light punishment.

<ADJ> Considerable / kənˈsɪdərəbl / (ˈছিডব্‌ল্‌) adj [large or of noticeable importance etc.] (বিবেচনাযোগ্য; বেশ কেছু <পরিমাণ>): The fire caused considerable damage to the church. A considerable distance
  <SYN> Significant  

Ø Aspect / ˈæspekt / (ˈএ্যাছপেক্‌ট্‌) n [the appearance or visual effect of a place, or the expression on a person’s face] (রূপ; চেহারা; মুখাবয়ব): The glasses and the beard give him a rather scholarly aspect.

Ø Grooming / ˈgruːmɪŋ / (ˈগ্রূমিং) n [the things that you do to keep your clothes and hair clean and neat, or to keep an animal’s fur or hair clean] (<বিশেষত, চুল বা দাড়ি> পরিপাটি): You should always pay attention to personal grooming.

Ø Cosmetic / kɑːzˈmetɪk / (কাঃজˈমেটিক্‌) n [substances that you put on your face or body which are intended to improve its appearance] (প্রসাধনী; রূপবর্ধক): We are introducing a new line of cosmetics.

Ø Practical / ˈpræktɪkl / (ˈপ্র্যাক্‌টিক্‌ল্‌) adj [suitable for the situation in which something is used] (কার্যকর; প্রয়োগপ্রবণ): I tend to wear clothes that are practical rather than fashionable.

Ø Influence / ˈɪnfɪuəns / (ˈনফ্লুন্‌ছ্‌) n [the power to have an effect on people or things, or a person or thing that is able to do this] (প্রভাব; ক্ষমতা): Those friends are a bad influence on him.

Ø Pioneer / ˌpaɪəˈnɪr / (ˌপাইএˈনির্‌) n [a person who is one of the first people to do something] (পথিকৃৎ; অগ্রদূত): He is known as a pioneer in veterinary surgery.

<VERB> Pioneer / ˌpaɪəˈnɪr / (পাইএনির্‌) v {Pt. Pp. pioneered / ˌpaɪəˈnɪrd / (ˌপাইএˈনির্‌ড্‌)} [to be one of the first people to do something] (প্রবর্তক হওয়া): It was universities that pioneered these new industries.

Ø Introduce / ˌɪntrəˈduːs / (ˌন্‌ট্রˈডূছ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. introduced / ˌɪntrəˈduːst / (ন্‌ট্রডূছ্‌ট্‌)} [to put something into use, operation, or a place for the first time] (<কাউকে কিছুর সঙ্গে> পরিচিত করা): The smaller 10 pence coin was introduced in 1992.  

Ø Product / ˈprɑːdʌkt / (ˈপ্রাঃডাক্‌ট্‌) n {a/the product of Sth} [a person or thing that is the result of Sth] (ফলাফল; সৃষ্ট): A figure like that is usually the product of many hours spent in the gym.

Ø Neoclassical / ˌniːoʊˈklæsɪkl / (ˌনীঔˈক্ল্যাছিক্‌ল্‌) n [used to describe art and architecture that is based on the style of ancient Greece or Rome, or music, literature, etc. that uses traditional ideas or styles] (নব্য-সনাতনী; নব্য-ধরুপদী):

Ø Movement / ˈmuːvmənt / (ˈমূভ্‌মন্‌ট্‌) n [a group of people who share the same ideas or aims] (আন্দোলন): The suffragette movement campaigned for votes for women.

Ø Reappear / ˌriːəˈpɪr / (ˌরীˈফির্‌) v {Pt. Pp. reappeared / ˌriːəˈpɪrd / (রীফির্‌ড্‌)} [to appear again after not being heard of or seen for a period of time] (<বিশেষত নিরুদ্দেশ হওয়ার পর> পুনারাবির্ভূত হওয়া; আবার দেখা দেওয়া): The moon reappeared from behind a cloud.

<NOUN> Reappearance / ˌriːəˈpɪrəns / (ˌরীˈপিন্‌ছ্‌) n [] (পুনারাবির্ভাব): 

Ø Shift / ʃɪft / (শিফ্‌ট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. shifted / ʃɪftɪd / (শিফটিড্‌)} [to move, or move Sth, from one position or place to another, especially slightly] (স্থানান্তরিত করা; বদল করা): Her eyes shifted to his face.

Ø Manage / ˈmænɪdʒ / (ˈম্যানিজ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. managed / ˈmænɪdʒd / (ˈম্যানিজ্‌ড্‌)} [to keep Sb/Sth under control; to be able to deal with Sb/Sth] (নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা; সামলাতে পারা): He’s not very good at managing people.   

Ø Curl / kɜːrl / (কা্‌র্ল্‌) n [a piece of hair which grows or has been formed into a curving shape, or something that is the same shape as this] (বাঁকা; পাক; কোঁকড়ানো চুলের গুচ্ছ): Her hair fell in curls over her shoulders. Decorate the cake with curls of chocolate.

<VERB> Curl / kɜːrl / (কা্‌র্ল্‌) v {Pt. Pp. curled / kɜːrld / (কা্‌র্ল্‌ড্‌)} [to make something into the shape of a curl or to grow or change into this shape] (কুঞ্চিত করা; গোলাকার করা): His hair curls naturally.

Ø Wear / wer / (র্‌) v {Pt. wore / wɔːr / (য়ার্‌); Pp. worn / wɔːrn / (য়ারন)} [to have your hair in a particular style; to have a beard or mustache] (<চুল সম্বন্ধে> পরিধান করা; অঙ্গে ধারণ করা): She wears her hair long. To wear a beard

Ø Tend / tend / (টেন্ড্‌) v {Pt. Pp. tended / tendɪd / (টেনডিড)} (~ to/towards) [to take a particular direction or often have a particular quality] (কোনো বিশেষ দিকে ঝোঁকা বা প্রবণতা দেখানো): His views tend towards the extreme. 

Ø Scrunchy / ˈskrʌntʃi / (ˈস্ক্রান্‌চি) n [a piece of elastic (=material that stretches) covered in often brightly colored cloth which is used to hold long hair at the back of the head] (স্ক্রান্‌চি বা চুলবন্ধনি):

Ø Punk / pʌŋk / (পাঙক্‌) n [a culture popular among young people, especially in the late 1970s, who like music and dresses like a punk musician, for example by meaning metal chains, leather clothes, and having brightly colored hair] (পাঙ্ক্‌): a punk style

Ø Arrange / əˈreɪndʒ / (ˈরেন্‌জ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. arranged / əˈreɪndʒd / (ˈরেনজ্‌ড্‌)} [to put Sth in a particular order; to make Sth neat or attractive] (সাজান; গোছানো): The clothes were arranged according to size. 

bald, bald head, টেকো, টাক
Bald / bɔːld / (বোল্ড্‌) adj [having little or no hair on the head] (টেকো; টাক; খল্লিট): At twenty he was already going bald. He started going bald in his twenties.

Ø  Little / ˈlɪtl / (ˈলিট্‌ল্‌) adj [not big; small; smaller than others] (ছোট; অল্প): She gave a little laugh. It’ll only take a little while to clear up the kitchen.

<IDM> Little by little [slowly; gradually] (ক্রমান্বয়ে; আস্তেআস্তে): Little by little the snow disappeared.  

A little [a small amount of something] (কিছুটা): if you have any spare milk, could you give me a little? I was a little afraid. 

shaved head, shaved head hairstyles, shaven, নেড়া, নেড়া মাথা
Shaven Head
Shaven / ˈʃeɪvən / (ˈশেন্) adj {Also shaved head} [with all the hair shaved off] (নেড়া; নেড়া মাথা): They all had shaved heads. A shaved head

Ø Shave / ʃeɪv / (শেভ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. shaved / ʃeɪvd / (শেভ্‌ড্‌)} [to remove hair from the body, especially a man’s face, by cutting it close to the skin with a razor] (<দাড়ি ইত্যাদি> কামানো বা চাঁছা; মুণ্ডন করা): Raju has to shave twice a day.

<NOUN> Shave / ʃeɪv / (শেভ্‌) n [an act of shaving] (দাড়ি-চাঁছা; মুণ্ডন; ক্ষৌরর্কম): I need a shave.


Ø Razor / ˈreɪzər / (ˈরের্‌) n [a small device with a sharp blade for removing hair, especially from the body] (খুর; ক্ষৌরী; রেজর): We used a razor to cut the string.
   <SYN> Shaver

bun, bun hairstyle,খোঁপা
1. Bun
Bun / n / (বান্‌) n 1. [long hair that has been twisted into a round shape and is worn on top or at the back of the head] (খোঁপা): She wore her hair in a bun. She pulled her hair back into a messy bun. A woman with her hair in a loose – bun

Bun bread
2. Bun
2. Bun / bʌn / (বান্‌) n 1. [a small round piece of bread, especially one which is cut horizontally and holds a burger] (কিশমিশযুক্ত ক্ষুদ্র গোলাকার সুমিষ্টি রুটিবিশেষ): Bun is made from cereal crops.

Ø Twist / twɪst / (টুয়িছট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. twisted / twɪstɪd / (টুয়িছটিড্‌)} [to turn Sth, especially repeatedly, or to turn or wrap one thing around another] (পাকানো; পাকিয়ে <দড়ি ইত্যা> বানানো): Her hair was twisted into a knot on top of her head.

Ø Mess / mes / (মেছ্‌) n [a dirty or untidy state] (বিশৃঙ্খলা; অগোছাল অবস্থা; জগাখিচুড়ি): My hair’s a real mess! Her hair was a tangled mess.

<ADJ> Messy / ˈmesi / (ˈমেছি) adj [untidy] (অগোছাল; নোংরা): Her long black hair was messy and dirty.

Ø Loose / luːs / (লূছ্‌) adj [not tied together; not held in position by anything or contained in anything] (আলগা; শিথিল; ছাড়া): She usually wears her hair loose.

Man-bun,Man-bun hairstyle
Man-bun / ˈmæn ˌbʌn / (ˈম্যান্‌ ˌবান্‌) n [a man's hairstyle in which some or all of the hair is drawn back together to form a round shape at the back or on top of the head] (ছেলে মানুষের খোঁপা)

undercut, undercut hairstyle
Undercut / ˈʌndərkʌt / (আনডর্কাট্‌) n [a way of cutting Sb’s hair in which the hair is left quite long on top but the hair on the lower part of the head is cut much shorter] (আন্ডার্কাট):

chignon, chignon hairstyle
Chignon / ˈʃiːnjɑːn / (ˈশীনিঅন্‌) n [woman’s hairstyle in which the hair is pulled back and twisted into a smooth knot at the back] (জটাখোঁপা): long hair is worn in a chignon  

mustache, Mustache hairstyle,গোঁফ, মোছ
Mustache / məstɑːʃ / (ছটাঃশ্‌) n {Also moustache} [a line of hair that a man allows growing on his upper lip] (গোঁফ; মোছ): Raju had a thick black mustache.

plait, plait hairstyle
Plait / plæt / (প্ল্যাট্‌) n {Also braid} [a length of hair or other material which is divided into three parts which are then crossed over each other in a special pattern] (বেণী; বিনুনি): My mother wore her hair in plaits. She usually wears her hair in a plait/ in two plaits.

<VERB> Plait / plæt / (প্ল্যাট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. plaited / plætɪd / (প্ল্যাটিড্‌)} [to twist three or more long pieces of hair, rope, etc. together to make one long piece] (বেণী করা বা বিনুনি করা): He plaited the horse’s tail.

Ø Material / məˈtɪriəl / (ˈটিরিল্‌) n [cloth which can be used to make things such as clothes] (কাপড়; উপাদান): How much material will you need to make the shirt?
   <SYN> Fabric

beard, beard hairstyle,দাড়ি, শ্মশ্রু
Beard / bɪrd / (বির্ড্‌) n [hair that grows on the chin and cheekof a man’s face; similar hair that grows on some animals] (দাড়ি; শ্মশ্রু): He’s growing a beard. He has decided to grow a beard and a mustache.

pigtail, pigtail hairstyle
Pigtail / ˈpɪgteɪl / (ˈপিগ্‌টেল্‌) n {Also braids} [hair that is tied together into one or two bunches and twisted into a plait or plaits, worn either at the back of the head or one each side of the head] (কাধ বা দুই ঘাড় বেয়ে ঝুলে পড়া দুইটি চুলের বেণী): A little girl in pigtails presented the bouquet. She had her hair in pigtails. The long golden pigtails hung down her back.

2. Pig / ˈpɪg / (ˈপিগ্‌) n [an animal with pink, black or brown skin, short legs, a broad nose, and a short tail that curls around itself. They are kept on farms for their meat or live in the wild] (শূকর): Pigs were grunting and squealing in the yard. 

Ø Tie / taɪ / (টা) v {Pt. Pp. tied / taɪd / (টাড্‌)} [to attach or fasten Sb/Sth with string, rope, etc.] (বাঁধা; গিঁট দেওয়া): I tie back my hair when I’m cooking. Tie up your shoelaces.

<NOUN> Tie / taɪ / (টা) n [a long narrow piece of cloth worn around the neck, especially by men, with a knot in front] (টাই): Can you help me tie my tie?

Ø Bunch / bʌntʃ / (বান্‌চ্‌) n [a number of things of the same type fastened together or in a close group] (থোঁকা; গোছা; আঁটি; গাঁট; স্তবক; কাঁদি): She picked me a bunch of blowers.

Ø Present / prɪˈzent / (প্রিˈজেন্‌ট্‌) v {~ Sth to Sb} [to give Sth to Sb, especially formally at a ceremony] (দান করা/ প্রদান করা): On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs.

Ø Bouquet / buˈkeɪ / (বুকে) n [a bunch of flowers arranged in an attractive way so that it can be carried in a ceremony or presented as a gift] (ফুলের তোরা; কুসুমস্তবক): She received a bouquet of red roses on Valentine’s Day.

Ø Hang / hæŋ / (হ্যাঙ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. hung / hʌŋ / (হাঙ্‌)} [to fasten or support something at the top leaving the other parts free to move, or to be held in this way] (ঝোলা; ঝুলে থাকা): Her hair hung down to her waist. 

Clean-shaven / kliːn- ʃeɪvn / (ক্লীন্‌-শেভ্‌ন্‌) adj [a man who is clean-shaven does not have a beard or mustache] (দাড়িগোঁফ নিখুঁতভাবে কামানো):

bunches, bunches hairstyle
Bunches / bʌntʃɪz / (বানচিজ্‌) n [long hair that is divided in two and tied at each side of the head] (মাথার দুইধারে চুলের ঝুটি): As a little girl she wore her hair in bunches.

stubble, stubble hairstyle
1. Stubble
Stubble / ˈstʌbl / (ˈস্টাব্‌ল্‌) n 1. [the short stiff hairs that grow on a man’s face when he has not shaved recently] (খোঁচা খোঁচা/ খেংরামুড়া দাড়ি): With the back of his hand, he rubbed the stubble on his chin. He had a two-day growth of dark stubble on his chin.

stubble, wheat stubble
2. Stubble 
2. Stubble / ˈstʌbl / (ˈস্টাব্‌ল্‌) n [the lower short stiff part of the stems of crops such as wheat that are left in the ground after the top part has been cut and collected] (ফসল কেটে নেবার পর ধান, গম ইত্যাদি উদ্ভিদের যে অংশ মাটিতে থাকে; মুড়া; নাড়া):

Ø Stiff / stɪf / (স্টিফ্‌) adj [firm and difficult to bend or move] (শক্ত; অনমনীয়; কড়া): This hairspray has made my hair stiff. His clothes were stiff with dried mud.

Ø Grow / groʊ / (গ্রৌ) v {Pt. grew / gruː / (গ্রূ); Pp. grown / groʊn / (গ্রৌন্‌)} [to become longer; to allow Sth to become longer by not cutting it] (<চুল, দাড়ি ইত্যা> বড় হতে দেওয়া/ ছেড়ে দেওয়া): I’ve decided to let my hair grow. I’ve decided to grow my hair. I didn’t recognize him – he’s grown a beard.

Ø Rub / rʌb / (রাব্‌) v {Pt. Pp. rubbed / rʌbd / (রাবড্‌)} [to press or be pressed against something with a circular or up and down repeated movement] (ঘষা; মাজা): He rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

Ø Stem / stem / (স্টেম্‌) n [the main long thin part of a plant above the ground from which the leaves or flowers grow] (গাছের ডাটা <বোঁটা, পাতা, ফুল ও ফলের যে অংশ কাণ্ডের সঙ্গে যুক্ত থাকে>): There are several leaves on each stem.

ponytail, ponytail hairstyle
Ponytail / ˈpoʊnɪteɪl / (ˈপৌনিটেল্‌) n [a hairstyle in which the hair is tied up high at the back of the head so that it hangs down like a horse’s tail] (লম্বাচুল মাথার পিছনে গোছা করে বাঁধা; অশ্বপুচ্ছ): The girl wore her hair in a ponytail.

2. Pony
2. Pony / ˈpoʊnɪ / (ˈপৌনি) n [a type of small horse] (টাট্টুঘোড়া): As a young girl, she spent every weekend riding her pony.

Ø Tail / teɪl / (টেল্‌) n [the part that sticks out and can be moved at the back of the body of a bird, an animal or a fish] (লেজ): The dog wagged its tail excitedly. 


goatee, goatee hairstyle
Goatee / goʊˈtiː / (গৌˈটী) n [a small usually pointed beard grown only on the chin, not the cheeks] (ছাগুলে দাড়ি):

2. Goat
2. Goat / goʊt / (গৌট্‌) n [an animal with horns and a coat of small hair that lives wild in mountain areas or is kept on farms for its milk or meat] (ছাগল): Tethered goats grazed among the apple trees.

Ø Chin / tʃɪn / (চিন্‌) n [the part of the face below the mouth] (থুতনি; চিবুক): He sat behind the table, his chin resting in his hands.

Ø Cheek / tʃiːk / (চীক্‌) n [the soft part of your face which is below your eye and between your mouth and ear] (গাল; গন্ডদেশ): The tears ran down her cheeks.

bob, bob hairstyle
Bob / bɑːb / (বাব্‌) n [a style of a woman’s hair in which it is cut the same length to the neck all around the head] (মেয়েদের ছোট করে কাঁধ বরাবর চুল ছাঁটা): She wears her hair in a bob.

Ø Neck / nek / (নেক্‌) n [the part of the body which joins the head to the shoulders] (ঘাড়; গ্রীবা): She craned her neck to get a better view of the stage. He broke his neck in the fall

fringe, fringe hairstyle
1. Fringe
Fringe / frɪndʒ / (ফ্রিন্‌জ্‌) n {Also bangs}1[the front part of Sb’s hair that is cut so that it hangs over their forehead] (কপালের উপর ঝুলন্ত ছোটকরে ছাঁটা চুল; ঝালর চুল; কুরুল): a short fringe

2. Fringe

2. Fringe / frɪndʒ / (ফ্রিন্‌জ্‌) n [a decorative edge attached to clothes, or other objects such as curtains, consisting of a row of hanging strips or threads] (<কম্বল বা শালের আলগা সুতা ঝুলে থাকা>ঝালড় বা সঞ্জাব): a fringe around the edge of a tablecloth 

sideburns, sideburns hairstyle,জুলফি
Sideburns / ˈsaɪdbɜːrnz / (ˈছাড্‌বা্‌র্ন্‌জ্‌) n {Also sideboards} [hair that grows down the sides of a man’s face in front of his ears] (জুলফি; চিপ্‌):

Ø Front / frʌt / (ফ্রান্ট্‌) n [the part of a building, object, or person’s body that faces forward or which is most often seen or used] (সন্মুখ; মুখ; সদর): The front of the building was covered with ivy.

<PRE> In front of [in a position that is further forward than Sb/Sth but not very far away] (সামনে; সম্মুখে): He was standing in front of me in the line.

Parting / ˈpɑːrtɪŋ / (ˈপাঃর্টিঙ্‌) n {Also part} [a line on a someone’s head where the hair is divided with a comb] (সিঁথি)

1. Comb
Ø Comb / kaʊm / (কৌম্‌) n 1. [a flat piece of plastic, wood or metal with a thin row of long narrow parts along one side, which you use to tidy and arrange your hair] (চিরুনি): He just had time to wash his face and drag a comb through his hair before going out.
2. Comb

<VERB> 2. Comb / koʊm / (কৌম্‌) v {Pt. Pp. combed / koʊmd / (কৌম্‌ড্‌)} [to pull a comb through your hair in order to make it neat] (<চিরুনিদেয়ে> আঁচড়ানো): Do not forget to comb your hair! I have been trying to comb out the knots in her hair.

crew cut, crew cut hairstyle
Crew Cut
Crew cut / kruː kʌt / (ক্রূ কাট্‌) n {Also buzz cut[a hairstyle for men in which the hair is cut very short] (<চুলের> কদম ছাঁট): crew-cut teenagers

Crew / kruː / (ক্রূ) n [all the people working on a ship, plane, etc.] (জাহাজ, নৌকা, বিমান, প্রভৃতি পরিচালনায় নিযুক্ত কর্মীবৃন্দ): Fire crews were called to the scene.  

Teenager / ˈtiːneɪdʒər / (টীনের্‌) n [a young person who is between 13 and 19 years old] (১৩ থেকে ১৯ বছর বয়সের ছেলেমেয়ে):  

curly, curly hairstyle
Curly / ˈkɜːrli / (ˈকা্‌র্লি) adj [having a lot of curly or a curved shape] (কুঞ্চিত; কোঁকড়ানো<চুল>): I wish my hair was curly. He has blonde curly hair. A curly-headed boy

Ø Wish / wɪʃ / (উইশ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. wished / wɪʃt / (উইশ্‌ট্‌)} [to want Sth to happen or to be true even though it is unlikely or impossible] (কোনো অসম্পূর্ণ বা অসম্ভব ইচ্ছা পোষণ করা):


Ø Blonde / blɑːnd / (ব্লান্‌ড্‌) adj [(of hair) pale gold in color] (সোনালী <চুল>): blonde hair

flat-top, flat top hairstyle
Flat-top / flæt tɑːp / (ফ্ল্যাট্‌-টাঃপ্‌) n [a short haircut, usually for a man, in which the hair is flat on the top of the head] (চ্যাপ্টা ছাঁট):  

shoulder-length, shoulder-length hairstyle
Shoulder-length / ˈʃoʊldər- leŋθ / (শৌলডর-লেঙথ্‌) n [(especially of hair) long enough to reach your shoulders] (কাঁধের দৈর্ঘ্যের সমান চুল):

Ø Shoulder / ˈʃoʊldər / (শৌলড) n [one of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck which join the arms to the rest of the body] (কাঁধ; ঘাড়): He topped her on the shoulder.

spiky, spiky hairstyle
Spiky / ˈspaɪki / (ˈস্পাকি) n [(of hair) sticking straight up from the head] (ছুঁচালো ছাঁট): Her hair stood up in spikes.

Spike / spəɪk / (স্পাক্‌) n [a thin object with a sharp point, especially a pointed piece of metal, wood, etc.] (তীক্ষ্ণ, সুচালো আগা বা মুখ; গজাল বা খুঁটা): There were large spikes on top of the railings to stop people climbing over them.

<ADJ> Spiky / spəɪki / (স্পাকি) adj [having sharp points] (সুচালো আগা যুক্ত): spiky plants, such as cacti

wavy, wavy hairstyle
Wavy / ˈweɪvi / (ˈওয়েভি) adj [having a series of curves; not straight] (ঢেউখেলান; ঢেউ-তোলা; তরঙ্গিত<চুল>): brown wavy hair. Her dark, naturally wavy hair

2. Wave / weɪv / (ওয়েভ্‌) n [a raised line of water that moves across the surface of the sea, ocean, etc.] (ঢেউ): Seagulls bobbed on the waves.

Ø Curve / kɜːrv / (কা্‌র্ভ্‌) n [a line which bends continuously and has no straight parts] (বাঁক; বক্রতা): a curve in the road

dreadlocks, dreadlocks hairstyle
Dreadlocks / ˈdredlɑːks / (ˈড্রেড্‌লাঃকছ্‌) n [hair that is twisted into long thick pieces that hang down the head, worn especially by Rastafarians] (ড্রেডলকজ্‌):

Ø Rastafarian / ˌræstəˈferiən / (ˌর‍্যাছটˈফেরিন্‌) n [a member of a Jamaican religious group which worships the former Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, and which believes that black people will one day return to Africa. Rastafarians often wear dreadlocks and have other distinguishing patterns of behavior and dress] (র‍্যাসটাফেরিয়ান):

perm, perm hairstyle
Perm / pɜːrm / (পাঃর্ম্‌) n [a way of changing the style of your hair by using chemicals to create curls that last for several months] (চুলে ক্যামিকেল ব্যবহার করে ঢেউ তোলা): Is your hair naturally curly or have you had a perm.

<VERB> [to give Sb’s hair a perm] (চুলে ঢেউ তোলা): I’m going to get my hair permed on Saturday.

mohican, mohican hairstyle
Mohican / moʊˈhiːkən / (মৌˈহীকন্‌) n {Also mohawk} [a way of cutting the hair in which the head is shaved except for a strip of hair in the middle that is something made to stick up] (মোহীকান ছাঁট):

Ø Strip / strɪp / (স্ট্রিপ্‌) n [a long narrow piece of paper, metal, cloth, etc.] (ফালি; চিলতে): Cut the meat into strips. 

Fauxhawk hairstyle
Fauxhawk / ˈfoʊhɔːk / (ˈফৌহোক্) n [a hairstyle like a Mohawk or Mohican, with a central strip of hair standing up from the head, but without the hair being removed from the sides of the head] (ফৌহোক <ছাঁট>)

receding hairline
Receding Hairline
Receding hairline / rɪˈsiːdɪŋ ˈherlaɪn / (রিˈছীডিং ˈহেয়ারলান্‌) n [(of hair) to stop growing at the front of the head] (কপাল্‌টাঁক; টাঁককপাল): a middle-aged man with receding hairline

Ø Recede / rɪˈsiːd / (রিˈছীড্‌) v {Pt. Pp. receded / rɪˈsiːdɪd / (রিছীডিড্‌)} [to move gradually away from Sb or away from a previous position] (পিছিয়ে যাওয়া বা সরে যাওয়া): The pain was receding slightly.

regular haircut
Regular Haircut
Regular haircut / ˈregjələr ˈherkʌt / (ˈরেগ্যিউলর্‌ ˈহেয়ার-কাট্‌) n [a regular haircut is a men’s and boys’ hairstyle that has combable length on top, a defined or deconstructed side part, and a short, semi-short, medium, long, or extra-long back and side] (স্বাভাবিক নিয়মে চুল কাটা; স্বাভাবিক ছাঁট): 

Mullet hairstyle
1. Mullet
Mullet / ˈmʌlɪt / (ˈমালিট্‌) n 1. [a men's hairstyle, in which the hair on top and at the sides of the head is short and at the back is long] (মালিট <ছাঁট>):

Mullet fish
2. Mullet

2.  Mullet / ˈmʌlɪt / (ˈমালিট) n [a small sea fish that are widely caught for food] (মালিট <সামুদ্রিক মাছ>):   

Comb-over hairstyle
Comb-over / ˈkoʊmˌoʊvər / (ˈকৌম্‌-ঔভর্‌) n [a hairstyle in which long strands of hair from the side of the head are combed over the bald area to minimize the appearance of baldness] (কৌম-ঔভার):

Highlights hairstyle
Highlights / ˈhaɪlaɪt / (ˈহালাটছ্‌) n [a narrow strip of hair on a person's head that has been made a lighter color than the surrounding hair by bleaching or dying] (হাইলাইটস):

Layers hairstyle
Layers / ˈleɪərs / (ˈলেইএরছ) n [hair cut so that some top parts of the hair are shorter than the hair underneath, to give it a particular style] (স্তর চুল ছাঁট):

Pixie cut hairstyle
Pixie Cut
Pixie cut / ˈpɪksi kʌt / (ˈপিকছি কাট্‌) n [a woman’s short hairstyle in which the hair is cropped in layers, typically so as to create a slightly tousled effect] (পিক্সি কাট):  

Ringlet hairstyle
Ringlet / ˈrɪŋlət / (ˈরিঙ্‌লট্‌) n [a lock of hair hanging in a corkscrew-shaped curl] (চুলের কুঞ্চন্‌ কাট/ছাঁট): Her hair hung down in ringlets.

Wig,পরচুলা, আলগাচুল
Wig / wɪg / (উইগ্‌) n [a covering of artificial hair worn on the head to hide a loss of hair] (পরচুলা; আলগাচুল): He was wearing a blonde wig. 

Grey hair,
Grey Hair
Grey hair / ɡreɪ heər / (গ্রে হের্‌) n [having hair that has become grey or white, usually because of age or hereditary factors] (পাকা চুল):  I guess my genes give me gray hair. He started to go/turn grey in his mid-forties.    

Hairstyles Name English & Bangla Meaning & Pictures

Noted From Wikipedia, Google Image, Oxford & Cambridge Dictionary 

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