Clothes Names | Meaning & Picture | Clothes Vocabulary | Necessary Vocabulary
Clothes / kloʊðz / (ক্লৌদ্জ্) n [clothing (also called clothes) is manufactured fiber and textile material worn on the body, such as trousers/pants, dress, and jackets. The wearing of clothes is mostly restricted to humans and is a feature of nearly all human society. The amount and type of clothing one wear depend on physical requirements and local culture. Cultures regard some clothing types as gender-specific] (জামাকাপড়; পোশাক পরিচ্ছদ): She usually wears smarts/casual clothes. An officer in plain clothes. To put on/take off clothes. Please give my bedroom dress. Clothes Related Necessary Vocabulary Note
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Cloth |
Ø Cloth / klɔːθ / (ক্লোথ্) n {Pl. cloths} [material made by weaving or knitting cotton, wool, silk, etc.] (<তুলা, রেশম, পশম প্রভৃতিতে তৈরি> থান কাপড়; বস্ত্র): woolen/cotton cloth. A cloth bag
Ø Clothe / kloʊð / (ক্লৌদ্) v {clothes; Pt. Pp. clothed} [to provide clothes for Sb to wear] (পোশাক জোগান; <কাউকে>জামাকাপড় দেওয়া): It costs a lot to feed and clothe five children.
Ø Manufacture / ˌmænjuˈfæktʃər / (ˌম্যানিউˈফ্যাকচএর্) v {Pt. Pp. manufactured / ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərd / (ম্যানিউফ্যাকচএরড্)} [to produce goods in large numbers, usually in a factory using machines] (<মেশিনের মাধ্যামে কোনোকিছু ব্যাপক আকারে>উৎপাদন করা; প্রস্তুত করা): He works for a company that manufactures car parts.
<SYN> Mass-produce
Ø Fibre / ˈfaɪbər / (ˈফাইবএর্) n {USA fiber} [any of the thread-like parts which form plant or artificial material and which can be made into cloth] (আঁশ, তন্তু): nylon and other man-made fibers
Ø Textile / ˈtekstaɪl / (ˈটেকছ্টাইল্) n [any type of cloth made by hand or machine] (বস্ত্র; বোনাকাপড়): the textile industry
Ø Material / məˈtɪriəl / (মএˈটিরিএল্) n [things that are needed in order to do a particular activity] (জড় উপাদান; বস্তু): The company produces its own training material. Teaching materials
Ø Feature / ˈfiːtʃər / (ˈফীচএর্) n [something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing] (বৈশিষ্ট): Our latest model of phone has several new features.
Ø Wear / wer / (ওএএর্) v {Pt. wore // (ওওর্); Pp. worn // (ওয়ার্ন্)} [to have Sth on your body as a piece of clothing, a decoration, etc.] (পরিধান করা; পরা): Do I have to wear a tie?
Ø Requirement / rɪˈkwaɪərənt / (রিˈকওইএরমএনট্) n [something that you need or want] (প্রয়োজন): A good degree is a minimum requirement for many jobs.
Ø Regard / rɪˈgɑːrd / (রিˈগাঃর্ড্) v {Pt. Pp. regarded / rɪˈgɑːrdɪd / (রিগাঃর্ডিড্)} [to look at Sb/Sth, especially in a particular way] (বিবেচনা করা; মানা): He regarded us suspiciously.
Ø Casual / ˈkæʒuəl / (ˈক্যাজুএল্) adj [describes clothes that are not formal or not suitable for special occasions] (রীতিবিবর্জিত; খাপছাড়া): casual clothes
Ø <PHR-V> Put on [to cover part of the body with clothes, shoes, make-up or something similar] (<পোশাক/কাপড়>পরা): He put on his jacket. She puts face cream on every night.
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Take off |
Ø <PHR-V> Take off [to remove Sth, especially a piece of clothing from your/Sb’s body] (খুলে ফেলা; <জামাকাপড়>ছাড়া): He took off his clothes and got into the bath. To take off your coat.
1. Dress
Dress / dres / (ড্রেছ্)
n 1. [a piece of women’s clothing that is made
in one piece and covers the body down to the legs, sometimes reaching to below
the knees, or to the ankles] (মেয়েদের ঘাঘরা; ফোড়ক): a wedding
dress. ![]() |
2. Dress |
<VERB> Dress v {dresses
/ dresiz / (ড্রেছিয্);
Pt. Pp. dressed /
drest / (ড্রেস্ট্)}
[to put clothes on yourself/Sb else or especially a child] (পোশাক পরিধান করা বা করানো):
Shirt / ʃɜːrt / (শা্র্ট্) n [a piece of clothing (usually for men), worn on the upper part of the body, made of light cloth with sleeves and usually with a collar and buttons down the front] (জামা; শার্ট): He tucked his shirt into his pants. A short-/ long-sleeved shirt
Ø Piece / piːs / (পীছ্) n [(used especially with of) a single item of a particular type, especially one that forms part of a set] (অংশভাগ; ফালি; খণ্ড; টুকরা): a piece of clothing/furniture
Ø Part / pɑːrt / (পাঃর্ট্) n [a separate piece or area of a human or animal body or a plant] (কিছু অংশ): the part of a body
Ø Sleeve / sliːv / (স্লীভ্) n [the part of a piece of clothing that covers some or all of the arm] (<জামার>হাতা; আস্তিন): Raju rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands. Short/long sleeves
Ø Button / ˈbʌtn / (ˈবাটন্) n 1. [a small round piece of metal, plastic, etc. that is sewn onto a piece of clothing and used for fastening two parts together] (বোতাম): The top button of his shirt was undone.
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Button |
<VERB> 2. Button / ˈbʌtn / (ˈবাটন্) v {Pt. Pp. buttoned / ˈbʌtnd / (ˈবাটন্ড্)} [to fasten Sth, usually a piece of clothing, using buttons] (বোতাম লাগানো): Button (up) your coat, it's cold out. He buttoned up his shirt.
Ø Tuck / tʌk / (টাক্) v {Pt. Pp. tucked / tʌkt / (টাক্ট্)} [to push, fold or turn the ends or edges of clothes, paper, etc. so that they are held in place or look neat] (গুঁজে দেওয়া; গোঁজা): She tucked up her skirt and waded into the river.
Hawaiian Shirt
Hawaiian shirt / həˌwaɪən ˈʃɜːrt / (হএˌওয়াইএন
ˈশা্র্ট্) n {Also aloha shirt} [a loose
cotton shirt with a brightly colored pattern on it and short sleeves] (হাওয়াইন জামা):
/ ˈswetʃɜːrt / (ˈছোয়েট্শা্র্ট্)
n [a piece of clothing for the upper part of the
body, with long sleeves, usually made of thick cotton and often worn for sports] (বিশেষত
ব্যায়ামের আগে ও পরে ক্রীড়াবিদদের পরিধেয় আস্তিনযুক্র সুতি গেজ্ঞি বিশেষ): She was dressed casually in jeans and a
Polo Shirt
Polo shirt / ˈpoʊloʊ -ʃɜːrt / (ˈপৌলৌ-শা্র্ট্) n [an informal shirt (polo shirt) with short sleeves, a collar and a few buttons at the neck] (পোলো-শার্ট/জামা; কলার গেজ্ঞি):
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Polo |
Ø Polo / ˈpoʊloʊ / (ˈপৌলৌ) n [a game played between two teams who ride horses and carry long wooden hammers with which they hit a small hard ball, trying to score goals] (ঘোড়ার পিঠে চড়ে লম্বা কাঠের হাতুড়িদিয়ে বল খেলা বিশেষ; পোলো): Prince Charles is a keen polo player.
Ø Informal / ɪnˈfɔːrml / (ইনˈফোর্মল্) adj [(of situation) not formal or official, or (of clothing, behaviour, speech) suitable when you are with friends and family but not for official occasions] (অনানুষ্ঠানিক; ঘরোয়া; অনাড়ম্বর; লৌকিকতাবর্জিত): ‘Hi’ is an informal way of greeting people.
Ø Neck / nek / (নেক্) n [the part of the body between the head and the shoulders] (গলা; গ্রীবা; ঘাড়): Giraffes have very long necks.
T-shirt / tiː- ʃɜːrt / (টী-শা্র্ট্) n {Also. tee shirt} [an informal simple piece of clothing which covers the top part of the body and which has no collar and usually short sleeves] (টি-শার্ট; গোল গলা গেজ্ঞি): He wore jeans and a t-shirt.
Ø Cover / ˈkʌvər / (ˈকাভএর্) v {Pt. Pp. covered / ˈkʌvərd / (ˈকাভএর্ড্)} [to put or spread something over something or to lie on the surface of something] (<কোনোকিছুর উপর কোনোকিছু দিয়ে>ঢাকা): He covered him with a blanket.
Undershirt / ˈʌndər-ʃɜːrt / (ˈআনডএরশা্র্ট্) n {UK vest} [an undershirt is an article of underwear worn under a shirt, next to the skin, intended to protect it from body sweat and odors. It can have short sleeves or be sleeveless] (গেজ্ঞি/সেন্ডগেজ্ঞি): He stood there in his undershirt and shorts.
Ø Article / ˈɑːrtɪkl / (ˈআঃর্টিক্ল্) n [a particular item or separate thing, especially one of a set] (জিনিস; দ্রব্য; নির্দিষ্ট বা স্বতন্ত্র বস্তু): An article of clothing was found near the river.
Ø Underwear / ˈʌndərwer / (ˈআনডএরওওএর্) n [clothes that you wear under other clothes and next to the skin] (আন্ডার ওয়ার): She packed one change of underwear.
Ø Intend / ɪnˈtend / (ইন্ˈটেন্ড্) v {Pt. Pp. intended / ɪnˈtendɪd / (ইন্ˈটেনডিড্)} [to have a plan, result or purpose in your mind when you do Sth] (ইচ্ছা/মনস্থ করা; উদ্দেশ্য থাকা): We intend to go to Australia next year.
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Sweat |
Ø Sweat / swet / (ছোয়েট্) n [drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you are hot, ill/sick or afraid] (ঘাম; ঘর্ম): He wiped the sweat from his face with a handkerchief.
<VERB> Sweat / swet / (ছোয়েট্) v {Pt. Pp. sweated / swetɪd / (ছোয়েটিড্)} [to pass a salty colorless through the skin because you are hot, ill or frightened] (ঘামা; ঘেমে ওঠা/যাওয়া): The palms of his hands began to sweat. He was sweating buckets (=a lot).
Ø Odour / ˈoʊdər / (ˈঔউডএর্) n {USA odor} [a smell, especially one that is unpleasant] (দুর্গন্ধ): Inside the room, there was the unmistakable odor of sweaty feet.
1. Singlet
Singlet / ˈsɪŋɡlət / (ˈছিঙ্গলএট্) n 1. [a
type of sleeveless piece of underwear which is worn on the upper half of the
body for extra warmth] (সিংগলাট বা হাত কাটা
জামা):![]() |
2. Singlet |
2. Singlet / ˈsɪŋɡlət / (ˈছিঙ্গলএট্) n [a sleeveless sports shirt worn by athletes
and boxers] (ক্রীয়াবিদ
ও মল্লযুদ্ধ খেলাওয়ারদের হাত কাটা জামা):
Tank Top
Tank top / ˈtæŋk ˌtɑːp / (ˈট্যাঙক্
ˌটাঃপ্) n [a knitted
piece of clothing that covers the upper part of the body but no sleeves, and
usually has a U-shaped opening at the neck] (ট্যাঙক
Coat / koʊt / (কৌট্) n [a coat is a garment worn by both men and women, for warmth or fashion. Coats typically have long sleeves and are open down the front, closing by means of buttons, zippers, hook-and-loop fasteners, toggles, a belt, or combination of some of these. Other possible features collars, shoulder straps, and hoods. Persian were the first people that made a coat] (জামার উপরে পরার লম্বা হাতাওয়ালা বুকখোলা পোশাক; কোট-জামা; কোট): The coat was buttoned up wrong.
Ø Warmth / wɔːrmθ / (য়োওর্মথ্) n [the state or quality of being warm, rather than hot or cold] (ঊষ্ণতা): I’ve put a T-shirt on under my sweater for extra warmth. The animals huddled together for warmth.
Ø <IDM> By means of Sth [with the help of Sth] (<কোনোকিছুর>সাহায্যে): The load was lifted by means of a crane.
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Zipper |
Ø Zipper / ˈzɪpər / (ˈজিপএর্) n {UK zip, zip fastener} [a thing that you use to fasten clothes, bags, etc. it consists of two rows of metal or plastic teeth that you can pull together to close Sth or pull apart to open it] (চেইন): I can’t open my bag the zipper has stuck. To do up/undo a zipper
Ø Hook / hʊk / (হুক) n [a curved piece of metal, plastic or wire for hanging things on, catching fish with, etc.] (<কোনোকিছু ধরে রাখার জন্য>বাঁকানো খণ্ড; আকশি; আকর্ষী; গ্রহণী): Hang your towel on the hook.
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Hook and Loop |
Ø Loop / luːp / (লূপ্) n [a piece of rope, wire, etc. in the shape of a curve or circle] (<সুতা বা ফিতার>আঁকাবাঁকা আকার/ফাঁস): He tied a loop of rope around his arm.
Ø Fastener / ˈfæsnər / (ˈফ্যাছনএর্) n [a device, such as a button or a zip/zipper, used to close a piece of clothing] (যে বস্তু অন্য বস্তুকে আঁকড়ে ধরে বা আবদ্ধ করে; ফ্যাস্নার): Buttons, zippers and other fasteners
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Toggle |
Ø Toggle / ˈtɑːgl / (ˈটাঃগ্ল) n [a short piece of wood, plastic, etc. that is put through a loop of thread to fasten Sth, such as a coat or bag, instead of a button] (<গোঁজসদৃশ>কাঠি, যা দিয়ে একটি ফাঁসের মধ্যে ঢুকিয়ে দুইটি জিনিসকে একত্রে বাঁধা হয় <যেমন কোটে বোতামের পরিবর্তে>; খোঁটা):
Ø Strap / stræp / (স্ট্র্যাপ্) n [a strip of leather, cloth or other material that is used to fasten Sth, keep Sth in place, carry Sth or hold onto Sth] (<চামড়া বা কাপড়ের লম্বা, সরু>ফিতা; স্ট্র্যাপ্): the shoulder straps of her dress
Overcoat / ˈoʊvərkoʊt / (ˈঔভএর্কৌট্) n [a long, thick a warm coat that is worn in cold weather] (ঔভারকৌট;
উপরকার কোট):
Greatcoat / ˈɡreɪtkoʊt / (ˈগ্রেইট্কৌট) n [a long, heavy, warm coat, especially one
worn by soldiers over their uniform] (গ্রেইটকৌট):
Raincoat / ˈreɪŋkoʊt / (ˈরেইঙকৌট) n [a long coat
made from waterproofed or water-resistant fabric, which protects the wearer
against rain] (বর্ষাতি; রেইনকোট):
Single-breasted / ˌsɪŋɡəlz -ˈbrestɪd / (ˌছিঙ্গএল-ˈব্রেস্টিড্) n [jacket, suit
or coat fastens in the middle of the chest, and has only one row of buttons] (সামনের
দিকে কেবল একসারি বোতাম-লাগানো): a single-breasted coat/jacket/suit
Double-breasted / ˌdʌbəl-ˈbrestɪd / (ˌডাবএল্-ˈব্রেস্টিড্) n [a double-breasted jacket or coat has two sets of buttons and two wide parts at
the front, one of which covers the other when the buttons are done up, and two
rows of buttons can be seen] (ডাবল ব্রেস্টেড):
Blazer / ˈbleɪʒər / (ˈব্লেইজএর্) n [a type jacket, not worn with matching trousers/pants, often showing the colors or badge of a club, school, team, etc. sewn on the front pocket and worn as part of a uniform] (অনানুষ্টানিকভাবে পরিধান করার জন্য ঢিলে ঢালা কোর্ট; ব্লেজার): He was smartly dressed in a blazer and slacks.
Ø Colours / ˈkʌlərs / (ˈকালএরছ্) n {USA colors} [the particular colours that are used on clothes, flags, etc. to represent a team, school, political party or country] (স্কুল, ক্লাব প্রভৃতির প্রতীক হিসাবে পরিহিত ফিতা, টুপি বা পোশাক): Red and white are the team colors. Spain’s national colors
Ø Badge / bædʒ / (ব্যাজ্) n [a small piece of metal or plastic, with a design or words on it, that a person wears to show that they belong to an organizations, support Sth, have achieved Sth, have a particular rank, etc.] (তমকা; পদচিহ্ন; চাপরাশ): All employees have to wear a name badge.
Ø Sew / soʊ / (ছৌ) v {Pt. sewed / soʊd / (ছৌড্); Pp. sewn / soʊn / (ছৌন্)} [to make, repair or attach Sth using a needle and thread] (সেলাই করা): Can you sew a button on for me?
Suit / suːt / (ছূট্) n [a set of clothes made of the same cloth, including a jacket and trousers/pants or a skirt] (একই উপাদানে তৈরি পরিচ্ছদ সমূহ; স্যুট): He wore his one good suit to the interview. Two men in suits came out of the hotel.
/ ˈweɪskoʊt / (ˈওয়েইছকৌট্)
n {USA vest} [a short piece of clothing
with buttons down the front but no sleeves, usually worn over a shirt and under
a jacket, often forming part of a man’s suit] (ওয়েসকৌট্): He took a gold watch out of his waistcoat pocket.
Pajamas / pəˈdʒæməz / (পএˈজ্যামএজ্) n [loose trousers that are tied around the waist and worn by men and women in some Asian countries] (পায়জামা; পাজামা):
Pants / pænts / (প্যান্টছ্) n {UK trousers / ˈtraʊzərz / (ˈট্রাউজএরজ্)} [a piece of clothing that covers the body from the waist down and is divided into two parts to cover each leg separately] (প্যান্ট; <ইউকে> ট্রাউজার): He disapproves of women in pants.
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Pant |
Ø Pant / pænt / (প্যান্ট) v {Pt. Pp. panted / pæntɪd / (প্যান্টিড্)} [to breathe quickly with short breaths, usually with your mouth open, because you have been doing some physical exercise, or because it is very hot] (হাঁপানো): She finished the race panting heavily.
Ø Disapprove / ˌdɪsəˈpruːv / (ˌডিছএˈপ্রূভ্) v [to feel something or someone is bad, wrong, etc.; to not approve] (অনুমোদন না করা; অগ্রাহ্য করা): I strongly disapprove of underage drinking.
Chinos /
/ (ˈচীনৌয্) n [loose cotton trousers/pants, usually of a light brown a color made from strong cotton] (চীনৌয
Boot-cut /
/ (ˈবূট-কাট্) n [(of pants/trousers/jeans) are slightly wider at the
bottom of the legs where the material goes over the feet or shoes] (বূট-কাট
Flare / fler / (ফ্লেএর্) n [trousers/pants or other clothes that
get wider below the knee] (ফ্লেএর্
<কাট প্যান্টস>):
Drainpipes / ˈdreɪnpaɪps / (ˈড্রেইনপাইপছ্) n [trousers/pants
that are very tight all the way down the legs or very narrow legs] (ড্রাইনপাইপস
<কাট প্যান্টস>):![]() |
Drainpipe |
Drainpipe / ˈdreɪnpaɪp / (ˈড্রেইনপাইপ্) n {Also down spout} [a pipe that
carries rainwater from the roof of a building to a drain] (ছাদের বৃষ্টির পানি
নিষ্কাশনের নালা):
Leggings /
/ (ˈলেগিনঙয্) n [a pair of trousers/pants for women that fit tightly
over the legs, made of cloth that stretches easily]
<কাট প্যান্টস>): She is wearing
tight, black leggings and a baggy green jersey.
/ ˈbel-bɑːtəmz / (ˈবেল-বাঃটএময্)
n [trousers/pants that are very wide at the
bottom of the leg, near your feet,] (বেল-বাটাময
<কাট প্যান্টস>):
Jeans / dʒiːnz / (জীনজ্) n [trousers/pants made of strong cotton, especially blue and made of denim, which is worn informally] (জিন্স): I never wear jeans for work.
Ø Denim / ˈdenɪm / (ˈডেনিম্) n [a type of strong cotton cloth that is usually blue and is used from making clothes, especially jeans] (একধরণের মোটা/সুতির কাপড়; দেনিম): a denim jacket and jeans
Cargo Pants
Cargo pants / ˈkɑːrgoʊ pænts / (ˈকাঃরগৌ প্যান্টছ্) n {UK combat trousers} [lose pants/trousers that have large patch pockets in various places, for example on the side of the leg above the knee] (কার্গোপ্যান্ট):
Ø Patch / pætʃ / (প্যাচ্) n [a small piece of material that is used to cover a hole in Sth or to make a weak area stronger, or as decoration] (তালি): I sewed patches on the knees of my jeans.
/ ˈswetpænts
/ (ˈসোয়েটপ্যান্টছ) n
{Also tracksuit bottoms} [soft, loose,
and warm trousers with an elasticated or drawstring waist, worn when exercising
or as leisurewear or as informal clothing] (সোয়েটপ্যান্টস):
/ ˈswetsuːt
/ (ˈসোয়েটসূট্) n
{UK tracksuit} [a loose, warm, stretchy
suit consisting of long trousers and a top which people wear to relax and do
exercise, or as informal clothing] (সোয়েটসূট):
Jacket / ˈdʒækɪt / (ˈজ্যাকিট্) n [a piece of clothing worn on the top half of the body over a shirt, etc. that has sleeves and fastens down the front; a short, light coat] (জ্যাকেট): a leather/ denim/ tweed jacket
1.Fleece (jacket)
Fleece /
/ (ফ্লীছ্) n 1.
[a type of soft warm cloth that like a jacket,
that is made from the sheep's wool] (ভেড়ার
লোমের জ্যাকেট):
![]() |
2. Fleece |
2. Fleece / fliːs
/ (ফ্লীছ্) n [the
wool coat of a sheep; this coat when it has been removed from a sheep (by shearing)]
(ভেড়ার লোমসম্ভার):
Anorak / ˈænəræk / (ˈএ্যানএর্যাক)
n [a short coat with a hood that protects the wearer against cold, wet and windy weather, usually with a part for covering the head] (বৃষ্টি, হিমেল বাতাস ও শৈত্য
প্রবাহ থেকে দেহকে রক্ষা করার জন্য পরিহিত মস্তকাবরণ যুক্ত জ্যাকেট বা কোট;
অ্যানার্যাক): hikers in anoraks
and walking boots
Ø Hiker / ˈhaɪkər
/ (ˈহাইকএর্)
n [a person who goes for long walks in the country for pleasure] (পরিব্রাজক্): On
sunny days the trails<পথ>
are full of hikers.
Blouson (jacket)
Blouson /
/ (ˈব্লূছাঃন্) n [a loose, short jacket that is worn on the upper body
and fits tightly around the waist] (ব্লূসান
Skirt / skɜːrt / (স্কা্র্ট্) n [a piece of clothing for women and girls that hang from the waist and does not have legs] (ঘাগরা; মহিলাদের পোশাক): I lifted the hem of my skirt.
Ø Hang / hæŋ / (হ্যাঙ্) v {Pt. Pp. hung / hʌŋ / (হাঙ্)} [to attach Sth, or to be attached, at the top so that the lower part is free or lose] (ঝোলা; ঝুলে থাকা; ঝুলানো; ঝুলিয়ে রাখা): Hang your coat on the hook. Have you hung the wash?
Ø Lift / lɪft / (লিফ্ট্) v {Pt. Pp. lifted / lɪftɪd / (লিফ্টিড্)} [to raise Sb/Sth or be raised to a higher position or level] (তোলা; উঁচু করা; তুলে ধরা): Could you help me lift this table, please?
Ø Hem / hem / (হেম্) n [the edge of a piece of cloth, such as the bottom edge of a skirt or dress, which is folded over and sewn so that it does not develop loose threads] (<কাপড়ের প্রান্ত বা আঁচল, বিশেষত পরিধেয় বস্ত্রের মুড়ি সেলাই করা>পাড়; মগজি): I took the hem up/let the hem down.
Stocking / ˈstɑːkɪŋ / (ˈস্টাঃকিং) n [one of a pair of tight-fitting coverings for the feet and legs made of light material and worn by women] (<নাইলন, সুতি, রেশম বা উলের তৈরি আঁট সাঁট মহিলেদের> হাঁটু পর্যন্ত লম্বা মোজা): I have ripped my stocking again.
Ø Rip / rɪp / (রিপ্) v {Pt. Pp. ripped / rɪpt / (রিপ্ট্)} [to tear Sth or to become torn, often suddenly or violently] (এক টানে বা পোঁচে ছিঁড়ে বা ফেড়ে ফেলা): I ripped my jeans on the fence. His new trousers ripped when he bent down.
Sweater / ˈswetər / (ˈছোয়েটএর্) n {UK jumper / ˈdʒʌmpər / (ˈজাম্পএর্)} [a piece of clothing with long sleeves which is usually made from wool and worn on the upper part of the body] (সোয়েটার):
Polo Neck
Polo neck / ˈpoʊloʊ ˌnek / (ˈপৌলৌ নেক্) n {US turtleneck} [a sweater with a high, close-fitting, round collar
that folds over on itself and covers the neck] (পৌলৌ নেক <গলা>):
Crew Neck
Crew neck / ˈkruː ˌnek / (ˈক্রূ
ˌনেক্) n [a round neck a hole on a sweater, or other clothes with a neck hole in this shape] (ক্রূ নেক <গলা>):
Cardigan / ˈkɑːrdɪgən / (ˈকাঃর্ডিগএন্) n [a knitted jacket made of wool, usually with no collar and fastened with buttons at the front, and usually worn over other clothes] (কার্ডিগান):
Ø Knit / nɪt / (নিট্) v {Pt. Pp. knitted / nɪtɪd / (নিটিড্)} [to make clothes, etc. from wool or cotton thread using two long thin knitting needles or a machine] (<বিশেষত হাতে> বোনা; বয়ন করা): I knitted this cardigan myself.
Gown / gaʊn / (গাউন্) n [a woman’s dress, especially a long one worn on formal occasions, or a long loose piece of clothing worn over other clothes for a particular purpose] (<বিশেষ বিশেষ ক্ষেত্রে পরিধেয়> মহিলাদের পোশাক বিশেষ; গাউন): wedding/hospital gown
Formal / ˈfɔːrml / (ˈফোর্মল্) adj [(of a style of dress, speech, writing, behavior, etc.) very correct and suitable for official or important occasions] (আনুষ্টানিক; নিয়মমাফিক; নিয়মনিষ্ঠ): The dinner was a formal affair.
Occasion / əˈkeɪʒn / (এˈকেইজ্ন্) n [a special event, ceremony or celebration] (কোনো নির্দিষ্ট ঘটনার সময়; উপলক্ষ): I have a suit but I only wear it on special occasions.
Dressing Gown
Dressing gown / ˈdresɪŋ gaʊn / (ˈড্রেছিঙ্ গাউন্) n {US bathrobe} [a long loose piece of clothing, usually with a belt, worn indoors overnight clothes, for example when you first get out of bed] (<নিজ গৃহে পরার>আলখেল্লা<বিশেষ>; ড্রেসিং গাউন):
/ ˈnaɪtdres
/ n {US nightgown; Inf. nightie} [a comfortable piece of clothing like a loose dress worn by a woman or a girl in
bed] (রাতের পোশাক):
1. Robe
Robe / roʊb / (রৌব্) n [a long, loose piece of clothing worn especially on very formal occasions] (ঢিলে জামা): Judges wear black robes when they are in court.
2. Robe n {Also bathrobe} [a loose piece of clothing that is worn before or after a bath or on top of clothing worn in bed] (আংরাখা বা গোসলের জামা/পোশাক):
![]() |
2. Robe |
2. Robe n {Also bathrobe} [a loose piece of clothing that is worn before or after a bath or on top of clothing worn in bed] (আংরাখা বা গোসলের জামা/পোশাক):
Uniform / ˈjuːnɪfɔːrm / (ˈইঊনিফোর্ম্) n [a particular set of clothes which has to be worn by the members of the same organization or group of people] (কোনো সংগঠনের সকল সদস্যের পরিধেয় পোশাক; উর্দি): a military/nurse’s uniform. Soldiers in uniform
Rompers / ˈrɑːmpərz / (ˈরাঃম্পএর্জ্) n {Also. Romper suit} [a single piece of clothing consisting of a top part and trousers worn by babies and very young children] (<শিশুদের ঢিলেঢালা>পোশাক; রাম্পার্জ):
Bib /
/ (বিব্) n [a piece of cloth or plastic fastened round very young
children's neck to keep its clothes clean while they are eating] (<শিশুদের>নালপোষ):
Diaper / ˈdaɪpər / (ˈডাইপএর্) n {UK nappy} [a piece of soft cloth or other material that is folded around a baby’s bottom and between its legs to absorb and hold its urine and solid waste] (<বাচ্চাদের>বুটিদার কাপড়; ডাইপার): I knew William when he was still in diapers (=when he was a baby).
Ø Fold / foʊld / (ফৌল্ড্) v {Pt. Pp. folded / foʊldɪd / (ফৌলডিড্)} [to bend Sth, especially paper or cloth, so that one part lies on top of another part] (ভাঁজ করা; পাট করা): The bird folded its wings.
![]() |
Bottom |
Ø Bottom / ˈbɑːtəm / (ˈবাঃটএম্) n [the part of the body that you sit on] (পাছা; নিতম্ব): He slipped and fell on his bottom.
Ø Absorb / əbˈsɔːrb / (এবˈছোর্ব্) v {Pt. Pp. absorbed / əbˈsɔːrbd / (এবˈছোর্বড্)} [to take in a liquid, gas or other substance from the surface or space around] (শুষে নেওয়া; আন্তীভূত করা): Towels absorb moisture
Ø Hold / hoʊld / (হৌল্ড্) v {Pt. Pp. held / held / (হেল্ড্)} [to contain or be able to contain something] (ধারণ করা; ধরে রাখা/থাকা; ধরা): This jug holds exactly one pint.
Ø Waste / weɪst / (ওএইছ্ট্) n {Also. waste matter} [material that the body gets rid of as solid or liquid material] (<মানুষ ও পশুপাখির>মলমূত্র/পায়খানা): The farmers use both animal and human waste as fertilizer.
Bootee / ˈbuːti / (ˈবূটী) n [a baby's soft a shoe that is often made of wool] (শিশুদের জন্য বোনা জুতা):
Dungarees / ˌdʌŋgəˈriːz / (ˌডাঙ্গএˈরীজ্) n {USA overalls} [a pair of trousers/pants with an extra piece of cloth that covers the chest and is held in place by a strap over each shoulder and usually worn other clothing by workers doing dirty work] (ডাংগারীজ): His dungarees were covered in grease.
Ø Cover / ˈkʌvər / (ˈকাভএর্) v {Pt. Pp. covered / ˈkʌvərd / (ˈকাভএর্ড্)} [to put or spread a layer of liquid, dust, etc. on Sb/Sth] (<কোনোকিছুতে>নোংরা লাগা/ভরা):
/ ˈkʌvərɔːlz
/ () n {UK overalls or boiler suit} [a
piece of clothing like a shirt/jacket and trousers/pants in one piece, made of
heavy cloth and usually worn over other clothing by workers doing dirty work] (কাজের পোষাক): He put on some overalls and got out a tin of paint.
Bodywarmer / ˈbɑːdi ˈwɔːrmər / (ˈবাঃডি ˈওয়ার্মএর্) n [a thick warm jacket without sleeves that you wear outdoors] (শরীর উষ্ণতাকারী; বডি ওয়ার্মার):
Down Vest
Down Vest
/ ˌdaʊn
ˈvest / (ˌডাউন্
ˈভেস্ট্) n [a short, a sleeveless warm jacket that is filled with the soft feathers of a goose or duck] (ডাউন ভেস্ট):
Tracksuit / ˈtræksuːt / (ˈট্র্যাক্ছূট্) n {Also. Jogging suit} [a loose, warm set of clothes consisting of a sweatshirt or light jacket and pants with an elastic or drawstring waist, worn when exercising or as casual wear] (ব্যামের সময় পরিধেয় কাপড়; ট্যাকসূট):
Ø Drawstring / ˈdrɔːstrɪŋ / (ˈড্রোস্ট্রিঙ্) n [a piece of string sewn inside the material at the top of a bag, pair of trousers/pants, etc. that can be pulled tighter in order to make the opening smaller] (ড্রোস্ট্রিং): They fasten with a drawstring.
Bikini / bɪˈkiːni / (বিˈকীনি) n [a piece of clothing in two pieces that women wear
swimming and lying in the sun] (<বালিকা
বা মহিলাদের>স্বল্পবাস <বক্ষবন্ধনী ও জাঙ্গিয়া>): One-piece swimming costumes are more fashionable
than bikinis this year.
Swimsuit /
/ (ˈসুয়িমসূট) n {UK swimming
costume; US swimming suit} [a piece
of clothing that is worn for swimming, especially by women and girls] (<মেয়েদের>সাঁতারের পোশাক):
/ ˈʌndərwer / (ˈআন্ডএর
ওএর্) n {Also underclothes; skivvies} [clothes
that someone wears under other clothes and next to the skin] (<ছেলেদের>জাঙ্গিয়া;
অন্তর্বাস): I am getting cold around in
my underwear.
Knickers /
/ (ˈনিকএর্য্)
n {US, UK panties} [a piece of underwear
worn by women and girls covering the area between the waist and the tops of the
legs and elastic around the waist to hold them up]
অন্তর্বাস বা জাঙ্গিয়া):
Finery / ˈfaɪnəri / (ˈফাইনএরি) n [brightly colored and elegant clothes and jewelry, especially those that are worn for a special occasion] (জাঁকালো পোশাক ও অলঙ্কার): There we all were in our finery, waiting for the bride and groom to arrive.
Ø Groom / gruːm / (গ্রূম্) n {Also bridegroom} 1. [a man who is about to get married or has just got married] (বর): The bride and groom walked down the aisle together.
2. Groom / gruːm / (গ্রূম্) n [a person whose job is to feed and take care of houses, especially by brushing and cleaning them] (সহিস <যে ব্যক্তি ঘোড়ার দেখাশোনা করে>):
Ø <VERB> Groom / gruːm / (গ্রূম্) v [to clean an animal, often by brushing its fur] (<প্রাণীর>দেখাশোনা করা): to groom a horse/dog/cat
Apron / ˈeɪprən / (ˈএইপ্রএন্) n [a piece of clothing that you wear over the front of other clothes to keep the clothes clean while you are doing something dirty, such as cooking or cleaning in the house] (সজ্জাবরণী):
Cloak / kloʊk / (ক্লৌক্) n [a type of coat that has no sleeves, fastens at the neck and hangs loosely from the shoulder, worn especially in the past] (আলখেল্লা; জোব্বা; ছদ্মবেশ):
Scarf / skɑːrf / (স্কাঃর্ফ্) n {Pl. scarves} [a strip, square or triangle of cloth, worn around the neck, head or shoulders to keep you warm or to make you look attractive] (গলবস্ত্র; স্কার্ফ): She had a scarf tied over her head.
<SYN> Muffler
Ø Strip / strɪp / (স্ট্রিপ্) n [a long narrow piece of paper, metal, cloth, etc.] (<লম্বা, সরু>ফালি/টুকরা): He didn’t have a bandage, so he ripped up his shirt into thin strips.
Ø Triangle / ˈtraɪæŋgl / (ˈট্রাইএ্যাঙগ্ল্) n [a flat shape with three straight sides and three angles; a thing in the shape of a triangle] (ত্রিভুজ): Cut the sandwiches into a triangle.
1. Muffler
Muffler / ˈmʌflər / (ˈমাফ্লএর্)
n {Also scarf} 1. [a long strip of
cloth, often of wool, that is worn around the neck for warmth] (মাফলার):![]() |
2. Muffler |
2. Muffler
/ ˈmʌflər
/ (ˈমাফ্লএর্)
n {UK silencer} [a device that is fixed to the exhaust of a vehicle in
order to reduce the amount of noise that the engine makes] (মাফ্লার <যানবাহনের উচ্চ
শব্দ কমানোর যন্ত্র>)
Shorts / sɔːrts / (শোর্টছ্) n {Also. half pants} [pants/trousers that end above the knee or reach the knee, which are often worn in hot weather or when playing a sport] (হাফপ্যান্ট): He wore a T-shirt and shorts.
Trunks / trʌŋks / (ট্রাঙক্ছ্) n {USA swimming trunks} [a piece of men’s clothing that covers the hips and the top parts of the legs and is worn by men and boys for swimming] (<ছেলেদের> সাঁতারের পোশাক/হাফপ্যান্ট):
Tights / taɪts / (টাইট্ছ্) n [a piece of clothing made of thin stretch material which covers the legs and lower part of the body below the waist that fits closely and which is worn by women and girls] (<মেয়েদের> আঁটসাঁট পোশাক; টাইটস): She bought a new pair of tights.
Ø Stretch / stretʃ / (স্ট্রেচ্) n [the ability to be made longer or wider without breaking or tearing] (প্রসারণ; বিস্তারণ; বিস্তৃতি): stretch jeans
Ø Buy / baɪ / (বাই) v {Pt. Pp,. bought / bɔːt / (বোট্)} [to get something by paying money for it] (কেনা; ক্রয়/খরিদ করা): Where did you buy that dress? I bought it for a friend for £ 10.
Glove / glʌv / (গ্লাভ্) n [a covering for the hand and wrist for warmth, made of wool, leather, etc. with separate parts for each finger and the thumb] (দাস্তানা):
Ø Wrist / rɪst / (রিছ্ট্) n [the joint between the hand and the arm] (<হাতের>কব্জি): I sprained my wrist playing squash.
Ø Thumb / θʌm / (থাম্) n [the short thick finger at the side of the hand, slightly apart from the other four] (বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুলি; বুড়া আঙ্গুল): He still sucks his thumb when he’s worried.
Mitten / ˈmɪtən / (ˈমিটএন্) n
{Also mitt} [a type of glove with two
sections, one for all four fingers and the other for the thumb] (<এক ধরণের>হাত মোজা):
Sock / sɑːk / (ছাঃক্) n [a piece of clothing that is worn over the foot, ankle and lower part of the leg, especially inside a shoe] (মোজা): Put on your shoes and socks.
Ø Foot / fʊt / (ফুট্) n {Plu. feet} [the lowest part of the leg, below the ankle, on which a person or an animal stands] (পায়ের পাতা; চরণ): My feet are aching. We came on foot.
Outfit / ˈaʊtfɪt / (ˈআউট্ফিট্)
n [a set of clothes that you wear together
especially for a particular occasion or purpose]
বিশেষ উদ্দেশ্যে প্রযোজনীয় যাবতীয় পোশাক বা উপকরণ):
I have got a cowboy outfit for the fancy dress party.
Ø Fancy / ˈfænni
/ (ˈফ্যান্ছি) adj
[(especially of small things) with a lot of decorations or bright color] (<বিশেষত ক্ষুদ্র
দ্রব্যাদি সম্পর্কে>বর্ণ্যঢ; নয়নাভিরাম): He was the fanciest dresser
in the room.
Tie / taɪ / (টাই) n [a long, narrow piece of material that is worn under a shirt collar, especially by men and tied in a knot at the front] (টাই): He always wears a jacket and ties to work.
Bow Tie
Bowtie / ˌboʊ ˈtaɪ / (ˌবৌ ˈটাই) n [a special type of tie (= a strip of cloth put around a collar) in the shape of a bow, worn especially by men on formal occasions] (নেক-টাই):
Handkerchief / ˈhæŋkərtʃɪf / (ˈহ্যাঙকএরচিফ্) n [a square piece of cloth used for blowing nose, etc.] (রুমাল): She took out her handkerchief and blew her nose loudly.
Ø Blow / bloʊ / (ব্লৌ) v {Pt. blew / bluː / (ব্লূ); Pp. blown / bloʊn / (ব্লৌন্)} [(~blow your nose) to clear your nose by blowing strongly through it into a tissue or handkerchief] (<নাক>ঝাড়া বা পরিস্কার করা):
Waistband / ˈweɪstbænd / (ˈওয়েইছট্ব্যান্ড্) n [the strip of cloth that forms the waist of a piece of clothing, especially at the top of a skirt or trousers/pants] (<প্যান্টস বাঁধার জন্য>কটিবন্ধ; কোমরবন্ধ): He had a gun tucked into the waistband of his trousers. An elasticated waistband
Ø Elasticated / ɪˈlæstɪkeɪtɪd / (ইˈল্যাছটিকেইটিড্) n {USA elasticized} [clothes or parts of clothes that are elasticated have threads of elastic in them that can stretch] (স্থিতিস্থাপকতা; নমনীয়তা; স্থিতিস্থাপক<ফিতা>): a skirt with an elasticated waist
Fly /
/ (ফ্লাই)
n {UK flies} [an opening down the front
of a pair of trousers/pants that fastens with a zip or buttons and is usually
covered over by a strip of material] (প্যান্টসের চেনের স্থান): Hey Raju, your fly's undone!
Veil / veɪl / (ভেইল্) n [a piece of thin material worn by women to cover the face or head] (অবগুন্ঠন; মুখাবরণ; নেকাব; পর্দা): The women wore black veils which covered all but their eyes. The bridal veil was fringed with lace.
Ø Bride / braɪd / (ব্রাইড্) n [a woman on her wedding day, or just before or just after it] (নববধূ; কণে): He returned from New York with his lovely new bride. A toast to the bride and bridegroom<বর>
Ø Bridal / ˈbraɪdl / (ˈব্রাইডল্) adj [connected with a bride or a wedding] (বিবাহ সম্বন্ধীয়): the bridal party
Ø Fringe / frɪndʒ / (ফ্রিন্জ্) n [a decorative edge of hanging narrow strings of material or threads on a piece of clothing or material] (<বিশেষত কাপড়ের তৈরী কোনোকিছুর প্রান্তে আলগাসুতার>অলঙ্কারণমূলক পাড়; ঝালর): a fringe around the edge of a tablecloth
Hood / hʊd / (হূড্) n [part of a piece of clothing which can be pulled up to cover the top and back of the head] (ঘোমটা; বোরখা; আচ্ছাদন): The coat has a removable hood.
Chemise / səˈmiːz / (ছএˈমীজ্) n [a loose piece of clothing for women, which covers the top part of the body, and which is worn under clothes] (সেমীজ):
Chemise / səˈmiːz / (ছএˈমীজ্) n [a loose piece of clothing for women, which covers the top part of the body, and which is worn under clothes] (সেমীজ):
Shawl / sɔːl / (শোল্)
n [a large piece of cloth worn especially by women
or girls over their shoulders or head] (শাল): Ruth wrapped the shawl around her shoulders.
Salwar / sʌlˈwɑːr / (ছালˈওয়ার্) n {Also shalwar}
[light loose trousers/pants that are tight
around the ankles, especially worn by Asian women] (সালোয়ার):
Kameez / kəˈmiːz / (কএˈমীজ্) n [a piece of clothing like a long shirt worn by many
Asian women] (কামিজ):
Sari / ˈsɑːri / (ˈছাঃরি) n [a long piece of dress that is wrapped around
the body and worn as the main piece of clothing especially by
South Asian women] (শাড়ি):
Ø Wrap / ræp
/ (র্যাপ্) v {Pt.
Pp. wrapped /
ræpt / (র্যাপ্ট্)} [to cover
or surround something with paper, cloth or other material] (<কোনোকিছু, পাতলা
কিছুদিয়ে>মোড়ানো; গুটিয়ে ফেলা): She wrapped the present and
tied it with ribbon.
Blouse / ˈblaʊs / (ˈব্লাউছ্)
n [a piece of like a shirt, worn by women] (<মেয়েদের>জামা;
ব্লাউজ; মেজামা):
/ ˈpetɪkoʊt
/ (ˈপেটিকৌট্) n
{Also slip} [a piece of loose, underwear
for a woman or girl that is like a dress or skirt, worn under a sari or other
dress] (সায়া):
Lungi / ˈlʊŋgiː / (ˈলুঙ্গী) n [a piece of clothing worn in S and SE Asia consisting
of a piece of cloth, usually worn wrapped around the hips and reaching the ankles] (লুঙ্গি):
Ø Consist / kənˈsɪst
/ (কএনˈছিছট্) <PHR-V> consist
of Sth [to be made of or formed from something] (গঠিত হওয়া): Their diet
consisted largely of vegetables.
Ø Hip / hɪp
/ (হিপ্) n [the area at either side of the body between the top of the leg and the waist; the joint
at the top of the leg] (উরুর
অস্থি ও মধ্যশরীরের সংযোগস্থল; কটি): He stood with her hands on her hips.
The skirt was a bit tight across the hips.
Ø Ankle / ˈæŋkl
/ (ˈএ্যাঙক্ল্) n [the
joint (=place where two bones are connected) between the foot and the leg, or
the thin part of the leg just above the foot] (<পায়ের গোড়ালীর>গাঁট; গুল্ফ): We found
ourselves ankle-deep in water.
Dhoti / ˈdoʊti / (ˈদৌতি) n [a long, loose piece of clothing wrapped around
the lower half of the body, worn by some male Hindus men in South Asia] (ধুতি):
Ø Loose / luːs
/ (লূছ্) adj [(of
clothes) not fitting closely to the body] (ঢিলা): Wear comfortable, loose clothing to
your exercise class. A loose shirt
Towel / ˈtaʊəl / (ˈটাউএল্) n [a piece of cloth or paper used for drying someone or something that is wet] (তোয়ালা বা গামছা): She came downstairs after her shower, wrapped in a towel.
Ø Wet / wet / (ওয়েট্) adj [covered with or containing liquid, especially water] (ভেজা): His face was wet with tears. They not to get your shoes wet.
Ø Shower / ˈʃaʊər / (ˈশাউএর্) n 1. [a piece of equipment producing a spray of water that you stand under to wash] (ঝরণা): Many British homes have a shower attachment fixed to the bath tops.
2. [the act of washing yourself with a shower] (গোসল): Have I got time to take a shower before we go out.
2. [the act of washing yourself with a shower] (গোসল): Have I got time to take a shower before we go out.
Gamcha //
() n {Also gamucha} [a traditional thin,
coarse cotton towel, often with a checked design, found in India, Bangladesh,
as well as various parts of South and Southeast Asia; it is used to dry the
body after bathing or wiping sweat. It is often just worn on one side of the
shoulder] (গামছা):
Rag / ræg / (র্যাগ্) n [a piece of old, often torn, the cloth used especially for cleaning things] (ন্যাকড়া; ত্যানা; পুরনো ছেঁড়া কাপড়): I wiped the window with a damp rag. I keep these rags for cleaning the car.
Ø Tear / teər / (টেএর্) v {Pt. tore / tɔːr / (টোর্); Pp. torn / tɔːrn / (টোর্ন্)} [to damage Sth by pulling it apart or into pieces] (ছেঁড়া; ছিঁড়ে ফেলা): I tore my skirt on the chair as I stood up.
<SYN> Rip
Ø Damp / dæmp / (ড্যাম্প্) adj [slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable] (পুরোপুরি শুষ্ক নয় এমন; সেঁতসেঁতে; আর্দ্র): This shirt still feels a bit damp. Damp clothes
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