Friday, July 21, 2017

Reptiles & Amphibians Names and Pictures | Necessary Vocabulary

reptiles and amphibians names, necessary vocabulary
Reptiles & Amphibians

Reptile / ˈreptaɪl / (ˈরেফটাল্‌) n [an animal which has cold blood, and uses the heat of the sun to keep its blood warm, and that lays eggs, and skin covered in scales or hard parts, such as snakes, crocodiles, and tortoises are all reptiles] (সরীসৃপ্‌):

Reptile Related Necessary Vocabulary Notes

animal scale
1. Scale
Ø Scale / skeɪl / (স্কে) n 1. [One of the many very small flat pieces which cover the skin of fishes, snakes, and many reptiles] (<মাছ; সাপ ইত্যাদির> আঁশ; আঁইশ): The beast was a python, with great purple and green scales.
Ø Lay / leɪ / (লেই) v {Pt. Pp. laid / leɪd / (লেইড্‌)} [(of an animal, a bird, an insect, a fish, etc.) to produce eggs from out of the body] (ডিম পাড়া): The hens are not laying well (=not producing many eggs).

What's the Difference between An Amphibian & A Reptile

Amphibian / æmˈfɪbiən / (অ্যাম্‌ˈফিবিন্‌) n [any animal that can live both on land and in water. They are a cold-blooded animal with a backbone and skin without scales. Frogs, toads, and newts are all amphibians. They cannot generate their own body heat, instead of relying on the temperature of their environment to help them keep warm or cool enough to survive. They also lay its eggs in water.] (জলে ও স্থলে বাস করতে সক্ষম প্রাণী; উভচর প্রাণী <যথা ব্যাঙ>):

Ø Generate / ˈdʒenəreɪt / (ˈজেনরেট্‌) v [to produce or create Sth] (ঘটানো; উৎপাদন করা): To generate heat/power

Ø Instead / ɪnˈsted / (ˈছটেড) adv [in the place of Sb/Sth] (বিকল্প হিসাবে; স্থলে; বদলে): You can go instead of me if you want.

Ø Survive / sərˈvaɪv / (ˈভাভ্‌) v [to continue to live or exist] (বেঁচে/টিকে থাকা): The children had to survive by begging and stealing.

snake animal, sanke reptile
Snake / sneɪk / (স্নে) n [a long limbless reptile which has no eyelids, a short tail, and jaws that are capable of considerable extension. there are many types of snake, some of which are poisonous] (সাপ; সর্প): Venomous snakes spit and hiss when they are cornered.

Ø Limb / lɪm / (লিম্) n [an arm or leg of a person or animal, or a large branch of a tree] (দেহের অঙ্গপ্রতঙ্গ): an artificial limb

Ø Eyelid / ˈaɪlɪd / (ˈলিড্‌) n [either of the two pieces of skin above and below the eye that covers it when you blink or close the eye] (চোখের পাতা): He watched her from behind half-closed eyelids.

Ø Jaws / dʒɔːz / (জোয্‌) n {plural} [the mouth of a person or animal, especially a large and frightening animal] (চোয়াল): The alligator's jaws snapped shut.

Ø Considerable / kənˈsɪdərəbəl / (ন্‌ˈছিডল্‌) adj {SYN significant} [great in amount, size, importance, etc.] (গুরুত্বপূর্ণ): Damage to the building was considerable.

Ø Extension / ɪkˈstenʃən / (ক্‌ˈছটেনশ্‌ন্‌) n [the act of making Sth longer or larger; the thing that is made longer and larger] (প্রসার; ব্যাপ্তি):
Ø Poison / ˈpɔɪzən / (ˈপোন্‌) n [a substance that can make people or animals ill or kill them if they eat or drink it] (বিষ; গরল): He killed himself with poison
<ADJ> Poisonous / ˈpɔɪzənəs / (ˈপোছ্‌) n {SYN venomous} [(of animals and insects) producing a poison that can cause death or illness if the animal or insect bites you] (বিষাক্ত; বিষধর): a poisonous snake
Ø Spit / spɪt / (স্পিট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. spat (স্প্যাট)} [(of animals) to make a short angry sound] (<প্রাণী সম্নন্ধে> রাগতস্বর সৃষ্টি করা): Snakes spit and hiss when they are cornered.
Ø Hiss / hɪs / (হিছ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. hissed / hɪst / (হিছ্‌ট্‌)} [to make a sound like a long‘s’] (হিস হিস শব্দ করা): The snake lifted its head and hissed.
<NOUN> Hiss [a sound like a long‘s’; this sound used to show disapproval of Sb] (হিস হিস শব্দ): the snake’s hiss

Ø Corner / ˈkɔːrnər / (ˈকোর্ন) v {Pt. Pp. cornered / ˈkɔːrnərd / (ˈকোর্নরড্‌)} [to force a person or an animal into a place or situation from which they cannot easily escape] (কোনঠাসা করা; মুশকিলে ফেলা): If cornered, the snake will defend itself.


iguana reptile
Iguana / ɪˈgwɑːnə / (ˈগোয়ান) n [iguanas are among the largest lizards native to tropical areas of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. It can range from 5 to 6 feet including its tail, and be weighing about 5 kilograms. They have a row of spines running down their backs to their tails, and a tiny third eye on their heads. Behind their necks are small scales that resemble spokes, known as tubercle scales. These scales may be a variety of colors and not always visible from close distances. They have a large round scale on their cheeks known as a sub tympanic shield and have a spiny crest along the back, occasionally they are kept as a pet] (গোসাপ):

Ø Weigh / weɪ / (ওএ) v {Pt. Pp. weighed / weɪd / (ওএড্‌)} [to have a particular weight] (মাপা; ওজন করা): How much do you weigh (=how heavy are you)? She weighs 60 kilos.

 <NOUN> Weight / weɪt / (ওএ) n [how heavy Sb/Sth is, which can be measured in, for example, kilograms or pounds] (ভার; ওজন): It is about 76 kilos in weight.

Ø Spine / spaɪn / (স্পান্‌) n [a long sharp point like a needle growing out of an animal such as a porcupine or some plant such as a cactus] ( কোনোকোনো বৃক্ষ বা প্রাণীদের দেহের কাঁটা; শিড়দাঁড়া): Porcupines use their spines to protect themselves.

Ø Resemble / rɪˈzembl / (রিˈজেমবল্‌) v [to look like or be like someone or something] (অনুরুপ হওয়া; সদৃশ হওয়া; <চেহারার> মিল হওয়া): The plant resembles grass in appearance.

Ø Spoke / spoʊk / (স্পৌক্‌) n [one of the thin, bars or long straight pieces of metal that connect the center of a wheel to its outer edge, for example on a bicycle] (<সাইকেলের চাকার মধ্যে লাগানো> স্পৌক্‌): a bicycle spoke

Ø Tubercle / ˈtuːbərkl / (ˈটুরকল্‌) n [(anatomy, biology) a small round lump, especially on a bone or on the surface of an animal or plant] (ক্ষুদ্রকন্দ; ক্ষুদ্র স্ফীতি/ গুটিকা):

Ø Crest / krest / (ক্রেছট্‌) n [a growth of feathers, fur, spine or skin that stand up along the top of the heads or back of some animals] (ঝুঁটি; শিখা; ঝোঁটন): The male is recognizable by its crest.

chameleon reptile

Chameleon / kəˈmiːliən / (ˈমীলিন্‌) n [a small slow-moving creature chameleon is a very distinctive and well-known species of lizard family, due to the large protruding eyes that rotate independently, and a curled prehensile tail, and with a very long highly modified rapidly extensible tongue; their swaying gait; and crest or horns on their distinctively shaped heads. They are found throughout jungle and desert alike, in Africa, Asia, and parts of Southern Europe, and often are kept as household pets
Some species of chameleon, although not all, are able to change the color of their skin in order to be camouflaged in their surroundings. These color changes in the chameleon’s skin color can include colors such as pink, blue, red, orange, green, black, brown, light blue, yellow, and turquoise, all so that the chameleon can blend in more easily] (নিজ রং পালটাতে সক্ষম গিরগিটি; বহুরূপ গিরগিটি):

Ø Distinctive / dɪˈstɪŋktɪv / (ডিˈছটিঙক্‌টিভ্‌) adj [having a quality or characteristic that makes Sth different and easily noticed] (স্বাতন্ত্র্যসূচক; পার্থক্যসূচক;বৈশিষ্ট্যসূচক): He has got a very distinctive voice.
<SYN> Characteristic

protruded teeth
Protruded Teeth 

Ø Protrude / proʊˈtruːd / (প্রৌˈট্রূড্‌) v {Pt. Pp. protruded / proʊˈtruːdɪd / (প্রৌˈট্রূডিড্‌)} [to stick out from a place or a surface] (বাইরের দিকে বা সামনের দিকে প্রসারিত হওয়া/ করা): Protruding ears/teeth
Ø Rotate / ˈroʊteɪt / (রৌটে) v {Pt. Pp. rotated / ˈroʊteɪtɪd / (রৌটেটিড্‌)} [to move or turn around a central fixed point; to make Sth do this] (পাক খাওয়া; ঘুরান; আবর্তিত হওয়া): Rotate the handle by 180o to open the door.
Ø Curl / kɜːrl / (কা্‌র্ল) n [a small bunch of hair that grows or has been formed into a curved or round shape] (কুণ্ডলী; পাকানো; কোঁকড়ানো; বাঁক): Curls of smoke were rising from the chimney.
<VERB> [to make Sth into the shape of a curl, or grow or change into this shape] (কুঞ্চিত করা; কোঁকড়া করা): Does your hair curl naturally, or is it permed.
Ø Prehensile / prɪˈhensl / (প্রিˈহেনছ্ল্) adj [(of a part of an animal’s body) able to hold on to things, especially by curling around them] (<লেজ বা পা সম্বন্ধে> আঁকড়াইয়া ধরিতে সক্ষম; গ্রাহী): The monkey’s prehensile tail

extensible tongue
Extensible tongue 
Ø Extensible / ɪkˈstensɪbl / (ˈছটেনছিবল্‌) adj [able to be extended] (বাড়ানো যায় এমন; প্রসারনীয়):
Ø Sway / sweɪ / (ছোয়ে) v {Pt. Pp. swayed / sweɪd / (ছোয়ে )} [to move slowly from side to side; to move Sth in this way] (দোলা; এদিক-ওদিক করা; দোলানো): The trees were swaying in the wind. 
      <NOUN> [a movement from side to side] (দোল, দোলা, আন্দলোন): The sway of the board was making her feel sick.
Ø Gait / geɪt / (গে) n [a particular way of walking] (হাঁটার বা দৌড়াবার ভঙ্গি; গমন; চলন; চলার ঢং): He walked with a rolling gait.
Ø Alike / əˈlaɪk / (ˈলা) adj [in a very similar way] (সমভাবে; একইভাবে; অনুরুপভাবে): My father treated us all alike.
Ø Turquoise / ˈtɜːrkwɔɪz / (ˈটা্‌র্কো) n [a greenish-blue color] (ফিরোজা):
Ø Blend / blend / (ব্লেনড্‌) v {Pt. Pp. blended / blendɪd / (ব্লেনডিড্‌)} [to mix two or more substances together] (মিশানো; মিশে যাওয়া; মিলিয়ে দেওয়া/ যাওয়া): Blend the ingredients into a smooth paste.

salamander reptile
Salamander / ˈsæləmændər / (ˈছ্যালম্যানডর্‌) n [a reptile like a lizard, with slender bodies, a long tail, blunt snouts, short limbs projecting at right angles to the body, that lives both on land and in water (= is an amphibian)] (<গিরগিটি সদৃশ উভচর প্রাণী> আগ্নেয়গোধা; গো-গিরগিটি):
Ø Slender / ˈslendər / (ˈস্লেনডর্‌) adj [thin or narrow, often in a way that is attractive] (সরু): The plant’s leaves are long and slender.
<SYN> slim
Ø Blunt / blʌnt / (ব্লান্ট্‌) adj [without a sharp edge or point] (ভোঁতা): This pencil’s blunt!
Ø Snout / snaʊt / (স্নাট্‌) n [the nose and mouth which stick out from the face of some animals] (<বিশেষত কোনো কোনো প্রাণীর>বাইরের দিকে বেড়িয়ে থাকা নাক): a pig’s snout
Ø Project / prəˈdʒekt / (প্রˈজেক্ট্‌) v {+ adv. /prep.} [to stick out beyond an edge or a surface] (বাইরের দিকে বেরিয়ে থাকা; ঝুলে থাকা): The hotel dining room projects out over the water.

newt reptile
Newt / nuːt / (নূট্‌) n [a small amphibian with short legs, a long tail, and cold blood, that live both in water and on land, found naturally in North America, Europe, and Asia and the Newt is thought to be subspecies of the salamander] (গোধিকা):

crocodile reptile
Crocodile / ˈkrɑːkədaɪl / (ˈক্রাঃকডাল্‌) n [crocodiles are large aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Asia, the America and Australia. It lives mostly in large tropical rivers, lakes, and dams. Some of the crocodiles are normally bigger than the ones that live in freshwater. They cannot breathe underwater; they breathe air, just like people. They can hold their breath for a maximum of about two hours underwater.
Their range in size from African Dwarf crocodiles which measure rarely over 5 feet to saltwater crocodiles which can approach 23 feet. Crocodiles can snap their jaw shut quickly and with much power. But they have little strength to open their jaws and a person could hold the jaw shut with their hands.
Crocodiles have long jaws, long tails, short legs, and horny textured skin, using submersion and stealth to approach prey unseen. They lurk patiently beneath the surface near the water’s edge. Waiting for potential prey to stop for a sip of water. They will feed on anything they can get their jaws on, including buffalos, monkeys, wild boars, sharks, and even elephants. Without warning, they explode from the water with a thrash of their powerful tails, grasp their victim, and drag it back in, holding it under until the animal drowns.](কুম্ভীর; কুমির): The crocodile has been extensively hunted for its valuable skin.

crocodile tears
Crocodile tears
<IDIMS> Crocodile tears [= tears or expressions of sorrow that are insincere] (মায়াকান্না): Let’s have no more politicians shedding crocodile tears for the unemployed.
Ø Dam / dæm / (ড্যাম্‌) n [a wall that is built across a river in order to stop the water from flowing, used especially to make a reservoir which provides water for an area or to produce electricity] (বাঁধ; জলবন্ধন; আলি): The Narmada dam in India
<SYN> Dyke
Ø Breathe / briːð / (ব্রীদ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. breathed / briːðd / (ব্রীদ্‌ড্‌)} [to take air into the lungs and send it out again through nose or mouth] (শ্বাস নেওয়া বা ফেলা): The instructor told us to breathe in deeply and then breathe out slowly.
<NOUN> Breath / breθ / (ব্রেথ্‌) n [the air that takes into your lungs and sends out again] (শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাস; দম; শ্বাস): He was very short of breath. Her breath smelled of garlic.

Ø Dwarf / dwɔːrf / (ডোয়োর্ফ) n [an extremely small person, who will never grow to normal size because of a physical problem] (বামন; ক্ষুদ্রাকৃতি মানব/ পশু বা তরুলতা): a person suffering from dwarfism
Ø Rarely / ˈrerli / (ˈরের্লি) adv [not very often] (খুব কম; কদাচিৎ): I rarely have time to read a newspaper.
    <SYN> Seldom
Ø Approach / əˈproʊtʃ / (ˈপরৌচ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. approached / əˈproʊtʃt / (ˈপরৌচ্‌ট্‌)} [to come close to Sth in amount, level or quality] (নিকটবর্তী হওয়া): She is approaching poverty.
Ø Snap / snæp / (স্ন্যাপ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. snapped / snæpt / (স্ন্যাপ্‌ট্‌)} <~ at Sb/Sth> [(of an animal) to try to bite Sb/Sth] (<প্রাণী সম্বন্ধে> খাবল দিয়ে ধরা): The fish snapped at the bait.
Ø Texture / ˈtekstʃər / (ˈটেকছচর্) n [the way a surface, substance or piece of cloth feels when you touch it, for example, how rough, smooth, hard or soft it is] (গঠনবিন্যাস; বয়নবিন্যাস): This artificial fabric has the texture of silk.
<ADJ> Textured / ˈtekstʃərd / (ˈটেকছচর্ড্) adj [with a surface that is not smooth] (বুনট সংক্রান্ত; উচুনিচু খদরাবদরা): The walls have a textured finish. Textured wallpaper
Ø Submerge / səbˈmɜːrdʒ / (ˈমা্র্জ্) v {Pt. Pp. submerged / səbˈmɜːrdʒd / (ˈমা্র্জ্ড্‌)} [to go under the surface of water or liquid] (ডোবা; ডুব দেওয়া; নিমজ্জিত করা/হওয়া): The field had been submerged by flood water.

<NOUN> Submersion / səbˈmɜːrʒn / (ˈমা্‌র্জ্‌ন্‌) n [the action of submerging someone or something in a liquid] (নিমজ্জন; ডুবন): The fruit was preserved by submersion in alcohol.
  <SYN> Immersion
Ø Stealth / stelθ / (স্টেলথ্‌) n [movement which is quiet and careful in order not to be seen or heard, or secret action] (অত্যন্ত ধীরে ধীরে ও গোপনীয়ভাবে; গোপনতা; নিঃশব্দচারণ): Lions rely on stealth when hunting.
Ø Unseen / ˌʌnˈsiːn / (ˌআনˈছীন্‌) adj [not seen or not able to be seen] (অদেখা; চোরা; অদৃশ্য; অদৃষ্ট): She was killed by a single shot from an unseen soldier.
Ø Lurk / lɜːrk / (লা্‌র্ক্‌) v {Pt. Pp. lurked / lɜːrkt / (লা্‌র্ক্‌ট্‌)} [to wait somewhere secretly, especially because you are going to do Sth bad or illegal] (ওৎ পেতে থাকা; লুকিয়ে থাকা; অদৃশ্য থাকা): Someone was lurking in the shadow.

Ø Sip / sɪp / (ছিপ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. sipped / sɪpt / (ছিপ্‌ট্‌)} [to drink Sth taking a very small amount each time] (একটু একটু করে চুমুক দিয়ে পান করা): This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully.
Ø Explode / ɪkˈsploʊd / (ˈছপ্লৌড্‌) v {~ (into Sth)} [to suddenly and quickly do Sth; to move suddenly with a lot of force] (<শিকারের দিকে>সহসা ঝাপিয়ে পড়া):
Ø Thrash / θræʃ / (থ্যাশ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. thrashed / θræʃt / (থ্যাশ্‌ট্‌)} [to move or make Sth move in a violent or uncontrolled way] (বেগে ধাবিত হওয়া; আছড়ানো): The animal thrashed about in pain.
Ø Grasp / græsp / (গ্র্যাছপ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. grasped / græspt / (গ্র্যাছপ্‌ট্‌)} [to take a firm hold of Sb/Sth] (আঁকড়ে ধরা; চেপে ধরা): He suddenly grasped my hand and shook it warmly.
    <SYN> Grip

Ø Drag / dræg / (ড্যাগ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. dragged / drægd / (ড্যাগ্‌ড্‌)} [to move Sb/Sth by pulling it along a surface with effort and difficulty] (টেনে হেঁচড়ে নিয়ে যাওয়া; ভারি কোনো বস্তুকে টেনে নিয়ে যাওয়া): The sack is too heavy to lift you will have to drag it.  
Ø Drown / draʊn / (ড্রান্‌) v {Pt. Pp. drowned / draʊnd / (ড্রান্‌ড্‌)} [to die because you have been under water too long and you cannot breathe; to kill Sb in this way] (ডুবিয়ে মারা; ডুবে মরা): He drowned in a boating accident.

alligator reptile
Alligator / ˈælɪgeɪtər / (এ্যালিগের্‌) n [a large reptile with a long tail, hard skin, and very big jaws, that lives in and near rivers and lakes in the hot, wet parts of America and China, it has a long nose that is lighter, wider and shorter than that of a crocodile] (<এক জাতীয় কুমির, সাধারণত চীনে ও আমেরিকায় দেখা যায়, এদের মুখ কম লম্বাটে এবং কিছুটা ভোঁতা> ভোঁমির; এলিগেটার):  
Ø Jaws / dʒɔːʒ / (জোজ্‌) n [the mouth of a person or animal, especially a large and frightening animal] (মুখাবয়ব): The alligator’s jaws snapped shut. The lion opened its jaws and roared.
Ø Wet / wet / (ওএট্‌) adj [(of weather, etc.) with rain] (<অবহাওয়া সম্বন্ধে> বৃষ্টিপ্রবণ): The weather will be wet and windy in the south.

caiman reptile
Caiman / ˈkeɪmən / (ˈকেন্‌) n [the caiman is a large aquatic reptile found in Central and South America from marshes and swamps to Mangrove Rivers and lakes. As with other reptiles, caimans have scaly skin and much narrower bodies, they are most closely related to alligators and crocodiles] (গো-কুমির):
Ø Aquatic / əˈkwætɪk / (ˈকোঅ্যাটিক্‌) adj [living or growing in, happening in, or connected with water] (জলজ <উদ্ভিদ ও প্রাণী বিষায়ক>): aquatic plants/sports
Ø Marsh / mɑːrʃ / (মাঃর্শ্‌) n [an area of low land that is always soft and wet because it is nowhere for the water to flow away to] (জলাভূমি; জলা; বিল অঞ্চল): Rain had been falling steadily all day and the ground had become a marsh.
Ø Swamp / swɑːmp / (ছোআঃম্‌প্‌) n [(an area of) very wet soft land and in which plants, trees, etc. are growing] (বিল; জলমগ্ন এলাকা): an alligator-infested swamp

Ø Mangrove / ˈmæŋgroʊv / (ম্যাঙ্‌গ্রৌভ্‌) n [a tropical tree that grows in mud or at the edge of rivers and has roots that are above ground] (গরান গাছ): a mangrove swamp   

gharial reptile
Gharial / ˈgeriəl / (ˈগেরিল্‌) n [the Gharial is also known as the gavial, and the fish-eating crocodile, is a crocodilian of the family Gavialidae, native to the northern part of the Indian Subcontinent. They once inhabited all the major river systems of the Indian Subcontinent, from the Irrawaddy River in the east to the Indus River in the west. Their distribution is now limited to only 2% of their former range. They inhabit foremost flowing rivers with high sand banks that they use for basking and building nests. They usually mate in the cold season. The young hatch before the onset of the monsoon.
The Gharial is one of the longest of all living crocodilians, measuring up to 6.25m (20.5ft), with 110 sharp, interdigitated teeth in its long, thin snout, it is well adapted to catching fish, its main diet. Like other crocodilians, it reproduces by means of hard-shelled eggs laid in nests built by the female. It is distinguished by its long, very slender, and sharp-toothed jaws, which it sweeps sideways in order to catch fish, its main prey] (ঘড়িয়াল বা ভারতিয় কুমির):
<SYN> Gavial
Ø Native / ˈneɪtɪv / (ˈনেটিভ্‌) adj [(of animals and plants) that lives or grows naturally in a place and had not been brought from somewhere else] (দেশীয়; আদীতে উদ্ভুত): The red squirrel is a native of Britain. The tiger is native to India.f
<SYN> Indigenous
Ø Distribution / ˌdɪstrɪbjuːʃn / (ˌডিছট্রিবিশ্‌ন্‌) n [the way that Sth is shared or exists over a particular area or things are spread out in a place] (বন্টন; বিতরণ): The map shows the distribution of this species across the world.
Ø Foremost / ˈfɔːrmoʊst / (ˈফোর্মৌছট্‌) adj [the most important or famous; in a position at the front] (প্রধানতম; সর্বপ্রথম; শীর্ষস্থানীয়): He is one of the foremost experts on child psychology.

Ø Bask / bæsk / (ব্যাছক্‌) v {Pt. Pp. basked / bæskt / (ব্যাছক্‌ট্‌)} [to enjoy sitting or lying in the heat or light of Sth, especially the sun] (গরম/তাপ পোহানো; আগুন বা রোদ পোহানো): A cat was basking on the windowsill.
Ø Onset / ˈɑːnset / (ˈআঃনছেট্‌) n [the beginning of Sth, especially Sth unpleasant] (প্রারম্ভ; সূত্রপাত): The new treatment can delay the onset of the disease by several years. The onset of old age/ winter/ cancer
Ø Interdigitated / ɪnˈtɜːrdɪgɪteɪtd / (ˈটা্‌র্ডিজিটেড্‌) adj [to become folded or locked together, like the fingers of a folded hand] (গুটানো বা লককৃত):
Ø Snout / snaʊt / (স্নাট্‌) n [the long nose and area around the mouth which stick out from the face of some animals, such as a pig] (<কোনো কোনো প্রাণীর> সূচালো নাক): a pig’s snout

lizard reptile
Lizard / ˈlɪzərd / (ˈলিজর্ড্‌) n [lizards are reptiles. There are about 6,000 species, which live all over the world, except Antarctica in cold climates. Their range from small lizards that are just a few centimeters in size, to much larger and more predatory lizards that measure a few meters from the head of the lizard to the tip of their tail.
Most species of lizard are either good climbers or failing that good at sprinting which enables all the different species of lizard to escape danger in a flash. Some species of lizard are said to be so good at anchoring themselves into a solid material. For most species of lizard, sight is crucial both for locating prey and for communication with other lizards. Due to their extremely tuned eyesight, many species of lizard have highly acute color vision. When communicating most lizards rely heavily on body language as lizards use specific postures, gestures, and movements to define their territory, resolve any disputes, and entice mates](টিকটিকি):

Ø Predatory / ˈpredətɔːri / (ˈপ্রেডটোরি) adj [(of animals) living by killing and eating other animals] (শিকারজীবী প্রাণী): The owl is a predatory bird which kills its prey with its claws.
Ø Sprint / sprɪnt / (স্প্রিন্ট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. sprinted / sprɪntɪd / (স্প্রিন্টিড্‌)} [to run or swim a short distance very fast] (পূর্ণবেগে সীমিত দূরত্ব দৌড়ানো; পূর্ণবেগে দৌড়ানো): We had to sprint to catch the bus.
Ø Enable / ɪˈneɪbl / (ˈনেবল্‌) v {Pt. Pp. enabled / ɪˈneɪbld / (ˈনেবল্‌ড্‌)} [to make someone able to do something or to make something possible] (সক্ষম করা): Computerization should enable us to cut production by half.
<SYN> Allow
Ø <IDM> In a flash [= very quickly and suddenly] (চকিতে; এক চমকে): The answer came to me in a flash.
Ø Anchor / ˈæŋkər / (ˈএ্যাঙক) v [to fix Sth firmly in position so that it cannot move] (শক্ত ও স্থিরহয়ে লেগে থাকা): Make sure the table is securely anchored.
Ø Crucial / ˈkruːʃl / (ˈক্রূশ্‌ল্‌) adj [extremely important, because it will affect other things] (অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ): His work has been crucial to the project’s success.
      <SYN> Essential
Ø Posture / ˈpɑːstʃər / (ˈপাঃছচর্‌) n [the way in which someone usually holds their shoulders, neck, and back, or a particular position in which someone stands, site, etc.] (অঙ্গবিন্যাস; দেহভঙ্গি; অঙ্গভঙ্গি): Good posture is essential when working at the computer.
Ø Gesture / ˈdʒestʃər / (ˈজেছচ) n [a movement that you make with your hands, your head, or your face to show a particular meaning] (আকার-ইঙ্গিত; সঙ্কেত): They communicated entirely by a gesture.
Ø Define / dɪˈfaɪn / (ডিˈফান্‌) v {Pt. Pp. defined / dɪˈfaɪnd / (ডিˈফান্‌ড্‌)} [to describe or show Sth accurately] (সীমা নির্দেশ করা; নির্ধারণ করা): We need to define the task ahead very clearly.
Ø Resolve / rɪˈzɑːlv / (রিˈজাঃলভ্) v {Pt. Pp. resolved / rɪˈzɑːlvd / (রিˈজাঃলভ্ড্‌)} [to find an acceptable solution to a problem or difficulty] (সমাধান করা; সাব্যস্ত করা): Have you resolved the problem of transport yet?
 <SYN> Settle
Ø Entice / ɪnˈtaɪs / (ˈটাছ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. enticed / ɪnˈtaɪst / (ˈটাছ্‌ট্‌)} [to persuade Sb/Sth to go somewhere or to do Sth, usually by offering them Sth] (প্রলুব্ধ করা; প্ররোচিত করা বা রাজি করানো): He enticed her to elope with him.

Oriental Garden Lizard
Oriental garden lizard / ˌɔːriˈentl ˈɡɑːrdn ˈlɪzərd / (ˌওঃরিˈএন্‌টল্‌ ˈগাঃর্ডন্‌ ˈলিযর্ড্‌) n [also called the eastern garden lizard, Indian garden lizard, common garden lizard, bloodsucker or changeable lizard, is an agamid lizard found widely distributed in indo-Malaya. It has also been introduced in many other parts of the world] (গিরগিটি; রক্তচোষা): 

Monitor lizard, monitor
Monitor Lizard
Monitor lizard / ˈmɑːnɪtər ˈlɪzərd / (ˈমাঃনিটর্ˈলিযর্ড্) n {Also monitor} [a large tropical, and predatory with a long neck, narrow head, forked tongue, strong claws, and a short body, inhabiting warm regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia, they were formerly believed to give warning of crocodiles] (গুই সাপ):  

Komodo dragon reptile
Komodo Dragon
Komodo dragon / kəˌmoʊdoʊ ˈdræɡən / () n [a heavily built monitor lizard with thick skin, and a long tail that captures large prey such as pigs by ambush. Occurring only on Komodo and neighboring Indonesian islands, it is the largest extant lizard] (কমোডো ড্রাগন)

gecko reptile
Gecko / ˈgekoʊ / (ˈগেকৌ) n [a small lizard with wide feet, found especially in warm climates throughout the world. They cannot blink, but they often lick their eyes to keep them clean and moist. They have a fixed lens within each iris that enlarges in darkness to let in more light] (গেকৌ; <ছোট টিকটিকি> গো-টিকটিকি):  
Ø Blink / blɪŋk / (ব্লিঙ্‌ক্‌) v {Pt. Pp. blinked / blɪŋkt / (ব্লিঙ্‌ক্ট্‌)} [the act of shutting and opening your eyes quickly once or several times] (চোখ পিট পিট করা): Lucy blinked at him in astonishment.

Ø Lick / lɪk / (লিক্‌) v {Pt. Pp. licked / lɪkt / (লিক্ট্‌)} [to move the tongue over the surface of Sth in order to eat it, make it wet or clean it] (চাটা; অবলেহন করা): She licked the stamps and stuck them on the parcel.
eye lens
Eye Lens 
Ø Lens / lenʒ / (লেন্‌জ্‌) n [the part of the eye behind the pupil (= the black hole at the front of the eye) that helps you to see clearly by focusing light onto the retina] (<চোখের মণির পিছনের স্বচ্ছ অংশ যার মধ্য দিয়ে আলো প্রতিসরিত হয়>লেনজ):  
Ø Iris / ˈaɪrɪs / (ˈরিছ্‌) n [the round colored part that surrounds the pupil of your eye] (চোখের তারার রঙিন অংশ; কণীনিকা):
Ø Enlarge / ɪnˈlɑːrdʒ / (ˈলাঃর্জ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. enlarged / ɪnˈlɑːrdʒd / (ˈলাঃর্জড্‌)} [to become bigger or to make Sth bigger] (বড় করা): The little blisters enlarge and eventually burst to form ulcers.

slow-worm reptile
Slowworm / sloʊwɜːrm / (স্লৌওআঃর্ম্‌) n [a legless lizard native to Eurasia. It is also called a blind worm or long-cripple; that is often mistaken for a snake due to its appearance] (ধীকীট্‌):
Ø Appearance / əˈpɪrəns / (ˈপিরনছ্‌) n [the way that Sb/Sth looks on the outside; what Sb/Sth seems to be] (কাউকে বা কোনোকিছু দেখে যা মনে হয়): The dog was similar in general appearance to a spaniel. 

frog reptile
Frog / frɔːg / (ফ্রোগ্‌) n [a small tailless Amphibian with a short squat body’s moist smooth skin, lives in water and on land has long powerful back legs with which it jumps from place to place, and is usually greenish-brown in color. They are cold-blooded animals. This means that they need heat to keep up their body temperature. If the temperature outside is cold, amphibians will not be active. They can get heat from the sun, usually indirectly: whereas reptiles can bask in the sun, amphibians usually do not, because it dries their skin. Frogs can take in oxygen from either water or air. Some frogs have toxic skin. They have secretions that make their skin poisonous.
Frogs can live on land and in freshwater. They cannot survive in salt water. Their development is through transformation. They usually hatch as tadpoles from eggs, which are laid by a female frog. The eggs are called frog spawns. Tadpoles have tails and gills. When they grow up, they lose their tails and gills and grow four legs. They have a long tongue that they use to catch bugs. Some frogs live in trees, and some types of frogs are protected by being poisonous. Frogs live all over the world. If an overseas species of frogs is introduced to another country, the ecosystem might be affected] (ব্যাঙ; ভেক্‌): Frogs make a low noise called a croak.

Ø Squat / skwɑːt / (স্কোঅট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. squatted / skwɑːtɪd / (স্কোঅটিড্‌)} [to sit on your heels with your knees bent up close to your body] (আসন করে বা উবু হয়ে বসা অথবা বসানো): He loves to squat on the carpet. Children were squatting on the floor.
Ø Moist / mɔɪst / (ময়ছট্‌) adj [slightly wet, especially in a good way] (ঈষৎ আদ্র; ভেজা ভেজা): Her eyes were moist (=with tears).
<VERB> Moisten / ˈmɔɪsn / (ˈময়ছ্‌ন্‌) v [to become or make Sth slightly wet] (আর্দ্র করা বা হওয়া; ভেজা বা ভেজানো): He moistened his lips before he spoke. Moisten the cloth before using it to clean the glass.
Ø Secretion / sɪˈkriːʃn / (ছিˈকরীশ্‌ন্‌) n [the process by which an animal or plant produces and releases a liquid, or the liquid produced] (ক্ষরণ; নিঃসরণ; <লালা, পিত্ত ইত্যাদি> নিঃসরণ): The excessive secretion of gastric juices in the gut causes ulcers. The secretion of bile by the liver.

tadpole reptile
Ø Tadpole / ˈtædpoʊl / (ˈট্যাডপৌল্‌) n [a small creature with a large head and a small tail, which lives in water and is the young form a Frog] (বেঙাচি):
Ø Overseas / ˌoʊvərˈsiːz / (ˌˈছীজ্) adj [connected with foreign countries, especially those separated from your country by the sea or ocean] (বিদেশ; সমুদ্রের অপর পারের দেশ): These are a lot of overseas students in Oxford.
Ø Noise / nɔɪz / () n [a sound, especially when it is loud, unpleasant, or disturbing] (আওয়াজ; গোলমাল; শোরগোল; হৈচৈ): They were making too much noise.
      <ANT> Silent
<ADJ> Noisy / ˈnɔɪzi / (ˈজি) adj [making a lot of noise] (কোলাহলপূর্ণ; হৈচৈপূর্ণ): The engine is very noisy at high speed.
Ø Croak / kroʊk / (ক্রৌক্‌) v {Pt. Pp. croaked / kroʊkt / (ক্রৌক্‌ট্‌)} [to make a rough low sound, like the sound a Frog makes] (<ব্যাঙ ডাকার> কর্কশ শব্দ): A frog croaked by the water.

toad reptile
Toad / toʊd / (টৌড্‌) n [a small animal like a Frog but with a drier and less smooth skin, that lives on land but breeds in water (= is an amphibian)] (কটকটে ব্যাং; কুনো ব্যাং): Toads have a dryer, lumpier skins than frogs and spend less time in the water.
Ø Breed / briːd / (ব্রীড্‌) v {Pt. Pp. bred / bred / (ব্রেড্‌)} [(of animals) to have sex and produce young] (<প্রাণী সম্বন্ধে>প্রজনন করা): The Blackbirds like most birds, breeds in the spring.
Ø Lump / lʌmp / (লাম্প্‌) n [a piece of Sth hard or solid, usually without a particular shape] (খণ্ড; পিণ্ড): She felt a lump in her breast.

tortoise reptile
Tortoise / ˈtɔːrtəs / (ˈটোর্টছ্‌) n [tortoises are a family, Testudinidae of land-dwelling vertebrates in the order Testudines. They are shielded from predators by a shell. They can vary in size from a few centimeters to two meters. They move slowly and eat vegetation. Tortoises inhabit warm regions of all continents except Australia. They have club-shaped feet with reduced toes adapted for walking on land, and nearly all have high-domed shells. The limbs are covered with hard scales and when the limbs and head are withdrawn into the shell, the animal is completely closed off.
Female tortoises dig nesting burrows in which they lay from one to 30 eggs. Egg-laying typically occurs at night, after which the mother tortoise covers her clutch with sand, soil, and organic material. The eggs are left unattended, and depending on the species, take from 60 to 120 days to incubate. Juvenile tortoises often require a different balance of nutrients than adults, so may eat foods that more mature tortoises would not.
Tortoises generally have one of the longest lifespans of any animal, and some individuals are known to have lived longer than 150 years. Because of this, they symbolize longevity in some cultures, such as China] (কাছিম):
Ø Vertebrate / ˈvɜːrtɪbrət / (ˈভা্‌র্টিব্রট্‌) n [any animal with a backbone, including all mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians] (মেরুদণ্ডী<প্রাণী>):
     <ANT> Invertebrate
Ø Order / ˈɔːrdər / (ˈওর্ড) n [(in Biology) a group into which animals, plants, etc. that have similar characteristics are divided, smaller than a class and larger than a family] (<জীব> প্রাণী, উদ্ভিদ ইত্যাদির শ্রেনীবিন্যাসে শ্রেণীর পরবর্তী বিভাগবর্গ): The tiger and the lion belong to the same order.
ØShield / ʃiːld / (শীল্ড্‌) n [a person or thing used to protect Sb/Sth, especially by forming a barrier] (রক্ষক; রক্ষাকবচ): The gunman used the hostages as a human shield.
<VERB> [to protect Sb/Sth from danger, harm or Sth unpleasant] (রক্ষা করা; নিরাপদ রাখা; আগলানো; বাঁচানো): The ozone layer shields the earth from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Cops believe that somebody is shielding the killer.
Ø Club / klʌb / (ক্লাব্‌) n [a heavy stick with one end thicker than the other that is used as a weapon] (গদা; মুগুর):
Ø Dome / doʊm / (ডৌম্‌) n [a shape like one-half of a ball] (গোলাকার-গম্বুজ):

Ø Shell / sel / (শেল্‌) n [the hard outer part of eggs, nuts some seeds, and some animals] (খোলা; খোলক; খোল): Brazil nuts have very hard shells. The shell of a snail/ crab/tortoise
Ø Organic / ɔːrˈgænɪk / (ওরˈগ্যানিক্‌) adj [(of food, farming methods, etc.) produced or practiced without using artificial chemicals] (অঙ্গীয়; জৈব): organic vegetables/ horticulture   
Ø Unattended / ˌʌnəˈtendɪd / (ˌআনˈটিনডিড্‌) adj [without the owner present; not being watched or cared for] (পরিচয়বিহীন; অরক্ষিত): According to the report, most accidents occur when young children are left unattended in the home. Please do not leave your luggage unattended.
Ø Juvenile / ˈdʒuːvənl / (ˈজূভন্‌ল্‌) n [a young who is not yet an adult] (অল্পবয়স্ক; কিশর-কিশোরী): Most of the suspects were juveniles under the age of 17.
Ø Longevity / lɔːnˈdʒevəti / (লোনˈজেভটি) n [long life; the fact of lasting a long time] (দীর্ঘায়ু; দীর্ঘজীবন): We wish you both health and longevity.

turtle reptile
Turtle / ˈtɜːrtl / (ˈটা্‌র্টল্‌) n {Also. sea turtle} [a large reptile that lives in the sea and has a thick shell covering its body into which it can move its head and legs for protection] (<সমুদ্রে বাস করা> কচ্ছপ; কূর্ম): Thousands of turtles drag themselves onto the beach and lay their eggs in the sand.  

Terrapin reptile
Terrapin / ˈterəpɪn / (ˈটেরপিন্) n [a type of small North American turtle that lives in warm rivers and lakes] (উত্তর আমেরিকান কচ্ছপ):   

Reptiles & Amphibians Names and Pictures

Noted From Wikipedia; Google Image; Oxford & Cambridge Dictionary

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