Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Bedroom Stuffs | English Name & Pictures | Bedroom Vocabulary | Necessary Vocabulary

bedroom stuffs name, bedroom vocabulary, bedroom furniture
Bedroom Stuff

Bedroom / ˈbedruːm / (ˈবেড্‌রূম্‌) n [a room used for sleeping in] (শয়ন কক্ষ): There were dirty clothes strewn around the bedroom. I told him he could sleep in the spare bedroom.  

Bedroom Related Necessary Vocabulary Note

Ø Strew / struː / (স্ট্রূ) v {Pt. strewed / struːd / (স্ট্রূড্‌); Pp. strewn / struːn / (স্ট্রূন্‌)} [to spread things untidily over a surface, or to be spread untidily over a surface] (<ভূমির উপর কোনোকিছু>ছড়ানোছিটানো): Wine bottles and dirty dishes were strewn across the lawn.   

<SYN> Scatter  

Ø Spare / sper / (স্পের্‌) adj [kept in case you need to replace the one you usually use; extra] (অতিরিক্ত): Take some spare clothes in case you get wet.

Stuff / stʌf / (স্টাফ্‌) n [used to refer to a substance or a group of things or ideas, etc., often with a description of their general type or quality or saying who they belong to without saying exactly what they are] (জিনিসপত্র; উপাদান): We will have to carry all our camping stuff.

Ø Substance / ˈsʌbstəns / (ˈছাব্‌ছটন্স্‌) n [material with particular physical characteristic] (বস্তু; পদার্থ): a sticky substance

Ø Camping / ˈkæmpɪŋ / (ˈক্যাম্পিঙ্‌) n [living in a tent, etc. on holiday/vacation] (শিবিরে আবকাশ যাপন): We used to go camping in Spain when I was a child.  

Bed / bed / (বেড্‌) n [a large rectangular piece of furniture, often with four legs, which is used for sleeping on] (বিছানা; শয্যা): Don’t punish a child who wets the bed. He lay in bed, reading his book. He slept on a makeshift bed.

Ø Rectangular / rekˈtæŋgjələr / (রেকˈট্যাঙগর্)n [a flat shape with four straight sides, two of which are longer than the other two, and four angles of 90°] (আয়তক্ষেত্রকার):

Ø <IDIOM> Wet the/your bed [to urinate in your bed by accident] (<বিছানায়>প্রস্রাব করা): It is quite common for small children to wet their beds.

Ø Lay / leɪ / (লে) v {Pt. Pp. laid / leɪd / (লেড্‌)} [to put Sb/Sth in a particular position, especially when it is done gently or carefully] (শোয়ানো; রাখা; স্থাপন করা; বিছানো): Relatives laid wreaths on the grave.

Ø Makeshift / ˈmeɪkʃɪft / (ˈমেকশিফট্‌) adj [used temporarily for a particular purpose because the real things are not available] (<কোনোকিছু>অস্থায়ী ব্যবস্থা রূপে ব্যবহার করা): A few cushions formed a makeshift bed.

<SYN> Provisional 

bunk bed
Bunk / bʌŋk / (বাঙক্‌) n {Also. bunk bed} [a narrow bed that is fixed to a wall, especially on a ship or train or one of two beds that are fixed together, one above the other, especially for children] (যমলশয্যা): The twins sleep in bunk beds. Can I sleep in the top bunk?

Ø Twin / twɪn / (টুন্‌) n [either of two children born to the same mother on the same occasion] (যমজ <শিশু>): She is expecting twins.

four-poster bed
Four-Poster Bed
Four-poster bed // () n {Also four-poster} [a large bed with a tall post at each of the four corners, a cover over the top, and curtains hanging around the sides] (খাট):

Ø Curtain / ˈkɜːrtn / (ˈকা্‌র্টন্‌) n [a piece of material, especially cloth, which hangs across a window or opening to make a room or part of a room dark or private] (<দরজা-জানালার>পর্দা): The curtains billowed as the wind caught them.

canopy bed
Canopy Bed
Canopy bed / ˈkænəpi bed / (ˈক্যানপি বেড্‌) n [a large decorative bed somewhat similar to a four-poster bed. A typical canopy bed usually features posts at each of the four corners extending four feet high or more above the mattress] (পালঙ্ক; চাঁদোয়া-শয্যা):

Ø Somewhat / ˈsʌmwʌt / (ˈছাম্‌ওআট্‌) adv [to some degree; slightly] (কিছুটা): We were somewhat tired after our long walk.

<SYN> Rather 

Ø Typical / ˈtɪpɪkl / (ˈটিপিক্ল্‌) adj [having the usual qualities or features of a particular type of person, thing or group] (বৈশিষ্ট্যসুচক): Typical symptoms would include severe headaches, vomiting, and dizziness.

Ø Canopy / ˈkænəpi / (ˈক্যানপি) n [a cover fixed over a seat, bed, etc. for shelter or decoration] (শামিয়ানা; চাঁদোয়া):

Headboard / ˈhedbɔːrd / (ˈহেডবোর্ড্‌) n [the vertical board at the end of a bed where you put your head] (হেডবোর্ড):

Mattress / ˈmætrəs / (ˈম্যাটরছ্‌) n [the part of a bed, made of a strong cloth cover filled with firm material, which makes the bed comfortable to lie on] (জাজিম; তোশক): an old bed with a lumpy mattress

Ø Lump / lʌmp / (লাম্প্‌) n [a piece of Sth hard or solid, usually without a particular shape] (পিণ্ড; টুকটা): a lump of coal

<ADJ> Lumpy / ˈlʌmpi / (ˈলামপি) adj [full of lumps; covered in lumps] (উচুনিচু-খদরাবদরা; বহু পিণ্ডযুক্ত): a lumpy bed/pillow

sheet, bed sheet
1. Sheet
Sheet / ʃiːt / (শীট্) n 1. [a large piece of thin cloth used on a bed to lay on or lay under] (<বিছানার> চাদর): I have put clean sheets on the bed. He slid between the sheets and closed his eyes. 

writing sheet
2. Sheet
2. Sheet / ʃiːt / (শীট্) n [a piece of paper for writing or printing on, etc. usually in a standard size] (<লেখা বা আঁকার>কাগজ বা তা): Start each answer on a fresh sheet.

Sheet, iron sheet
3. Sheet
3. Sheet / ʃiːt / (শীট্) n [a flat thin piece of any material, normally square or rectangular] (<ইষ্টিলের>পাত): a sheet of steel/glass

Ø Lay / leɪ / (লে) v {Pt. Pp. laid / leɪd / (লেড্)} [to spread Sth on Sth; to cover Sth with a layer of Sth] (বিছানো): The floor was laid with newspaper.

Ø Slide / slaɪd / (স্লাড্‌) v {Pt. Pp. slid / slɪd / (স্লিড্‌)} [to move quickly and quietly, for example in order not to be noticed; to make Sth move in this way] (সটকে পড়া, যাতে কেউ দেখতে না পায় এমন চট করে কোনোকিছু করা): He slid into bed.  

Bedspread / ˈbedspred / (ˈবেডস্প্রেড্‌) n [an attractive cover put on top of all the sheets and the covers on a bed] (যে চাদর দিয়ে দিনে বিছানা ঢেকে রাখা হয়; বেড কভার):

Blanket / ˈblæŋkɪt / (ˈব্ল্যাঙ্‌কিট্‌) n [a large cover, often made of wool, used especially on beds to keep people warm] (কম্বল): They shivered under their thin blankets. She tucked a blanket around his legs.

Ø Shiver / ˈʃɪvər / (ˈশিভর্‌) v {Pt. Pp. shivered / ˈʃɪvərd / (ˈশিভর্ড্‌)} [to shake slightly because you are cold, frightened, excited, etc.] (<ঠাণ্ডায় বা ভয়ে>থর থর করা বা কাঁপা): Do not stand outside shivering – come inside and get warm!

Ø Tuck / tʌk / (টাক্‌) v {Pt. Pp. tucked / tʌkt / (টাক্ট্‌)} [to cover Sb with Sth so that they are warm and comfortable] (<কারো শরীর শোয়া অবস্থা চাদর বা কম্বল দিয়ে>গুঁজে বা ঢেকে দেওয়া):

<PHRASE> Take Sb in/up [to make Sb feel comfortable in bed by pulling the covers up around them] (চাদর শরীরে টেনে দেওয়া): I tucked the children in and said goodnight. 

Pillow / ˈpɪloʊ / (ˈপিলৌ) n [a square rectangular piece of cloth filled with soft material, such as feathers or artificial materials, used to rest your head on in bed] (বালিশ): The nurse plumped up the pillows. He lay back on the grass using his backpack as a pillow.

Ø Feather / ˈfeðər / (ˈফেদর্‌) n [one of the many soft light parts covering a bird’s body] (<পাখির>পালক): feather pillows (= those containing feathers)

Ø Plump / plʌmp / (প্লাম্প্‌) v {Pt. Pp. plumped / plʌmpt / (প্লামপ্ট্‌)} [to shake and push something to make it round and soft] (): Let me plump up your pillows for you.

Pillowcase / ˈpɪloʊkeɪs / (ˈপিলৌকেছ্‌) n {Also pillowslip} [a cloth cover for a pillow which can easily be removed and washed] (বালিশের ওয়াড়):

Neck Pillow
Neck Pillow / nek ˈpɪloʊ / n {also cervical pillow or contour pillow} [a sleep pillow with a curved design that adapts to head, neck, and shoulder contour for back sleepers and side sleepers. May relieve neck pain, frozen shoulder, stiff neck, and headaches, and may help breathing to reduce snoring and sleep apnoea symptoms] (): 

Bolster / ˈboʊlstər / (ˈবৌলছটর্‌) n [a long, narrow pillow filled with cotton, down, or fiber. They are usually firm for back or arm support or for the decorative application, that is placed across the top of a bed under the other pillows] (কোল বালিশ; পাশ বালিশ):

Ø Cotton / ˈkɑːtn / (ˈকাঃটন্‌) n [a plant grown in warm countries for the soft white hairs around its seeds that are used to make cloth and thread] (তুলা): a bale of cotton

Ø Down / daʊn / (ডান্‌) n [the very fine soft feathers, especially those from young birds] (কোমল/নরম পালক বা কেশ): a down jacket/pillow/sleeping bag

Ø Fibre / ˈfaɪbər / (ˈফার্‌) n {US fiber} [a material such as cloth or rope that is made from a mass of natural or artificial threads] (আঁশ, তন্তু): The fibers are woven into a fabric. 

Ø Application / ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn / (ˌএ্যাপলিˈকেশন্‌) n [a way in which Sth can be used for a particular purpose] (প্রয়াস): The design has many applications.

Duvet / ˈduːveɪ / (ˈডূভে) n {USA comforter} [a large cloth bag that is filled with feathers or other soft material and that you have on top of you in bed to keep yourself warm] (লেপ): He snuggled down under the warm duvet.

Ø Snuggle / ˈsnʌgl / (ˈস্নাগ্‌ল্‌) v {Pt. Pp. snuggled / ˈsnʌgld / (ˈস্নাগ্‌ল্ড্‌)} [to get into, or to put Sb/Sth into, a warm comfortable position, especially close to Sb] (আরাম, উষ্ণতা বা স্নেহ পাবার জন্য <কারো শরীর ঘেঁষে>শোয়া বা বসা বা দাঁড়ানো): He snuggled down under the bedclothes.

Quilt / kwɪlt / (কুল্‌ট্‌) n [a decorative cover for a bed, made of two layers with soft material between them] (কাঁথা):

Curtain / ˈkɜːrtn / (ˈকা্‌র্টন্‌) n [a piece of material, especially cloth, which hangs across a window or opening to make a room or part of a room dark or private] (<দরজা-জানালার>পর্দা): The curtains billowed as the wind caught them.  

curtain Billow

Ø Billow / ˈbɪlaʊ / (ˈবিলৌ) v {Pt. Pp. billowed / ˈbɪlaʊd / (ˈবিলৌড্‌)} [to spread over a large area, or (especially of things made of cloth) to become filled with air and appear to be larger] (<বাতাসে>তরঙ্গের মতো উঠানামা করা): Her dress billowed out around her.

ironing board
Ironing Board 
Ironing board / ˈaɪərnɪŋ / (ˈইএর্নিঙ্‌ বোর্ড্‌) n [a long narrow board, usually covered with a cloth, and with folding legs, on which clothes can be put flat to iron them] (ইস্ত্রির ফলক): Set an ironing board and iron a short.

Ø Iron / ˈaɪərn / (ˈইএর্ন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. ironed / ˈaɪərnd / (ˈইএর্নড্‌)} [to make clothes, etc. flat and smooth by using an iron] (ইস্ত্রি করা): It takes about five minutes to iron a shirt properly.

<NOUN> Iron / ˈaɪərn / (ˈইএর্ন্‌) n 1. [a tool, which has a handle and a flat base and is usually heated with electricity and used to make clothes flat and smooth] (ইস্ত্রি): a steam iron

2. Iron / ˈaɪərn / (ˈইএর্ন্‌) n [a chemical element, iron is a hard strong metal that is used to make steel and is also found in small quantities in blood and food] (লৌহ; লোহা): iron is (= rock containing iron)

Ø Ironing / ˈaɪərnɪŋ / (ˈইএর্নিঙ্‌) n 1. [the activity of pressing clothes, etc. with an iron to make them flat and smooth] (ইস্ত্রি কার্য): This shirt needs ironing.

2. Ironing / ˈaɪərnɪŋ / (ˈইএর্নিঙ্‌) n [the clothes which are waiting to be ironed or have just been ironed] (<কাপড় সম্বন্ধে>ইস্ত্রি কৃত বা করতে হবে): a pile of ironing    

chest of drawers
Chest of Drawers
Chest of drawers / tʃest əv drɔːrz / (চেস্ট্‌ ভ্‌ ড্রোর্‌জ্‌) n {US bureau, dresser} [a piece of furniture with drawers in which you keep things such as clothes] (দেরাজ আলমারি): We bought a mahogany chest of drawers for $ 300.

1. Drawer
Ø Drawer / drɔːr / (ড্রোর্‌) n 1. [a box-shaped container without a top which is part of a piece of furniture. It slides in and out to open and close and is used for keeping things in] (দেরাজ): in the top/middle/bottom drawer of the desk
2. Drawer

2. Drawer / drɔːər / (ড্রোর্‌) n [a person who writes a cheque] (<ব্যাংকে>টাকা উত্তলন কারি ব্যাক্তি বা চেক সইকারী ব্যাক্তি): a cheque bearing the signature of the drawer

Ø Mahogany / məˈhɑːgəni / (ˈহাঃগনি) n [the hard reddish-brown wood of a tropical tree, used for making furniture] (মেহগিনি<গাছ বা কাঠ>): a handsome mahogany desk

Closet / ˈklɑːzət / (ˈক্লাঃজট্‌) n [a small room or a space in a wall with a door that reaches the floor, used for storing things, especially clothes] (দেয়াল-মিরা): She has a walk-in closet for all her clothes with rail and hanger.

Ø Store / stɔːr / (স্টোর্‌) v [to put Sth somewhere and keep it there to use later] (ভবিষ্যতে ব্যবহারের জন্য জমিয়ে রাখা): animals storing up food for the winter

Ø Walk-in (adj) [describes a storage space that is large enough for a person to enter and walk around in] (ইয়া বড়ো): a walk-in wardrobe/closet 

Ø Rail / reɪl / (রেল্‌) n [a bar fixed to the wall for hanging things on] (<জিনিস পত্র ঝুলিয়ে রাখার জন্য ব্যবহৃত> রড): a curtain/towel rail

Ø Hanger / ˈhæŋər / (ˈহ্যাঙ্‌র্‌) n [a curved piece of wood, plastic or wire, with a hook at the top that you use to hang clothes up on] (ঝুলনা):

Wardrobe / ˈwɔːrdroʊb / (ˈয়োর্‌ড্রৌব্‌) n [a tall cupboard in which you hang your clothes, or all of the clothes that a person owns] (আলমারি): She was showing me her new built-in/fitted wardrobes.  

Ø Cupboard / ˈkʌbərd / (ˈকাবর্ড্‌) n [a piece of furniture with doors and shelves used for storing utensils, food, clothes, etc.] (আলমারি): The cupboard was full of old spices.

Ø Built-in (adj) [included as part of Sth and not separate from it] (সন্নিবিষ্ট; অন্তবিষ্ট): All the rooms have built-in cupboards/wardrobes

Ø Fitted / ˈfɪtɪd / (ˈফিটিড্‌) adj [(of furniture) permanently fixed in position into a particular space] (স্থায়ীভাবে লাগানো/বসানো): fitted wardrobes  

bedside table
Bedside Table
Bedside table / ˈbedsaɪd ˈteɪbl / (ˈবেডছাড্‌ ˈটেব্‌ল্‌) n {US nightstand} [a small table which is kept at the side of a bed] (পার্শ্ব মেঝ):

dressing table
Dressing Table
Dressing table / ˈdresɪŋ ˈteɪbl / (ˈড্রেছিঙ্‌ ˈটেব্‌ল্‌) n {US vanity table} [a piece of bedroom furniture like a table with drawers and a mirror on top] (আয়না-টেবিল):

Ø Mirror / ˈmɪrər / (ˈমিরর্‌) n [a piece of glass with a shiny metallic back which reflects lights, producing an image of whatever is in front of it] (আয়না; আরশি): He looked at himself in the mirror.

Bookshelf / ˈbʊkʃelf / (ˈবুকশেলফ্‌) n {Plu. bookshelves} [a piece of furniture with shelves to put books on] (বই রাখার তাক):

Hatstand / ˈhætstænd / (ˈহ্যাট্‌ স্ট্যান্ড্‌) n [a vertical pole with large hooks (=curved farts) around at the top, for hanging hats and coats on] (টুপি স্যান্ড্‌):  

Table lamp
Table Lamp
Table lamp / ˈteɪbl læmp / (ˈটেব্‌ল্‌ ল্যাম্প্‌) n {Also reading lamp} [a small electric lamp that you can put on a table, bedside table, to reading a book or newspaper quietly] (পড়োন বাতি):  

the covers
The Covers
The covers / ðə ˈkʌvərz / ( ˈকাভরজ্‌) n [the sheets, blankets, etc. on a bed] (<বিছানার>চাদর, কম্বল, লোপ একত্রে সব): He climbed into the cold bed and snuggled beneath the covers. She threw back the covers and leaped out of bed.

Picture / ˈpɪktʃər / (ˈপিকচর্‌) n [a drawing or painting etc. which shows a scene, a human-animal or thing] (ছবি): I cannot see you in the picture.

<SYN> Photograph

Clock / klɑːk / (ক্লাঃক্‌) n [a device for measuring and showing time, which is found in a bedroom or on the wall of a building and is not worn or carried by a person] (দেয়াল ঘড়ি): It was ten past six by the kitchen clock. 

Dreamcatcher /ˈdriːmkætʃər / (ড্রিমক্যাচর্‌) n [a decorative object consisting of a ring with a net of string across it and feathers, beads, etc. hanging from it, originally made by Native Americans, and thought to give its owner good dreams] (ড্রিমক্যাচার)

Fan / fæn / (ফ্যান্‌) n 1. [a machine with blades that go round to create a current of air] (পাখা): There was no air conditioning, just a ceiling fan turning slowly.

<VERB> Fan / fæn / (ফ্যান্‌) v {Pt. Pp. fanned / fænd / (ফ্যান্‌ড্‌)} [to make air blow onto Sb/Sth by waving a fan, your hand, etc.] (বাতাস করা; পাখা করা): She fanned herself with a newspaper to cool down.

2. Fan / fæn / (ফ্যান্‌) n [someone who admires and supports Sb/Sth or enjoys watching or listening to Sb/Sth very much] (ভক্ত; অনুরাগী): He is a big fan of country music. 

Hope chest
Hope Chest
Hope chest / hoʊp tʃest / (হৌপ্‌ চেছ্‌ট্‌) n {UK bottom drawer} [clothes, sheets, etc. that a young woman traditionally collects for use after she is married] (আশার পেটিকা): Kora’s grandmother has given her a quilt for her hope chest.  

Rug / rʌg / (রাগ্) n [a piece of a thick material like a small carpet that is used for covering or decorating part of a bedroom floor] (<ছোট> গালিচা): a Persian rug covered the polished floor

Ø Carpet / ˈkɑːrpɪt / (ˈকাঃর্পিট্‌) n [a thick woven material made of wool, etc. for covering floors or stairs] (গালিচা): a roll of carpet 

mosquito net
Mosquito Net
Mosquito net / məˈskiːtoʊ-net / (ˈছকীটো নেট্) n [a net that hangs over and around a bed to keep insects/mosquito away from someone who is sleeping] (মশারি):

En-suite / ˌɑː ˈswiːt / (ˌআঃ ˈসুঈট্‌) adj, adv [describes a bathroom which is directly connected to a bedroom or a bedroom which is connected to a bathroom] (কক্ষ-স্নাগার): All four bedrooms in their new house are en-suite.

Slipper / ˈslɪpər / (ˈস্লিপর্‌) n [a type of soft comfortable shoes for wearing inside the house, especially in the bedroom] (<ঘুম ঘরের>চপ্পল): a pipe and slippers, the traditional image of retirement.  

English Vocabulary - In the bedroom...

Noted from Google Image; Oxford & Cambridge Dictionary 

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