Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Computer Hardware Components | Meaning & Images | Necessary Vocabulary

Computer Hardware Components; computer hardware parts; types of computer hardware; computer hardware definition; computer hardware basics; computer hardware; list of computer hardware; مكونات أجهزة الكمبيوتر; Համակարգչային տեխնիկայի բաղադրիչներ; Kompüter Təchizatı Komponentləri; Компоненти на компютърен хардуер; 计算机硬件组件; 計算機硬件組件; Composants de matériel informatique; Computer-Hardware-Komponenten; מחשב רכיבי חומרה; कंप्यूटर हार्डवेयर घटक; Componenti hardware del computer; コンピュータハードウェアコンポーネント; Componentes de Hardware de Computador; Компоненты компьютерного оборудования; Componentes de hardware; Bilgisayar Donanımı Bileşenleri; কম্পিউটার হার্ডওয়্যার সামগ্রী
1. Hardware 

Hardware / ˈhɑːrdwer / (ˈহাঃর্ড্‌ওর্‌) n 1. [the machinery and electronic physical parts of a computer system] (কম্পিউটার চালানোর যন্ত্র সমূহ; হার্ডওয়ার): We supply computer hardware to businesses. This application runs on a wide variety of hardware platforms. It seems you have got a hardware problem, the disk drive is stuck. The laptop drawing tablet is a very useful piece of hardware. Where do you buy your hardware around here?
<COMPARE> Software / ˈsɔːftwer / (ˈছোফ্‌ট্‌ও) n [the instructions which control what a computer does; computer programs] (কম্পিটারের কাজ করার জন্য ব্যবহৃত সাংকেতিক তথ্যপুঞ্জ বা নির্দেশাবলী): The software will run on most IBM-compatible PCs. He was arrested for selling pirated software. Microsoft the software giant

Computer Hardware Related Necessary Vocabulary Note

Hardware tools
2. Hardware
2. Hardware / ˈhɑːrdwer / (ˈহাঃর্ড্‌ওর্‌) n 2. [metal tools, materials, and equipment used in a house or a garden, such as hammers, nails, and screws, etc.] (ধাতব সামগ্রীর যন্ত্রপাতি): a hardware shop  
Ø Application / ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn / (ˌএ্যাপ্লিˈকেশন্) n {Abbr. app} 1. [a computer program that is designed to do a particular job; a piece of software] (<কম্পিউটারে>অ্যাপ্লিকেশন): a database application, to download an app  

2. Application / ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn / (ˌএ্যাপ্লিˈকেশন্) n [a formal (often written) request for Sth, such as a job, permission to do Sth or a place at a college or an office] (আবেদন): I have sent off applications for four different jobs.

Ø Platform / ˈplætfɔːrm / (ˈপ্ল্যাটফোর্ম্‌) n 1. [the type of computer system you are using, in connection with the type of software you can use on it] (<কম্পিউটেরে>প্লাটফোর্ম): This new personal banking software can be used with any windows platform. A multimedia platform 

2. Platform / ˈplætfɔːrm / (ˈপ্ল্যাটফোর্ম্‌) n [a long, flat raised area beside the track at a train station where people get on or off the train] (<রেলস্টেশনের>মঞ্চ বা প্লাটফোর্ম): The train now standing at platform 9 is for Dhaka.

Ø Instruction / ɪnˈstrʌkʃn / (ˈস্ট্রাক্‌শন্‌) n 1. [a piece of information that tells a computer to perform a particular operation] (<কম্পিউটেরে>খণ্ড নির্দেশ):

2. Instruction / ɪnˈstrʌkʃn / (ˈস্ট্রাক্‌শন্‌) n {SYN direction} [detailed information on how to do or use Sth] (নির্দেশনা বলি): Follow the instruction on the packet carefully

Ø Program / ˈproʊgræm / (ˈপ্রৌগ্র্যাম্‌) n 1. [a set of instructions in code that control the operations or functions of a computer] (কম্পিউটারে নিবেশিত করার জন্য তথ্য, উপাত্ত ইত্যাদের সঙ্কেতবদ্ধ সমষ্টি; পূর্বলেখ): Load the program into the computer

2. Program / ˈproʊgræm / (ˈপ্রৌগ্র্যাম্‌) n {UK programme} [a broadcast on television or radio] (অনুষ্ঠান সূচি): It is my favorite TV programme – I never miss an episode. 

Ø IBM / biː em / (আই বী এম্‌) n {in full International Business Machines} [a US company that was the first to develop computers successfully. IBM computers created an international system that most other computers now relate to. The company began in 1911 as the Computing–Tabulating–Recording Company. It developed the first electric typewriter in the 1930s the first computer in the 1950s and the first IBM personal computer (PC) was introduced in 1981] (আই বী এম্‌): an IBM-compatible machine

Ø Compatible / kəmˈpætəbl / (ˈপ্যাটবল্‌) adj [(of machines, especially computers) able to be used together successfully] (সুসংগত; উপযুক্ত): This software may not be compatible with older operating systems.  

Ø Pirate / ˈpaɪrət / (ˈপাট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. pirated} [to illegally copy and use or sell Sb’s computer program, music, a film, etc. without permission and without having the right to do so] (নিজের লাভের জন্য অন্যের জিনিস নকল করা): pirated computer games 

Ø Giant / ˈdʒaɪənt / (ˈজাইএন্ট্‌) n 1. [a very successful and powerful organization] (অতিশয় সফল সংগঠন): the multinational oil giants

2Giant / ˈdʒaɪənt / (ˈজাইএন্ট্‌) n [an unusually large person, animal or plant] (অস্বাভাবিক বড়ো আকারের মানুষ, প্রাণী বা বৃক্ষ): The Amazon is a giant among rivers.

Component / kəmˈpoʊnənt / (ম্‌ˈপৌনন্ট্‌) n [a part which combines with other parts to form Sth bigger] (গঠনে সহায়তাকারী অন্যতম উপাদান বা অংশ): Fresh fruit and vegetables are an essential component of a healthy diet. Television/aircraft/car/computer components   

Desktop computer
Desktop Computer
Desktop computer / ˌdesktɑːp kəmˈpjuːtər / (ˌডেছ্‌ক্‌টাঃপ্‌ কম্পিˈটার) n {Also desktop} [a type of computer with a keyboard, screen and main processing unit that fits on a desk] (ডেস্কটপ কম্পিটার): Our sales information is processed by a desktop computer.

Desktop / ˌdesktɑːp / (ˌডেছ্‌ক্‌টাঃপ্‌) n 1. [a view on a computer screen which is intended to represent the top of a desk and which contains icons that represent files, programs and other features of the computer] (ডেস্কটপ): The menu bar with its windows is one of the features of the desktop.

2. Desktop / ˌdesktɑːp / (ˌডেছ্‌ক্‌টাঃপ্‌) n [the top of a desk] (ডেস্কের উপর):

Ø Unit / ˈjuːnɪt / (ˈইউনিট্‌) n 1. [a small machine that has a particular purpose or is part of a large machine] (বড় মেশিনের ছোট অংশ): the central processing unit of a computer

2. Unit / ˈjuːnɪt / (ˈইউনিট্‌) n [a single thing, person or group that is complete by itself but can also form part of Sth larger] (একাঙ্ক): The basic unit of society is the family. 

Ø Process / ˈprɑːses / (ˈপ্রাঃছেছ্‌) v {processes / ˈprɑːsesɪz / (ˈপ্রাঃছেছিয্‌); Pt. Pp. processed / ˈprɑːsest / (ˈপ্রাঃছেস্ট্‌)} [(computing) to perform a series of operations on data in the computer] (প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্য আহরণের জন্য কম্পিউটারে প্রক্রিয়া ভুক্ত করা): The image is processed digitally by computer software.  

Laptop / ˈlæptɑːp / (ˈল্যাপ্‌টাঃপ্‌) n [a small computer which is to be carried around easily and is designed for use outside an office] (ল্যাপটপ কম্পিটার): A laptop would be really useful for when I am working on the train. 

<SYN> Notebook / ˈnoʊtbʊk / (ˈনৌটবুক্‌) n {Also notebook computer} 1. [a small computer that can work with a battery and be easily carried] (নোটবুক কম্পিটার):

2. Notebook [a small book of plain paper for writing notes on] (টুকিটাকি লেখার জন্য ছোট্ট খাতা): He was jotting things down in a notebook. 

Ø Lap / læp / (ল্যাপ্‌) n [the top part of your legs that forms a flat surface when you are sitting down] (কোল): Come and sit on my lap and I’ll read you a story. Mather’s lap

Ø Jot / dʒɑːt / (জাঃট্‌) v {<PHR-V> jot Sth down} [to make a quick short note of Sth] (ঝট পট কিছু চট করে লিখে নেওয়া): I will just jot down the address for you.

Touchpad / tʌtʃpæd / (টাচ্‌প্যাড্‌) n {Also track pad} [a computer input device in the form of a small panel containing different touch-sensitive areas that help to operate a program] (টাচপ্যাড):

Ø Input / ˈɪnpʊt / (ˈনপুট্‌) n [the act of putting information into a computer; the information that you put in] (ইনপুট; সন্নিবিষ্ট): The inputs for the CD-ROM are at the back of the computer. Data input

1. Monitor
Monitor / ˈmɑːnɪtər / (ˈমাঃনিটর্‌) n 1. [a device with a screen on which information and pictures can be shown] (মনিটর): a computer/TV monitor

2. Monitor / ˈmɑːnɪtər / (ˈমাঃনিটর্‌) n [a person whose job is to check that Sth is done fairly and honestly, especially in a foreign country] (বিদেশী সম্প্রচার শোনা এবং সে সম্পর্কে প্রতিবেদন তৈরি করার কাজে নিয়োজিত ব্যক্তি): United Nations monitors were not allowed to enter the area.

<VERB> Monitor / ˈmɑːnɪtər / (ˈমাঃনিটর্‌) n {SYN track} [to watch and check a situation carefully for a period of time in order to discover Sth about it] (যত্ন সহকারে পরীক্ষা করে দেখা): Each student’s progress is closely monitored.

1. Screen
Screen / skriːn / (স্ক্রীন্‌) n 1[a flat surface on a television, cinema, or a computer system on which pictures or information are shown] (<টেলিভিশন বা কম্পিটারের>পর্দা): Move your cursor to the top of the computer screen.

2. Screen
2. Screen / skriːn / (স্ক্রীন্‌) n [a vertical structure that is used to separate one area from another, especially to hide something or to protect you from something unpleasant or to provide concealment or privacy] (অন্তঃপট; তিরস্করণী; পর্দা):

Ø Cursor / ˈkɜːrsər / (ˈকা্‌র্ছর্‌) n [a marker (= small sign) usually an arrow or a vertical line, on a computer screen which moves to show the point where work is being done] (<কম্পিউটারে>কারসার): You can move the cursor either by using the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

System unit
System Unit
System unit / ˈsɪstəm juːnɪt / (ˈছিছ্‌টম্‌ ইউনিট্‌) n [the main part of a computer, separate from the keyboard, mouse, and monitor that contains all the other main interior components of a computer, that controls all the other parts of the system. It is also called the computer case, computer chassis, or computer tower] (সিসটেম ইউনিট):

Ø Chassis / ˈʃæsi / (ˈশ্যাছি) n {Plu. chassis / ˈʃæsiz / (ˈশ্যাছিয্‌)} [the frame of a vehicle usually including the wheels and engine onto which the metal covering is fixed] (<মোটরগাড়ির>কাঠামো): The company makes chassis for motorhomes and other vehicles. A computer/printer chassis

1. Mouse
Mouse / ˈmaʊs / (ˈমাছ্‌) n 1. [a small device that is moved by hand across a surface to control the movement of a cursor on a computer screen] (মাউস্‌): Click the left mouse button twice to highlight the program. Use the mouse to drag the icon to a new position.

2. Mouse
2. Mouse / ˈmaʊs / (ˈমাছ্‌) n {Plu. mice} [a small mammal that is covered in far and has a pointed face, a long thin tail] (ইদুর; মূষিক): The stores were overrun with rats and mice.

Ø Click / klɪk / (ক্লিক্‌) v {Pt. Pp. clicked / klɪkt / (ক্লিক্ট্‌)} [to choose a particular function or item on a computer screen, etc. by pressing one of the buttons on a mouse or touch pad] (ক্লিক করা): If you want to open a file, click twice on the icon for it.

Ø Highlight / ˈhaɪlaɪt / (ˈহালাট্‌) v [to mark part of a text with a special coloured pen, or to mark an area on a computer screen, to emphasize it or make it easier to see] (চিহ্নিত করা বা হাইলাইট করা): Highlight the section that you want to delete.

Ø Drag / dræg / (ড্র্যাগ্‌) v {~ Sth +adv. /prep.} 1. [to move some text, an icon, etc. across the screen of a computer using the mouse] (<কম্পিউটারে>মাউসের সাহায্যে কোনো ফাইল বা আইকোন টেনে নিয়ে যাওয়া): Click on the file and drag it across.

2. Drag / dræg / (ড্র্যাগ্‌) v [to move Sth by pulling it along a surface, usually the ground] (ভারী কোনো বস্তুকে টেনে নিয়ে যাওয়া): He dragged the canoe down to the water.

1. Icon 
Ø Icon / ˈaɪkɑːn / (ˈকাঃন্‌) n 1. [a small picture or symbol on a computer screen that represents a program or a file] (আইকন): Click on the printer icon with the mouse pointer.

2. Icon / ˈaɪkɑːn / (ˈকাঃন্‌) n [a very famous person or thing considered as representing a set of beliefs or a way of life] (প্রতিমূতি): Marilyn Monroe and James Dean are still icons for many young people.

Ø Mammal / ˈmæml / (ˈম্যামল্‌) n [any animal of which the female gives birth to babies, not eggs, and feeds them on milk her own body] (স্তন্যপায়ী প্রাণী): Cows, humans, and whales are all mammals.

Ø Overrun / ˌoʊvəˈrʌn / (ˌঔভˈরান্‌) v [if unwanted people or things overrun, they fill a place quickly and in large numbers] (ছড়িয়ে পড়া বা ভোরে যাওয়া): Our kitchen is overrun with cockroaches.

Mouse mat
Mouse Mat
Mouse mat / ˈmaʊs mæt / (ˈমাছ্‌ ম্যাট্‌) n {US mouse pad} [a small square of plastic that is the best kind of surface on which to use a computer mouse] (মাউস ম্যাট):

Webcam / ˈwebkæm / (ˈওএবক্যাম্‌) n [a camera which records moving pictures and sound and allows these to be broadcast on the internet as they happen] (ওএবক্যাম):

Button / ˈbʌtn / (ˈবাট্‌ন্‌) n 1. [a small area on a computer screen that you click on to make it do Sth or sometimes a circular object which you press to operate a device or a machine] (<টিভি বা কম্পিউটের>বোতাম): Click on the back button to go back to the previous screen.  

2. Button / ˈbʌtn / (ˈবাট্‌ন্‌) n [a small round piece of metal, plastic, etc. that is sewn onto a piece of clothing and used for fastening two parts together] (<কাপড়ের>বোতাম): to do up/undo your button  

Keyboard / ˈkiːbɔːrd / (ˈকীবোর্ড্‌) n [the set of keys on a computer or typewriter that you press in order to make it work] (কীবোর্ড): Raju was tapping away at his keyboard. Users can now customize keyboard shortcuts. Duke was at the keyboard.

Ø Tap / tæp / (ট্যাপ্‌) v [to hit Sth quickly and gently, and often repeatedly] (আঙ্গুল চালানো): He was busy tapping away at his computer.

Ø Customize / ˈkʌstəmaɪz / (ˈকাস্টমায্‌) v [to make or change Sth to suit the needs of the owner] (নিজের মতো করে গুছিয়ে নেওয়া): You can customize the software in several ways.

1. Key
Key / kiː / (কী) n 1. [any of the set of moving parts that you press to operate a computer, or typewriter or musical instrument to produce letters, numbers, symbols, etc.] (চাবি): Press the return key to enter the information.
2. Key

2. Key / kiː / (কী) n [a specially shaped piece of metal used for locking a door, starting a vehicle, etc.] (চাবি): the spare key to the front door

Function key
Function Key
Function key / ˈfʌŋkʃn kiː / (ˈফাঙ্ক্‌শন্‌ কী) n [one of several keys on a computer keyboard, each marked with ‘F’ and a number, that can be used to do Sth, such as save a file or get to the ‘help’ function in a program] (ফাংকশন কী):

Scroll button
Scroll Button
Scroll button / skroʊl bʌtn / (স্ক্রৌল্‌ বাটন্‌) n [a mouse with a rubber or plastic wheel located between the left and right buttons also known as a “scroll wheel” “wheel mouse,” when the wheel is moved back and forth, the active window is scrolled eliminating the need to aim pointer at the scroll bar] (স্ক্রৌল বাটন):

Ø Scroll / skroʊl / (স্ক্রৌল্‌) v [to move text on a computer screen up or down so that you can read different parts of it] (স্ক্রৌল করা): Use the arrow keys to scroll the list of files.

Ø Scrollbar / skroʊl bɑːr / (স্ক্রৌল্‌ বাঃর্‌) n [on a computer screen, a long thin strip with arrows and a sliding section at the edge of a window, used for moving its contents up, down or across] (স্ক্রৌল্‌ বার):

1. Tablet
Tablet / ˌtæblət / (ˌট্যাবলট্‌) n {Also tablet PC} 1. [a small wireless, portable computer with a touchscreen that you can write on using a special pen or that you can connect a keyboard to, tablet is typically smaller than a notebook computer but larger than a smartphone] (ট্যাবলেট):

2. Tablet
2. Tablet / ˌtæblət / (ˌট্যাবলট্‌) n {SYN pill} [a small round solid piece of medicine that you swallow] (<ঔষধ>চক্রিকা; ট্যাবলেট): vitamin tablets

Ø Portable / ˈpɔːrtəbl / (ˈপোর্টবল্‌) adj [(designed to be) light and small enough to be easily carried or moved] (সুবহনীয়): The equipment is lightweight, portable and easy to store.

Ø Smartphone / ˈsmɑːrtfoʊn / (ˈস্মাঃর্ট্‌ফৌন্‌) n [a mobile phone/cell phone that also has some of the functions of a computer] (স্মার্টফোন; দক্ষদুরালাপনী): The smartphone supports Wi-Fi networking.

Printer / ˈprɪntər / (ˈপ্রিন্‌টর্‌) n [a machine for printing text on paper using ink, especially one connected to a computer] (মুদ্রাকর; প্রিন্টার): a bubble-jet/dot-matrix/laser/color printer

Ø Bubble-jet printer / ˈbʌbl-ʒet prɪntər / (ˈবাবল্‌-জেট্‌ প্রিন্‌টর্‌) n [a type of printer that uses bubbles of air to blow small dots of ink in order to form letters, numbers, etc. on paper] (বাবল্‌-জেট্‌ প্রিন্‌টার্‌):

Ø Dot-matrix printer / ˌdɑːt-ˈmeɪtrɪks prɪntər / (ˌডাঃট-ˈমেট্রিক্স প্রিন্‌টর্‌) n [a computer printer that forms letters, numbers and other symbols from dots] (ডাঃট-মেট্রিক্স প্রিন্‌টার্‌):

Ø Laser printer / ˈleɪzər prɪntər / (ˈলের্‌ প্রিন্‌টর্‌) n [a computer printer that produces very clear text and pictures by means of a laser beam] (লেজার প্রিন্টার):

Ø Color printer / ˈkʌlər prɪntər / (ˈকালর্‌ প্রিনটর্‌) n [a printer that allows for pages or other items to be printed in color] (কালার প্রিন্টার):

Plotter / ˈplɑːtər / (ˈপ্লাঃটর্) n [a device that turns data from a computer into a graph, usually on paper] (এক ধরণের প্রিন্টার):

Scanner / ˈskænər / (ˈস্ক্যানর্‌) n [a device which copies pictures and documents so that they can be stored on a computer] (স্ক্যানার): a document scanner, barcode scanner

USB cable
USB Cable 
USB cable / ˌjuː es ˈbiː ˈkeɪbl / (ˌঊ এছ ˈবী ˈকেবল্‌) n [used mostly to connect a computer to peripheral devices such as cameras, camcorders, printers, scanners, and more] (ঊ এছ বী কেবল্‌):

Ø USB / ˌjuː es ˈbiː / (ˌঊ এছ ˈবী) abbreviation {Universal Serial Bus} [a part of a computer to which extra devices such as printers, scanners, and digital cameras or other pieces of equipment can be connected easily without restarting the system] (ঊ এছ বী): All new PCs now have USB sockets. A USB port

Ø Peripheral / pəˈrɪfərəl / (ˈরিফল্‌) adj [a piece of equipment, such as a printer, that can be connected to a computer] (পেরিফেরাল): a peripheral devices

Ø Camcorder / ˈkæmkɔːrdər / (ˈক্যাম্‌কোর্ডর্‌) n [a video camera that records pictures and sound that can be carried around] (ছবি ও শব্দ ক্যামেরা):

USB port
USB Port
USB port / ˌjuː es ˈbiː pɔːrt / (ˌইঊ এছ ˈবী পোর্ট্‌) n [a standard cable connection interface for personal computers and consumer electronics devices. It allows USB devices to be connected to each other with and transfer digital data over USB cables] (ইঊ এছ বী পোর্ট্‌):

USB type c
USB Type C
USB type c / ˌjuː es ˈbiː taɪp siː / (ˌ এছ ˈবী টাপ্‌ ছী) n [USB-c, also known as USB type-c, is a 24-pin USB connector system, which is distinguished by two-fold rotationally symmetrical connector] ( এছ বী টাইপ্‌ ছী):  

Ø Symmetrical / sɪˈmetrɪkl / (ছিˈমেট্রিকল্‌) adj [(of a body, a design, an object, etc.) having two halves, parts or sides that are the same in size and shape] (প্রতিসম):

Power cable
Power Cable
Power cable / ˈpaʊər ˈkeɪbəl / (ˈপাউর্‌ ˈকেল্‌) n [a primary cable that will bring electricity from a suitable source to the computer, printer, monitor, and components within a computer] (পাওয়ার কেবল):

VGA cable
VGA Cable

VGA cable // () n {Abbr. video graphics array} [a type of computer cable that carries visual display data from the CPU to the monitor. A complete VGA cable consists of a cable and a connector at each end, and the connectors are typically blue] (ভিজএ কেবল):

VGA port
VGA Port
VGA port // () n [A Video Graphics Array (VGA) connector is a three-row with 15-pin, the 15-pin VGA connector was provided on many videos cards, computer monitors, laptop computers, projectors, and high definition television sets] (ভিজএ পোর্ট্‌):

Data cable
Data Cable
Data cable / ˈdeɪtə ˈkeɪbəl / (ˈডে ˈকেল্‌) n [an important part of a computer, as they provide a connection between various hardware components and it enables a computer to communicate with its own various parts, and also enables a computer to communicate with additional computers] (ডাটা কেবল):

SATA cable
SATA Cable
SATA cable // () n {SATA, short for Serial ATA (Abbr. Serial Advanced Technology Attachment)} [a computer bus interface that connects host bus adapters to mass storage devices such as hard disk drives, optical drives, and solid-state drives] (স্যাটা কেবল):

Ethernet cable
Ethernet Cable 
Ethernet cable / ˈiːθərnet ˈkeɪbl / (ˈঈথরনেট্‌ ˈকেবল্‌) n [one of the most common forms of network cable used on wired networks] (ঈথারনেট্‌ কেবল্‌): Ethernet cables connect devices within a local area network, like PCs, routers, and switches.

Ø Ethernet / ˈiːθərnet / (ˈঈথরনেট্‌) n [a system for connecting a number of computer systems to form a network] (ঈথারনেট):

Flash drive
Flash Drive
Flash drive / ˈflæʃ draɪv / (ˈফ্ল্যাশ্‌ ড্রাভ্‌) n {Also thumb drive; USB drive; pen drive} [a small electronic device containing flash memory that is used to data or transferring it to or from a computer, digital camera, etc.] (ফ্ল্যাশ ড্রাইভ): Insert the flash drive into the USB port. The flash drive is compatible with all notebook PCs running windows.

<SYN> Memory stick

Ø Flash memory / ˈflæʃ meməri / (ˈফ্ল্যাশ্‌ মেমরি) n [computer memory that does not lose data when the power supply is lost] (ˈফ্ল্যাশ মেমারি):

Ø Data / ˈdeɪtə / (ˈডে) n [information in an electronic form that can be stored and processed by a computer] (তথ্য উপাত্ত): data retrieval (= ways of storing or finding information on a computer)

Zip drive
Zip Drive
Zip drive / ˈzɪp ˌdraɪv / (ˈযিপ্‌ ˌড্রাভ্‌) n [a brand name for a part of a computer used for copying large documents onto special disks] (যিপ ড্রাইভ) 

Memory card
Memory Card
Memory card / ˈmeməri kɑːrd / (ˈমেমরি কাঃর্ড্‌) n [an electronic device that can be used to store data, used especially with digital cameras, mobile/cell phones, music players, etc.] (মেমরি কার্ড):

Floppy disk
Floppy Disk
Floppy disk / ˌflɑːpi ˈdɪsk / (ˌফ্লাঃপি ˈডিছক্‌) n {Also floppy; diskette} [a flat disk inside a plastic cover that is used to store data in the form that a computer can read, and that can be removed from the computer] (প্লাপি ডিস্ক):

PC card
PC Card
PC card // () n [a card that fits into a personal computer usually a notebook or laptop computer, and is used to connect new parts or to add more memory, a connection to the internet, etc.] (পি সি কার্ড)

DVD / ˌdiː viː ˈdiː / (ˌডী ভী ˈডী) n {abbreviation for ‘digital video disc’ or ‘digital versatile disc’} [a disk on which large amounts of information especially photographs, films or playing music and video can be stored, for use on a computer or DVD player] (ডী ভী ডী): The movie is available in DVD format. A DVD-ROM drive 
Ø Digital / ˈdɪdʒɪtl / (ˈডিজিটল্) adj [using a system of receiving and sending information as a series of the numbers one and zero, showing that an electronic signal is there or is there or is not there] (সংখাঘটিত): digital terrestrial and digital satellite broadcasting.

Ø Versatile / ˈvɜːrsətl / (ˈভা্‌র্ছটল্‌) adj [able to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for many different purposes] (বহুমুখী; বিচিত্রগামী):

Ø Store / stɔːr / (স্টোর্‌) v 1. [to keep information or facts in a computer or in your brain] (<কম্পিউটারে বা ব্রেনে>জমা রাখা): The data is stored on a hard disk and backed up on a CD.

2. Store / stɔːr / (স্টোর্‌) v [to put Sth somewhere and keep it there for use in the future] (ভবিষ্যতে ব্যবহারের জন্য জমিয়ে রাখা): Squirrels store (up) nuts for the winter.

Ø Format / ˈfɔːrmæt / (ˈফোর্ম্যাট্) n [the way in which data is stored or held to be worked on by a computer] (ফোর্ম্যাট): The images are stored in a digital format within the database. 

DVD drive
DVD Drive
DVD drive / ˌdiː viː ˈdiː draɪv / (ˌডী ভী ˈডী ড্রাইভ্‌) n [an optical disc drive that reads and writes all common CD and DVD formats. All modern optical drives that come with personal computers] (ডী ভী ডী ড্রাইভ্‌):

Ø Optical / ˈɑːptɪkl / (ˈআঃপ্টিকল্‌) adj [using light for reading or storing information] (আপ্টিকল): an optical disk

CD / ˌsiː diː / (ˌছী ডী) n {Also disc} {abbreviation for ‘compact disc’} [a small plastic disc with a metallic surface on which sound or information is recorded. CDs are played on a special machine called a CD player] (ছী ডী): His first albums are available on CD.

Ø Album / ˈælbəm / (ˈএ্যাল্‌বম্‌) n 1. [a collection of pieces of music released as a single item, usually on a CD, cassette, or on the Internet] (অ্যালবাম): Have you heard their new album? The band’s latest album

2. Album / ˈælbəm / (ˈএ্যাল্‌বম্‌) n [a book with plain pages, typically used for collecting together and protecting stamps or photographs] (আলোকচিত্র, ডাকটিকিট রাখার জন্য ফাঁকা পুস্তকবিশেষ): We have put the best wedding photos into an album.

DVD burner
DVD Burner
DVD burner / ˌdiː viː diː ˈbɜːrnər / (ˌডী ভী ডী ˈবা্‌র্নর্‌) n {Also DVD writer} [a piece of equipment used for recording from a computer on a DVD] (ডী ভী ডী বা্‌র্নর্‌): I have installed a DVD burner on my computer. DVD burner for laptops 

Ø Install / ɪnˈstɔːl / (ˈস্টোল্‌) v [to put a computer program onto a computer so that the computer can use it] (<যন্ত্রাদি ব্যবহারের জন্য>সংস্থাপন করা): I will need some help installing the software.

Ø Burner / ˈbɜːrnər / (ˈবা্‌র্নর্‌) n [the part of a cooker, light, etc. that produces flame or heat] (দহনকারী; চুল্লি): a charcoal burner  

DVD-R / ˌdiː viː diː-ɑːr / (ˌডী ভী ডী-আঃর্‌) n {Stand for ‘digital versatile disc recordable’} [a type of DVD that can use only once to record data] (ডী ভী ডী-আঃর্‌): The DVD-R is compatible with most DVD players.

DVD-RW / ˌdiː viː diː-ɑːr ˈdʌbljuː / (ˌডী ভী ডী-আঃর ˈডাব্লইউ) n {Sands for ‘digital versatile disk rewritable’} [a type of DVD that can be erased and written many times to record data] (ডী ভী ডী- আঃর ডাব্লইউ): DVD-RW discs are more expensive than DVD-R discs.

DVD-ROM / ˌdiː viː diː-ˈrɑːm / (ˌডী ভী ডী-ˈরাঃম্‌) n {Stand for ‘digital versatile disc read-only memory’} [a type of DVD that allows storing data but not to record it] (ডী ভী ডী-রাম): data available on DVD-ROM,

CD-ROM / ˌsiː diː-ˈrɑːm / (ˌছী ডী-ˈরাঃম্‌) n {the abbreviation for compact discread-only memory’} [a compact disc that holds large amounts of information that can be read by a computer but cannot be changed] (ছী ডী-রাঃম্‌): Cambridge dictionaries are available on CD-ROM.  

Hard drive
Hard Drive
Hard drive / ˈhɑːrd draɪv / (ˈহাঃর্ড্‌ ড্রা) n {Also hard disk} [a magnetic device that is fixed inside a computer and stores a very large amount of information] (হাঃর্ড্‌ ড্রাইভ):

RAM / ræm / (র‍্যাম্‌) n {abbreviation for ‘random-access memory’} [a type of computer memory in which data can be searched in any order and changed or removed as necessary and can be looked at in any order] (র‍্যাম্‌): 512 megabytes of RAM

Ø Random / ˈrændəm / (ˈ্যানডম্) adj [happening, done or chosen by chance rather than according to a plan] (কোনো উদ্দেশ্য ছাড়া, লক্ষ্যহীন): I find and play a lot of random stuff – Bach, blues, bebop.   

Ø Access / ˈækses / (ˈএ্যাক্ছেছ্) n [a way of entering or reaching a place] (প্রবেশাধিকার): The computer provides access to all the information. High-speed Internet access

Ø Memory / ˈmeməri / (ˈমেমরি) n 1. [the part of a computer in which information or programs are stored either permanently or temporarily, or the amount of space available on it for storing information] (<কম্পিটারে>মেমরি/স্মৃতি): Have you got enough memory available to run the program?

2Memory / ˈmeməri / (ˈমেমরি) n [the ability to remember information, experiences and people] (স্মরণ; স্মরণশক্তি; স্মৃতি): He has an excellent memory for names (= He can remember names easily).  

ROM / rɑːm / (রাঃম্‌) n {abbreviation for ‘read-only memory’} [computer memory which holds information that can be used but not changed or add to] (রাম):

Power supply
Power Supply
Power supply / ˈpaʊər səˈplaɪ / (ˈপাউএর্‌ ছˈপলা) n {Also power supply unit; power adopter} [a hardware component that supplies power to an electrical device. It receives power from an electrical outlet and converts the current from AC (= alternating current) to DC (= direct current), which is generally located at the rear of the computer case, along with at least one fan] (পাওয়ার সাপলাই):

Ø Electrical outlet / ɪˈlektrɪkl ˈaʊtlet / (ˈলেক্‌ট্রিকল্‌ ˈটলেট্‌) n {UK power point} [a device to which a piece of electrical equipment can be connected in order to provide it with electricity] (ইলেক্ট্রিকল আউটলে):

Motherboard / ˈmʌðərbɔːrd / (ˈমাদরবোর্ড্‌) n [the main printed circuit board (PCB), that contains the CPU of a computer and makes it possible for the other parts of a computer to communicate with each other] (মাদারবোর্ড):

CPU / ˌsiː piː ˈjuː / (ˌছী পী ˈইঊ) n {abbreviation central processing unit} [more commonly called processor, the CPU is the brains of the computer that controls all the other part] (সী পী ইউ):

CPU fan
CPU fan / ˌsiː piː ˈjuː fæn / (ˌছী পী ˈইঊ ফ্যান) n [attached to inside a computer case used for active cooling, that draws cooler air into the case from the outside, and expel warm air from inside] (ছী পী ইঊ ফ্যান):

Ø Expel / ɪkˈspel / (ˈস্পেল্‌) v {~ Sth (from Sth)} 1. [(technical) to force air or water out of a part of the body or from a container] (বের করে দেওয়া): to expel warm air from the computer case.

2. Expel / ɪkˈspel / (ˈস্পেল্‌) v [to force someone to leave a school, organization or country] (বহিষ্কার করা; বিতাড়িত করা): A number of Olympic athletes were expelled for drug-taking.

Heat sink
Heat Sink
Heat sink / hiːt sɪŋk / (হীট্‌ ছিঙ্‌ক) n [a device or substance for absorbing excessive or unwanted heat from an electrical component] (হীট সিঙ্ক)

Chip / tʃɪp / (চিপ্‌) n {Also microchip} [a very small piece of semiconductor, that contains extremely small electronic circuits and devices placed on electronic boards called printed circuit boards, and can perform particular operations] (চিপ্‌): a silicon chip

Ø Silicon / ˈsilikən / (ˈছিলিকন্‌) n {Symbol. Si} [a chemical element, that exists as a grey solid or as a brown powder and is found in rocks and sand, it is used in making glass and transistors] (পাথর-বালি ইত্যাদিতে বিদ্যামান অধাতব উপাদান; সিলিকন):

<PHR> Silicon chip / ˌsilikən ˈtʃɪp / (ˌছিলিকন্‌ ˈচিপ্‌) n [a small piece of silicon which is used in computers, calculators and other electronic machines] (সিলিকান চিপ):

Video card
Video Card
Video card / ˈvɪdioʊ kɑːrd / (ˈভিডিঔ কাঃর্ড্‌) n {Also graphics adapter} [a computer component is used to enhance the quality of moving images showed on a display is attached to the motherboard and controls and calculates an image's appearance on the screen] (ভিডিও কার্ড):

Sound card
Soundcard / saʊnd kɑːrd / (ছাউন্ড্‌ কাঃর্ড্‌) n [a circuit board (= small piece of an electronic device) that can be put into a computer to allow the use of sound with multimedia software] (সাউন্ড কাঃর্ড্‌):

Ø Multimedia / ˌmʌltiˈmiːdiə / (ˌমালটিˈমীডি) adj [using a combination of moving and still pictures, sound, music, and words, especially in computers or entertainment] (মাল্টিমীডিএ): multimedia systems/products

Network card
Network Card
Network card / ˈnetwɜːrk kɑːrd / (ˈনেটওয়ার্ক্‌ কাঃর্ড্‌) n [also known as a network interface card, the network adapter is a computer hardware component that connects a computer to a network] (নেটওয়ার্ক্‌ কাঃর্ড্):

USB hub
USB hub / ˌjuː.esˈbiː hʌb / (ˌঊ এছ ˈবী হাব্‌) n [a device that expands a single Universal Serial Bus (USB) port into several so that there are more ports available to connect devices to a host system, similar to a power strip, they are often built into equipment such as computer cases, keyboards, monitors, or printers] (ঊ এস বী হাব):

Serial port
Serial Port

Serial port / ˈsɪriəl ˌpɔːrt / (ˈছিরিএল্‌ ˌপোর্ট্‌) n [a part of a computer where wires from other pieces of equipment can be connected to it, sending through information one bit at a time] (সিরিএল পোর্ট)

Modem / ˈmoʊdəm / (ˈমৌডম্‌) n [an electronic device which allows one computer to send information to another through standard telephone wires and therefore over long distances] (মোডেম):

Fax modem
Fax Modem
Fax modem / fæks ˈmoʊdəm / (ফ্যাক্স ˈমৌডম্‌) n [a device that can attach to a personal computer that enables to transmit and receive electronic documents as faxes] (ফ্যাক্স মোডেম):

Broadband / ˈbrɑːdbænd / (ˈব্রাঃড্‌ব্যান্ড্‌) n [a high-capacity transmission technique using a wide range of frequencies, which enables a large number of messages to be communicated simultaneously, and very quickly between computers or other electronic devices] (ব্রাডব্যান্ড)

Wi-Fi / ˈwaɪ- faɪ / (ˈওয়া-ফা) n {Abbr. wireless fidelity[a system for sending data over computer networks using radio waves instead of wires] (ওয়াই-ফাই)

Ø Wireless / ˈwaɪrləs / (ˈওয়ারলেছ্) adj [not using a cable] (তারবিহীন): a wireless connection

Ø Fidelity / fɪˈdeləti / (ফিˈডেলটি) n {~ (of Sth)} [the quality of being accurate] (উচ্চমানের প্রক্ষেপন যন্ত্রাদি): The best ink-jet printers can reproduce photographs with amazing fidelity. 

Router / ˈraʊtər / (ˈরার্‌) n [a device which sends to the appropriate parts of a computer network] (রাউটার):

PDA / ˌpiː diː ˈeɪ / (ˌপী ডী ˈ) n {the abbreviation for ‘personal digital assistant’} [a palmtop (computer) that is used for storing personal information and creating documents, and that may include other functions such as telephone, fax, connection to the internet, etc.] (পী ডী এই):

Ø Palmtop / ˈpɑːmtɑːp / (ˈপাঃমটাঃপ্‌) n [a small computer that can be held in the palm of one hand] (মুঠো কম্পিউটার):

Speaker / ˈspiːkər / (ˈস্পীকর্‌) n [the part of a radio, television, or computer, or of a piece of electrical equipment for playing the recorded sound, through which the sound is played] (স্পীকার): a pc and radio with two ultra-slim speakers

Ø Ultra- / ˈʌltrə / (ˈআলট্র) prefix [(in adjectives and nouns) extremely; beyond a particular limit] (অতি-): ultra-modern; ultra-sensitive; an ultra-short haircut

Headphones / ˈhedfoʊnz / (ˈহেডফৌনয্‌) n {Also earphones} [a piece of equipment with a part to cover each ear that makes it possible to listen to music, the radio, etc. without other people hearing it] (হেডফোনয): a pair/set of headphones

Headphones jack
Headphones Jack
Headphones jack / ˈhedfoʊnz  dʒæk / (ˈহেড্ফৌনয্জ্যাক্) n [an analog socket used to plug in a headset, earphones or headphones] (হেডফোনয জ্যাক): 

Earbud / ˈɪrbʌd / (ˈরবাড্‌) n [a very small headphone that is worn inside the ear] (ইএরবাড):

Headset / ˈhedset / (ˈহেডছেট্‌) n [a pair of headphones, especially one with a microphone attached to it] (হেডসেট্‌):

Microphone / ˈmaɪkrəfoʊn / (ˈমাক্রফৌন্‌) n {Also informal mic, mike} [a device that is used for recording sounds or for making your voice louder when you are speaking or singing to an audience] (মাইক্রফৌন্‌): He was wearing a hidden microphone.

Audio port
Audio Port
Audio port / ˈɔːdioʊ pɔːrt / (ˈওডিওঔ পোর্ট্) n [on a computer, any receptacle or jack to which an audio device such as speakers, headphones or a microphone can be connected] (ওডিও পোর্ট):   

Charger / ˈtʃɑːrdʒər / (ˈচাঃর্জর্‌) n [a piece of equipment for charging or recharging a battery with electricity] (চার্জার্‌):

Adapter / əˈdæptər / (ˈড্যাপ্‌টর্‌) n {Also adaptor} [a special device for connecting electrical equipment to a power supply, or for connecting different pieces of electrical or electronic equipment together] (এড্যাপ্টার):   

Cable connector
Cable Connector
Cable connector / ˈkeɪbl kəˈnektər / (ˈকেবল্‌ কˈনেক্টর্‌) n [the part of a cable that plugs into a port or interface to connect one device to another, most connectors are either male (containing one or more exposed pins) or female (containing holes in which the male connector can be inserted)] (কেবল কানেক্টার):

Optical fiber
Optical Fiber
Optical fiber / ˌɑːptɪkl ˈfaɪbər / (ˌআঃপ্টিকল্‌ ˈফার্‌) n [a long thin glass rod through which very large amounts of information can be sent in the form of light] (আপ্টিকল ফাইবার):

Firewall / ˈfaɪərwɔːl / (ˈফাইএর্‌ওয়াল্‌) n [a computer system or program that automatically prevents an unauthorized person from gaining access to a computer when it is connected to the internet] (ফায়ারওয়াল):  

Megabyte / ˈmegəbaɪt / (ˈমেগবাট্‌) n {Abbr. MB} [a unit used in measuring the amount of information a computer can store, which has the value 1048576 bytes] (মেগাবাইট): a 512-megabyte flash drive

Barcode scanner
Barcode Scanner
Barcode scanner / ˈbɑːrˌkoʊd ˈskænər / (ˈবাঃরকৌড্‌ ˈস্ক্যানর্‌) n {Also barcode readers} [an electronic device for reading printed barcodes, which consist of a light source, a lens and a light sensor that translates optical impulses into electrical ones] (বার্কৌড স্ক্যানার):

Ø Barcode / ˈbɑːrˌkoʊd / (ˈবাঃরকৌড্‌) n [a small pattern of thick and thin black lines of magnetic ink printed on a product, or on its container, etc. so that its details can be read by and recorded on a computer system] (বাঃরকৌড্‌): 

1. Joystick
Joystick / ˌdʒɔɪstɪk / (ˌজয়স্টিক্) n 1[a vertical handle which can be moved forward, backward and sideways to control the direction or height of an aircraft or to control a machine or computer game] (জয়স্টিক্):
2. Joystick

2. Joystick / ˌdʒɔɪstɪk / (ˌজয়স্টিক্) n [in an aircraft, a vertical lever which the pilot uses to control the direction and height of the airplane] (<বিমানে ব্যবহৃত>জয়ইস্টিক)

CMOS battery
CMOS Battery

CMOS battery // () n {Abbr. complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor} [a battery that maintains the time, date, hard disk and other configuration settings in the CMOS memory, they are small and are attached directly to the motherboard] ():  

Mouse potato
Mouse Potato
Mouse potato / ˈmaʊs pəteɪtoʊ / (ˈমাছ পটেটৌ) n [a person who spends large amounts of leisure or working time operating their computer and does not have an active style of life] (কম্পিউটারের পোকা; যে সারাদিন কম্পিউটার নিয়ে পড়ে থাকে)

Computer Repair Tools Names 

Dust blower
Dust Blower
Dust blower / dʌst ˈbloʊər / (ডাস্ট ˈব্লৌর্‌) n [a tool that propels air out of a nozzle to blow out dust from a computer or other equipment] (ডাস্ট ব্লৌএর):

Hot-air gun
Hot-Air Gun
Hot-air gun / hɑːt-ˈer gʌn / (হাঃট্‌-ˈ গান্) n [an electrical tool which blows out hot air and is used to soften paint on surfaces so that it can be removed more easily] (গরম বন্দুক):

Soldering iron
Soldering Iron
Soldering iron / ˈsoʊldərɪŋ aɪərn / (ˈছৌলডরিঙ আইর্ন্‌) n [a tool that is heated and used for joining metals and wires by soldering them] (ছোল্ডারিং আয়র্ন; ঝালাই দন্ড):

Ø Solder / ˈsoʊldər / (ˈছৌলডর্‌) n [a soft metal that is melted in order to join together pieces of metal so that they stick together when it cools and becomes hard again] (ঝালাই করার রাং):

<VERB> Solder / ˈsoʊldər / (ˈছৌলডর্‌) v [to join pieces of metal or wire with solder] (ঝালাই করা): Solder the two iron pieces together.

Soldering wire
Soldering Wire
Soldering wire / ˈsoʊldərɪŋ ˈwaɪər / (ˈছৌলডরিঙ আয়র্‌) n [an alloy for joining two metal surfaces by melting the alloy so that it forms a thin layer between the surfaces] (ঝালাই করার তার):

Ø Alloy / ˈælɔɪ / (ˈএ্যালোই) n [a metal that is formed by mixing two types of metal together, or by mixing metal with another substance] (ধাতব সংমিশ্রণ, খাদ): Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.

Ø Melt / melt / (মেল্ট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. melted} [to become or make Sth become liquid as a result of heating] (গলা বা গোলে যাওয়া; গলানো): The sun had melted the snow.

Desoldering pump
Desoldering Pump
Desoldering pump / dɪˈsoʊldərɪŋ pʌmp / (ডিˈছৌলডরিঙ পাম্প্‌) n [colloquially known as a solder sucker is a manually operated device which is used to remove solder from a printed circuit board] (ডিˈছৌলডারিং পাম্প্‌):

Ø Colloquial / kəˈloʊkwiəl / (ˈলৌকুইএল্‌) n {SYN informal} [(of words and language) used in conversation but not in formal speech or writing] (কথ্য; কথোপকথনে ব্যবহৃত): colloquial speech 

Jumper wire
Jumper Wire
Jumper wire / ˈdʒʌmpər ˈwaɪər / (ˈজাম্পএর ˈঅয়ার) n {Also 1. jumper; jumper cable} [an electrical wire, or group of them in a cable, with a connector or pin at each end, which is used to interconnect with other equipment or components, without soldering] (জাম্পার তার):

2. Jumper

2. Jumper / ˈdʒʌmpər / (ˈজাম্পর্‌) n {US sweater} [a piece of clothing made of wool or cotton for the upper part of the body, with long sleeves and no button] (গোলগলা সুইটার): a red woolly jumper

Wire stripper
Wire Stripper
Wire stripper / ˈwaɪər ˈstrɪpər / (ˈওয়ার্‌ ˈস্ট্রিপর্‌) n [a hand tool used to remove insulation from the cut end of an insulated wire] (ওয়ার স্ট্রিপার):

Network cable pliers
Network Cable Pliers 
Network cable pliers / ˈnetwɜːrk ˈkeɪbl ˈplaɪərz / (ˈনেটওয়ার্ক্‌ ˈকেবল্‌ ˈপ্লাইএর্য্‌) n {Also crimping tool} [a device used to conjoin two pieces of metal by deforming one or both of them in a way that causes them to hold each other] (নেটওয়ার্ক কেবল প্লাইর্য):

Digital multimeter
Digital multimeter
Digital multimeter / ˈdɪdʒɪtl mʌltimiːtər / (ˈডিজিটল্‌ মালটিমীটর্‌) n [a test tool used to measure two or more electrical values] (ডিজিটাল মাল্টিমিটার):

Noted from Google, Wikipedia, Google Image, Oxford & Cambridge

Computer Hardware Components

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