Physical Exercises Names, Meaning & Image | Necessary Vocabulary
1. Exercise
Exercise / ˈeksərsaɪz / (ˈএক্সএর্ছাইয্) n 1. [a physical or mental activity that is planned, structured to improve health, maintain fitness or become stronger] (ব্যায়ম): The mind needs exercise as well as the body. Vigorous/gentle exercise
<VERB> Exercise / ˈeksərsaɪz / (ˈএক্সএর্ছাইয্) v [to do physical activities to make your body strong and healthy] (ব্যায়ম করা): A workout in the gym will exercise all the major muscle groups.
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2. Exercise |
Physical Exercise Related Necessary Vocabulary Note
Ø Structure / ˈstrʌktʃər / (ˈস্ট্রাকচএর্) v [to organize or arrange Sth into a system or pattern] (কোনোকিছু নিয়ম মাফিক করা): He had structured his arguments very carefully.
Ø Fitness / ˈfɪtnəs / (ˈফিট্নএছ্) n [the state of being physically healthy and strong] (শারীরিক যোগ্যতা; স্বাস্থ্য সবলতা): I am trying to improve my fitness by cycling to work.
Ø <IDM> As well (as Sb/Sth) [in addition to Sb/Sth; too] (উপরন্তু; ও): They sell books as well as newspapers. Are they coming as well?
Ø Vigorous / ˈvɪgərəs / (ˈভিগএরএছ্) adj {SYN energetic} [very active, determined or full of energy] (বলিষ্ঠ, তেজস্বী, বলবান, তেজীয়ান): He takes plenty of vigorous exercises.
Ø Gentle / ˈdʒentl / (ˈজেনটল্) adj [having only a small effect; not strong or violent] (মৃদু): a little gentle exercise
Ø Workout / ˈwɜːrkaʊt / (ˈওয়ার্ক্আউট্) n [a period of physical exercise that you do to keep fit] (ব্যায়ম অনুশীলন): He does a 25–minute workout every evening. A light workout
<PHR-V> Work out [to exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body] (ব্যায়ম অনুশীলন করা): I work out regularly to keep fit.
Ø Gym / dʒɪm / (জিম্) n {formal gymnasium} [a room or hall with equipment of doing physical exercise, for example in a school] (শরীরচর্চা কেন্দ্র): Class 4 do gym on a Saturday afternoon. You can tell he works out at the gym.
Push-up / ˈpʊʃ-ʌp / (ˈপুশ-আপ্) n {UK press-up} [a physical exercise in which you lie flat with your face towards the floor and try to push up your body with arms which keeping your legs and back straight] (বুক ডাউন): I do twenty-five push-up with a push-up bar every morning.
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Push-up bar |
Ø Push-up bar / ˈpʊʃ-ʌp bɑːr / (ˈপুশ-আপ্ বাঃর) n [a simple tool for a push-up, which called a push-up bar that adds even more of a challenge to the exercise] (বুক ডাউন কাঠরা):
Sit-up / ˈsɪt-ʌp / (ˈছিট-আপ্) n [a type of physical exercise for making stomach muscles strong, in which you lie on your back on the floor and rouse the top part your body to a sitting position] (ছিট আপ ব্যাম): He does 25 sit-ups every morning.
Ø Stomach / ˈstʌmək / (ˈস্টামএক্) n {SYN belly} [the organ in the body where good goes when swallowing it; the front part of the body just below the chest] (পাকস্থলী; উদর): exercises to strengthen the stomach muscles
Plunk (exercise) / plæŋk / (প্ল্যাঙ্ক্) n {Also front hold, hover, abdominal bridge} 1. [an isometric core strength exercise that involves maintaining a position similar to a push-up for the maximum possible time] (প্ল্যাঙ্ক ব্যায়ম):
2. Plunk / plæŋk / (প্ল্যাঙ্ক্) n [a long narrow flat piece of wood that is used for making floors, etc.] (কাষ্ঠফলক; তক্তা): We used a plank to cross the ditch. A plank of wood
Stretch / stretʃ / (স্ট্রেচ্) n [an act of stretching out your arms or legs or your body and contracting the muscles; the state of being stretched] (শরীর প্রসারণ ব্যাম):
<VERB> Stretch / stretʃ / (স্ট্রেচ্) v [to put your arms or legs out straight and contract your muscles] (শরীর প্রসারণ করা): The exercises are designed to stretch and tone your leg muscles.
Ø Contract / kənˈtrækt / (কএন্ˈট্র্যাক্ট্) v 1. [to become less or smaller; to make Sth become less or smaller] (সংকুচিত করা বা হওয়া): The exercise consists of stretching and contracting the leg muscles.
2. Contract / kənˈtrækt / (কএন্ˈট্র্যাক্ট্) v [to make a legal agreement with someone to do work or to have work done for you] (চুক্তি করা): Several computer engineers have been contracted to the finance department.
Ø Tone / toʊn / (টৌন্) n 1. [the healthy tightness of the body, especially the muscles] (অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গের স্বাভাবিক অবস্থান): After you have had a baby you lose the muscle tone in your stomach.
2. Tone / toʊn / (টৌন্) n [the quality of Sb’s voice, especially expressing a particular emotion] (স্বর, কণ্ঠস্বর): Do not speak to me in that tone of voice (= angrily) young girl!
Pull-up / ˈpʊl-ʌp / (ˈপুল-আপ্) n {USA chin-up} [an exercise in which you hold onto a high bar above your head and pull yourself up towards it] (মাথের উপর কোনো লাঠি ধরে শরীর উপরে তোলা ব্যাম):
Ø <PHR-V> Pull up [(of a vehicle or its driver) to stop] (<যানবাহন>থামানো): She pulled up at the traffic lights.
Jogging / ˈdʒɑːgɪŋ / (ˈজাঃগিঙ্) n [the activity of running at a show regular speed, especially as a form of exercise] (আস্তে দৌড়ানো ব্যাম; জগিং): He decided to take up jogging. He usually goes jogging for half an hour before breakfast.
Ø <PHR-V> Take up [to start doing a particular job or activity] (নির্দিষ্ট কিছু করতে শুরু করা): They have taken up golf.
Ø Jog / dʒɑːg / (জাঃগ্) v {jogs / dʒɑːgz / (জাঃগয্); Pt. Pp. jogged / dʒɑːgd / (জাঃগ্ড্)} [to run at a slow, regular speed for a long time, especially for exercise] (): They jogged slowly down the hill.
<NOUN> Jogger / ˈdʒɑːgər / (ˈজাঃগএর্) n [someone who jogs regularly for exercise] (যে নিয়মিত জগিং করে):
Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks / dʒʌmpɪŋ dʒæk / (জাম্পিঙ্ জ্যাক্) n {Also star jump; side straddle hop} [a physical jumping exercise performed by jumping to a position with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead, sometimes in a clap, and then returning to a position with the feet together and the arms at the sides] (জাম্পিঙ্ জ্যাক্): After a minute passes they jumped to a standing position and began doing jumping jacks.
Ø Clap / klæp / (ক্ল্যাপ্) v [to make a short loud noise by hitting your hands together] (করতালি দেওয়া): Everyone clapped us when we went up to get our prize.
Ø Jump / dʒʌmp / (জাম্প্) v {jumps / dʒʌmps / (জাম্পছ্); Pt. Pp. jumped / dʒʌmpt / (জাম্পট্)} [to move quickly off the ground or away from a surface by pushing yourself with your legs and feet] (লাফ দেওয়া; ঝাঁপ দেওয়া): The children were jumping up and down with excitement.
Ø Jacks / dʒæks / (জ্যাক্স্) n [a children’s game in which you throw a ball into the air and try to pick up a number of small metal or plastic objects with the same hand before catching the ball again] (ব্যাচ্চাদের একধরণের খেলা):
Skip / skɪp / (স্কিপ্) v {skips / skɪps / (স্কিপছ্); Pt. Pp. skipped / skɪpt / (স্কিপ্ট্)} {US jump rope; skip rope} 1. [to jump lightly over a rope that is held in both your hands, or by two other people, and swung repeatedly under your legs and over your head as an exercise or a game] (দড়ি ঝাপানো ব্যাম করা): He likes to skip rope as a warm-up.
2. Skip / skɪp / (স্কিপ্) v [to leave one thing or place, especially quickly, in order to go another] (দ্রুত এক বিষয় থেকে অন্য বিষয়ে গমন করা; স্কিপ করা): This part of the book is not very interesting, so I am going to skip it.
Ø Rope / roʊp / (রৌপ্) n [a piece of strong, thick string made of long twisting thinner threads, wires, etc. together] (দড়ি; রশি; রজ্জু): We tied his hands together with rope.
Ø Swing / swɪŋ / (সুইঙ্) v {Pt. Pp. swung} [to move backward or forwards or from side to side while hanging from a fixed point; to make Sth do this] (ঘোরা বা ঘোরানো; দোলা বা দোলানো; ঝোলা বা ঝোলানো):
Ø Warm-up / ˈwɔːrm-ʌp / (ˈওয়ার্ম-আপ্) n [a short practice or a series of gentle exercise that you do to prepare yourself for doing a particular sport or activity] (হালকা গা গরম করা ব্যায়ম): A warm-up is important before a run so as not to strain any muscles.
<PHR-V> Warm up / ˌwɔːrm ʌp / (ˌওয়ার্ম আপ্) v [to prepare for physical exercise or performance by doing gentle exercise or practice] (ভারি ব্যায়মের আগে হালকা শরীর গরম ব্যায়ম করা):
<PHR-V> Warm Sth up / ˌwɔːrm ˈʌp / (ˌওয়ার্ম ˈআপ্) v [to heat previously cooked food again for eating] (খাওয়ার সময় পূর্বে রান্না করা খাবার পুনরায় গরম করা): I might just warm up the leftovers from yesterday’s meal in the microwave.
Standing Forward Bend
Standing forward bend / ˈstændɪŋ ˈfɔːrwərd bend / (ˈস্ট্যান্ডিঙ্ ˈফোর্অএর্ড্ বেন্ড্) n [a physical exercise in which a person starts from an erect position, with the feet are together and the upper body is bent forward at the hips, allowing the head to hang with the hands placed on the floor, then returns to the original position without using the hands to support the body] (সামনে বাকানো ব্যাম):
Ø Erect / ɪˈrekt / (ইˈরেক্ট্) adj {SYN straight} [standing with your back and neck very straight] (খাড়া বা সিধা): Keep your trunk erect throughout the exercise.
Ø Bend / bend / (বেন্ড্) v {Pt. Pp. bent} [(especially of Sb’s body or head) to lean, or make Sth lean, in a particular direction] (বাঁকানো; বাঁকা করা/হওয়া): The doctor told me to avoid bending and stretching.
Ø Hip / hɪp / (হিপ্) n [the area at either side of the body between the top of the leg and the waist, or the joint which connects the leg to the upper part of the body] (কটি): This exercise is designed to trim your hips and stomach.
Seated Forward Bend
Seated forward bend (fold) / siːtɪd ˈfɔːrwərd bend / (ছীটিড্ ˈফোর্অএর্ড্ বেন্ড্) n [a calming pose that stretches the entire back body from the feet all the way up the spine and into the neck] (বসে সামনে হেলে ব্যাম্):
Ø Calm / kɑːm / (কাঃম্) adj [peaceful and quiet; without hurried movement, worry or noise] (শান্ত; স্থির; প্রসন্ন): Try to remain calm.
Ø Pose / poʊz / (পৌয্) n [a particular position in which Sb stands, site, etc. especially in order to be painted, drawn or photographed, etc.] (ভঙ্গি বা শান্ত অবস্থা): He adopted a dramatic pose for the camera. He struck a heroic pose, and cried, ‘I will do it!’
Ø Spine / spaɪn / (স্পাইন্) n {SYN backbone} 1. [the row of small bones that are connected down the middle of the back that provides support for the body and protects the spinal cord] (মেরুদণ্ড): He injured his spine in a riding accident.
2. Spine / spaɪn / (স্পাইন্) n [a long sharp point like a needle growing out of an animal such as a hedgehog or a plant such as a cactus] (<কোনোকোনো গাছের বা প্রাণী দেহের>কাঁটা): Porcupines use their spines to protect themselves.
Deep Squat to Stand
Deep Squat to stand / skwɑːt tuː stænd / (স্কোঅ টূ স্ট্যান্ড্) n [squat is a position in which you are crouched with your knees bent and the backs of your feet almost touching your butt or an exercise in which you bend in such a manner and then stand up again] (উঠ বস ব্যাম):
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Squat |
Ø Squat / skwɑːt / (স্কোয়াট্) v [to sit on your heels with your knees bent up close to your body] (উবু হয়ে বসা): He squatted down and examined the front wheel of his bike.
<NOUN> Squat / skwɑːt / (স্কোয়াট্) n [a squatting position or exercise of the body] (উবু হয়ে বসা বা বসানো):
Ø Crouch / kraʊtʃ / (ক্রাঊচ্) v [to bend your knees and lower yourself so that you are close to the ground and leaning forward slightly] (গুটিসুটি মারা/হওয়া): Raju crouched down behind a bush.
<NOUN> Crouch / kraʊtʃ / (ক্রাঊচ্) n [a crouching position] (গুটিসুটি অবস্থা): He dropped to a crouch.
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1/2/3. Butt |
Ø Butt / bʌt / (বাট্) n 1. [the part of the body that you sit on] (পাছা): He told her to get off his butt and do something useful.
2. Butt / bʌt / (বাট্) n [the part of a cigarette or cigar that is left after it has been smoked] (<সিগার বা সিগারেটের>শেষ প্রান্ত বা গোড়া): an ashtray full of cigarette butts
3. Butt / bʌt / (বাট্) n [the thick end of a weapon or tool] (<বন্দুক ইত্যাদির কাঠের স্থুলতর>প্রান্ত; কুঁদো; বাট): They stuck him with their rifle butts.
Squat (exercise)
Squat (exercise) / skwɑːt / (স্কোঅট্) n [a compound, full body exercise that trains primarily the muscles of the thighs, hips and buttocks, hamstrings, as well as strengthening the bones, ligaments, and insertion of the tendons throughout the lower body] (উবু হয়ে ব্যাম):
Ø Buttock / ˈbʌtək / (ˈবাটএক্) n [either of the two round soft parts at the top of a person’s legs] (নিতম্ব বা পাছা): The beating had left red weal on his buttocks.
Ø Hamstring / ˈhæmstrɪŋ / (ˈহ্যাম্স্ট্রিঙ্) n [one of the five tendons behind the knee that connect the muscles of the upper leg to the bones of the lower leg] (হাঁটুর পিছন দিকের ৫ পেশিতন্তু): He pulled (= injured) a hamstring while playing football.
Ø Ligament / ˈlɪgəmənt / (ˈলিগএমএন্ট্) n [any of the strong strips of tissue in the body that connect bones together, limiting movements in joints and supporting muscles and other tissue] (লিগামেন্ট): I have torn a ligament.
Ø Tendon / ˈtendən / (ˈটেন্ডএন্) n [a strong band of tissue in the body that joins a muscle to a bone] (শক্ত তন্তু যা দ্বারা মাংসপেশি হাড়ের সাথে যুক্ত থাকে): He had surgery for a torn tendon in his elbow.
Leg Press
Leg press / leɡ pres / () n [a compound weight training exercise in which the
individual pushes a weight away from them using their legs, while the body
remains stationary] ():
Lunge (exercise) / lʌndʒ / () n 1. [an exercise in
which a person in a standing position steps forward into a position in which
the front knee is deeply bent while keeping the torso erect and then returns
back to the starting position, which helps to strengthen, sculpt, and tone
their bodies, while also improving overall fitness and enhancing athletic
performance] ():2.
Lunge / lʌndʒ / () n [to move forward suddenly and with force,
especially in order to attack someone] (শরীরকে সামনের দিকে বাঁকানো): The burglar made a lunge at her with a knife.
Deadlift / dedlɪft / () n [a weight training exercise in which a loaded barbell
is lifted off the ground to the level of the hips, torso vertical to the floor,
before being placed back on the ground. It is one of the three powerlifting
exercises, along with the squat and bench press, as well as a frequent lift in
strongman] ():Sumo Deadlift
Sumo deadlift / ˈsuːmoʊ dedlɪft / () n [a weight training
exercise involves placing feet wider than shoulder-width apart and gripping the
barbell with hands placed inside legs. This position allows to keep the torso more
upright, which decreases the range of motion and makes the lift easier] ():Leg Extension
Leg extension / leɡ ɪkˈstenʃn / () n [an exercise
performed on a machine while seated, the thigh muscles are exerted to
straighten the knee while acting against resistance applied to the lower shin] ():Leg Curl
Leg curl / leɡ kɜːl / () n [an exercise that targets the hamstring muscles,
usually performed lying on the stomach with weights, in which one lifts one or
both heels towards the buttocks and then returns to the starting position,
while the rest of the body is kept immobile, there are three types of leg
curls, seated leg curls, lying leg curls, and standing leg curls] ():
Calf Raises
Calf raises / kæf reɪzɪz / () n [a method of exercise targeting the
calf muscle where the person raises their heel off the ground and lowers it
again, the movement performed is plantar flexion, also called ankle extension] ():
Bench Press
Bench press / ˈbentʃ ˌpres / () n {Also chest
press} [a weight training exercise in which
one lies supine on a weight training bench and with both hands pushes a pair of
barbells or fixed weight upward from chest level to arm's length and then
lowers it back to chest level: usually repeated in sets]
Chest Fly
Chest fly / tʃest flaɪ / () n {Also pectoral fly} [a
great exercise for developing the chest muscles, is performed by lying on a
flat bench with a weight in each hand, By doing this exercise, you will be able
to increase muscle tone, build muscle mass and increase strength] (): Bent-Over Row
Bent-over row // () n {Also barbell row} [a weight training
exercise that targets a variety of back muscles, which ones are targeted varies
on form, is often used for both bodybuilding and powerlifting] ():
Upright Row
Upright row / ˈʌpraɪt roʊ / () n [a weight training exercise
performed by holding a weight with an overhand grip and lifting it straight up
to the collarbone, this is a compound exercise that involves the trapezius, the
deltoids, and the biceps] ():
Overhead Press
Overhead press / oʊvərˈhed pres / () n {Also shoulder
press or military press} [an upper-body weight training exercise in which the
trainee presses a weight overhead while seated or standing, it is mainly used
to develop the muscles of the shoulder] ():
Shoulder Fly
Shoulder fly / ˈʃoʊldər flaɪ / () n {Also lateral
raise} [works the deltoid muscle of the
shoulder. The movement starts with the arms straight, and the hands holding
weights at the sides or in front of the body. The body is in a slight
forward-leaning position with hips and knees bent a little] ():Shoulder Shrug
Shoulder shrug / ˈʃoʊldər ʃrʌɡ / () n [an exercise in
weight training used to develop the upper trapezius muscle] ():
Push-down (exercise) // () n [a
strength training exercise used for strengthening the triceps muscles in the
back of the arm, is completed by pushing an object downward against resistance] ():
Lying Triceps Extension
Lying triceps extension / ˈlaɪɪŋ ˈtraɪseps ɪkˈstenʃn / () n {Also Skull
crusher and French extension or French press} [an
isolation exercise focused on your triceps muscles, used in many different forms
of strength training, are performed by lying on your back on a flat bench and
lifting dumbbells from behind your head to full extension above you] ():
Biceps Curl
Biceps curl / ˈbaɪseps ˌkɜːrl / () n [a group of weight
training exercises in which a person bends their arm towards their body at the
elbow in order to make their biceps (= the large muscle at the front of the
upper arm) stronger] (): Pump up your arms with
biceps curls and pushups.
Biceps / ˈbaɪseps / () n {SYN triceps}
[the large muscle at the front of the upper arm] (): He showed off his bulging
Crunch (exercise) / krʌntʃ / () n [also known as abdominal crunches, are a core exercise
designed to target abdominal muscles in which a person lies on back on the floor
with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, and then raises your head and
shoulders] ():Russian Twist
Russian twist / ˈrʌʃn twɪst / () n [a simple abdominal exercise for
working the core, shoulders, and hips, you will rotate your torso from side to
side while sitting in an upright position with your feet lifted off the ground.
This movement brings great rotation into your core. It's an exercise widely
used by athletes. This exercise got its name because it was used in the Cold
War by Russian soldiers] ():Leg Raise
Leg raise / leɡ reɪz / () n [an exercise that strengthens the muscles at the back
of the thighs, buttocks, and lower back. Lie face down with your head resting
on your hands. Lift your right leg, hold it for a few seconds in the raised
position, and then lower it. Repeat the exercise with your left leg. Throughout
the raises, make sure that you keep your hips on the floor] ():Back Extension
Back extension / bæk ɪkˈstenʃən / () n {Also hyperxtension}
[an exercise that works the lower back as well
as the mid and upper back, This includes the erector spinal, which supports the
lower spine, also work the muscles in your butt, hips, and shoulders. If you
have low back pain, back extension exercises might provide relief] ():Tire Flips
Tire flips / taɪr flɪps / () n [an exercise during which you use
all your deadlift muscles by hauling tons of tractor tire weight, is one of the
most popular exercises for today's gym rats, used as an alternative to
deadlifts because the action of lifting the tire from the ground is very
similar to the motion involved in lifting barbells]
():Sledgehammer Tire Slams
Sledgehammer tire slams / ˈsledʒˌhæmər taɪr slæmz / () n [an
exercise involving repeatedly striking a tire with a sledgehammer, which can help
develop explosive power in the shoulders, arms, and core muscles. Chopping wood
is a similar exercise that can help develop power in the upper body and core,
while also engaging the lower body muscles] ():
Battling Ropes
Battling ropes / ˈbætlɪŋ roʊps / () n {Also battle
ropes or heavy ropes} [a piece of fitness equipment consisting of a thick
heavy long rope that is typically anchored to a solid surface, at one end and
gripped in the hand at the other end and that is usually used in pairs in
exercises to increase full body strength and conditioning, involving moving the
arms up and down to cause the ropes to move in continuous waves or slam against
the ground] ():
Exercise Bike
Exercise bike / ˈeksərsaɪz baɪk / (ˈএক্সএর্ছাইয্ বাইক্) n {Also stationary bicycle, exercise bicycle, spinning bike} [a machine with a saddle, pedals, and some form of handlebars arranged as on a bicycle, but used as exercise indoors, does not move from one place] (এক্সারসাইজ বাইক):
Rowing Machine
Rowing machine / ˈroʊɪŋ məˈʃiːn / (ˈরৌইঙ্ মএˈশীন্) n {Also indoor rower} [a piece of sports equipment used to simulate the action of watercraft rowing for the purpose of exercise or training for rowing] (রৌইং মেশীন):
Ø Simulate / ˈsɪmjuleɪt / (ˈছিমিউলেইট্) v {SYN feign} [to do or make Sth which looks real but is not real] (ধোকা দেবার জন্য ছদ্মরূপ ধারণ করা): I tried to simulate surprise at the news.
Treadmill / ˈtredmɪl / (ˈট্রেড্মিল্) n [an exercise machine that has a moving surface that you can walk or run on while remaining in the same place] (ব্যামের জন্য দৌরানোর মেশিন): I try to do half an hour’s exercise on the treadmill every morning.
Barbell / ˈbɑːrbel / (ˈবাঃর্বেল্) n [a piece of a tool used in weight training, bodybuilding, weightlifting, and powerlifting, consisting of a long metal bar with weights attached at each end] (বার্বেল):
Ø Weight / weɪt / (ওএইট্) n [an object that is heavy] (ভারি কোনো জিনিস): The doctor said he should not lift heavy weights.
Ø Bodybuilding / ˈbɑːdibɪldɪŋ / (ˈবাঃডিবিল্ডিঙ্) n [the activity of doing regular exercises in order to make your muscles bigger and stronger] (শরীর সুগঠন):
Ø Weightlifting / ˈweɪtlɪftɪŋ / (ˈওএইট্লিফ্টিঙ্) n [the activity of lifting heavy objects either as a sport or for exercise] (ভারউত্তলন):
Ø Powerlifting / ˈpaʊərlɪftɪŋ / (ˈপাউএর্লিফ্টিঙ্) n [the sport of lifting weights in three different ways, in a set order] (পাওয়ারলিফটিং):
Dumb-bell / ˈdʌm-bel / (ˈডাম্-বেল্) n [a short bar with a weight on each end that you lift up and down to make your arm and shoulder muscles stronger] (ডাম-বেল):
Hand Grippers
Hand grippers / hænd grɪpərs / (হ্যান্ড্ গ্রিপএর্ছ্) n {Also grippers, hand grip} [a tool used for testing and increasing the strength of the hands] (হ্যান্ড গ্রিপার্স):
Weight Plate
Weight plate / weɪt pleɪt / (ওএইট্ প্লেইট্) n [a flat, heavy object, usually made of cast iron, that is used in combination with barbells or dumbbells to produce a bar with a desired total weight for the purpose of physical exercise] (ওজন প্লেট):
Ø Cast iron / ˌkæst ˈaɪərn / (ˌক্যাস্ট্ ˈআইএর্ন্) n [a hard type of iron that does not bend easily and is shaped by pouring the hot liquid metal into a mold] (ঢালাই লোহা):
Exercise Roller
Exercise roller / ˈeksərsaɪz ˈroʊlər / (ˈএক্সএর্ছাইয্ ˈরৌলএর্) n {Also foam roller} [an exercise device used for massage and fitness, they help soothe tight and speed up muscle recovery] (এক্সারসাইজ রৌলার):
Ø Soothe / suːð / (সূদ্) v {SYN relieve} [to make a tense or painful part of your body feel more comfortable] (<যন্ত্রণা>উপশম করা): This should soothe the pain.
Ø Tight / taɪt / (টাইট্) adj {SYN constricted} [feeling painful or uncomfortable because of illness or emotion] (শরীরের কোনো স্থানে শক্ত ভাব): He complained of having a tight chest.
Ø <PHR-V> Speed up [to happen or move faster or to make Sth happen or move faster] (কোনোকিছুর বেগ বৃদ্ধি করা): Can you try and speed things up a bit?
Cardio / ˈkɑːrdioʊ / (ˈকাঃর্ডিঔ) n {Also aerobic exercise} [physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process. Aerobic literally means “relating to, involving, or requiring free oxygen”, that makes the heart work harder, and you do to keep yourself fit] (হৃদ ব্যাম): Cardio is the answer if you want to lose weight. Cardio exercise/workout
Aerobics / eˈroʊbɪks / (এˈরৌবিকছ্) n [energetic physical exercises, often performed with a group of people to music, which makes the heart, lungs, and muscles stronger and increases the amount of oxygen in the blood] (এরৌবিকছ): He does aerobics every Monday.
Yoga / ˈjoʊgə / (ˈইঔগএ) n [a set of physical and mental exercises, for your body and for controlling your breathing, used by people who want to become fitter or to relax, which is the origin in India] (যোগব্যাম): I go to a yoga session on Thursday.
More Exercise Vocabulary
Ø Six-pack / ˈsɪks-pæk / (ˈছিক্স-প্যাক্) n 1. [stomach muscles that are very strong and that you can see clearly across Sb’s stomach] (পেটের সুঠাম মাংসপেশী):
2. Six-pack / ˈsɪks-pæk / (ˈছিক্স-প্যাক্) n [a set of six bottles or cans sold together, especially of beer] (৬ বোতল মদের প্যাকেট):
Ø Love handles / ˈlʌv hændl / (ˈলাভ্ হ্যান্ডল্) n [the layer of fat around the middle of a person’s body or waist] (বেঢাউস মোটা কোমর):
Ø <PHR-V> Slim down [to become thinner, for example as a result of eating less] (পথ্য নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে হালকা ও পাতলা হওয়া): He has really slimmed down over the last few months.
Ø Spare tire / ˌsper ˈtaɪər / (ˌস্পেএর ˈটাইএর্) n {US spare tire} 1. [(humorous) unwanted a large roll of fat around Sb’s waist] (অপ্রত্যাসিত গোলাকার মোটা কোমড়): Vigorous exercise will help to get rid of your spare tire.
2. Spare tyre / ˌsper ˈtaɪər / (ˌস্পেএর ˈটাইএর্) n [an extra wheel for a car] (<মোটর গাড়ির>অতিরিক্ত চাকা):
Physical Exercises Names, Meaning & Image | Exercise Vocabulary
Noted from Google, Wikipedia, Oxford & Cambridge Dictionary
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