Children Games, Toys & Rides Name & Picture | Necessary Vocabulary
Children Game, Toy & Ride
Children game / ˈtʃɪldrən ɡeɪm / (ˈচিলড্রএন্ গেইম্) n [a children’s entertaining activity or sport, especially one played by children, or they play with toys, pretend to be somebody else, etc.] (বাচ্চাদের খেলা): The children played a game of cops and robbers. I told the children to put their toys and games away.
Children Game Related Necessary Vocabulary Note
Ø Entertaining / ˌentərˈteɪnɪŋ / (ˌএনটএরˈটেইনিঙ্) n [interesting and amusing] (আমোদজনক; রসালো): He was always so funny and entertaining. An entertaining evening
1. Entertain / entərˈteɪn / (এন্টএর্ˈটেইন্) v {entertains / entərˈteɪnz / (এন্টএর্ˈটেইনয্); Pt. Pp. entertained} [to interest and amuse Sb in order to please them] (চিত্তবিনোদন করা; আনন্দ দান করা): We hired a magician to entertain the children.
2. Entertain / entərˈteɪn / (এন্টএর্ˈটেইন্) v [to invite people to eat or drink with you like your guests, especially in your home] (আপ্যায়ন করা): They entertained us to lunch in their new house.
Ø Play / pleɪ / (প্লেই) v {plays / pleɪz / (প্লেইয্); Pt. Pp. played} [to do things for pleasure, as children do; to enjoy yourself, rather than work] (খেলা করা): The children spent the afternoon playing with different kinds of toys.
Ø Pretend / prɪˈtend / (প্রিˈটেন্ড্) v {pretends / prɪˈtendz / (প্রিˈটেন্ডয্); Pt. Pp. pretended / prɪˈtendɪd / (প্রিˈটেন্ডিড্)} [to behave as if Sth is true when you know that it is not, especially in order to deceive people or as a game] (ভান/ছল করা; <মিছামিছি>খেলা): The children pretending that they are dinosaurs.
Ø Cop / kɑːp / (কআঃপ্) n [a police officer] (পুলিশ আফিসার): Quick, run – there’s a cop coming!
Toy / tɔɪ / (টয়্) n [an object for children to play with] (খেলনা): Put your toys away now – it’s time for bed. She has an 18-year-old toy boy. A cuddly/soft/stuffed/clockwork wind-up toy
Ø Cuddly / ˈkʌdli / (ˈকাডলি) adj [(of a child’s toy) soft and designed to be cuddled] (আদর করতে ইচ্ছা করে এমন): a tiny, cuddly kitten
<NOUN> Cuddle / ˈkʌdl / (ˈকাডল্) n {SYN hug} [the action of holding Sb close in your arms to show love or affection] (গাঢ় আলিঙ্গন; আদর-সোহাগ): Give Mummy a big cuddle.
Ø Stuff / stʌf / (স্টাফ্) n [used to refer to a substance, material, group of objects, etc. when you do not know the name, or when the name is not important] (দ্রব্য; জিনিস; উপাদান ইত্যাদি): They sell stationery and others stuffs (like that).
<VERB> Stuff / stʌf / (স্টাফ্) v {stuffs / stʌfs / (স্টাফছ্); Pt. Pp. stuffed / stʌft / (স্টাফট্)} [to fill a space or container tightly with Sth] (ঠেসে ভরা; ঠাসা; গোঁজা): The fridge is stuffed to bursting.
Ø Clockwork / ˈklɑːkwɜːrk / (ˈক্লআঃকওয়ার্ক্) n [a system of springs and wheels that you wind (=turn) with a key or handle to make some clocks, toys and other devices operate] (ঘড়ির ন্যায় কলকব্জা বিশিষ্ট): clockwork toys
Ø Wind-up / ˈwaɪnd ʌp / (ˈওআইন্ড আপ) adj [that you operate by turning a key or handle] (<কোনো যন্ত্র চালানোর জন্য ব্যবহৃত>চাবি/হাতল): an old-fashioned wind-up table watch
Ride / raɪd / (রাইড্) n [a large machine at a funfair or amusement park that you ride on for fun or excitement; an occasion when going on one of these] (রাইড্): My favorite ride is the roller coaster.
Ø Funfair / ˈfʌnfer / (ˈফান্ফেএর্) n {US amusement park and carnival} [a place of outside entertainment where there are machines for riding on and games that can be played for prizes] (বিনোদন পার্ক; আনন্দমেলা): Let’s take the kids to the fair.
Ø Excite / ɪkˈsaɪt / (ইকˈছাইট্) v {excites / ɪkˈsaɪts / (ইকˈছাইটছ্); Pt. Pp. excited / ɪkˈsaɪtɪd / (ইকˈছাইটিড্)} [to make someone feel very pleased, interested or enthusiastic, especially about Sth is going to happen] (উত্তেজিত করা; আন্দোলিত করা): Nothing about my life excites me at present.
<NOUN> Excitement / ɪkˈsɑɪtmənt / (ইকˈছাইট্মএন্ট্) n [a feeling of being excited, or an exciting event] (উত্তেজনা): In his excitement, he dropped his glass.
<ADJ> Exciting / ɪkˈsɑɪtɪŋ / (ইকˈছাইটিঙ্) adj [causing great interest or excitement] (উত্তেজিত): It was a really exciting match.
Piggyback / ˈpɪɡibæk / (ˈপিগিব্যাক্) n [a ride on someone’s back with your arms around their neck and your legs around their waist] (<কাউকে>পিঠে বা ঘাড়ে নেওয়া): Give me a piggyback daddy! I gave her a piggyback ride.
Ø Ride / raɪd / (রাইড্) v {rides / raɪdz / (রাইডয্); Pt. rode / roʊd / (রৌড্); Pp. ridden / ˈrɪdn / (ˈরিডন্)} [to sit on a horse or a bicycle and travel along on it controlling its movements] (<ঘোড়া বা সাইকেলে চড়ে>এগিয়ে যাওয়া বা চড়া): I ride to work on my bicycle.
<NOUN> Ride / raɪd / (রাইড্) n [a short journey in a vehicle, on a bicycle or horse, etc.] (<ঘোড়া অথবা সাইকেল বা যানবাহনে>ভ্রমন কাল): It is a twelve–minute bus ride from here to town.
Ø Back / bæk / (ব্যাক্) n [the part of the human body that is on the opposite side to the chest, between from shoulders to bottom] (পিঠ): I have got a bad back.
Ø Waist / weɪst / (ওএইস্ট্) n [the area around the middle of the body between the ribs and the hips, often narrower than the areas above and below] (কোমর; কটি; মাজা): The pants are a bit tight around my waist.
Ø Pig / pɪɡ / (পিগ্) n {US hog} [a farm animal with pink, brown or black skin, short legs, a broad nose, and a curved tail, kept for its meat (called pork) or live in the wild] (শূকর): The pigs were being fattened for slaughter.
<NOUN> Piggy / ˈpɪɡi / (ˈপিগি) n, adj [a child’s word for a pig] (বাচ্চা শূকর): He has got litter piggy eyes.
Peekaboo / ˌpiːkəˈbuː / (ˌপীকএˈবূ) n {Also peep-bo} [a game played with very young children in which you hide your face, especially with your hands, and then suddenly take your hands away saying “peek-a-boo”] (<ছোট্ট বাচ্চাদের সাথে খেলা> টুকি, ধ..................):
Ø Hide / haɪd / (হাইড্) v {hides / haɪdz / (হাইডয্); Pt. hid; Pp. hidden} 1. [to put or keep Sb/Sth in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found] (লুকানো বা গোপন করা): He hid his diary under his pillow.
<SYN> Conceal
2. Hide/ haɪd / (হাইড্) n [the strong thick skin of an animal which is used for making leather] (পশুর মোটা চামড়া/ছাল): boats made from buffalo hide.
Somersault / ˈsʌmərsɔːlt / (ˈছামএর্ছোল্ট্) n [a rolling movement or jump, either forwards or backward, in which you turn over completely, with your body above your head, and finish with your head on top again] (ডিগবাজি): She was so happy she turned three somersaults on the lawn.
Ø Forward / ˈfɔːrwərd / (ˈফোর্ওএর্ড্) adv {UK forwards} [towards a place or direction that is in front of you] (সামনের দিকে; সম্মুখে): They ran forward to welcome her.
Ø Backwards / ˈbækwərdz / (ˈব্যাক্ওএর্ডয্) adv {US backward} [towards a place or position that is behind] (পিছনে; পেছনের দিকে): She began counting backward: “Ten, nine, eight, seven … …”
Piggy In The Middle
Piggy in the middle / ˌpɪɡi ɪn ði ˈmɪdl / (ˌপিগি ইন দি ˈমিডল্) n {Also monkey in the middle} [a children’s game in which two people throw a ball to each other over the head of a person who stands between them and tries to catch it] (বল ধরা ধরি খেলা):
Blind Man’s Buff
Blind man’s buff / ˌblaɪnd mænz ˈbʌf / (ˌব্লাইন্ড্ ম্যানয্ ˈবাফ্) n {Also blind man’s bluff} [a children’s game in which a player whose eyes are covered with a piece of cloth tries to catch and identify the other players] (কানামাছি-খেলা): They are playing blind man’s buff.
Ø Buff / bʌf / (বাফ্) adj 1. [a man with physically fit and attractive body that is a good shape] (সুঠামদেহ):
2. Buff / bʌf / (বাফ্) adj {SYN beige} [a pale yellow-brown in colour] (হালকা হলুদ রং): a buff envelope
Hide-and-seek / ˌhaɪd n ˈsiːk / (ˌহাইড-এন-ˈছীক্) n [a children’s game in which one player covers his or her eyes while the other players hide in secret places, and then tries to look for them] (লুকোচুরি খেলা; লুকাচুপি খেলা):
Ø Seek / siːk / (ছীক্) v {seeks / siːks / (ছীকছ্); Pt. Pp. sought / sɔːt / (ছোট্)} [to look for Sth/Sb] (খোঁজা; অন্বেষণ করা): Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes.
Ø <PHR-V> Look for Sb/Sth [to hope for Sth; to expect Sth] (অনুসন্ধান করা; পেতে চেষ্টা করা):
Marble / ˈmɑːrbl / (ˈমআঃর্ব্ল) n [a small ball usually made of colored or transparent glass that children roll along the ground in a game] (গুলি): Four bays are playing marbles.
Ø Transparent / trænsˈpærənt / (ট্র্যানছ্ˈপ্যারএন্ট্) adj [(of glass, plastic, etc.) allowing you to see through it] (স্বচ্ছ): The insect's wings are almost transparent.
Ø Roll / roʊl / (রৌল্) v {rolls / roʊlz / (রৌল্য); Pt. Pp. rolled / roʊld / (রৌল্ড্)} [to turn over and over and move in a particular direction; to make a round object do this] (গড়িয়ে দেওয়া বা গড়িয়ে চলা; গড়ানো): The ball rolled down the hill.
Tip-cat / tɪp-kæt / (টিপ-ক্যাট্) n {Also gilli danda} [an amateur game is played with two pieces of equipment – a danda, being a long wooden stick, and a Gilli, a small oval-shaped piece of wood. It is played with four or more players of even numbers. Or even 100 players, originating from the Indian subcontinent, played in the rural areas and small towns all over Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Afghanistan, and Pakistan as well as Cambodia, Turkey, South Africa, Italy, and in some Caribbean islands like Cuba] (ডাঙ্গুলি):
Spinning Top
Spinning top / ˈspɪnɪŋ ˌtɑːp / (ˈস্পিনিঙ্ ˌটআঃপ্) n {Also lattu; wooden spinning top} [a toy with rounded sides, a flat top, and a pointed nail at the bottom, one of the local toys played in Indian Sub-continent by children, spinning top spins rapidly with the aid of a string rope coiled around its axis which when pulled quickly sets it motion] (লাটিম; লাট্টু): Two bays played spinning top outside.
Ø Spin / spɪn / (স্পিন্) v 1. {spins / spɪnz / (স্পিন্য); Pt. Pp. spun / spʌn / (স্পান্)} [to turn round and round quickly; to make Sth do this] (কোনোকিছু ক্রমাগত ঘোরানো বা পাকখাওয়ানো): The Earth spins on its axis.
2. Spin / spɪn / (স্পিন্) v [to make thread by twisting wool, cotton, silk, etc. by twisting it] (<উল বা তুলা থেকে>সুতা কাটা বা তৈরি করা): to spin and knit wool
Ø Coil / kɔɪl / (কয়ল্) v {coils / kɔɪlz / (কয়ল্য); Pt. Pp. coiled / kɔɪld / (কয়ল্ড্)} [to wind into a series of circles; to make Sth do this] (কুণ্ডলী করা বা হওয়া; গোলাকার ভাবে গুটাতে থাকা): He coiled the rope into a loop.
Ø Axis / ˈæksɪs / (ˈএ্যাকছিছ্) n [a real or imaginary line through the center of an object, around which the object turns] (অক্ষ; মেরু): The diameter of a circle is also an axis.
Catapult / ˈkætəpʌlt / (ˈক্যাটএপাল্ট্) n {US slingshot} [a Y-shaped stick or
piece of metal with a piece of elastic attached to the top parts, used by
children for shooting small stones] (গুলতি;
1. Kite
Kite / kaɪt / (কাইট্) n 1. [a toy made of a light frame covered with paper, cloth, etc. that you fly in the air at the end of one or more long strings] (ঘুড়ি): to fly a kite. The joys of kite flying![]() |
2. Kite |
2. Kite / kaɪt / (কাইট্) n [a bird of prey (= a bird that kills other small animals for eating) of the hawk family] (চিল):
See-saw / ˈsiː-sɔː / (ˈছী-ছো) n {Also teeter-totter} [a longboard that children play on, the board is balanced on a central point so that when a child sits on each end they can make the board go up and down by pushing off the ground with their feet] (ঢেঁকিকল): Can we go on the see-saw?
Trampoline / ˌtræmpəˈliːn / (ˌট্র্যাম্পএˈলীন্) n [a piece of sports equipment which you use for jumping on, consisting of a piece of stretchy material joined by springs to a frame] (কসরত-খাটিয়া):
Ø Stretchy / ˈstretʃi / (ˈস্ট্রেচি) adj [that can easily be made longer or wider without tearing or breaking] (প্রসার প্রবণ): stretchy material
Frisbee / ˈfrɪzbi / (ˈফ্রিযবি) n [a light plastic object with a curved edge, shaped like a plate that is thrown from one player to another in a game] (ফ্রিযবি):
Skipping Rope
Skipping rope / ˈskɪpɪŋ ˌroʊp / (ˈস্কিপিঙ্ ˌরৌপ্) n {US jump rope} [a piece of rope, usually with a handle at each end, that you hold, turn over your head and then jump over, for a game or to keep fit] (দড়ি ঝাপা খেলার দড়ি):
Hopscotch / ˈhɑːpskɑːtʃ / (ˈহআঃপছ্কআঃচ্) n [a children’s game played on a pattern of squares marked on the ground. Each child throws a stone into a square then hops and jumps along the empty squares to pick up the stone again] (এক্কাদোক্কা খেলা; কিতকিত খেলা):
Ø Hop / hɑːp / (হআঃপ্) v {hops / hɑːps / (হআঃপ্ছ্); Pt. Pp. hopped / hɑːpt / (হআঃপ্ট্)} 1. [(of people) to jump on one foot or to move about in this way] (<ব্যক্তি সম্বন্ধে>এক পায়ে লাফানো): He was hopping from foot to foot.
2. Hop / hɑːp / (হআঃপ্) v {+adv./prep.} [(of an animal or a bird) it moves by jumping on all or two of its feet at the same time] (<পাখি বা প্রাণী সম্বন্ধে>উভয় বা সব পা একত্রকরে লাফানো; তড়কানো): The rabbit/bird hopped across the grass.
Tag / tæɡ / (ট্যাগ্) n 1. [a game played by two or more children in which one child chases the others and tries to touch one of them. This child then becomes the one who does the chasing] (বুড়ি বুড়ি খেলা):
2. Tag / tæɡ / (ট্যাগ্) n [(often in compounds) a small piece of paper, cloth or metal, on which there is information, fixed onto something larger] (<কোনোকিছুর সঙ্গে ঝোলানো মূল্য, ঠিকানা ইত্যাদি লিখিত>চিরকুট): He put name tags on all his shirts. A price tag
Ø Chase / tʃeɪs / (চেইছ্) v {chases / tʃeɪsɪz / (চেইছিয্); Pt. Pp. chased / tʃeɪst / (চেইস্ট্)} [to run, drive, etc. after Sb/Sth in order to catch them] (তাড়া করা; ধাওয়া করা): The kids chased each other around the kitchen table.
Sandpit / ˈsændpɪt / (ˈছ্যান্ড্পিট্) n {US sandbox} [an area in the ground or a shallow container, filled with sand for children to play in] (<শিশুদের বালুতে খেলার স্থান>বালুপ্রাঙ্গন):
Swing / swɪŋ / (ছুয়িঙ্) n [a seat joined by two ropes or chains to a metal bar or a tree, on which especially a child can sit and move backward and forwards] (দোলনা; হিন্দোল): The kids were playing on the swings.
<VERB> Swing / swɪŋ / (ছুয়িঙ্) v {swings / swɪŋz / (ছুয়িঙ্য্); Pt. Pp. swung / swʌŋ / (ছোয়াঙ্)} [to move backward or forwards or from side to side while hanging from a fixed point, or to cause something or someone to do this] (দোলা বা দোলানো): The elephant swung its trunk from side to side.
Slide / slaɪd / (স্লাইড্) n [a structure for children to play on which has a steep slope for them to slide down and usually a set of steps leading up to the slope] (স্লাইড; পিছলানো): to go down the slide
<VERB> Slide / slaɪd / (স্লাইড্) v {slides / slaɪdz / (স্লাইড্য); Pt. Pp. slid / slɪd / (স্লিড্)} [to move easily and without interruption over a surface] (<কোনো মসৃণ পৃষ্ঠদেশের উপরে>পিছলে যাওয়া): We slid down the grassy slope.
Ø Steep / stiːp / (স্টীপ্) adj [(of a slope) rising or falling quickly at a sharp angle] (ঢাল বা খাড়া হয়ে উঠেছে বা নেমেছে এমন): a steep slope
Climbing Frame
Climbing frame / ˈklaɪmɪŋ ˌfreɪm / (ˈক্লাইমিঙ্ ˌফ্রেইম্) n {US jungle gym} [a large frame made of metal bars joined together for children to climb and play on] (ক্লাইমিং ফ্রেম):
Ø Climb / klaɪm / (ক্লাইম্) v {climbs / klaɪmz / (ক্লাইম্য); Pt. Pp. climbed} [to go up, or to go towards the top of Sth] (আরোহণ করা; কোনো কিছু বেয়ে ওঠা; চড়া): I loved climbing trees when I was a kid.
Teddy Bear
Teddy bear / ˈtedi ˌbeər / (ˈটেডি ˌবেএর্) n {UK teddy} [a children’s toy, made from soft or furry material, which looks like a friendly bear] (<বাচ্চাদের>খেলনা ভল্লুক): The little girl fell asleep hugging a teddy bear.
Ø Bear / ber / (বেএর্) n [a large, strong wild mammal with a thick fur coat that lives especially in colder parts of Europe, Asia, and North America] (ভল্লুক): a bear cub
Ø Hug / hʌɡ / (হাগ্) v {hugs / hʌɡz / (হাগ্য); Pt. Pp. hugged} [to put your arms around Sb or Sth and hold them tightly, especially to show that you like, love or value them] (জড়িয়ে ধরা; গলা মিলানো; জাপটাজাপটি করা): They hugged each other.
<SYN> Embrace
<NOUN> Hug / hʌɡ / (হাগ্) n [an act of putting your arms around Sb and holding them tightly especially to show that you like or love them] (কোলাকুলি; আলিঙ্গন): She gave the children a quick hug, then got into the car.
Stuffed Animal
Stuffed animal / ˌstʌft ˈænɪməl / (ˌস্টাফট্ ˈএ্যানিমএল্) n {UK soft toy} [a toy in the shape of an animal, made of cloth and filled with a soft material so that it is pleasant to hold] (<বাচ্চাদের>খেলনা পশু): Her bed is covered with a stuffed animal.
Rag Doll
Rag doll / ˌræɡ ˈdɑːl / (ˌর্যাগ্ ˈডআঃল্) n [a soft child’s toy, made from cloth, in the shape of a person] (কাপড়ের পুতুল): Shaking her like a rag doll, Janine began to shout.
Ø Rag / ræɡ / (র্যাগ্) n [a piece of old, often torn, cloth used especially for cleaning things] (ন্যাকড়া; ছিড়া টুকরা কাপড়; ত্যানা): I keep these rags for cleaning my furniture.
Ø Doll / dɑːl / (ডআঃল্) n [a child’s toy in the shape of a person, or baby] (পুতুল):
Glove Puppet
Glove puppet / ˌɡlʌv pʌpɪt / (ˌগ্লাভ্ পাপিট্) n {US hand puppet} [a type of puppet which has a soft hollow body so that you can put your hand inside and move its head and arms with your fingers] (গ্লাভ পাপিট; দস্তানা পুতুল):
Ø Puppet / ˈpʌpɪt / (ˈপাপিট্) n 1. [a model of a person or an animal that can be made to move, for example by pulling strings attached to parts of its body or by putting your hand inside it] (<সুতার সাহায্যে নাড়া চাড়া করানো যায় এমন>পুতুল): We took the children to a puppet theater/show.
2. Puppet / ˈpʌpɪt / (ˈপাপিট্) n {usually disapproving} [a person or group whose actions are controlled by someone else] (অন্যের আজ্ঞাবাহী; ক্রীড়ানক; স্বাধীন ইচ্ছাহীনভাবে পুতুলের মতো চলে যে লোক; সাক্ষীগোপাল): The occupying forces set up a puppet government.
Doll’s House
Doll’s house / ˈdɑːlz haʊs / (ˈডআঃলয্ হাউছ্) n {US dollhouse} [a toy house with small furniture and sometimes dolls in it for children to play with] (পুতুলের বাড়ি <খেলনা>):
Building Block
Building block / ˈbɪldɪŋ ˌblɑːk / (ˈবিল্ডিঙ্ ˌব্লআঃক্) n [a piece of wood or plastic used as a toy for children to build things with] (বাচ্চাদের খেলনা ঘর তৈরির জন্য ব্যবহৃত কাঠ বা প্লাস্টিকের চৌকোণ খণ্ড সমূহ; বিল্ডিং ব্লাক):
Ø Block / blɑːk / (ব্লআঃক্) n [a large piece of a solid material that is square in shape and usually has flat sides] (বড়ো চারকোনা কাঠ বা পাথরের টুকরা): a block of ice/concrete/stone
<VERB> Block / blɑːk / (ব্লআঃক্) v [to stop Sth from moving or flowing through a pipe, a passage, a road, etc. by putting Sth in it or across it] (চলাচল বা যাতায়েতের বিঘ্ন স্থাপন করা): A fallen tree is blocking the road.
Rocking Horse
Rocking horse / ˈrɑːkɪŋ ˌhɔːrs / (ˈরআঃকিঙ্ ˌহোর্ছ্) n [a wooden toy horse that children can rock backward and forwards when they are sitting it] (<বাচ্চাদের>দোলনা ঘোড়া):
Ø Rock / rɑːk / (রআঃক্) v {rocks / rɑːks / (রআঃক্ছ্); Pt. Pp. rocked / rɑːkt / (রআঃক্ট্)} [to move gently backward and forwards or from side to side in a regular way] (দোল খাওয়ানো; দোলানো): She picked up a baby and gently rocked her to sleep. She rocked the baby gently in his arms.
Hula Hoop
Hula hoop / ˈhuːlə huːp / (ˈহূলএ হূপ্) n [a large ring, usually made of plastic, which children play with by putting it around their waist and moving their body so that it spins] (হুলা হূপ):
Ø Hoop / huːp / (হূপ্) n [a ring of wood, metal or plastic, or sometimes a half ring] (কাঠ, ধাতু ইত্যাদির চক্রাকার বলয়; চক্রবলয়): The dogs had been trained to jump through hoops.
Monkey Bars
Monkey bars / ˈmʌŋki bɑːrz / (মাঙ্কি বআঃর্) n [a piece of playground equipment consisting of a horizontally mounted overhead ladder, from which children may swing] (মাংকি বার):
Ø Playground / ˈpleɪɡraʊnd / (ˈপ্লেইগ্রাউন্ড্) n [an outdoor area designed for children to play in especially at a school or in a park] (<বাচ্চাদের স্কুলে>খেলার মাঠ):
Ø Mount / ˈmaʊnt / (ˈমাউন্ট্) v [to fix Sth on a wall in a frame etc. so that it can be viewed or used] (স্থাপন করা; <উপরে কিছু>লাগানো): The CCTV camera is mounted above the school gate.
<ADJ> Mounted / ˈmaʊntɪd / (ˈমাউন্টিড্) adj [placed on Sth or attached to Sth for display or support] (<উপরে কিছু>লাগানো বা ঝুলানো): a mounted photograph
Ø Overhead / ˈoʊvərhed / (ˈঔভএর্হেড্) adj [above your head; raised above the ground] (মাথার উপরে; আকাশে): overhead power lines
Ø Ladder / ˈlædər / (ˈল্যাডএর্) n [a piece of equipment for climbing up and down a wall, etc. consists of two vertical bars or pieces of rope joined to each other by a set of horizontal steps or rungs] (মই): He was up a ladder.
Stilt / stɪlt / (স্টিল্ট) n {usually plural} 1. [one of two long pieces of wood that have a step on the side that you can stand on so that you can walk above the ground] (রণ পা):
2. Stilt / stɪlt / (স্টিল্ট) n [one of set posts that support a building so that it is high above the ground or water] (পানি বা ভুমির উপরে যে খুটি দ্বারা বিল্ডিং বা ঘর নির্মিত হয়): The houses are built on stilts to protect them from the annual floods.
Dartboard / ˈdɑːrtbɔːrd / (ˈডআঃর্টবোর্ড্) n [a circular board marked with numbered segments, in which darts are thrown at in a game] (বান-ফলক):
Ø Numbered / ˈnʌmbərd / (ˈনাম্বএর্ড্) adj [having a number to show that it is part of a series or list] (সংখা লাগানো): The players all wear numbered shirts.
Ø Segment / ˈseɡmənt / (ˈছেগ্মএন্ট্) n [a part of a circle separated from the rest by a single line] (কর্তিতাংশ; বৃত্তাংশ):
Ø Dart / dɑːrt / (ডআঃর্ট্) n [a small pointed object, sometimes with feathers to help it fly, that is shot as a weapon or thrown in the game of darts] (বান): They spend the evening playing darts in the pub.
Merry-go-round / ˈmeri-ɡoʊ-raʊnd / (ˈমেরি-গৌ-রাউন্ড্) n {UK roundabout; US carousel} [a revolving machine with model horses, vehicles, etc. that turns around and around and that children ride on at a fairground for amusement] (মেরি-গৌ-রাউন্ড্): The girl wanted the merry-go-round to go faster.
Ø Merry / ˈmeri / (ˈমেরি) adj {SYN cheery} [happy and cheerful] (উল্লসিত; হাসিখুশি; উৎফুল্ল; আনন্দময়): a merry grin
Ø Fairground / ˈferɡraʊnd / (ˈফের্গ্রাউন্ড্) n [a large outdoor area where a fair with entertainments is held] (বিনোদন মেলা): There was a small fairground just by the river, with a merry-go-round, a roller coaster, and a Ferris wheel.
Ø Amusement / əˈmjuːzmənt / (এˈমিউয্মএন্ট্) n [the feeling that you have when Sth is funny or amusing or it entertains you] (আমোদপ্রমোদ; হাস্যকৌতুক): His eyes twinkled with amusement.
Roundabout / ˈraʊndəbaʊt / (ˈরাউন্ড্এবাউট্) n {US merry-go-round} 1. [a round platform for children to play on in a park, etc. that is pushed around while the children are sitting on it] (<বাচ্চাদের>খেলার গোলচক্কর):![]() |
Roundabout |
2. Roundabout / ˈraʊndəbaʊt / (ˈরাউন্ড্এবাউট্) n {US traffic circle} [a place where three or more roads join and traffic must go around a circular area in the middle, rather than straight across] (বৃত্তাকার সড়কমোড়; গোলচক্কর): There was a lot of traffic on the roundabout.
Camping / ˈkæmpɪŋ / (ˈক্যাম্পিঙ্) n [the activity of staying in a tent on holiday/vacation] (শিবিরে অবকাশযাপন): We go camping every weekend.
Ø Stay / steɪ / (স্টেই) v {stays / steɪz / (স্টেইয্); Pt. Pp. stayed / steɪd / (স্টেইড্)} [to continue to be in a particular for a period of time without moving away] (অবস্থান করা; থাকা): Stay there and do not move! My hat would not stay on! I can stay a few minutes longer.
Ø Tent / tent / (টেন্ট্) n [a shelter made of a large sheet of canvas, nylon, etc. which you can fold up and carry with you and which is supported by poles and ropes fixed to the ground, and is used especially for camping] (তাঁবু): They pitched their tent in a little clearing in the wood. The refugees had been living in makeshift tents for a year.
Ø Holiday / ˈhɑːlədeɪ / (ˈহআঃলএডেই) n {US vacation} [a period of time when you are not at work or school but is free to do what you want] (ছুটির দিন): I got ill and had to cancel my holiday. A camping/skiing holiday
Ø Weekend / ˈwiːkend / (ˈউঈকেন্ড্) n [Saturday and Sunday, or Friday evening until Sunday night] (শনিবার ও রবিবার <সাপ্তাহিক ছুটি>): Next weekend we are going to see some friends. Have a good weekend!
Water Fight
Water fight / ˈwɔːtər faɪt / (ˈওয়াটএর্ ফাইট্) n [a type of mock combat using various water-dispensing devices to soak opponents. Everything from buckets to balloons to water guns and even cupped hands cradling water can be applied in a water fight] (পানি যুদ্ধ; ওয়াটার ফাইট):
Ø Mock / mɑːk / (মআঃক্) v {mocks / mɑːks / (মআঃক্ছ্); Pt. Pp. mocked / mɑːkt / (মআঃক্ট্)} [to laugh at someone, especially by copying them in a funny but unkind way] (ভেংচানো; ব্যঙ্গ-পরিহাস করা; তামাসা করা; উপহাস করা): He made fun of her by mocking her limp. It is cruel to mock people who stammer.
<SYN> Make fun of
<NOUN> Mock / mɑːk / (মআঃক্) n [an examination taken at school for practice before a real examination] (কোনো মূল পরীক্ষার আগে মূল্যমান পরীক্ষা): What did you get in the mock?
<ADJ> Mock / mɑːk / (মআঃক্) ADJ [that is a copy of something; not real] (নকল): a mock election/leather/surprise. A mock interview/examination (= used to practice for the real one)
Ø Combat / ˈkɑːmbæt / (ˈকআঃম্ব্যাট্) n [fighting or a fight, especially during a time of war] (যুদ্ধ; সংগ্রাম): No one knew how many troops had died in combat.
Ø Dispense / dɪˈspens / (ডিছ্ˈপেনছ্) v [to give out Sth to people] (বন্টন করা বা দেওয়া): There is a vending machine on the platform that dispenses snacks.
Ø Soak / soʊk / (ছৌক্) v {soaks / soʊks / (ছৌক্ছ্); Pt. Pp. soaked / soʊkt / (ছৌক্ট্)} [to make very wet, or (of liquid) to be absorbed in large amounts] (<কোনোকিছু সম্পূর্ণরুপে>ভিজে যাওয়া বা ভিজিয়ে দেওয়া): A sudden shower of rain soaked the spectators. I am going to go and soak in the bath.
Ø Bucket / ˈbʌkɪt / (ˈবাকিট্) n {US pail} [a container with an open top and a handle, used for carrying or holding liquids, sand, etc.] (বালতি): Armed with a bucket and a mop, I started washing the floor.
Ø Cup / kʌp / (কাপ্) v {Pt. Pp. cupped} [to make your hands into the shape of a cup, often around something] (<হাত>পেয়ালা বা কাপের আকৃতি করা): He held the bird gently in cupped hands.
Ø Cradle / ˈkreɪdl / (ˈক্রেইডল্) v [to hold Sth/Sb gently, especially by supporting with the arms] (কোলে নেওয়া): She cradled him tenderly in her arms.
<NOUN> Cradle / ˈkreɪdl / (ˈক্রেইডল্) n [a small bed for a baby which can be pushed gently from side to side] (দোলনা): He rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle.
Scooter / ˈskuːtər / (ˈস্কূটএর্) n [a child’s vehicle with two or three small wheels joined to the bottom of a narrow board and a long vertical handle fixed to the front wheel. It is ridden by standing with one foot on the board and pushing against the ground with the other foot] (স্কূটার):
Tricycle / ˈtraɪsɪkl / (ˈট্রাইছিকল্) n {Also trike} [a small cycle with two wheels at the back and one at the front, used especially by young children] (বাচ্চাদের খেলনা রিকসা):
Training Wheels
Training wheels / ˈtreɪnɪŋ ˌwiːlz / (ˈট্রেইনিঙ্ ˌউঈলয্) n {UK stabilizers} [small wheels that are fitted at each side of the back wheel on a child’s bicycle to stop it from falling over] ():
Yo-yo / joʊ-joʊ / (ইয়ৌ-ইয়ৌ) n {Plu. yo-yos} [a toy that consists of two round pieces of plastic or wood joined together, with a piece of string wound between them. You put one end of the string around your finger and make the yo-yo go up and down] (ইয়ৌ-ইয়ৌ):
Ø String / strɪŋ / (স্ট্রিঙ্) n [(a piece of) strong thin rope which is made by twisting very thin threads together and which is used for fastening and tying things] (সুতলি): The key is hanging on a string by the door. A piece/length of string
Ø Wind / waɪnd / (ওয়াইন্ড্) v {Pt. Pp. wound / waʊnd / (ওয়াউন্ড্)} [to wrap Sth around an object several times or twist it repeatedly around itself] (<তার, সুতা ইত্যাদি>পেঁচিয়ে পেঁচিয়ে গুটি করা বা কোনো কিছুর চারদিকে পেঁচানো): He wound the string into a ball. Wind the bandage around your finger.
Ludo / ˈluːdoʊ / (ˈলূডৌ) n [a simple board game in which two to four players, played with dice and counters on a special board, similar to the American game Parcheesi, but simper] (লুডু):
Ø Dice / daɪs / (ডাইছ্) n 1. {Plu. dice} [a small cube (= object with six equal square sides) with different numbers of spots on each side, used in games of chance] (ঘুঁটি; পাশা): We need two dice to play the game.
2. <VERB> Dice / daɪs / (ডাইছ্) v {dices / daɪsɪz / (ডাইছিয্); Pt. Pp. diced / daɪst / (ডাইছ্ট্)} [to cut meat, vegetables, etc. into small square pieces] (<মাংস, সবজি ইত্যাদি লুডুর ঘুঁটির মতো>চাকচাক করে কাটা): diced carrots/lamb
Ø Counter / ˈkaʊntər / (ˈকাউন্টএর্) n {US piece} [a small disc used for playing or scoring in some board games] (<কিছু বোর্ড খেলায় ব্যবহৃত>ধাতুখণ্ড):
Snakes and Ladders
Snakes and ladders / ˌsneɪks ən ˈlædərz / (ˌস্নেইকছ্ এন ˈল্যাডএর্য্) n {US chutes and ladders} [a children’s board game with pictures of snakes and ladders on it, players move their pieces up the ladders to go forward and down the snakes to go back] (সাপ মই খেলা):
Ø Piece / piːs / (পীছ্) n [one of the small figures or objects that you move around in games such as chess] (<দাবা বা লুডু খেলায় ব্যবহৃত>গুটি): a chess piece
Chess / tʃes / (চেস্) n [a
game played by two people on a board marked with black and white squares, in
which each player has 16 pieces that can be moved on the board in different
ways] (দাবাখেলা):Chessboard / tʃesbɔːrd / (চেসবোর্ড্) n [a square board divided into 64
smaller squares, half of which are light and half dark in color, used for
playing the game of chess] (দাবাখেলার বোর্ড):
Chessman / tʃesmæn / (চেস্ম্যান্) n [any of the 32 pieces or pawns
used in the game of chess: each player has 1 king, 1 queen, 2 rooks (or
castles), 2 knights, 2 bishops, and 8 pawns] (দাবার ঘুঁটি):
Carrom / ˈkærəm / () n [a
tabletop game of Indian origin in which players flick discs, attempting to
knock them to the corners of the board. The game is very popular in the Indian
subcontinent and is known by various names in different languages. It became very popular in the United Kingdom
and the Commonwealth during the early 20th century.] (ক্যারাম):
Dice game / daɪs
ɡeɪm / () n [a gambling game played with dice] (পাশা
Backgammon / ˈbækɡæmən / (ˈব্যাকগ্যামএন্) n [a game for two people in which you throw dice and move circular pieces around a special board with narrow triangular shaped patterns on it] (চর্মপট্রিকা ক্রীড়া):
Bonfire / ˈbɑːnfaɪr / (ˈবআঃন্ফাইর্) n [a large open-air fire that is made outside to burn unwanted things (= such as rubbish), or as part of pleasure] (বুহ্নুৎসব):
Ø Open-air / ˌoʊpənˈer / (ˌঔপএন-ˈএর্) n [describes a place that does not have a roof or an event which takes place outside] (খোলা আকাশ বা খোলা আকাশের নিচে; মুক্তাঙ্গণ): an open-air swimming pool/market
Ø Pleasure / ˈpleʒər / (ˈপ্লেজএর্) n {SYN enjoyment} [a state of feeling or being happy or satisfied] (আনন্দ; তুষ্টি; আমোদ; সুখ): His visits gave his grandparents such pleasure.
Musical Chairs
Musical chairs / ˌmjuːzɪkəl ˈtʃerz / (ˌমিঊযিকএল ˈচেএর্য্) n [a children’s game in which children walk around a row of chairs while music is playing, when the music stops they have to sit quickly on a chair, but because there is always one fewer chairs than children, the child that is left standing must leave the game] (সঙ্গীতের তালে তালে আসন গ্রহণের খেলা; সাঙ্গীতিক আসন):
Charades / ʃəˈreɪdz / (শএˈরেইডয্) n [a team game in which each member tries to communicate to the others a particular word or phrase that they have been given, by expressing each syllable or word using silent actions] (ভণিতা করা খেলা):
Arm-wrestling / ˈɑːrm reslɪŋ / (ˈআঃর্ম রেছ্লিঙ্) n [a trial of strength in which two people sit opposite each other with one elbow of their right arms resting on a table, clasp each other’s hands, and try to force each other’s arm down onto the table] (পাঞ্জা লড়াই; হাত কুস্তি):
Ø Trial / traɪəl / (ট্রাইএল্) n [the process of testing, usually over a limited period of time, to discover the ability, quality, or performance of Sb/Sth is] (পরীক্ষা-নিরীক্ষা; প্রমাণ): a trial of strength (= a content to see who is stronger)
Ø Elbow / ˈelboʊ / (ˈএলবৌ) n [the joint between the upper and lower parts of the arm where it bends in the middle] (<হাতের>কনুই): She rested her elbow on her knees. He jabbed her with his elbow.
Ø Rest / rest / (রেস্ট্) v {rests / rests / (রেস্ট্ছ্); Pt. Pp. rested / restɪd / (রেস্টিড্)} [to support Sth by putting it or against Sth; to be supported in this way] (<কোনোকিছুতে>ভর দেওয়া বা হেলান দেওয়া): He rested his chin in his hands.
Ø Clasp / klæsp / (ক্ল্যাছপ্) v {clasps / klæsps / (ক্ল্যাছপ্স্); Pt. Pp. clasped / klæspt / (ক্ল্যাছপ্ট্)} [to hold someone or something firmly in your hands or arms] (<হাত দিয়ে>শক্তভাবে বা দৃঢ়ভাবে ধরা): They clasped hands (= held each other’s hands).
Sack Race
Sack race / ˈsæk reɪs / (ˈস্যাক্ রেইছ্) n {Also potato sack race} [a competitive game in which participants place both of their legs inside a sack that reaches their waist and hop forward from a starting point toward a finish line. The first person to cross the finish line is the winner of the race] (বস্তা দৌড়):
Ø Place / pleɪs / (প্লেইছ্) v {places / pleɪsɪz / (প্লেইছিয্); Pt. Pp. placed / pleɪst / (প্লেইছট্)} [to put Sth in a particular place, especially when you do it carefully or deliberately] (<কোনোস্থানে>রাখা বা স্থাপন করা): He placed his hand on her shoulder.
Ø Sack / sæk / (ছ্যাক্) v 1. [a large bag made of strong cloth, paper or plastic, used for storing and carrying large amounts of something, (for example flour, coal, etc.)] (বস্তা; ছালা): The corn was stored in large sacks.
2. the Sack [when someone is removed from their job, usually because of Sth that someone has done wrong] (<চাকরি থেকে>বরখাস্ত): They gave him the sake for being late. He got the sack for swearing.
Tic-tac-toe / ˈtɪk ˌtæk ˈtoʊ / (ˈটিক ˌট্যাক্ ˈটৌ) n {UK noughts and crosses} [a paper and pencil game in which two players write either o or x in a pattern of nine squares, which is won by the first player who places three noughts or three crosses in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game] (টিক ট্যাক টৌ <এক ধরের খেলা>):
Ø Nought / nɑːt / (নআঃট্) n [the number 0 or zero] (০ বা শূন্য): A million is written with six noughts.
Bingo / ˈbɪŋɡoʊ / (ˈবিঙ্গৌ) n [a game in which each player has a number printed card. Numbers are called out in no particular order and the first player whose numbers are all called out, or who has a line of numbers called out, wins a prize] (হাউজি খেলা; জুয়া খেলা): Sundays are bingo night at the club. To play bingo
I-spy / ˌaɪ ˈspeɪ / (ˌআই ˈস্পেই) n [a children’s game in which one player gives the first letter of a thing that they can see and the others have to guess what it is] (শিশুদের এক ধরণের অনুমান করা খেলা):
Leapfrog / ˈliːpfrɑːɡ / (ˈলীপ্ফ্রআঃগ্) n [a children’s game in which a number of children bend down and another child jumps over them one at a time] (ব্যাঙ লাফ খেলা):
Simon Says
Simon says / ˈsaɪmən ˌsez / (ˈছাইমএন্ ˌছেয্) n [a children’s game for 3 or more players where 1 player takes the role of “Simon” in which players should only do what a person says if he/she says ‘Simon says’ at the beginning of the instruction] (সাইমান সেয):
Follow-my-leader / ˌfɑːloʊ- maɪ-ˈliːdər / (ˌফআঃলৌ-মাই-ˈলীডএর্) n {US follow-the-leader} [a children’s game in which one player is the ‘leader’ and the others must do exactly what the leader does, such as jumping, holding out their hands, etc.] (ফালৌ মাই লীডার):
Treasure Hunt
Treasure hunt / ˈtreʒər ˌhʌnt / (ˈট্রেজএর্ হান্ট্) n [a game in which players try to find a hidden prize by answering a series of questions that have been left in different places] (ট্রেজার হান্ট্):
Jacks / dʒæks / (জ্যাক্ছ্) n {Also knucklebones; fivestones} [a children’s game in which players throw a ball into the air and try to pick up a number of small metal objects also called jacks, with the same hand before catching the ball again] (জ্যাকছ):
Firework / ˈfaɪərwɜːkr / (ˈফাইএর্ওয়ার্ক্) n [a small device containing explosive chemicals that burn or explodes and produces bright colored lights and loud noises, used especially at celebrations] (আতশবাজি):
Ø Explode / ɪkˈsploʊd / (ইকˈছ্প্লৌড্) v {explodes / ɪkˈsploʊdz / (ইক্ˈছপ্লৌডয্); Pt. Pp. exploded / ɪkˈsploʊdɪd / (ইকˈছপ্লৌডিড্)} [to burst or make Sth burst loudly and violently, causing damage] (): The firework exploded in his hand.
<SYN> Blew up
Ø Celebrate / ˈselɪbreɪt / (ˈছেলিব্রেইট্) v {celebrates / ˈselɪbreɪts / (ছেলিব্রেইটছ্); Pt. Pp. celebrated} [to show that a day or an event is important by doing Sth special on it] (উদযাপন করা): How do people celebrate New Year in your country?
<NOUN> Celebration / ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn / (ˌছেলিˈব্রেইশন্) n [a special social event, such as a party, when you celebrate Sth, or the act of celebrating Sth] (উদযাপন): 50th-anniversary celebrations
Firecracker / ˈfaɪərkrækər / (ˈফাইএর্ক্র্যাকএর্) n [a small firework that makes a loud noise when it explodes] (পটকা-বাজি): to let/set off firecrackers
Sky lantern / skaɪ
ˈlæntərn / () n [also known as Chinese lantern, is a small hot air
balloon made of paper, with an opening at the bottom where a small fire is
suspended. Around the world, sky lanterns have been traditionally made for
centuries, to be launched for play or as part of long-established festivities.
The name sky lantern is a translation of the Chinese name but they have also
been referred to as sky candles or fire balloons.] (ফানুস):
Circus / ˈsɜːrkəs / (ˈছা্র্কএছ্) n {Also the circus} [a group of traveling performers including acrobats, or those who work with trained animals, or a performance by such people usually in large tent called a big top] (ক্রীড়া-প্রদর্শনী; সার্কাস): We took the children to the circus. The children loved being taken to the circus.
Ø Big top / ˌbɪɡ ˈtɑːp / (ˌবিগ্ ˈটআঃপ্) n [the large tent in which a circus gives performances] (বিগ টাপ <স্যারকাছ>):
Juggler / ˈdʒʌɡlr / (ˈজাগ্লএর্) n [a person who juggles objects especially to entertain people] (বাজিকর):
Ø Juggle / ˈdʒʌɡəl / (ˈজাগএল্) v {Pt. Pp. juggled} [to throw several objects up into the air, and then catch and throw them up repeatedly so that one or more stays in the air, usually in order to entertain people] (ভোজবাজি দেখানো): We all watched in amazement as he juggled with three flaming torches.
Tightrope / ˈtaɪtroʊp / (ˈটাইটরৌপ্) n [a rope or wire that is stretched tightly high above the ground and that skilled people walk across, especially in order to entertain others] (<যে টানা দড়ির উপর দড়িবাজরা কসরৎ দেখায়>টান-দড়ি <ক্রীড়া>): One of the acrobats who walked the tightrope at the circus did it blindfolded. A tightrope walker
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Blindfold |
Ø Blindfold / ˈblaɪndfoʊld / (ˈব্লাইন্ড্ফৌল্ড্) v [to cover someone’s eyes with a piece of cloth or other covering so that they can not see] (<কিছুদিয়ে>চোখ বাঁধা): The hostages were tied up and blindfolded.
<NOUN> Blindfold / ˈblaɪndfoʊld / (ˈব্লাইন্ড্ফৌল্ড্) n [a strip of cloth which covers someone’s eyes and stops them from seeing] (চোঁখ বাঁধার আবরণ বা কাপড়): She used a handkerchief as a blindfold.
Acrobat / ˈækrəbæt / (ˈএ্যাক্রএব্যাট্) n [an entertainer who entertains people by doing difficult and skillful physical things, such as walking along a high wire] (কসরতবাজ):
Clown / klaʊn / (ক্লাউন্) n [an entertainer who wears funny clothes, and a large red nose with a painted face, and makes people laugh by performing tricks and behaving in a silly way] (বিশেষত সার্কাস নির্বাক নাটকে ইত্যাদিতে কৌতুকা ভিনয়কারী ব্যাক্তি; ভাঁড়; ক্লাউন):
Ø Trick / trɪk / (ট্রিক্) n 1. [a clever action that Sb/Sth performs as a way of entertaining people] (হাতসাফাই; ভেল্কিবাজি; কৌশল): He amused the kids with conjuring tricks. A card trick
2. Trick / trɪk / (ট্রিক্) n [something that you do to make Sb believe Sth which is not true, or to annoy Sb as a joke] (চালাকি; চাল; কুচাল; তামাশা; বাহানা; মস্করা): He played a really nasty trick on me – he put syrup in my shampoo bottle.
Ø Behave / bɪˈheɪv / (বিˈহেইভ্) v {behaves / bɪˈheɪvz / (বিˈহেইভ্য্); Pt. Pp. behaved} [to act in a particular way, or to be good by acting in a way which has society’s approval] (আচরণ করা): The doctor behaved very unprofessionally.
Ø Silly / ˈsɪli / (ˈছিলি) adj {SYN foolish} [showing a lack of thought, understanding or judgment] (বোকাটে; দুর্বল-চেতা): You silly boy!
Fortune Teller
Fortune teller / ˈfɔːrtʃuːn ˌtelər / (ˈফোর্চূন্ ˌটেলএর) n [a person who claims to have magic powers and who tells people what will happen to them in the future] (গনক; জ্যোতিষী):
Ø Fortune / ˈfɔːrtʃuːn / (ফোর্চূন্) n [chance or luck, especially in the way it affects your life] (দৈব্য; ভাগ্য; অদৃষ্ট; বরাত; বিধি; কপাল; নিয়তি): Fortune smiled on me (= I had good luck).
Ø Claim / kleɪm / (ক্লেইম্) v {claims / kleɪmz / (ক্লেইম্য); Pt. Pp. claimed / kleɪmd / (ক্লেইম্ড্)} [to demand or ask for Sth because you believe it is your legal right to own or to have it] (দাবি করা): He claimed political asylum.
Ø Magic / ˈmædʒɪk / (ˈম্যাজিক্) n [the secret power of appearing to make impossible things happen by saying special worth or doing special things] (জাদুটোনা; মন্ত্র): I do not believe in magic.
Fairy / ˈferi / (ˈফেরি) n {Plu. fairies} [an imaginary creature with magical powers, usually represented as a very small person with wing] (পরী): Do you believe in fairyland? The fairy waved her wand and the table disappeared. A good/wicked fairy.
Ø Imagine / ɪˈmædʒɪn / (ইˈম্যাজিন্) v {imagines / ɪˈmædʒɪnz / (ইˈম্যাজিনয্); Pt. Pp. imagined / ɪˈmædʒɪnd / (ইˈম্যাজিন্ড্)} [to form or have a picture in your mind of what something might be like] (কল্পনা/মনে করা; ধরা; ভাবা): Can you imagine how it feels to be blind?
<ADJ> Imaginary / ɪˈmædʒɪneri / (ইˈম্যাজিনেরি) adj [describes Sth that is created by and exists only mind; that is not real] (কাল্পনিক; অবাস্তব; অমূলক): I had an imaginary friend when I was a child.
Ø Creature / ˈkriːtʃər / (ˈক্রীচএর্) n [a living thing, real or imaginary, that can move around, such as animal] (<বাস্তব বা কাল্পনিক>প্রাণী বা সৃষ্টি): Rainforests are filled with amazing creatures.
Ø Wing / wɪŋ / (উইঙ্) n [the plat of the body which a bird, insect or bat that it uses for flying, or one of the flat horizontal structures that stick out from the side of an aircraft and support it when it is flying] (ডানা): wing feathers
Ø Fairyland / ˈferilænd / (ˈফেরিল্যান্ড্) n [the place where fairies are said to live] (পরীরদেশ):
Ø Wave / weɪv / (ওএইভ্) v {waves / weɪvz / (ওএইভ্য্); Pt. Pp. waved} [to move from side to side, or to make Sth move like this while holding it in the hand] (<হাত, পতাকা, শাখা ইত্যাকার স্থির বস্তু সম্বন্ধে>দোলা বা দোলানো): The children were waving colorful flags.
Ø Wand / wɑːnd / (ওয়াঃন্ড্) n {Also magic wand} [a special thin stick that is held by a person who is performing magic or magic tricks] (জাদুরকাঠি): The fairy godmother waved her wand and the table disappeared.
Ø Wicked / ˈwɪkɪd / (ˈউইকিড্) adj {SYN evil} [morally wrong and bad] (খারাপ; মন্দ; পাজি): of course, in the end, the wicked witch gets killed.
Mermaid / ˈmɜːmeɪd / (ˈমা্র্মেইড্) n [(in stories) an imaginary creature with a woman’s head and body, and a tail of fish instead of legs] (<ছোটদের গল্পে বা রূপকথায়>পায়ের বদলে মাছের লেজযুক্ত নারী; মৎস্যনারী; মৎস্যকন্যা):
Ø Instead of pre [in the place of Sb/Sth] (বদলে; স্থলে বা পরিবর্তে): Now we can walk to work instead of going by vehicle.
Genie / ˈdʒiːni / (ˈজীনি) n {Plu. genies or genii} [(in Arabian and Persian stories) a magical spirit which appears and disappears by magic and obeys the person who controls it] (<আরব্য কাহিনীতে>আশ্চর্য ক্ষমতা সম্পন্ন জিন বা দৈত্য):
Ø Spirit / ˈspɪrɪt / (ˈস্পিরিট্) n 1. [the form of a dead person, similar to a ghost, or the feeling that a dead person is present though you cannot see them] (আত্না): It was believed that people could be possessed by evil spirits.
2. Spirit / ˈspɪrɪt / (ˈস্পিরিট্) n {Plu. spirits} [a person’s feelings or state of mind] (মানসিক অবস্থা <মন চাঙ্গা করা বা রাখা>): You must try and keep your spirits up (= stay cheerful).
3. Spirit / ˈspɪrɪt / (ˈস্পিরিট্) n [a strong alcoholic drink] (চোলাই-করা তরল পদার্থ; স্পিরিট): I do not drink whiskey or brandy or any other spirits.
Ø Obey / əˈbeɪ / (এˈবেই) v {obeys / əˈbeɪz / (এˈবেইয্); Pt. Pp. obeyed / əˈbeɪd / (এবেইড্)} [to do what you are told or expected to do] (মান্য করা; মেনে চলা): He had always obeyed his parents without question.
Elf / elf / (এলফ) n {Plu. elves / elvz / (এলভয)} [a small person with pointed ears who has magic powers in children’s stories] (ডাইনি):
Dwarf / dwɔːrf / (ডোয়ার্ফ্) n {Plu. dwarfs or dwarves / dwɔːrvz / (ডোয়ার্ভয্)} [in children’s stories, a creature like a small man, who often has magical powers] (বামন):
Ghost / ɡoʊst / (গৌছট্) n [the spirit of a dead person, sometimes represented as a pale, almost transparent image of the person, which some people believe appears to people who are alive] (প্রেতাত্মা; ভূত): A priest was called in to exorcize the ghost.
Ø Pale / peɪl / (পেইল্) adj [(of a person, their face, etc.) having skin that is almost white; having skin that is whiter than usual because of illness or frightened, or strong emotion, etc.] (<মুখমণ্ডল সম্বন্ধে>মলিন; বিবর্ণ): You look pale. Are you ok?
Ø Priest / priːst / (প্রীস্ট্) n [a person who is qualified to perform religious duties or a person with particular duties in some other religions] (খ্রিস্টীয় পুরোহিত; পূজারী; ঠাকুর): Father O’Dooley has ordained a priest in 1949.
Ø Exorcize / ˈeksɔːrsaɪz / (এক্ছোর্ছাইয্) v [to make an evil spirit leave a place or Sb’s body by special prayers or magic] (মন্ত্রাদির সাহায্যে <ভূত, প্রেতাত্মা>দুরীভূত করা): The ghost was exorcized from the house.
Wizard / ˈwɪzərd / (উইযএর্ড্) n [a man who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people] (জাদুকর): There were rumors that Raju was a wizard, practicing magic and the black arts.
Ø Believe / bɪˈliːv / (বিˈলীভ্) v {believes / bɪˈliːvz / (বিˈলীভয্); Pt. Pp. believed} [to feel certain that Sth is true or that Sb is telling you the truth] (বিশ্বাস করা; আস্থা রাখা): He believes that all children are born with equal intelligence.
Ø The black arts n {Also black magic} [a type of magic that is believed to use evil spirits to do harmful things] (ডাইনিবৃত্তি):
Witch / wɪtʃ / (উইচ্) n [a woman who is believed to have magic powers, especially to do evil things. In stories, she usually wears a black pointed hat and flies on a broomstick] (ডাইনি): He was turned into an ass by a wicked witch, who sat astride the broomstick.
Ø Evil / ˈiːvəl / (ˈঈভএল্) adj [connected with the devil and with what is bad in the world] (শয়তান; বদমাশ): evil spirits
Ø Fly / flaɪ / (ফ্লাই) v {flies / flaɪz / (ফ্লাইয); Pt. flew / fluː / (ফ্লূ); Pp. flown / floʊn / (ফ্লৌন্)} [to move through the air, using wings] (ওড়া; উড়ে যাওয়া): As soon as it saw us, the bird flew away/off.
Ø Broomstick / ˈbruːmstɪk / (ˈব্রূমস্টিক্) n [a broom with a long handle and small thin sticks at the end, or the handle of a broom] (ঝাঁটার বাট বা হাতল; কল্পকথায় ডাইনির বাহন): In children’s books, witches are often shown riding broomsticks.
Ø Astride / əˈstraɪd / (এˈস্ট্রাইড্) pre [with one leg on each side of Sth] (দুই পা দুপাশে ঝুলিয়ে): He sat proudly astride his new motorbike.
Monster / ˈmɑːnstər / (ˈমআঃন্সটএর্) n 1. [(in stories) any imaginary frightening creature, especially one which is large and strange] (<রূপকথায় কাল্পনিক প্রাণী>রাক্ষস; পিশাচ): a monster with three heads and one bug-eyed.
2. Monster / ˈmɑːnstər / (ˈমআঃন্সটএর্) n [a person who is very cruel and evil] (পিশাচ): You’d have to be a monster to hit a child like that.
Some Rides Name
Ferris Wheel
Ferris wheel / ˈferɪs ˌwiːl / (ˈফেরিছ ˌউঈল্) n {UK big wheel} [a giant, power-driven, revolving wheel which stands in a vertical position in an amusement park, with passenger seats suspended on its outer edge to ride in] (মস্তো-নাগরদোলা):
Ø Suspend / səˈspend / (ছএˈছপেন্ড্) v {suspends / səˈspendz / (ছএˈছপেন্ড্য্); Pt. Pp. suspended} [to hang Sth from Sth else] (ঝোলানো; লটকানো): A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.
Roller Coaster
Roller coaster / ˈrəʊlə ˌkoʊstər / (ˈরৌলএর ˌকৌছ্টএর্) n {Also roller-coaster} [an exciting fairground in an amusement park, which is like a fast train on a light railway track that goes up and down very steep slopes and around very sudden bends] (রৌলার কৌস্টার): a roller-coaster ride
Swing Ride
Swing ride / swɪŋ raɪd / (ছুয়িঙ্ রাইড্) n {Also chair swing ride; wave swinger; swinger} [an amusement ride that is a variation on the carousel in which the chairs are suspended from the rotating top of the carousel] (সুইং রাইড):
Ø Variation / ˌveriˈeɪʃən / (ˌভেরিˈএইশএন্) n [Sth that is slightly different from the usual form or arrangement] (ভিন্নতা):
Water Slide
Water slide / ˈwɔːtər slaɪd / (ˈওয়াটএর্ স্লাইড্) n {Also flume, water chute} [a structure for people to slide down at a swimming pool or water park, which is shaped like a large tube and has water flowing through it] (ওয়াটার স্লাইড):
Bumper Car
Bumper car / ˈbʌmpər kɑːr / (ˈবাম্পএর্ কআঃর্) n {Also dodgem} [a small electric car has driven for entertainment in a special closed space where the aim is to try hit other cars] (বাম্পার কার): a bumper car ride
Ø Bumper / ˈbʌmpər / (ˈবাম্পএর্) n [a horizontal bar fixed to the front and back of a motor vehicle to reduce the effect if it hits anything] (<গাড়িতে লাগানো>সংযোজিত বারণী; বাম্পার): The cars crawled along bumper to bumper.
Caterpillar (ride)
Caterpillar (ride) / ˈkætərpɪlər / (ˈক্যাটএর্পিলএর্) n [a circular ride with the cars following a track. The track is undulating meaning it has a hump in it. There is a continuous string of cars around the entire track. The ride was generally operated quite fast and produced a fair amount of lateral force] (ক্যাটার্পিলার রাইড):
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Caterpillar |
Caterpillar / ˈkætərpɪlər / (ˈক্যাটএর্পিলএর্) n [a small creature like a worm with legs, that develops into a butterfly or moth (= flying insects with large, sometimes brightly colored, wings). They eat the leaves of plants] (শুঁয়া পোকা):
Ø Undulate / ˈʌndʒəleɪt / (ˈআন্জএলেইট্) v [to go or move gently up and down like waves] (<উপরিতল সম্বন্ধে>তরঙ্গিত হওয়া বা দোলা): The countryside undulates pleasantly.
Ø Hump / hʌmp / (হাম্প্) n [a large lump that sticks out above the surface of Sth, especially the ground] (<মেঝেতে>উচু স্থান; কুঁজ; ককুদ): The car hit a hump in the road and swerved.
Helter-skelter / ˌheltər ˈskeltər / (ˌহেল্টএর্ ˈস্কেল্টের্) n [a tall tower at a fairground that has a path twisting around the outside of it from the top to the bottom for people to slide down] (স্খলনী রাইড):
Octopus (ride)
Octopus (ride) / ˈɑːktəpəs / (ˈআঃক্টএপএছ্) n [a type of amusement ride in the shape of an octopus. Five to eight arms attached to a central axis spin and move up and down at random, while cars at the end of the arms, either attached directly to the armor fixed on spinning crosses] (আক্টাপাস রাইড):
Pirate Ship (ride)
Pirate ship (ride) / ˈpaɪrət ʃɪp / (ˈপাইরেট্ শিপ্) n [a type of amusement ride based on pirate ships, consisting of an open, seated gondola which swings back and forth] (জলদস্যু রাইড):
Ø Pirate / ˈpaɪrət / (ˈপাইরএট্) n 1. [a person who sails in a ship and attacks other ships in order to steal from them] (জলদস্যু): a pirate ship
2. Pirate / ˈpaɪrət / (ˈপাইরএট্) n [a person who illegally copies music, DVDs, computer programs, books, etc. in order to sell them] (<অন্যের জিনিস>নকল করে নিজের লাভ করা): a pirate edition
Gondola / ˈɡɑːndələ / (ˈগআঃনডএলএ) n [a long boat with a raised point at both ends, which is used on canals in Venice and is moved by a man with a long pole] (ভেনিস শহরের খালে ব্যবহার করা লম্বা সরু নৌকা; ভেনিস নৌকা):
Red Baron
Red Baron / red ˈberən / (রেড্ বেরএন্) n [an amusement ride that is primarily intended for small children. It’s a common kiddie ride at many amusement parks, carnivals, and fairs] (রেড বেরান):
Ø Kiddie / ˈkɪdi / (ˈকিডি) n {Also kiddy} [a young child] (ছোট বাচ্চা): kiddie pool
Ø Carnival / ˈkɑːrnəvl / (ˈকআঃর্নএভল্) n {UK fair} 1. [an outdoor entertainment at which people can play games to win prizes, buy food and drink, etc. usually arranged to make money for a special purpose] (প্রমোদবাজার; মেলা): the school/village carnival
2. Carnival / ˈkɑːrnəvl / (ˈকআঃর্নএভল্) n [a public festival, usually one that happens at a regular time each year, that involves music, dancing, eating and drinking in the streets, for which people wear brightly colored clothes] (<বৈশাখী বা বষন্ত ইত্যাদি>মেলা): There is a local carnival every year.
Children Games, Toys & Rides Name & Picture
Noted from Wikipedia; Google Image; Oxford & Cambridge Dictionary
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