Indian Subcontinent Dishes Names Meaning & Pictures | Necessary Vocabulary

Dishes names, Indian subcontinent dishes names,list of Indian dishes
1. Dish

Dish / dɪʃ / (ডিশ্) n 1. [food that is prepared in a particular style or combination can be referred to as a dish] (খাবার টেবিলে পরিবেশনকৃত খাদ্য): I can recommend the chef's dish of the day. There are plenty of vegetarian dishes to choose from. She cooked us a delicious Indian Subcontinent dish. They sampled all the local dishes.

Dish Related Necessary Vocabulary  Notes

2. Dish
 2. Dish / dɪʃ / (ডিশ্‌) n [a container, flatter than a bowl, from which food can be served or which can be used for cooking] (সানকি): an oven-proof dish

The dishes,নোংরা থালাবাসুন
3 The Dishes
3. <Plural> The dishes [all the plates, glasses, bowls, forks, cups, etc. that have been used during a meal and need to be washed] (নোংরা থালাবাসুন): Have you washed the dishes?

Ø Prepare / prɪˈpeər / (প্রিˈপের্‌) v {prepares / prɪˈpeərz / (প্রিˈপেএর্য্‌); Pt. Pp. prepared} [to make food or meal ready to be eaten] (<খাবার জন্য খাদ্য>প্রস্তুত বা আয়েজন করা): She was busy in the kitchen preparing lunch.

Ø Recommend / ˌrekəˈmend / (ˌরেকˈমেন্ড্‌) v {recommends / ˌrekəˈmendz / (রেকমেন্ডয্‌); Pt. Pp. recommended} [to suggest that Sb or Sth would be good or that Sb would be suitable for a particular job or purpose etc.] (সুপারিশ করা): I can recommend the chicken in mushroom sauce - it's delicious.

Ø Chef / ʃef / (শেফ্‌) n [a professional cook who works in a hotel or restaurant, especially the most important cook] (পাচক, হোটেল ইত্যাদির প্রধান রাঁধুনি): He is one of the top chefs in London.

Ø <IDM> Of the day [that is served on a particular day in a hotel] (): carry of the day

Ø Vegetarian / ˌvedʒəˈteriən / (ˌভেজˈটেরিন্‌) n {Also UK veggie} [a person who does not eat meat or fish, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious reasons] (নিরামিষভোজী): They are strict vegetarians.

Ø Cook / kʊk / (কুক্‌) v {cooks / kʊks / (কুকছ্‌); Pt. Pp. cooked / kʊkt / (কুক্ট্‌)} [to prepare food by heating it, for example by boiling, baking or frying it] (রান্না করা; পাক করা): I do not cook meat very often.

<NOUN> Cook / kʊk / (কুক্‌) n [someone who prepares and cooks food or whose job is cooking] (রাঁধুনি): Who was the cook?

Ø Delicious / dɪˈlɪʃəs / (ডিˈলিশছ্‌) adj [having a very pleasant taste or smell] (সুস্বাদু; রুচিকর): This dish is very delicious with the sauce.

Ø Sample / ˈsæmpl / (ˈস্যাম্পল্‌) v {samples / ˈsæmplz / (ˈস্যাম্পলয্‌); Pt. Pp. sampled} [to taste a small amount of food or drink to decide if you like it] (নমুনা দেত্তয়া): I sampled the delights of Indian cooking for the first time.

Cooked rice,Cooked rice food,Cooked rice dish,boiled rice,ভাত
Cooked Rice
Cooked rice / kʊkt raɪs / (কুক্ট্‌ রাছ্‌) n {Also boiled rice or steamed rice, White rice} [refers to rice that has been cooked either by steaming or boiling. Rice for cooking can be whole grain or milled. Rice is often rinsed and soaked before being cooked] (<রান্না করা> ভাত): 

Ø Starch / stɑːrtʃ / (স্টাঃর্চ্) n {Also rice starch} [a white substance that exists in large amounts in potatoes and particular grains such as rice, bread, potatoes] (মাড়; শ্বেতসার):  

Ø Rice / raɪs / (রাছ্‌) n [short, narrow white or brown grains of a particular type of grass plant, cooked, and eaten as food] (চাল বা চাউল): boiled/steamed/fried rice

Ø Brown rice / ˌbraʊn ˈraɪs / (ˌব্রান্‌ ˈরাছ্‌) n [unpolished rice, in which the grains retain the outer yellowish-brown layer] (বাদামী চাউল):

Ø Steam / stiːm / (স্টিম্‌) n [the hot gas that is produced when water boils] (বাষ্প): Steam rose from the simmering meat curry.

Ø Boil / bɔɪl / (বোল্‌) v {boils / bɔɪlz / (বোলয্‌); Pt. Pp. boiled} [reach or cause to reach the temperature at which it bubbles and turns into a gas] (ফুটান; সিদ্ধ করা): He can scarcely boil an egg. 

Ø Rinse / rɪns / (রিন্‌ছ্‌) v {rinses / rɪnsɪz / (রিন্‌ছিয); Pt. Pp. rinsed / rɪnst / (রিন্‌স্ট্‌)} [to remove dirt, etc. from Sth by washing it with clean water] (আলতোভাবে ধোয়া): Rinse the cooked vegetable under the tap.

Ø Soak / soʊk / (ছৌক্‌) v {soaks / soʊks / (ছৌকছ্‌); Pt. Pp. soaked / soʊkt / (ছৌক্ট্‌)} [make or allow Sth to become thoroughly wet by immersing it in liquid] (ভিজিয়ে রাখা): Leave the apricots to soak for 20 minutes.

Pakhala, pakhala dish,পান্তা ভাত
Pakhala / pəˈkɑːlə / (ˈকআঃল) n {Also watered cooked rice} [cooked rice-based dish prepared by soaking rice, generally leftover, fermented in water overnight. Traditionally served in the morning with salt, onion, and chili, eaten in Indian Subcontinent] (পান্তা ভাত): ‘World Pakhala Divas’ on March 20

Ø Leftover / ˈleftoʊvər / (ˈলেফট্‌ঔভ) adj [especially food, remaining after the rest has been used] (বেচেযাওয়া খাদ্যদ্রব্য যা পরে খাওয়া হয়): some leftover meat from yesterday's meal

Ø Ferment / fərˈment / (ˈমেন্ট্‌) v [to change chemically through the action of living substances, because of the action of yeast or bacteria] (গাজিয়ে তোলা): Fruit juices ferment if they are kept for too long.

Kedgeree,Kedgeree food,Kedgeree dish,khichri, khichdi,খিচুড়ি,খেচরান্না
Kedgeree / ˈkedʒəri / (ˈখেজরি) n {Also khichri or Khichdi} [a dish from the Indian subcontinent made from rice, lentils, and spices but other variations include pearl millet and mung dal khichdi. In Indian subcontinent culture, it is considered one of the first solid foods that babies eat] (খিচুড়ি; খেচরান্না): 

Fried rice,Fried rice food,Fried rice dish,fried cooked rice,ভাত ভাজা বা ভাত ভুনা
Fried Rice
Fried rice / fraɪd raɪs / (ফ্রাড্‌ রাছ্‌) n {Also fried cooked rice} [a dish of cooked rice that has been stir-fried in a wok or a frying pan and is usually mixed with other ingredients such as eggs, vegetables, seafood, or meat. It is often eaten by itself or as an accompaniment to another dish. It is a popular component of East Asian, Southeast Asian, and certain South Asian cuisines] (ভাত ভাজা বা ভাত ভুনা):

Pilaf,Pilaf dish,Pilaf food,পোলাও
Pilaf / pɪˈlɑːf / (পিˈলাঃফ্) n {Also pilau} [a hot spicy West and South Asian dish in which rice is cooked in a seasoned broth. In some cases, the rice may also attain its brown color by being stirred with pieces of cooked onion, as well as a mix of spices. Depending on the local cuisine, it may also contain meat, fish, vegetables, pasta, and dried fruits] (পোলাও): a delicious mushroom pilaf.

Ø Season / ˈsiːzn / (ˈসীযন্‌) v {season / ˈsiːznz / (ˈসীযনয্‌); Pt. Pp. seasoned} 1. [to improve the flavor of savory food by adding salt, herbs, or spices when cooking] (<লবন, মসল্লা ইত্যাদি দিয়ে>খাদ্যদ্রব্য স্বাদিত করা): Season the meat well with salt and spices.

2. <NOUN> Season / ˈsiːzn / (ˈসীনয্‌) n [one of the four periods of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours] (ঋতু): the changing seasons

Ø Spicy / ˈspaɪsi / (ˈস্পাছি) adj [(of food) having a strong taste because spices have been used to flavor it] (মসল্লাযুক্ত; মসল্লাদার): Do you like spicy food?

Ø Broth / brɑːθ / (ব্রাঃথ্) n [a thin soup, often with vegetable or rice in it] (পাতলা ঝোল): chicken/ turkey/ beef broth

Ø Attain / əˈteɪn / (ˈটে) v [to succeed in getting Sth, usually after a lot of effort] (অর্জন করা; লাভ করা): Most of our students attained five ‘A’ grades in their exams.

Ø Stir / stɜːr / (স্টা্র্) v {Pt. Pp. stirred / stɜːrd / (স্টা্র্ড্)} [to mix a liquid or substance around, using a spoon or Sth similar, in order to mix it thoroughly] (নাড়া; কোনো কিছু মেশানোর জন্য চামচ দিয়ে জোরে জোরে নাড়া): She stirred her tea.

Ø <IDM> As well as [in addition to Sb/Sth; too] (উপরন্তু; অধিকিন্তু): Are they coming as well? 

Ø Cuisine / kwɪˈziːn / (ক্যুˈজীন্) n [a style of cooking] (রান্নার পদ্ধতি বিশেষ): Chicness cuisine

Ø Contain / kənˈteɪn / (ˈটেন্) v {Pt. Pp. contained / kənˈteɪnd / (ˈটেনড্)} [to have something inside or include something as a part] (রয়েছে; ধারণ করা; আছে): This drink does not contain any alcohol.

Biryani,Biryani dish,Biryani food,biriyani,biriani,বিরিয়ানি
Biryani / ˌbɪriˈɑːni / (ˌবিরিˈআঃনি) n {Also biriyani, biriani} [a dish originally from the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent, consisting of rice with meat, fish, prawn, eggs or vegetables and various Indian spices] (বিরিয়ানি)

Kacchi biryani
Kacchi Biryani
Kacchi biryani // (কাচ্চী বিরিয়ানি) n {Also Kacchi yeqni} [raw marinade meat is layered with raw rice before being cooked together, then cooked typically with chicken or goat meat but rarely with fish or prawns. Potatoes are often added before adding the rice layer] (কাচ্চী বিরিয়ানি):

Ø Marinade / ˌmerɪˈneɪd / (ˌমেরিˈনেড্‌) n [a mixture of oil, wine, spices, oil, vinegar, and herbs in which meat, fish, or other food is soaked before cooking to add flavor or make it tender] (সিরকা বা মসল্লা মিশ্রিত সিরা): Pour the marinade over the meat and leave it for 12 hours.

Tehari // (টেহ্যারি) n {also tehri or tahri[variants on the name given to the vegetarian version of biryani. It was developed for the Hindu bookkeepers of the Muslim Nawabs. It is prepared by adding the potatoes to the rice as opposed to the case of traditional biryani, where the rice is added to the meat] (তেহারী):

Ø Variant / ˈveriənt / (ˈভেরিন্ট্‌) n [something slightly different from other similar things] (ভিন্ন; পৃথক্): This game is a variant of baseball.

Ø Version / ˈvɜːrʒn / (ˈভা্‌র্জন্‌) n [a particular form of Sth that is slightly different from other forms of the same thing] (সংস্করণ): You can download a free trial version from the website.

Risotto / rɪˈzɔːtoʊ / (রিˈযোটৌ) n {Also risottos} [an Italian dish of rice cooked together with vegetables, meat, or fish] (ইটালিয়ান বিরিয়ানি):   

Roti / ˈroʊti / (ˈরৌটি) n [especially a flat round bread native to the Indian subcontinent made from stoneground wholemeal flour, and water that is combined into a dough, baked on a griddle] (রুটি):

Ø Stoneground / ˈstoʊnɡraʊnd / (ˈস্টৌন্‌গ্রান্ড্‌) adj [flour that is made by crushing grain with millstones] (যাতা কল):

Ø Wholemeal / ˈhoʊlmiːl / (ˈহৌল্‌কীল্‌) adj {Also wholewheat} [denoting flour or food made from whole grains of wheat, including the husk or outer layer] (ভুষিযুক্ত আটা): wholemeal flour/bread

Ø Flour / flaʊər / (ফ্লাউএর্‌) n [a white or brown powder that is made by grinding grain, especially wheat, used to make bread, cakes, pastry, etc.] (আটা): Blend the flour with a little milk to make a smooth paste.

Ø Dough / doʊ / (ডৌ) n [a mixture of flour, water, yeast, fat, etc. that is made into bread and pastry] (মাখা ময়দার তাল): Knead the dough on a floured surface.

Ø Bake / beɪk / (বেক্‌) v {bakes; Pt. Pp. baked / beɪkt / (বেক্ট্‌)} [to cook inside an oven, without using added liquid or fat; to be cooked in this way] (সেকা): freshly baked bread

Ø Griddle / ˈɡrɪdəl / (ˈগ্রিডল্‌) n [a heavy, round, flat piece of metal plate that is used for cooking over a fire or cooker] (তাত্তয়া):

Paratha, Paratha food,
Paratha / pəˈrɑːtə / (ˈরআঃট) n [a type of South Asian flat, unleavened bread made by whole wheat dough that is fried on a griddle or baked in a tandoori] (পরোটা):

Ø Unleavened / ʌnˈlevənd / (আন্‌ˈলেভন্ড্‌) adj [(of bread) made without yeast or other raising agent and therefore flat] (ঈস্ট ছাড়া তৈরি):

Ø Tandoori / tɑːnˈdʊri / (টআঃন্‌ˈডুরি) n [a particular South Asian method of cooking food in a clay oven] (তান্দুরি): a tandoori chicken

Chapatti / tʃəˈpæti / (ˈপ্যাটি) n {Also chapathi, or chappathi roti} [a type of flat, round, and thin South Asian wholemeal bread made without yeast, cooked on a griddle] (চাপাতি বা চাপাটি): 

Handkerchief bread
Handkerchief Bread
Handkerchief bread / ˈhæŋkərtʃiːf bred / (ˈহ্যাঙ্‌করচীফ্‌ ব্রেড্‌) n {Also rumali roti} [a thin flatbread originating from the Indian subcontinent, is usually made with a combination of whole wheat flour and white wheaten maida flour and baked on the convex side of a wok] (রুমাল-রুটি)

Ø Handkerchief / ˈhæŋkərtʃiːf / (ˈহ্যাঙ্‌করচীফ্‌) n [a small, square piece of cloth or paper used for wiping the nose or drying the eyes, etc.] (রুমাল): He took out his handkerchief from a pocket and blew his nose loudly.

Ø Wheaten / ˈwiːtən / (ˈউঈটন্‌) adj [made from the grains or flour of wheat] (গমজাত): a wheaten loaf

Ø Convex / ˈkɑːnveks / (ˈকআঃনভেক্‌ছ্‌) adj [(of a surface) curved or swelling out] (উত্তল): The surface is slightly convex.

Ø Wok / wɑːk / (ওআঃক্‌) n [a bowl-shaped Chinese frying pan used for cooking] (কড়াই): Heat a wok until hot and add the oil.

Naan, nan food,নান্‌ রুটি
Naan / nɑːn / (নআঃন্‌) n {Also nan} [a leavened, oven-baked flatbread found in the cuisines mainly of West, Central, and, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent] (নান্‌ রুটি):

Ø Leaven / ˈlevn / (ˈলেভন্‌) n [a substance, especially yeast, which is added to bread to make it rise] (খামি বা ঈষ্ট):

<ADJ> Leavened // (ˈলেভন্‌ড্‌) adj [cause to rise by adding leaven] ():

Flatbread / flætbred / (ফ্ল্যাট্‌ব্রেড্‌) n [a type of bread made without yeast with flour, water, and salt, and then thoroughly rolled into flattened dough] (হাত রুটি; সমান রুটি):

Omelette,Omelette dish,Omelette food,omelet,মামলেট বা ডিম ভাজা
Omelette / ˈɑːmlət / (ˈআঃম্‌লট্‌) n {US omelet} [a savory dish made by mixing eggs together the yellow and transparent parts of eggs and frying them, often with small pieces of other food such as cheese or vegetables] (মামলেট বা ডিম ভাজা): a cheese and Mushroom Omelette

Kheer, Kheer food,পায়েস
Kheer / ˈkɪər / (ˈখির্‌) n [a rice pudding, originating from the Indian subcontinent, made by boiling with milk and sugar one of the following: rice, vermicelli, sweet corn, etc. It is flavored with cardamom, raisins, saffron, cashews, pistachios, almonds, or other dry fruits and nuts. It is typically served during a meal or as a dessert] (পায়েস):

Ø Dessert / dɪˈzɜːrt / (ডিˈযা্‌র্ট্‌) n [the sweet food eaten at the end of a meal] (ভোজের শেষে পরিবেশিত মিষ্টি, ফলমূল, আইসক্রিম ইত্যাদি): We had mousse for dessert.

Poppadom,Poppadom food,poppadum,পাঁপড়
Poppadom / ˈpɑːpədəm / (ˈপআঃপম্‌) n {Also poppadum} [a thin, crisp, disc-shaped bread from the Indian subcontinent, typically based on a seasoned dough usually made from peeled black gram flour, either fried in oil or cooked with dry heat  and traditionally flavored with pepper and other spices] (পাঁপড়):

Ø Crisp / krɪsp / (ক্রিস্প্‌) adj [(of food) pleasantly hard and dry] (মচমচে; কুড়মুড়ে): Bake until the pastry is golden and crisp. 

Ø Black gram / blæk ɡræm / (ব্ল্যাক গ্র্যাম্‌) n [a drought-resistant legume which produces black seeds,  which is closely related to the mung and is widely grown in India and elsewhere in tropical Asia as a pulse] (মাস কালাই <ডাল>):

Dhal, dhal dish,dal,ডাইল বা ডাল
Dhal / dɑːl / (ডআঃল্‌) n {Also dal} [a dish made with lentils or other split pulses] (<রান্না করা সবরকম>ডাইল বা ডাল):  

Ø Lentil / ˈlentl / (ˈলেন্‌টল্‌) n [a tiny green, orange, or brown dried seed that is used in cooking, for example in soup or stew] (মসূর <ডাল>): lentil soup

Curry,Curry dish,Curry food,তরকারি
Curry / ˈkʌri / (ˈকারি) n [a dish, originally from South Asia, consisting of meat or vegetables cooked in a sauce of strong spices and typically served with cooked rice] (তরকারি): This curry is rather high - I'm going to throw it out. He does not like a hot curry – he prefers a mild one.

Ø High / haɪ / (হা) adj [(of food) smelling bad and having a strong smell] (<খাদ্য সম্বন্ধে>টক বা গন্ধ হয়ে যাচ্ছে এমন):

Ø Hot / hɑːt / (হআঃট্) adj [used to describe food that causes a burning feeling in your mouth] (ঝাল): You can make a curry very hot simply by adding chilies.

Ø Mild / maɪld / (মাল্ড্) adj [(of food or drink) not sharp, hot, or strong in flavor or taste] (<খাদ্য ও পানীয় সম্পর্কে>ঝাল, ঝাঁঝালো বা কড়া না): a mild curry 

Korma,Korma dish,Korma food,
Korma / ˈkɔːrmə / (ˈকোর্ম) n {also qorma[a mildly spiced Indian subcontinent dish that consists of meat, fish, or vegetables marinated in yogurt, coconut, or curds] (কোর্মা)

Ø Yogurt / ˈjoʊɡət / (ˈইওগট্‌) n {Also yoghurt, yoghourt} [a slightly sour, semi-solid made from milk fermented by added bacteria, often eaten plain and sometimes with sugar, fruit, etc.] (ঘোল <জাতীয় পদার্থ>): 

Kofta,Kofta food,Kofta dish
Kofta / ˈkɑːftə / (ˈকআঃফ্‌ট) n [(in Middle Eastern and Indian subcontinent dish) a savory ball made with minced meat, paneer, or vegetables mixed with spices] (কোফতা):

Mash,Mash dish,Mash food,ভর্তা
Mash / mæʃ / (ম্যাশ্‌) n [crush food, usually after cooking it, so that it forms a soft mass] (ভর্তা):

<VERB> Mash / mæʃ / (ম্যাশ্‌) v {mashes / mæʃɪz / (ম্যাশিয্); Pt. Pp. mashed} [to crush food into a soft mass] (ভর্তা করা): Mash the potatoes to a paste and then mix in the butter and herbs.

Ø Crush / krʌʃ / (ক্রাশ্‌) v {crushes / krʌʃɪz / (ক্রাশিয্‌); Pt. Pp. crushed / krʌʃt / (ক্রাশ্‌ট্‌)} [to break Sth into small pieces or into a powder by pressing hard] (পিষা; চূর্ণ করা): Add four cloves of crushed garlic.

Ø Paste / peɪst / (পেস্ট্‌) n [a thick, soft, moist substance made by crushing and mixing things such as fish, fruit or vegetables for food] (মণ্ড): tomato/curry paste

Greens,Greens dish,Greens food,
Greens / ɡrinz / (গ্রিন্‌য্‌) n {Also green vegetables} [the leaves of green vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, etc. when eaten as food] (শাক): Eat up your all greens.

Popcorn,Popcorn food,ভূট্টার খৈ
Popcorn / ˈpɑːpkɔːrn / (ˈপাঃপকোর্ন্) n [a type of food made from grains of maize (corn) that are heated until they bust forming light whitish balls that are then covered with salt or sugar] (ভূট্টার খৈ):

Ø Whitish / ˈwaɪtɪʃ / (ˈওঅটিশ্‌) adj [fairly white in color] (সাদাটে): a whitish dust

Fritter,Fritter food
Fritter / ˈfrɪtər / (ˈফ্রিটর্‌) n [a slice of fruit, vegetable, or meat that is coated in batter and deep-fried] (<ফল, স্ববজি বা মাংসের>চপ):

Ø Coat / koʊt / (কৌট্‌) v {coatskoʊts / (কৌটছ); Pt. Pp. coated} [to cover Sth with a layer of substance] (লেপন বা আস্তর দেওয়া): The fishes were coated with batter.

Ø Batter / ˈbætər / (ˈব্যাটর্‌) n [a semi-liquid mixture of flour, eggs, and milk, used to make pancakes or to cover food such as fish or chicken before frying it] (তরল কাই): fish in batter

Kebab,Kebab dish,Kebab food,শিক কাবাব
Kebab / kəˈbɑːb / (ˈবআঃব্‌) n {Also shish kebab} [a dish consisting of small pieces of meat, fish, or vegetables that have been put on a skewer and roasted or grilled] (শিক কাবাব):

Ø Skewer / ˈskjuːər / (ˈস্কূর্‌) n [a long, thin, and pointed metal pin used for holding together pieces of food, especially meat, fishes, vegetables, etc. during cooking] (<কাবাব তৈরির>শিক): Thread the meat on to large skewers and grill over a gentle heat.

Ø Roast / roʊst / (রৌস্ট্‌) v {roasts / roʊsts / (রৌস্টছ্‌); Pp. Pp. roasted} [to cook food in an oven or over a fire] (<উনুনে>ঝলসানো): to roast a chicken

Ø Grill / ɡrɪl / (গ্রিল্‌) v {grills / ɡrɪlz / (গ্রিল্‌য্‌); Pt. Pp. grilled} {US broil} [to cook food over a fire or hot coals, usually on a metal frame] (ঝাঁঝরিতে করিয়া ভাজা): I will grill the steak rather than fry it.

Tikka, Tikka dish,Tikka food,
Tikka / ˈtɪkə / (ˈটিক) n {Also teeka} [in Indian subcontinent cooking, a mixture of spices and yogurt used in preparing meat, vegetable, etc. which have been left in a sauce and then cooked] (টিকিয়া): chicken tikka

Rissole,Rissole dish,Rissole food
Rissole / ˈrɪsoʊl / (ˈরিসৌল্‌) n [a type of dish made from meat or vegetables cut into small pieces and then pressed together after that coated in breadcrumbs and fried in fat] (মাছ, মাংস বা সবজির বড়া):

Ø Breadcrumbs / ˈbredkrʌmz / (ˈব্রেড্‌ক্রাময্‌) n [very small pieces of dried bread that can be used in cooking] (পাউরুটির গুড়া): fish coated with breadcrumbs

Cocktail,Cocktail dish,Cocktail food
Cocktail / ˈkɑːkteɪl / (ˈকআঃক্‌টেল্‌) n [a cold dish, often eaten at the start of a meal, consisting of small pieces of food] (ফলের মিশ্রণ): we began with prawn and avocado cocktail. Fruit/seafood cocktail

Dosa,Dosa food,Dosa dish
Dosa / ˈdoʊsə / (ˈডৌছ) n [a type of pancake originating from the Indian subcontinent, made from rice flour and ground pulses, typically served with a spiced vegetable filling and sauce] (দোসা): I feel like eating a masala dosa. 

Ø Masala / məˈsɑːlə / (ˈসআঃল) n [a mixture of ground spices used in South Asian cooking] (মাসালা):

Puri,Puri dish,Puri food,পুরি বা লুচি
Puri / ˈpuːri / (ˈপূরি) n 1. [(in Indian Subcontinent cooking) a small, round piece of bread made of unleavened wheat flour, the flat round of dough puffs out in the hot oil, deep-fried and served with meat or vegetables] (পুরি বা লুচি):

2. Puri / ˈpuːri / (ˈপূরি) n [a port in East India, in Odisha (formerly Orissa) on the Bay of Bengal] (<ভারতের উরিস্য প্রদেশের একটি>বন্দর):

Ø Puff / pʌf / (পাফ্‌) v {pufs / pʌfs / (পাফছ্‌); Pt. Pp. puffed / pʌft / (পাফট্‌)} [to smoke a cigarette, pipe, etc.] (<সিগারেটে এক>টান দেওয়া): She was puffing on a cigarette at the time.

<PHR> Puff Sth out [to make Sth bigger and rounder, especially by filling it with air] (বাতাস দিয়ে ফুলানো): He puffed out his cheeks.

Samosa,Samosa dish,Samosa food,সামুচা
Samosa / səˈmoʊsə / (ˈমৌছ) n [a South Asian food consisting of a small pastry case in the shape of a triangle, filled with vegetables or meat and spices and fried] (সামুচা):

Onion Lentil Fritters,  পিয়াজু
Onion Lentil Fritters
Onion Lentil Fritters / ˈʌnjən ˈfrɪtər/ (ˈআনিন্‌ ˈফ্রিটর্‌) n {Also piyaji, onion pakoda} [made of ground lentils, chopped onions, green chilies or other ingredients, and oil for deep-fried like falafel] (পিঁয়াজু): 

Kachori,Kachori dish,Kachori food,কচুরি
Kachori / ˈkætʃərɪ / (ˈক্যাচরি) n [spicy balls of fried dough with any of various fillings, eaten as a snack, originating from the Indian subcontinent] (কচুরি):

Ø Snack / snæk / (ছন্যাক্‌) n [a small meal or amount of food, usually eaten in a hurry] (চট করে খাওয়া যায় এমন হালকা খাবার; জলখাবার): Fresh or dried fruit makes an ideal snack.

Panipuri,Panipuri dish,Panipuri food,golgappa,ফুচকা
Panipuri / ˈpɑːnɪˌpuːri / (ˈপআঃনিˌপূরি) n {Also golgappa} [fried puff-pastry balls filled with spiced mashed potato, spiced water, and tamarind juice, a common street snack in the Indian subcontinent] (ফুচকা):

Ø Tamarind / ˈtæmərɪnd / (ˈট্যামরিন্ড্‌) n [(a fruit) sticky brown acidic pulp from the pod of a tree of the pea family, widely preserved and used as a flavoring in Asian cooking] (তেঁতুল):

Rasgulla, Rasgulla dish,Rasgulla food,রসগোল্লা
Rasgulla / rʌsˈɡʊlə / (রাছˈগুল) n [an Indian Subcontinent sweet is made from ball-shaped dumplings of pressed milk curds, and semolina dough, cooked in light syrup made of sugar. This is done until the syrup permeates the dumplings] (রসগোল্লা)

Ø Dumpling / ˈdʌmplɪŋ / (ˈডাম্পলিঙ্‌) n [a small ball of sweet dough, often with fruit in it, eaten as a dessert] (ফল দিয়ে তৈরি গোল মিষ্টি জাতিয় খাদ্য):

Ø Permeate / ˈpɜːmieɪt / (ˈপা্‌র্মিএট্‌) v [(of a liquid, gas, etc.) to spread through something and be present in every part of it] (<কোনোকিছুর সবদিকে>ঢোকা বা প্রবেশ করা): the aroma of soup permeated the air

Jalebi,Jalebi dish,Jalebi food,জিলাপি
Jalebi / dʒəˈleɪbi / (ˈলেবি) n [a sweet, mouth-watering popular food in some parts of the Indian subcontinent made by deep-frying maida flour batter in coil shapes, which are then soaked in sugar syrup] (জিলাপি): 

Ø Mouth-watering / ˈmaʊθˌwɔːtərɪŋ / (ˈমাথ্‌ ওয়াটরিঙ্‌) adj {SYN tempting} [(of food) having very good looks or smell that makes you want to eat immediately] (জ্বিবে জল এসে যায় এমন): a mouth-watering display of South Asian curry.

Laddu,Laddu dish,Laddu food,laddoo food,লাড্ডু
Laddu / ˈlʌduː / (ˈলাডূ) n {Also laddoo} [a sphere-shaped sweet, originated in the Indian subcontinent made from a mixture of flour, ghee/butter/oil, and sugar, which is shaped into a ball] (লাড্ডু):

Ø Shape / ʃeɪp / (শেপ্‌) v {shapes / ʃeɪps/ (শেপছ্‌); Pt. P. shaped} [to make Sth become a particular shape] (<কোনোকিছুর>আকার দেওয়া): shape the dough into two-inch balls

Halwa, Halwa dish,Halwa food,halva food,হালুয়া
Halwa / ˈhælwɑː / (ˈহ্যাল্ওয়া) n {Also halva} [a sweet Indian Subcontinent dish consisting of split chickpeas, carrots, pumpkins or semolina boiled with milk, almonds, sugar, butter, and cardamom] (হালুয়া):  

Ø Split / splɪt / (স্প্লিট্‌) v {splits / splɪts / (স্প্লিটছ্‌); Pt. Pp. split} [break or cause to break forcibly into two or more parts, especially into halves or along the grain] (লম্বালম্বিভাবে কাটা/চিরা): Split the eggplants in half and cover with breadcrumbs.

Ø Chickpea / ˈtʃɪkpiː / (ˈচিক্‌পী) n {US garbanzo bean} [a hard, pale brown, round edible bean, widely used as a pulse] (ছোলা/বুট/চানা):

Split chickpea = বুটের ডাল

Chickpea flour / ˈtʃɪkpiː flaʊər / (ˈচিকপী ফ্লাউএর্‌) n {Also besan} [a type of flour made by grinding dried chickpeas, widely used in Indian Subcontinent cooking] (বেসন): chickpea flour has a slightly nutty taste. 

Sandesh,Sandesh dish,Sandesh food,সন্দেশ
Sandesh / sʌnˈðeɪʃ / (ছানˈদেশ্‌) n [a dessert sweet, originating from the Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent, made from paneer or chhena and sugar and cut into squares] (সন্দেশ):

Burfi,Burfi dish,Burfi food,
Burfi / ˈbɔːfiː / (ˈবোর্ফী) n {Also barfi} [dense milk-based sweet from the Indian subcontinent made from milk solids and sugar and typically flavored with cardamom-or nuts] (বোর্ফি):

Pakora,Pakora food,Pakora dish,
Pakora / pəˈkɔːrə / (ˈকোর) n [an Indian Subcontinent fried snack consisting of small pieces of vegetables, meat, or fish that are covered in seasoned batter and deep-fried] (পাকোড়া বিশেষ ধরনের পিঁয়াজু):

Curd,Curd dish,দই
Curd / kɜːrd / (কা্‌র্ড্‌) n [a soft, white substance that forms when milk turns sour after that coagulated, used as the basis for cheese] (দই): 

Ø Sour / saʊr / (সার্‌) adj [having a sharp, sometimes unpleasant, taste or smell, like a lemon, or of fruit that is not ready to eat] (টক; খাট্টা): The milk had turned sour.

Ø Coagulate / koʊˈæɡjəleɪt / () v [(of liquid or blood) to change from liquid to a more solid-state, or to cause something to do this] (জমাট বাঁধা; ঘনীভূত করা বা হত্তয়া): The sauce coagulated as it cooled down.

Mustard / ˈmʌstərd / n [a hot-tasting yellow or brown paste made from mustard seeds, typically eaten with meat or used as a cooking ingredient] (কাসুন্দি; সরষের চাটনি বা সস): Thinly paint the lamb with Dijon mustard. 

Vermicelli,Vermicelli dish,Vermicelli food,সেমাই
Vermicelli / ˌvɜːrmɪˈtʃeli / (ˌভা্‌র্মিˈচেলি) n [a type of pasta made in long, slender threads, cooked in boiling water; a type of very thin spaghetti] (সেমাই):

Spaghetti / spəˈɡeti / (স্পˈগেটি) n [pasta in the shape of long thin pieces that look like a string when they are cooked] (ইটালীয় সামাই)

Ø String / strɪŋ / (স্ট্রিঙ্‌) n [(a piece of) strong, thin rope made by twisting very thin threads together, used for fastening and tying things] (সুতলি): Tie the string around the parcel.

Semolina,Semolina food,সুজি
Semolina / ˌseməˈliːnə / (ˌছেমˈলীন) n [a powder made from crushed wheat used for making pasta and, sweet dishes, and breakfast food] (সুজি)

Flour / flaʊər / (ফ্লাউএর্‌) n [a white or brown powder that is made by grinding grain especially wheat, used to make bread, cakes, pastry, etc.] (আটা): Blend the flour with a little milk to make a smooth paste.

Maida flour,all-purpose flour,ময়দা
All-Purpose Flour
All-purpose Flour / flaʊər / () n {Also white flour} [a white flour from the Indian subcontinent. Finely milled without any bran, refined, and bleached, it closely resembles cake flour] (ময়দা):

Ø Finely / ˈfaɪnli / (ˈফানলি) adv [into very thin or small pieces] (মিহি বা কুচিকুচি করে): Make sure the spices are finely ground.

Ø Milled / mɪld / (মিল্ড্‌) adj [reduced to fine particles by grinding in a mill] (): freshly milled black pepper

Ø Bran / bræn / (ব্র্যান্‌) n [the outer covering of grain which is left when the grain has been used to make white flour] (তুষ; ভুসি): wheat/oat bran

Ø Bleached / bliːtʃt / (ব্লীচট্‌) adj [made white or much lighter by a chemical process or by exposure to sunlight] (রাসায়নিক প্রক্রিয় সাদাকৃত): a girl with bleached hair    

Puffed rice,Puffed rice dish,Puffed rice food,মুড়ি
Puffed Rice
Puffed rice / pʌft raɪs / (পাফ্‌ট্‌ রাছ্‌) n [a type of puffed grain made from rice, commonly used in breakfast cereal or snack foods, and served as popular street food in the Indian Subcontinent. It is usually made by heating rice kernels under high pressure in the presence of steam, though the method of manufacture varies widely. Traditionally puffed rice is made by heating rice in a sand-filled oven] (মুড়ি): Puffed rice is served with milk as a breakfast cereal in the U S A and Europe.

Ø Puff / pʌf / (পাফ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. puffed / pʌft / (পাফট্‌)} [to smoke a cigarette, pipe, etc.] (<মুখ দিয়ে সিগারেটের>ধোয়া টানা): He puffed furiously at her cigarette.
Ø Kernel / ˈkɜːrnl / (ˈকা্‌র্ন্‌ল্‌) n [the inner part of a nut or seed] (ফলের ভিতরকার শাঁস):

Ø Manufacture / ˌmænjuˈfæktʃər / (ˌম্যানুˈফ্যাকচর্‌) n {SYN mass production} [the process of producing goods in large quantities] (উৎপাদন প্রনালি; প্রস্তুত প্রণালি): Oil is used in the manufacture of a number of fabrics.

Ø Traditional / trəˈdɪʃənl / (ট্রˈডিশন্‌ল্‌) adj [being part of the beliefs, customs or way of life of a particular group of people, which have not changed for a long time] (ঐতিহ্যবাহী; সনাতন): It is a tradition in the USA to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

<ADV> traditionally [] (ঐতিহ্যগত ভাবে): The festival is traditionally held in May.

Puffed paddy,খৈ
Puffed paddy

Puffed paddy {Also puffed rice paddy} (খৈ).

Puffed rice sweet ball,মলা
Puffed Rice Sweet Ball
Puffed rice sweet ball / pʌft raɪs swiːt bɑːl / () n {Also murmura ladoo or pori urundai} [made with puffed rice and jaggery, It is crispy, crunchy and addictive! Though puffed rice is not really nutritionally rich, it is light on the stomach and low in calories. they are among one of the most loved sweet treats of the Indian Subcontinent] (মলা): Puffed rice sweet ball can be easily stored in this snack for a long time.

Spicy puffed rice,ঝাল মুড়ি
Spicy Puffed Rice
Spicy puffed rice / ˈspaɪsi pʌft raɪs / () n {Also puffed rice chivda; bhadang; jhal muri} [jhal muri,  jhal, referring to being very spicy, and muri, meaning puffed rice, is a delicious Bengali (East India and Bangladesh) snack and often served as street food. This recipe is easy to throw together in just a few minutes and makes a terrific light lunch or evening snack. It is often made with different spices, depending on the recipe] (ঝাল মুড়ি)

Flattened rice,Flattened rice food,Flattened rice dish,চিঁড়া
Flattened Rice
 Flattened rice / ˈflætnd raɪs / (ˈফ্ল্যাটন্ড্‌ রাছ্‌) n {Also beaten rice} [a dehusked rice, which is flattened into flat light dry flakes. These flakes of rice swell when added to liquid, whether hot or cold, as they absorb water, milk, or any other liquids.

This easily digestible form of raw rice is very popular across India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, and is normally used to prepare snacks or light and easy fast food. Flattened rice can be eaten raw by immersing it in plain water or milk, with salt and sugar to taste, or lightly fried in oil with nuts, raisins, cardamoms, and other spices. The lightly fried flattened rice is a standard breakfast in a different region in Bangladesh. It can be reconstituted with hot water to make a porridge or paste. In the village, flattened rice is also eaten raw by mixing with jaggery] (চিঁড়া):

Ø Dehusk / diːˈhʌsk / (ডীˈহাছ্‌ক্‌) v [remove the husk or husks from grain] (শস্য থেকে তুষ ছাড়ানো):

Ø Flake / fleɪk / (ফ্লেক্‌) n [a small, very thin layer or piece of Sth, especially one that has broken off from Sth larger] (ছোট ছোট হালকা পাতলা টুকরা; পরত): flakes of snow.

Ø Swell / swel / (ছোয়েল্‌) v {Pt. swelled; Pp. swollen} [to become bigger or rounder than usual] (ফোলা বা ফোলানো; ফুলে ওঠা): His arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung him. 

Ø Absorb / əbˈzɔːrb / (ˈবজোরব্‌) v {Pt. Pp. absorbed / əbˈzɔːrbd / (ˈবজোরব্‌ড্‌)} [to take in a liquid, gas or other substance especially gradually from the surface or space around] (শুষে নেওয়া): Sponge absorbs water. 

Ø Digest / daɪˈdʒest / (ডাˈজেছ্‌ট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. digested / daɪˈdʒestɪd / (ডাˈজেছ্‌টিড্‌)} [to change food in your stomach into substances that body can use] (খাদ্যদ্রব্য হজম করা): Humans cannot digest plants such as grass.

<ADJ> Digestible / daɪˈdʒestəbl / (ডাˈজেছটব্‌ল্‌) adj [easy to digest] (সহজপাচ্য; হজমসাধ্য):

Ø Prepare / prɪˈper / (প্রিˈপে) v {Pt. Pp. prepared / prɪˈperd / (প্রিˈপেরড্‌)} [to make food ready to be eaten] (<রান্না> আয়োজন করা): She is in the kitchen preparing lunch. 

Ø Immerse / ɪˈmɜːrs / (ˈমা্‌র্ছ) v {Pt. Pp. immersed / ɪˈmɜːrst / (ˈমা্‌র্ছট্‌)} [to put Sb/Sth into a liquid so that they or it are completely covered] (ডোবানো; নিমজ্জিত করা): The seeds will swell when immersed in water.

Ø Reconstitute / ˌriːˈkɑːnstətuːt / (ˌরীˈকাঃনছটটূট্‌) v [to bring dried food, etc. back to its original form by adding water] (<পানিযোগ করে খাদ্যদ্রব্য> পূর্বের অবস্থায় ফিরিয়ে আনা): The powdered milk can be reconstituted by adding water.

Jaggery,Jaggery food,গুড়
Jaggery / ˈdʒægəri / (ˈজ্যাগরি) n [a sweet substance especially from the sugar cane and the date palm, used to make food and drinks sweet] (গুড়): Do you take jaggery in your tea?

Ø Sugar cane / ˈʃʊɡə ˌkeɪn / (ˈশুগর্‌ ˌকেন্‌) n [a perennial tropical grass plant from whose tall thick stems sugar can be got] (আখ; ইক্ষু):

Ø Date / deɪt / (ডেট্‌) n [a sticky brown sweet fruit of various types of a tree called a date palm] (খেজুর):

<NOUN> Date palm (=খেজুরগাছ)

Molasses,Molasses food,treacle, ঝোলাগুড়
Molasses / məˈlæsɪz / (ˈল্যাছিজ্‌) n {UK treacle} [a thick dark brown sticky liquid made from sugar is refined which is used in cooking] (ঝোলাগুড়):  

Beef,Beef flesh,
Beef / biːf / (বীফ্) n [the flesh of cattle, eaten as food] (গরুর মাংস): This beef is very tough/tender

Ø Flesh / fleʃ / (ফ্লেশ্‌) n [the soft part of the body of a person or animal that is between the skin and the bones, or the soft inside part of a fruit or vegetable] (কাচা মাংস): The roast turkey has a robust flavor and tender flesh.

Ø Tough / tʌf / (টাফ্‌) adj [difficult to chew or cut] (শক্ত ও চিমরা <চিবানো বা কাটা যাচ্ছে না এমন>):

Ø Tender / ˈtendər / (ˈটেন্ডর্‌) adj [(of food) easy to cut or bite] (নরম ও কচি): This meat is very tender.

Mutton,Mutton meat,Mutton flesh,<ছাগল বা ভেড়ার>মাংস
Mutton / ˈmʌtən / (ˈমাটন্‌) n [the flesh from a fully grown goat or sheep eaten as food] (<ছাগল বা ভেড়ার>মাংস):

Lamb,Lamb meat,বাচ্চা ভেড়ার মাংস
Lamb / læm / (ল্যাম্‌) n 1. [the flesh of a young sheep eaten as meat] (বাচ্চা ভেড়ার মাংস): lamb chops

2. Lamb / læm / (ল্যাম্‌) n [a young sheep] (মেষশাবক; ভেড়ার বাচ্চা):

Chicken,Chicken flash,মুরগির মাংস
Chicken / ˈtʃɪkɪn / (ˈচিকিন্‌) n 1. [the meat of a chicken that is cooked and eaten] (মুরগির মাংস): We are having roast/fried chicken for dinner. Chicken stock/soup. Chicken breasts/livers/thighs/drumsticks

2. Chicken / ˈtʃɪkɪn / (ˈচিকিন্‌) n [a large domestic bird that is kept on a farm for its eggs or meat] (মুরগি):

Ø Stock / stɑːk / (স্টআঃক্‌) n [a liquid made by boiling bones, meat, fish, or vegetables slowly in water, used as a basis for the preparation of soup, gravy, or sauces] (স্টাক <ঝোল>): beef/vegetable stock

1.2. Drumstick
Ø Soup / suːp / (সূপ্‌) n [a usually hot, liquid savory food made by boiling vegetables, meat, or fish, etc. often eaten as the first course of a meal] (সুরুয়া বা ঝোল):

Ø Liver / ˈlɪvər / (ˈলিভর্‌) n [an organ of some animals that is cooked and eaten] (যকৃৎ; কলিজা):

Ø Drumstick / ˈdrʌmstɪk / (ˈড্রাম্স্টিক্) n 1. [the lower part of the leg of a chicken or other bird that is cooked and eaten as food] (<মুরগি বা পাখির>রান বা রানের মাংস): a chicken/turkey drumstick  

2. Drumstick / ˈdrʌmstɪk / (ˈড্রাম্স্টিক্) n [] (সজনা):


Turkey / ˈtɜːrki / (ˈটা্‌র্কি) n [the flesh of the turkey used as food] (তুর্কি মুরগির মাংস): roast turkey

Duck,Duck meat,হাঁসের মাংস
Duck / dʌk / (ডাক্‌) n 1. [the flesh of the duck eaten as a food] (হাঁসের মাংস): a tangy stew of duck. Roast duck with orange sauce

2. Duck / dʌk / (ডাক্‌) n [a bird that lives by water and has a broad blunt bill, two short legs with webbed feet, and a waddling gait] (হাঁস; পাতিহাঁস): 

Ø Tang / tæŋ / (ট্যাঙ্‌) n [a strong, sharp taste, flavor, or smell] (কড়া স্বাদ বা গন্ধ): the tang of lemons

<ADJ> Tangy / ˈtæŋi / (ˈট্যাঙি) adj [having a pleasantly strong, and sharp flavor or smell] ():

Venison,হরিণের মাংস
Venison / ˈvenɪsn / (ˈভেনিছন্) n [the flesh of a deer, used as food] (হরিণের মাংস):  

Steak / steɪk / (স্টেক্‌) n [a thick, flat piece of meat or fish, especially meat from a cattle] (কাটা মাছ বা মাংসে পুরু ফালি): Shall we have steak for dinner? T-bone/fillet/sirloin/rump steak  

Ø T-bone / ˈtiːboʊn / (ˈটী-বৌন্‌) n {Also T-bone steak} [a thick slice of cut beef which has a T-shaped bone in it] ():

Ø Fillet / ˈfɪlɪt / (ˈফিলিট্‌) n {US filet} [a strip of meat or fish, especially beef, which has no bones in it] (মাংসের হার বিহীন ও মাছের কাটা বিহীন টুকরা): fillet of cod/cod

Ø Sirloin / ˌsɜːrlɔɪn / (ˌসা্‌র্লোন্‌) n {Also sirloin steak} [Good-quality meat from the lower back of a cattle] (গরুর নিতম্বের উর্ধাংসের মাংস):

Ø Rump / rʌmp / (রাম্প্‌) n {Also rump steak} [a piece of good quality meat cut from the back end of a cattle] (গরুর পিছনের দিক্‌কার মাংস):

Jerky / ˈdʒɜːrki / (ˈজা্‌র্কি) n [meat that has been cut into long, thin strips and dried in the sun] (মাংসের শুটকি): beef jerky 

Ham / hæm / (হ্যাম্‌) n [pig's meat from the leg or shoulder that has been cured and is eaten as food] (শূকরের মাংস): We had boiled ham on the bone for dinner.

Ø Cure / kjʊər / (কিউএর্) v [to treat meat, fish, tobacco, or an animal skin, etc. with smoke, salt, etc. in order to preserve it] (লবন দিয়ে বা শুকিয়ে মাংস, চামড়া ইত্যাদি সংরক্ষন করা): cured meats

Pork / pɔːrk / (পোর্ক্‌) n [the flesh of a pig used as food, especially when uncured] (পোর্ক্‌):   

Ø Uncured / ʌnˈkjʊəd / (আন্‌ˈকির্ড্‌) adj [(of meat, fish, tobacco, or animal skins) not preserved by salting, drying, or smoking] (<সংরক্ষন বিহীন>মাছ বা মাংস): uncured pork

Tea / tiː / (টী) n [a hot drink made by infusing the dried crushed leaves of the tea plant in boiling water] (চা): This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully. How do you like your tea - strong or weak? I'm not much of a tea drinker.

Ø Infuse / ɪnˈfjuːz / (ন্‌ˈফূয্‌) v [if you infuse a drink or it infuses, you leave substances such as tea leaves or herbs in hot water so that their flavor passes into the water] (<গরম পানিতে চা, কফি ইত্যাদি> জাল বা সিদ্ধ করা): Allow the tea to infuse for ten minutes.

Ø Sip / sɪp / (ছিপ্) v {sips / sɪps / (ছিপছ্); Pt. Pp. sipped / sɪpt / (ছিপ্ট্)} [to drink, taking only a very small amount each time] (একটু একটু করে চুমুক দিয়ে পান করা): He sipped at his beer thoughtfully.

Ø Strong / strɑːŋ / (স্ট্রআঃঙ্‌) adj [having a lot of flavors] (কড়া): strong black coffee

Ø Weak / wiːk / (উঈক্‌) adj [a weak liquid contains a lot of water so that it does not have a strong flavor] (হালকা <লিকার>): I cannot stand weak coffee.

Green tea
Green Tea
Green tea / ˌɡriːn ˈtiː / (ˌগ্রীন্‌ ˈটী) n [tea made from unfermented leaves that is pale in color and slightly bitter in flavor, produced mainly in China and Japan] (সবুজ চা):

Ø Pale / peɪl / (পেল্) adj [describes light or color that is not bright or strong] (ফেকাশে; বিবর্ণ): a pale blue hat.

Lassi / ˈlæsi / (ˈল্যাছি) n [a sweet or savory South Asian drink made from a yogurt or buttermilk base with water] (লাচ্ছি):     

Noted From Wikipedia; Google Image; Cambridge & Oxford Dictionary

Indian Subcontinent Dishes Names Meaning & Pictures 

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