Learn about English Confused Word “Charge” with Necessary Vocabulary Note

charge, money charge
1. Charge

Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) n 1. [the amount of money that you have to pay for something, especially for an activity or service] (মূল্য; মাশুল; ভাড়া): All changes will incur a charge. We have to make a small charge for refreshments. Is there a charge for children or do they go free? They fixed my watch free of charge. There’s an admission charge of $20.

<SYN> Fee; Rent  

Charge Related Necessary Vocabulary Notes

<VERB> Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. charged / tʃɑːrdʒd / (চাঃর্জ্‌ড্‌)} <~ Sth for Sth> [to ask an amount of money for Sth, especially for goods or a service] (দাম/ভাড়া চাওয়া): The vendor charged me the taka for the silverware. How much/what do you charge for a haircut and blow-dry? €50 will be charged to your account. Calls are charged at 3p per minute. The local museum doesn’t charge for entry.  

Ø Pay / peɪ / (পে) v {Pt. Pp. paid / peɪd / (পেড্‌)} 1. [to give money to someone for something you want to buy or for services provided] (কোনো দ্রব্য বা বস্তু অথবা সেবার বিপরীতে কাউকে টাকা দেওয়া): My Company pays well. How much did you pay for the tickets?

2. Pay / peɪ / (পে) v {with he/she/it – pays / peɪz / (পেজ্‌)} [used with some nouns to show that you are giving or doing the thing mentioned] (কোরও প্রতি মনোযোগ দেওয়া বা শ্রদ্ধা প্রদর্শন করা): Please pay attention, I have got something important to say. The commander paid tribute to the courage of his troops.

Ø Incur / ɪnˈkɜːr / (ˈকা্‌র্‌) v [to experience something, usually something unpleasant as a result of actions you have taken] (<নিজের উপর> ডেকে আনা; নিজ স্কন্ধে গ্রহন করা): Please detail any costs/expenses incurred by you in attending the interview.

Ø Refreshment / rɪˈfreʃmənt / (রিˈফ্রেশ্‌মন্ট্‌) n {Also. refreshments} [small amounts of food and drink] (হালকা নাস্তা; জল খাবার): Light refreshments will be served during the break.

Ø Fix / fɪks / (ফিক্স্‌) v {Pt. Pp. fixed / fɪkst / (ফিক্সট্‌)} 1. [to repair or correct Sth] (মেরামত/ঠিক করা/করে দেওয়া): They could not fix my old computer, so I bought a new one. The car won’t start – can you fix it?

2. Fix / fɪks / (ফিক্স) v {with he/she/it – fixes / fɪksɪz / (ফিক্সিজ্‌)} [to decide on a date, a time, an amount, place, etc. for Sth] (আয়োজন/বন্দোবস্ত করা): Shell we fix a time for our next meeting? They fixed the rent at £100 a week.

<SYN> Set

Ø Ask / æsk / (এ্যাস্ক্‌) v {Pt. Pp. asked / æskt / (এ্যাস্ক্‌ট্‌)} 1. [to request a particular amount of money for Sth that you are selling] (<মূল্য হিসাবে>চাওয়া): I asked him €600 for the car; am I asking too much? Asking price

2. Ask / æsk / (এ্যাস্ক্‌) v {with he/she/it – asks / æsks / (এ্যাস্কছ্‌)} [to put a question to someone, or to request an answer from someone] (জিজ্ঞাসা/প্রশ্ন করা; জানতে চাওয়া; চাওয়া): Can I ask a question? Did you ask the price? She asked me about Wales’s history.

3. [to request or invite someone to go somewhere with you or to come to your home] (নিমন্ত্রণ করা; আমন্ত্রন জানানো): She’s asked him to come to the party. Ian’s asked us over for dinner next Friday.

Ø Goods / gʊdz / (গুডজ্‌) n [things that are produced to be sold] (পণ্য দ্রব্য; মাল): The goods will be delivered within ten days.

<SYN> Product; Commodity

Ø Vendor / ˈvendər / (ˈভেনডর্‌) n [a person occupation to sell things food or newspapers, usually outside on the street] (বিক্রেতা): For the past few months she’s been working as a street vendor, selling fruits and vegetables.

Ø Silverware / ˈsɪlvərwer / (ˈছিলভরওএর্‌) n [objects that are made of or covered with silver, especially knives, forks, dishes, etc. that are used for eating and serving food] (রৌপ্য-সামগ্রী; রুপার জিনিস পত্র): a piece of silverware  

<NOUN> Ware / wer / (ওএর্‌) n [(in compounds) objects of the same material or type, especially things used in cooking and serving food] (<যৌগশব্দে>নির্মিত পন্যসামগ্রী): ceramic ware

Ø Blow-dry / bloʊ- draɪ / (ব্লৌ-ড্রা) v [to dry hair with a hairdryer and shape it into a particular style] (চুল-শুষ্ক করা): Please cut my hair and blow-dry.

Ø Per / pər / () prep [used to express the cost or amount of Sth for each person, a number used, distance traveled, etc.] (প্রত্যেকের জন্য; প্রতিটিতে): The meal will cost $20 per person. Rooms cost ¥50 per person, per night.

2. Charge
2. Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) n [an official claim made by the police that Sb has committed a crime] (অভিযোগ বিশেষত কারোবিরুদ্ধে আইন ভঙ্গের অভিযোগ): The police brought a charge of theft against him. They decided to drop the charges against the newspaper and settle out of court. He claimed he had been arrested on a false charge.

<VERB> Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) v [(of the police) to make a formal statement saying that someone is accused of a crime so that there can be a trial in court] (<কাউকে কোনোকিছুর জন্য>অভিযুক্ত করা; কারো বিরুদ্ধে অভিযোগ উত্থাপন করা): Several people were arrested but nobody was charged. She has been charged with murder.

Ø Claim / kleɪm / (ক্লেম্‌) n [a statement that Sth is true although it has not been proved and other people may not agree with or believe it] (দাবি): After her house was burgled, she made a claim on her insurance. 

<VERB> Claim / kleɪm / (ক্লেম্‌) v {Pt. Pp. claimed / kleɪmd / (ক্লেম্‌ড্‌)} [to demand or ask Sth because you believe it is your legal right to own or to have it] (দাবি করা): The police said that if no one claims the watch, you can keep it.

Ø Commit / kəˈmɪt / (ˈমিট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. committed / kəˈmɪtɪd / (ˈমিটিড্‌)} [to do something illegal or something that is considered wrong] (<অপরাধ>সম্পাদন করা): Most crimes are committed by young men. To commit murder/adultery

Ø Theft / θeft / (থেপ্ট্‌) n [the crime of stealing Sth from a person or place] (চুরি; চুরির ঘটনা): Unfortunately, we have had several thefts in the building recently.

<NOUN> Thief / θiːf / (থীফ্‌) n [a person who steals Sth from another person or place] (চোর; তস্কর): A post office was broken into last night, and the thieves got away with $20,000.

<VERB> Steal / stiːl / (স্টীল্‌) v {Pt. stole / stoʊl / (স্টৌল্‌); Pp. stolen / stoʊlən / (স্টৌলন্‌)} [to take Sth without the permission or knowledge of the owner and keep it and without intending to return it or pay for it] (চুরি করা): My wallet was stolen.

Ø Drop / drɑːp / (ড্রাঃপ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. dropped / drɑːpt / (ড্রাঃপ্ট্‌)} [to stop doing or discussing Sth, to not continue with Sth] (বাদ দেওয়া; প্রসঙ্গের ইতি টানা): Can you drop what you are doing and help me with this report? I think we’d better drop the subject.

Ø Formal / ˈfɔːrml / (ˈফোর্ম্‌ল্‌) adj [of a style of dress, speech, writing, behavior, etc.] (আনুষ্ঠানিক): The dinner was a formal affair.

Ø Accuse / əˈkjuːz / (ˈকিঊজ্‌) v {~ Sb (of Sth)} [to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal or unkind] (অভিযুক্ত/দোষী করা): The government was accused of incompetence.

<NOUN> The accused / ðə əˈkjuːzd / ( ˈকিঊজড্‌) n [a person who is on trial for committing a crime] (অভিযুক্ত ব্যাক্তি; আসামি): All the accused have pleaded guilty.

Ø Trial / ˈtraɪəl / (ˈট্রাইএল্‌) n [a formal examination of evidence in court by a judge and often a jury, to decide if Sb accused of a crime is guilty or not] (আদালতে বিচার; পরীক্ষা নিরিক্ষা): She is going on/standing trial for fraud.

charge accuse
3. Charge
3. Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) n [a statement accusing Sb of doing Sth wrong or bad] (কারোবিরুদ্ধে কোনো কিছুর অভিযোগ আনা): Be careful you don’t leave yourself open to charges of political bias. The president responded angrily to the charge that she had lost touch with her country’s people.

<VERB> Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) v {~ Sb (with Sth/with doing Sth)} [(formal) to accuse Sb publicly of doing Sth wrong or bad] (<কারো বিরুদ্ধে জনসম্মুখে> অভিযোগ আনা/করা <ভুল কিছু করার জন্য>): Opposition MPs charged the minister with neglecting her duty.

Ø Statement / ˈsteɪtmənt / (ˈস্টেটমন্ট্‌) n [something that someone says or writes officially, or an action done to express an opinion] (বিবৃতি): He produced a signed statement from the prisoner.

<SYN> Declaration

Ø Bias / ˈbaɪəs / (ˈবাইএছ্‌) n [often supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way by allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment] (পক্ষপাত; বিশেষ দুর্বলতা): Reporters must be impartial and not show political bias. The government has accused the media of bias.  

charge attack
4. Charge
4. Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) n [a sudden rush or violent attack, for example by soldiers, wild animals or players in some sports] (<বন্য প্রাণী, মানুষ>আকস্মিক তীব্র, আক্রমণ): He led the charge down the field. A charge of buffalo/elephants. A police charge

<VERB> Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) v [to move forward quickly and violently, especially towards something which has caused difficulty or anger] (অকস্মাৎ তীব্রভাবে আক্রমন করা; ছুটে গিয়ে আক্রমন করা; <প্রানী>সিং দিয়ে ঢিস মারা): The bull lowered its horns and charged. We charged at the enemy. The violence began when the police charged at a crowd of demonstrators.

Ø Rush / rʌʃ / (রাশ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. rushed / rʌʃt / (রাশট্‌)} <with he/she/it – rushes // (রাশিজ্‌)> [to move or to do Sth with great speed often too fast] (তীব্র বেগে ছুটে যাওয়া; হুড়মুর করে/হুমড়ি খেয়ে পড়া; ধেয়ে আসা): The children rushed out of school. The sound of rushing water.

<NOUN> Rush [a situation in which you are in a hurry and need to do things quickly] (তোড়; হিড়িক; সংবেগ): He was in a rush to get home.

Ø Violent / ˈvaɪələnt / (ˈভাইএন্ট্‌) adj 1. [involving or caused by a physical force that is intended to hurt or kill Sb] (প্রচণ্ড/প্রবল/হিংস্র): Students were involved in violent clashes with the police.

2. Violent / ˈvaɪələnt / (ˈভাইএন্ট্‌) n [(of a color) extremely bright] (অতি উজ্জল): His dress was a violent pink.

Ø Lower / ˈloʊər / (ˈলৌর্‌) v {Pt. Pp. lowered / ˈloʊərd / (ˈলৌর্ড্‌)} [to move something into a low position] (নিচু করা; নামানো): They lowered the coffin into the grave.

<ANT> Raise

Ø Demonstrator / ˈdemənstreɪtər / (ˈডেমনছট্রের্‌) n [a person who takes part in a public meeting or march in order to protest against Sb/Sth or to show support for Sb/Sth] (বিক্ষোবকারী): Police arrested several of the demonstrators.

5. Charge
5. Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) n [a position of having control over Sb/Sth; responsibility for Sb/Sth] (অর্পিত কাজ; কারো তত্ত্বাবধানে অর্পিত ব্যক্তি বা বস্তু; দায়িত্ব; আস্থা): Who will be in charge of the department when Sophie leaves? He has charge of the day-to-day running of the business. His boss asked him to take charge of the office for a few days while he was away.

<VERB> Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) v {~ with} [to give Sb a responsibility or task] (দায়িত্ব দেওয়া; কারো দায়িত্বে অর্পণ করা): He was charged with taking care of the premises. The governing body is charged with managing the school within its budget.

Ø Leave / liːv / (লীভ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. left / left / (লেফট্‌)} [to go away from someone or something, for a short time or permanently] (কোনোস্থান ত্যাগ করে যাওয়া; ছুটিতে যাওয়া): He left the house by the back door.

Ø Day-to-day (adj) [happening every day as a regular part of your job or life] (): She has been looking after the day-to-day running of the school.

Ø Task / tæsk / (ট্যাস্ক্‌) n [a piece of work to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly or with difficulty] (কাজ, বিশেষত শক্ত বা কঠিন কাজ): It was my task to wake everyone up in the morning.

Ø Premises / ˈpremɪsɪz / (ˈপ্রেমিছিজ্‌) n [the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization] (<কলেজ, স্কুল ইত্যাদির>প্রাঙ্গান): There is no smoking allowed anywhere on school premises.

6. Charge
6. Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) n [the amount of electricity that is put into a battery or carried by a substance] (বিদ্যুৎ সঞ্চায়ক যন্ত্রে সঞ্চারণযোগ্য বিদ্যু শক্তির মাত্রা): Is it all right to leave/put the battery on charge overnight? A positive/negative charge  

<SYN> Juice

<VERB> Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) v [to put electricity into an electrical device such as a battery so that it is stored there] (বিদ্যুৎ শক্তি সঞ্চারন করা): It’s not working – I do not think the battery is charging. The shaver can be charged up and used when traveling. Please charge my mobile with a charger.

Ø Charger / tʃɑːrdʒər / (চাঃর্জর্‌) n [a piece of equipment for loading a battery with electricity] (চার্জার):  

7. Charge
7. Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) n [the amount of explosive to be fired at one time, or the bullet other explosive object shot from a gun] (বন্দুকে বা বিষ্ফোরণের বারুদের মাত্রা):

<VERB> Charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / (চাঃর্জ্‌) v [to put enough explosive into a gun to fire it once] (<বন্দুকে>গুলে ভরা):

<SYN> Reload

Ø Explosive / ɪkˈsploʊsɪv / (ˈছপ্লৌছিভ্‌) adj [easily able or likely to explode] (বিষ্ফোরক): Certain gases are highly explosive.

charge sheet
Charge sheet
Charge sheet / tʃɑːrdʒ ʃiːt / (চাঃর্জ্‌ শীট্‌) n [an official document on which a police officer records the details of a crime of which a person is accused] (থানায় রক্ষিত মামলা সংক্রান্ত নথিপত্র):

Baton charge
Baton charge
Baton charge / bəˈtɑːn tʃɑːrdʒ / (টাঃন্‌ চাঃর্জ্‌) n [when a large group of police run forward in an attacking movement carrying their batons, to force a crowd back] (উচ্ছ্রিখল জনতাকে পুলিশের লাঠি দ্বারা আক্রমণ): Five people were injured in the baton charge. 


Ø Baton / bəˈtɑːn / (টাঃন্‌) n [a thick heavy stick used as a weapon by police officers] (পুলিশদের ছোট মোটা লাঠি যা অস্ত্র হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়; সোঁটা): The police were ordered to draw their batons and disperse the crowd.

Noted from Google Image, Oxford & Cambridge Dictionary 

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