Necessary Vocabulary H




   Past     Participle










Handle / ˈhændl / (হ্যান্ডল্‌) v {নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা} [to deal with a situation, a person, an area of work or a strong emotion]: I have got to go. I cannot handle it anymore.



Handled / ˈhændld / (হ্যান্ডল্‌ড্‌)


Handled / ˈhændld / (হ্যান্ডল্‌ড্‌)


Handles / ˈhændlz / (হ্যান্ডল্‌জ্‌)


Handling / ˈhændlɪŋ / (হ্যান্ডলিং)

Hang / hæŋ / (হ্যাং) v {ফাঁসি দেয়া} [to kill someone, especially as a punishment, by tying a rope around their neck and allowing them to drop, or to die in this way]:


Hanged / hæŋd / (হ্যাংড্‌): He had committed suicide by hanging himself from a ceiling fan.

Hanged / hæŋd / (হ্যাংড্‌)

Hangs / hæŋz / (হ্যাংজ্‌)

Hanging / hæŋɪŋ / (হ্যাংইং)

Hang / hæŋ / (হ্যাং) v {ঝুলানো} [to fasten something, or to be fastened, at the top so that the lower part is free or loose]:


Hung / hʌŋ / (হাং)

Hung / hʌŋ / (হাং): Have you hung the wash?

Hangs / hæŋz / (হ্যাংজ্‌)

Hanging / hæŋɪŋ / (হ্যাংইং)

Harm / hɑːrm / (হাঃর্ম্‌) v {ক্ষতি করা} [to hurt or injure someone or damage something]: Pollution harm marine life.


Harmed / hɑːrmd / (হাঃর্মড্‌)

Harmed / hɑːrmd / (হাঃর্মড্‌)

Harms / hɑːrmz / (হাঃর্মজ্‌)

Harming / hɑːrmɪŋ / (হাঃর্মিং)

Hate / heɪt / (হেঠ্‌) v {ঘৃণা করা} [to dislike somebody or something very much]: Most people hate him, but they do not dare to say so.


Hated / heɪtɪd / (হেঠিড্‌)

Hated / heɪtɪd / (হেঠিড্‌)

Hates / heɪts / (হেঠছ্‌)

Hating / heɪtɪŋ / (হেঠিং)

Hear / hɪr / (হির্‌) v {শোনা} [to be aware of sounds using your ears]: Let's hear you sing, then.


Heard / hɜːrd / (হাঃর্ড্‌)

Heard / hɜːrd / (হাঃর্ড্‌)

Hears / hɪrz / (হির্জ্‌)

Hearing / hɪrɪŋ / (হিরিং)

Hesitate / ˈhezɪteɪt / (হেজিঠেঠ্‌) v {দ্বিধা/ ইতস্তত করা} [to be slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain or nervous about it]:

Hesitated / ˈhezɪteɪtɪd / (হেজিঠেঠিড্‌): I barely hesitated before saying yes.


Hesitated / ˈhezɪteɪtɪd / (হেজিঠেঠিড্‌)

Hesitates / ˈhezɪteɪts / (হেজিঠেঠ্ছ্‌‌)

Hesitating / ˈhezɪteɪtɪŋ / (হেজিঠেঠিং)

Hide / haɪd / (হাড্‌) v {লুকানো} [to put or keep something/ somebody in a place where that thing or person cannot be seen or found]:


Hid / hɪd / (হিড্‌): He hid the bicycle behind a large plant.

Hidden / hɪdn / (হিডন্‌)

Hides / haɪdz / (হাড্‌জ্‌)

Hiding / haɪdɪŋ / (হাডিং)

Hold / hoʊld / (হৌল্ড্‌) v {ধরা, ধারণ করা} [to take and keep somebody/ something in your hand, arms, etc.]:


Held / held / (হেল্ড্‌): I held the baby gently in my arms.


Held / held / (হেল্ড্‌)

Holds / hoʊldz / (হৌল্ড্‌জ্‌)

Holding / hoʊldɪŋ / (হৌল্ডিং)

Hurt / hɜːt / (হাঃর্ঠ্‌) v {আঘাত পাওয়া/লাগা; আঘাত দেওয়া} [to feel pain in a part of your body, or to injure someone or yourself]: My shoes hurt, they are too tight.


Hurt / hɜːt / (হাঃর্ঠ্‌)

Hurt / hɜːt / (হাঃর্ঠ্‌)

Hurts / hɜːts / (হাঃর্ঠ্‌ছ্‌): Please tell me where it hurts.

Hurting / hɜːtɪŋ / (হাঃর্ঠিং)

Hamper / ˈhæmpər / (হ্যাম্ফর্‌) v {ব্যাহত করা; বাধা দেওয়া} [to prevent someone doing or achieving something easily]:


Hampered / ˈhæmpərd / (হ্যাম্ফর্ড্‌): High winds hampered the rescue attempt.


Hampered / ˈhæmpərd / (হ্যাম্ফর্ড্‌)

Hampers / ˈhæmpərz / (হ্যাম্ফর্জ)

Hampering / ˈhæmpərɪŋ / (হ্যাম্ফরিং)

Hinder / ˈhɪndər / (হিন্‌ডর্‌) v {ব্যাহত/ বিঘ্নিত করা} [to make it difficult for someone to do something, or to limit the development of something]:


Hindered / ˈhɪndərd / (হিন্‌ডর্ড্‌)

Hindered / ˈhɪndərd / (হিন্‌ডর্ড্‌):

High winds have hindered firefighters to put out the blaze.


Hinders / ˈhɪndərz / (হিন্‌ডর্জ্‌)

Hindering / ˈhɪndərɪŋ / (হিন্‌ডরিং)

Hatch / hætʃ / (হ্যাচ্‌) v {ডিমে তা দেওয়া বা ডিম ফুটে বাচ্চা বের হওয়া} [(of a young bird, fish, insect, etc.) to come out of an egg]:


Hatched / hætʃt / (হ্যাচ্‌ঠ্‌): Eight chicks hatched out from eggs this morning.


Hatched / hætʃt / (হ্যাচ্‌ঠ্‌)

Hatches / hætʃɪz / (হ্যাচিজ্‌‌)

Hatching / hætʃɪŋ / (হ্যাচিং‌)

Heat / hiːt / (হীঠ্‌) v {গরম/ উত্তপ্ত করা বা হওয়া} [to make something hot or warm, or to become hot or warm]:


Heated / hiːtɪd / (হীঠিড্‌)

Heated / hiːtɪd / (হীঠিড্‌): Make sure the soup is well heated.

Heats / hiːts / (হীঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Heating / hiːtɪŋ / (হীঠিং)

Hijack / ˈhaɪdʒæk / (হাজ্যাক্‌) v {ছিনতাই করা} [to use violence or threats to take control of an aircraft or other vehicle, in order to force it to travel to a different place]:


Hijacked / ˈhaɪdʒækt / (হাজ্যাক্‌ঠ্‌): Four men hijacked a jet traveling to London and demanded $500000.


Hijacked / ˈhaɪdʒækt / (হাজ্যাক্‌ঠ্‌)

Hijacks / ˈhaɪdʒæks / (হাজ্যাক্‌ছ্‌)

Hijacking / ˈhaɪdʒækɪŋ / (হাজ্যাকিং)

Hire / haɪər / (হাইএর্‌) v {ভাড়া করা} [to pay to borrow something for a short period]:


Hired / haɪərd / (হাইএর্ড্‌‌)

Hired / haɪərd / (হাইএর্ড্‌‌): workers were hired by the day.


Hires / haɪərz / (হাইএর্‌জ্‌)

Hiring / haɪərɪŋ / (হাইএরিং)

Horrify / ˈhɔːrɪfaɪ / (হোঃরিফা) v {আতঙ্কিত করা} [to make someone feel extremely shocked, frightened or disgusted]:


Horrified / ˈhɔːrɪfaɪd / (হোঃরিফাড্‌)

Horrified / ˈhɔːrɪfaɪd / (হোঃরিফাড্‌): Her family was horrified by the change.


Horrifies / ˈhɔːrɪfaɪz / (হোঃরিফাজ্‌)

Horrifying / ˈhɔːrɪfaɪɪŋ / (হোঃরিফাইং)

Hum / hʌm / (হাম্‌) v {গুণগুণ করা} [to make a continuous low sound]:

Hummed / hʌmd / (হামড্‌): The overhead wires hummed with power.


Hummed / hʌmd / (হামড্‌)

Hums / hʌmz / (হামজ্‌)

Humming / hʌmɪŋ / (হামড্‌)

Humiliate / hjuːˈmɪlieɪt / (হিঊমিলিএঠ্‌) v {লজ্জা দেওয়া; অবমানিত করা} [to make somebody feel ashamed or lose the respect of other people]:


Humiliated / hjuːˈmɪlieɪtɪd / (হিঊমিলিএঠিড্‌): I have never felt so humiliated.


Humiliated / hjuːˈmɪlieɪtɪd / (হিঊমিলিএঠিড্‌)

Humiliates / hjuːˈmɪlieɪts / (হিঊমিলিএঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Humiliating / hjuːˈmɪlieɪtɪŋ / (হিঊমিলিএঠিং)

Hunt / hʌnt / (হান্ঠ্‌) v {শিকার করা} [to chase animals or birds in order to catch and kill them for food, sport, or profit]: Some animals hunt at night.


Hunted / hʌntɪd / (হান্‌ঠিড্‌)

Hunted / hʌntɪd / (হান্‌ঠিড্‌)

Hunts / hʌnts / (হান্ঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Hunting / hʌntɪŋ / (হান্‌ঠিং)

Hurry / ˈhɜːri / (হাঃরি) v {তাড়াহুড়া করা} [to move or do things more quickly than usual because there is not much time]:


Hurried / ˈhɜːrid / (হাঃরিড্‌): Marry hurried after him.

Hurried / ˈhɜːrid / (হাঃরিড্‌)

Hurries / ˈhɜːriz / (হাঃরিজ্‌)

Hurrying / ˈhɜːriɪŋ / (হাঃরিইং)

Hug / hʌɡ / (হাগ্‌) v {গলা মিলানো; জড়িয়ে ধরা} [to put arms around somebody and hold them tightly, usually to show that you like, love, or value them] 


Hugged / hʌɡd / (হাগড্‌): He hugged her tightly.

Hugged / hʌɡd / (হাগড্‌)

Hugs / hʌɡz / (হাগজ্‌)

Huging / hʌɡɪŋ / (হাগিং)

Habituate / həˈbɪtʃueɪt / (বিচুএঠ্‌) v {অভ্যস্থ করানো} [to get used to something]: habituate oneself to a cold climate.


Habituated / həˈbɪtʃueɪtɪd / (বিচুএঠিড্‌)

Habituated / həˈbɪtʃueɪtɪd / (বিচুএঠিড্‌)

Habituates / həˈbɪtʃueɪts / (বিচুএঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Habituating / həˈbɪtʃueɪtɪŋ / (বিচুএঠিং)

Haggle / ˈhæɡl / (হ্যাগল্‌) v {দর কষাকষি করা} [to argue with someone in order to reach an agreement, especially about the price of something]:


Haggled / ˈhæɡld / (হ্যাগল্ড্‌)

Haggled / ˈhæɡld / (হ্যাগল্ড্‌)

Haggles / ˈhæɡlz / (হ্যাগল্‌জ্‌)

Haggling / ˈhæɡlɪŋ / (হ্যাগলিং)

Happen / ˈhæpən / (হ্যাপন্‌) v {ঘটা; সংঘটিত হওয়া} [(of a situation or an event) to take place, especially without being planned]:


Happened / ˈhæpənd / (হ্যাপন্ড্‌): A funny thing happened in the office today.

Happened / ˈhæpənd / (হ্যাপন্ড্‌)

Happens / ˈhæpənz / (হ্যাপন্‌জ্‌)

Happening / ˈhæpənɪŋ / (হ্যাপনিং)

Harass / ˈhærəs / (হ্যারছ্‌) v {হয়রান বা নাজেহাল করা} [to continue to annoy or worry someone by putting pressure over a period of time]:


Harassed / ˈhærəst / (হ্যারছ্‌ঠ্‌): The man harassed a neighbor with racist abuse.


Harassed / ˈhærəst / (হ্যারছ্‌ঠ্‌)

Harasses / ˈhærəsɪz / (হ্যারছিজ্‌)

Harassing / ˈhærəsɪŋ / (হ্যারছিং)

Haunt / hɔːnt / (হোঃন্ঠ্‌) v {বার বার যাতায়াত করা; ঘুরে ফিরে মনে আসা} [to cause repeated suffering or anxiety]:


Haunted / hɔːntɪd / (হোঃন্ঠিড্‌‌)

Haunted / hɔːntɪd / (হোঃন্ঠিড্‌‌)

Haunts / hɔːnts / (হোঃন্ঠ্‌ছ্‌): the great fear that still haunts her.


Haunting / hɔːntɪŋ / (হোঃন্ঠিং)

Hack / hæk / (হ্যাখ্‌) v {কোপানো, কুপিয়ে কাটা} [to cut somebody or something with rough and violent way]:


Hacked / hækt / (হ্যাখ্‌ঠ্‌): He hacked at the hedge with the shears.


Hacked / hækt / (হ্যাখ্‌ঠ্‌)

Hacks / hæks / (হ্যাখ্‌ছ্‌)

Hacking / hækɪŋ / (হ্যাখিং)

Hit / hɪt / (হিঠ্‌) v {মারা; আঘাত করা} [to move your hand or an object you are holding, against somebody/ something quickly and usually with force]:


Hit / hɪt / (হিঠ্‌): She hit him with a stick.

Hit / hɪt / (হিঠ্‌)

Hits / hɪts / (হিঠ্‌ছ্‌)

Hitting / hɪtɪŋ / (হিঠিং)

Honor / ˈɑːnər / (আঃনর্‌) v {সম্মান করা} [to do something that shows great respect for someone or something, mainly in public]:


Honored / ˈɑːnərd / (আঃনর্ড্‌): The President honored us with a personal visit.


Honored / ˈɑːnərd / (আঃনর্ড্‌)

Honors / ˈɑːnərz / (আঃনর্জ্‌)

Honoring / ˈɑːnərɪŋ / (আঃনরিং)

Hook / hʊk / (হুখ্‌) v {আঁকড়ি দিয়ে ধরা বা আটকানো} [to fasten or hang something on something else using a hook; to be fastened or hanging in this way]:


Hooked / hʊkt / (হুক্‌ঠ্‌): She hooked the rope over a branch.

Hooked / hʊkt / (হুক্‌ঠ্‌)

Hooks / hʊks / (হুখছ্‌)

Hooking / hʊkɪŋ / (হুখিং)

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