Necessary Vocabulary W
Present |
Past |
Past Participle |
+s/es |
+ing |
W |
Wait / weɪt / (ওএইঠ্) v {অপেক্ষা করা} [to stay where you are or delay doing
something until somebody/ something comes or something happens]:
Waited / weɪtɪd /
(ওএইঠিড্): They waited in vain for a response. |
Waited / weɪtɪd /
(ওএইঠিড্) |
Waits / weɪts /
(ওএইঠ্ছ্) |
Waiting / weɪtɪŋ /
(ওএইঠিং) |
Wet / wet / (ওএঠ্) v {ভিজানো} [to make something wet]: |
Wetted / wetɪd /
(ওএঠিড্): She wetted the cloth and tried to rub the mark away.
Wetted / wetɪd /
(ওএঠিড্) |
Wets / wets /
(ওএঠছ্) |
Wetting / wetɪŋ /
(ওএঠিং) |
Weigh / weɪ / (ওএই) v {ওজন
করা বা মাপা} [to
measure how heavy somebody or something is, usually by using scales]:
Weighed / weɪd /
(ওএইড্): She weighed
himself on the bathroom scales.
Weighed / weɪd /
(ওএইড্) |
Weighs / weɪz /
(ওএইজ্) |
Weighing / weɪɪŋ /
(ওএইইং) |
Wake / weɪk / (ওএইক্) v {জাগা; জাগানো} [to make someone stop sleeping]:
Woke / woʊk / (ওয়ৌক্): I woke up with a
Woken / ˈwoʊkən / (ওয়ৌকএন্) |
Wakes / weɪks /
(ওএইক্স) |
Waking / weɪkɪŋ /
(ওএইকিং) |
Warn / wɔːrn / (ওয়াঃর্ন্) v {সতর্ক করা} [to tell
someone, mainly something dangerous or unpleasant that is likely to happen,
so that they can avoid it]:
Warned / wɔːrnd /
(ওয়াঃর্নড্) |
Warned / wɔːrnd /
(ওয়াঃর্নড্) |
Warns / wɔːrnz /
(ওয়াঃর্নজ্): The report warns of the dangers
of obesity.
Warning / wɔːrnɪŋ /
(ওয়াঃর্নিং) |
Wash / wɑːʃ / (ওআঃশ্) v {ধোয়া বা ধৌত করা} [to clean
something or someone using water and usually soap]:
Washed / wɑːʃt /
(ওআঃশ্ঠ্): He gently washed and dressed the wound.
Washed / wɑːʃt /
(ওআঃশ্ঠ্) |
Washes / wɑːʃɪz /
(ওআঃশিজ্) |
Washing / wɑːʃɪŋ /
(ওআঃশিং) |
Watch / wɑːtʃ / (ওআঃচ্) v {মনোযোগসহ দেখা} [to look
at somebody or something for a period of time, mainly paying attention to
what happens]: to watch television
or a cricket game
Watched / wɑːtʃt /
(ওআঃচঠ্) |
Watched / wɑːtʃt /
(ওআঃচঠ্) |
Watches / wɑːtʃɪz /
(ওআঃচিজ্) |
Watching / wɑːtʃɪŋ /
(ওআঃচিং) |
Whisper / ˈwɪspər / (উইছ্পএর্) v {ফিসফিস করে বলা} [to speak very quietly to somebody, using the breath but
not the voice, so that other people cannot hear what you are saying]:
Whispered / ˈwɪspərd / (উইছ্পএর্ড্): "Where are the toilet room?"
she whispered. |
Whispered / ˈwɪspərd / (উইছ্পএর্ড্) |
Whispers / ˈwɪspərz /
(উইছ্পএর্জ্) |
Whispering / ˈwɪspərɪŋ / (উইছ্পএরিং) |
Win / wɪn / (উইন্) v {জয় লাভ করা} [to achieve the first position or to be
the most successful in a competition, fight, election, race, etc.]:
Won / wʌn / (ওয়ান): The USA team won hands down. |
Won / wʌn / (ওয়ান) |
Wins / wɪnz /
(উইন্জ্) |
Winning / wɪnɪŋ /
(উইনিং) |
Wipe / waɪp / (ওআইপ্) v {মুছা বা মোছা} [to rub something with a cloth, over the surface, in
order to remove dirt or liquid, food, etc. from it]:
Wiped / waɪpt /
(ওআইপঠ্): He wiped up the spilled wine. |
Wiped / waɪpt /
(ওআইপঠ্) |
Wipes / waɪps /
(ওআইপছ্) |
Wiping / waɪpɪŋ /
(ওআইপিং) |
Worship / ˈwɜːrʃɪp / (ওয়াঃর্শিপ্) v {পূজা বা উপাসনা
করা} [to
show a strong feeling of respect for God or a god, mainly by saying prayers,
singing, etc.]:
Worshiped / ˈwɜːrʃɪpt / (ওয়াঃর্শিপঠ্) |
Worshiped / ˈwɜːrʃɪpt / (ওয়াঃর্শিপঠ্) |
Worships / ˈwɜːrʃɪps / (ওয়াঃর্শিপছ্) |
Worshiping / ˈwɜːrʃɪpɪŋ / (ওয়াঃর্শিপিং): I enjoy going to
church and worshipping God.
Wring / rɪŋ / (রিং) v {মোচড়ানো বা নিংড়ানো} [to hold
clothes, etc. tightly with both hands and twist and squeeze in order to get
the water out of them]: wring out wet clothes
Wrung / rʌŋ / (রাং) |
Wrung / rʌŋ / (রাং) |
Wrings / rɪŋz /
(রিংজ) |
Wringing / rɪŋɪŋ /
(রিংইং) |
Wander / ˈwɑːndər / (ওআঃন্ডএর্) v {উদ্দেশ্যহীন ভাবে ঘুরে বেড়ানো} [to walk slowly around in a relaxed way or often without any particular sense of purpose or direction]: |
Wandered / ˈwɑːndərd /
(ওআঃন্ডএর্ড্): He wandered aimlessly around the streets.
Wandered / ˈwɑːndərd /
(ওআঃন্ডএর্ড্) |
Wanders / ˈwɑːndərz /
(ওআঃন্ডএর্জ্) |
Wandering / ˈwɑːndərɪŋ / (ওআঃন্ডএরিং) |
Wave / weɪv / (ওএইভ্) v {হাত নাড়ানো বা দোলানো} [to raise a hand or arms move from side to side in the air in order to greet someone or attract attention, say hello, etc.]:
Waved / weɪvd / (ওএইভ্ড্): She waved a hand
at him to shut him up. |
Waved / weɪvd / (ওএইভ্ড্) |
Waves / weɪvz / (ওএইভ্জ্) |
Waving / weɪvɪŋ
/ (ওএইভিং) |
Weaken / ˈwiːkən / (উঈকএন্) v {দুর্বল করা বা দুর্বল হওয়া} [to make somebody/ something less
strong, powerful or effective]: |
Weakened / ˈwiːkənd /
(উঈকএন্ড্) |
Weakened / ˈwiːkənd /
(উঈকএন্ড্): The team has been weakened by injury.
Weakens / ˈwiːkənz /
(উঈকএন্জ্) |
Weakening / ˈwiːkənɪŋ / (উঈকএনিং) |
Weave / wiːv / (উঈভ্) v {(সুতা দিয়ে) কাপড় বা তাঁত বোনা} [to make cloth, a carpet, a basket, etc. by repeatedly crossing a single thread through two sets of long threads on a loom]:
Wove / woʊv / (ঔভ্): |
Woven / ˈwoʊvn / (ঔভন্): The threads are
woven together. |
Weaves /
wiːvz / (উঈভ্জ্) |
Weaving / wiːvɪŋ /
(উঈভিং) |
Widen / ˈwaɪdn / (ওআইড্ন্) v {প্রশস্ত বা প্রসারিত করা বা হওয়া} [to become
wider, or to make something greater in width]:
Widened / ˈwaɪdnd /
(ওআইড্ন্ড্): His eyes widened in surprise. |
Widened / ˈwaɪdnd /
(ওআইড্ন্ড্) |
Widens / ˈwaɪdnz /
(ওআইড্ন্জ্) |
Widening / ˈwaɪdnɪŋ /
(ওআইড্নিং) |
Withhold / wɪðˈhoʊld / (উইদ্হৌল্ড্) v
{আটকিয়ে রাখা; দিতে অস্বীকার করা} [to refuse
to give something to someone]: |
Withheld / wɪðˈheld /
(উইদ্হেল্ড্): |
Withheld / wɪðˈheld /
(উইদ্হেল্ড্): Payment was withheld until the work was
Withholds / wɪðˈhoʊldz /
(উইদ্হৌল্ড্জ্) |
Withholding / wɪðˈhoʊldɪŋ / (উইদ্হৌল্ডিং) |
Witness / ˈwɪtnəs / (উইঠ্নএছ্) v {সাক্ষ্য দেওয়া} [to see something happen, typically
an accident or a crime]: Did
anyone witness the attack?
Witnessed / ˈwɪtnəst / (উইঠ্নএছঠ্) |
Witnessed / ˈwɪtnəst / (উইঠ্নএছঠ্) |
Witnesses / ˈwɪtnəsɪz / (উইঠ্নএছিজ্) |
Witnessing / ˈwɪtnəsɪŋ / (উইঠ্নএছিং) |
Worsen / ˈwɜːrsn / (ওআঃর্ছএন্) v {অধিকতর মন্দ হওয়া বা করা} [to become worse or to make something worse than it was
before]: <SYN> Deteriorate
Worsened / ˈwɜːrsnd /
(ওআঃর্ছএন্ড্) |
Worsened / ˈwɜːrsnd /
(ওআঃর্ছএন্ড্): Conflicting state in south Lebanon has worsened.
Worsens / ˈwɜːrsnz /
(ওআঃর্ছএন্জ্) |
Worsening / ˈwɜːrsnɪŋ / (ওআঃর্ছএনিং) |
Waste / weɪst / (ওএইস্ট্) v {অপচয় করা} [to use too much of something than is
necessary or useful]:
Wasted / weɪstɪd /
(ওএইস্টিড্): He wasted no time in rejecting the offer.
Wasted / weɪstɪd /
(ওএইস্টিড্) |
Wastes / weɪsts /
(ওএইস্ট্ছ্) |
Wasting / weɪstɪŋ /
(ওএইস্টিং) |
Water / ˈwɔːtər / (ওয়োঠএর্) v {পানি দেওয়া বা ঢালা} [to pour water on to plants or the soil that they are
growing in]:
Watered / ˈwɔːtərd /
(ওয়োঠএর্ড্) |
Watered / ˈwɔːtərd /
(ওয়োঠএর্ড্): Keep the area well-watered. |
Waters / ˈwɔːtərz /
(ওয়োঠএর্জ্) |
Watering / ˈwɔːtərɪŋ /
(ওয়োঠএরইং) |
Weed / wiːd / (উঈড্) v {নিড়ানো বা আগাছা
তুলে ফেলা} [to
take out wild plants from the ground where they are not wanted]:
Weeded / wiːdɪd /
(উঈডিড্) |
Weeded / wiːdɪd /
(উঈডিড্) |
Weeds / wiːdz /
(উঈড্জ্) |
Weeding / wiːdɪŋ /
(উঈডিং): Raju was weeding the garden. |
Welcome / ˈwelkəm / (ওএল্কএম্) v {স্বাগতম জানানো} [to say hello to someone in a friendly way when they
arrive somewhere]:
Welcomed / ˈwelkəmd /
(ওএল্কএম্ড্): She welcomed us into the club. |
Welcomed / ˈwelkəmd /
(ওএল্কএম্ড্) |
Welcomes / ˈwelkəmz /
(ওএল্কএম্জ্) |
Welcoming / ˈwelkəmɪŋ / (ওএল্কএমিং) |
Whistle / ˈwɪsl / (উইছল্) v {বাঁশি বাজানো} []: |
Whistled / ˈwɪsld /
(উইছল্ড্): Raju whistled in amazement.
Whistled / ˈwɪsld /
(উইছল্ড্) |
Whistles / ˈwɪslz /
(উইছল্জ্) |
Whistling / ˈwɪslɪŋ / (উইছলিং) |
Wish / wɪʃ / (উইশ্) v {ইচ্ছা পোষণ করা} [to want to do something; to want something to happen]:
Wished / wɪʃt /
(উইশ্ঠ্): I heartily wish that I had stayed at home. |
Wished / wɪʃt /
(উইশ্ঠ্) |
Wishes / wɪʃɪz /
(উইশিজ্) |
Wishing / wɪʃɪŋ /
(উইশিং) |
Withdraw /
wɪðˈdrɔː / (উইদ্ড্রোঃ) v {প্রত্যাহার করা;
সরিয়ে নেওয়া}
[to move back or away from a place
or situation]:
<SYN> Pullout
Withdrew / wɪðˈdruː
/ (উইদড্রূ): He hastily
withdrew his hand from her.
Withdrawn / wɪðˈdrɔːn / (উইদ্ড্রোঃন্) |
Withdrawns / wɪðˈdrɔːz / (উইদ্ড্রোঃজ্) |
Withdrawing / wɪðˈdrɔːɪŋ / (উইদ্ড্রোঃইং) |
Worry /
ˈwɜːri / (ওয়াঃরি) v {সুশ্চিন্তা করা} [to keep thinking about problems or unpleasant
things that might happen or about problems that you have]: |
Worried / ˈwɜːrid / (ওয়াঃরিড্) |
Worried / ˈwɜːrid / (ওয়াঃরিড্) |
Worries / ˈwɜːriz / (ওয়াঃরিজ্): He worries a lot
about crime. |
Worrying / ˈwɜːriɪŋ
/ (ওয়াঃরিইং) |
Wrap / ræp / (র্যাপ্) v {মোড়ানো} [to cover
or surround something completely in the paper, cloth, or other material]:
Wrapped / ræpt /
(র্যাপ্ঠ্): He wrapped the present and tied
it with a ribbon. |
Wrapped / ræpt /
(র্যাপ্ঠ্) |
Wraps / ræps /
(র্যাপ্ছ্) |
Wrapping / ræpɪŋ /
(র্যাপিং) |
Wrestle / ˈresl / (রেছল্) v {কুস্তি বা মল্লযুদ্ধ
করা} [to
fight with someone by holding them and trying to throw or force them to the
ground, sometimes as a sport]:
Wrestled / ˈresld /
(রেছল্ড্): Armed guards wrestled with the
intruder. |
Wrestled / ˈresld /
(রেছল্ড্) |
Wrestles / ˈreslz /
(রেছল্য্) |
Wrestling / ˈreslɪŋ / (রেছলিং) |
Whine /
waɪn / (ওআইন্) v {ঘ্যান ঘ্যান
করে কাঁদা বা বিলাপের সুরে বলা} [to
complain in an annoying, crying voice]:
Whined / waɪnd / (ওআইনড্) |
Whined / waɪnd / (ওআইনড্) |
Whines / waɪnz / (ওআইনজ্) |
Whining / waɪnɪŋ / (ওআইনিং): It is just a
scratch. Stop whining.
Wallow / ˈwɑːloʊ / (ˈওআঃলৌ) v {গড়াগড়ি দেওয়া বা করা} [(of some animals or people) to lie and roll around in the water, wet earth, or sand, to keep cool or for pleasure]:
Wallowed / ˈwɑːloʊd / (ˈওআঃলৌড্) |
Wallowed / ˈwɑːloʊd / (ˈওআঃলৌড্) |
Wallows / ˈwɑːloʊz / (ˈওআঃলৌজ্) |
Wallowing / ˈwɑːloʊɪŋ / (ˈওআঃলৌইং): a hippopotamus
wallowing in the river |
Wade /
weɪd / (ওএইড্) v {(পানি, কাদা ইত্যাদির
মধ্য দিয়ে)
কষ্টে চলা}
[to walk with an effort through water or other
liquid, because it is deep enough to come quite high up your legs, or thick]:
Waded / weɪdɪd / (ওএইডিড্): He waded into
the water to push the boat out. |
Waded / weɪdɪd / (ওএইডিড্) |
Wades / weɪdz / (ওএইডজ্) |
Wading / weɪdɪŋ
/ (ওএইডিং) |
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