Waterbirds Name Meaning & Image | Water Birds Vocabulary | Necessary Vocabulary
Waterbird Waterbird / ˈwɔːtər bɜːrd / ( ˈ ওয়োট এ র্ বাঃর্ড্ ) n {Also aquatic bird } [ a bird that lives on or around water. Some ...
Necessary Vocabulary is a topic-based English vocabulary platform.
Waterbird Waterbird / ˈwɔːtər bɜːrd / ( ˈ ওয়োট এ র্ বাঃর্ড্ ) n {Also aquatic bird } [ a bird that lives on or around water. Some ...
Disease Disease / dɪˈziːz / ( ডি ˈ জীজ্ ) n [ a disorder of humans, animals , plants , etc. caused by infection or failure...
1. Dish Dish / dɪʃ / ( ডিশ্ ) n 1 . [ food that is prepare d in a particular style or combination can be referred to as a ...
Food Food / fuːd / ( ফূড্ ) n [ any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in ...
Snake Snake / sneɪk / ( স্নে ই ক ) n [ snake also called a serpent , any of about 2,900 species of reptiles distinguished ...
Children Game, Toy & Ride Children game / ˈtʃɪldrən ɡeɪm / ( ˈ চিলড্র এ ন্ গে ই ম্ ) n [ a children’s entertaining ac...
Sport Sport / spɔːrt / ( স্পোর্ট্ ) n [ a game , competition or activity needing physical effort and skill that is play e...
Athletics Athletics / æˈθletɪks / ( এ্যা ˈ থ্ লেটিকছ্ ) n {US track and field } [ the general name for a particular g...
1. Exercise Exercise / ˈeksərsaɪz / ( ˈ এক্স এ র্ছা ই য্ ) n 1 . [ a physical or mental activity that is planned, stru...
1. Hardware Hardware / ˈhɑːrdwer / ( ˈ হাঃর্ড্ও এ র্ ) n 1 . [ the machinery and electronic physical parts of a computer ...